Re: Allah: the One and Only Deity

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Philip Benjamin

May 30, 2019, 3:10:44 PM5/30/19
to, jcs-online,

Re: Allah: the One and Only Deity from Google group forum at the bottom 

[Philip Benjamin]

Rudyard Kipling’s Ballad speaks a lot! The recent posts in the Google group seems to prove it. These are in fact products of WAMP-erial campuses and WAMP-ologies (defined elsewhere below). Though annoyance and apathy to these ill-thought-out babblings of Western paganism (see notes below) are very legitimate responses, it is rather heart-felt pity and dismay that really rise up in one’s “mind” (or consciousness? conscience?), especially for one born about 80 miles South-Central to Kaladi, Shankaracharya’s  birthplace and about the same distance and direction from Kodungallur the landing place (52-AD) in Kerala/Malankara of the Doubting Apostle Thomas, (where the middle names still matter as the more meaningful references!!).     

             An explanation is in order for the word paganism. In Queen’s English enriched by the KJV, “pagan” (probably from pan-Gaia = earth-worshipper)   is of very recent origin and never used in the KJV. Instead KJV uses heathen, foreign and strange. The dilemma of KJV translators is understandable. How can Great Britain (first so used during the reign of King James I of England -James VI of Scotland- in 1603) be “heathen”? So, they transliterated the Latin root gentilis into gentiles, for the Hebrew word “goy(im)” which simply means “nation(s)” and referred also to the Nation of Israel. (Scofield Bible uses “nation” instead of “gentile”). This is not specifically discussed by James Hedges, Ph.D., professor of English, emeritus, Azusa Pacific University, in  “The Influence of the King James Bible on English Literature” (

        There seems to be general agreement on the following:

1. Judaism in a way is more intellectual than Catholicism. 

2. Hell-threat is the worst form of terrorism

3. If self-expression is legit for the creature, it should be legit for the Creator also. Therefore the Scriptures must be taken literally.

4. Mixing religion with State is blasphemous

5. The concept of “ontological real matter” is magical thinking, like the Vitalism of “the biologist some century ago”). Theology is contrary to science and religion, causing social schizophrenia.

1.   Judaism is ill-defined and misrepresented these days by the academics. The word “Jew” appears for the first time in 2Kings16:6 (~550 BC) with the Assyrian captivity of Israel (Northern Kingdom) followed 136 years later of Judah (Southern Kingdom) by the Babylonian exile {2 Kings 17:7-8: "All this took place because the Israelites had rebelled against the LORD [YHWH, singular] their God [Elohim, uni-plural echad], who had brought them up out of Egypt from under the power of Pharaoh king of Egypt. They worshiped other gods and followed the practices of the nations [goim, foreigners, heathen]…..” Traditional  Judaism (of Rabbi Yeshua’s days) is Talmudic (Babylonian), not Tanakhic (Mosaic, Prophetic). For example, “Love your neighbor” (Lev 19:18) is Tanakhic “and hate your enemy” is Talmudic (aka Traditions, Qumran sect taught: “Bear unremitting hatred towards all men of ill repute, Manual of Discipline ix, 21-26).  In Matthew 5:43 the Rabbi Yeshua Hamashiach corrects the “Traditions”. It is difficult to define Modern Judaism—the more Orthodox, the closer to Talmud, the more Reformed the lesser to Tanakh and to Talmud!! 

2.  Hell-threat? That depends on what the hell, Hell is!! The WAMP culture is ignorant of the Protoevangelium—vicarious death of the Testator who pronounced the Sentence of death in Genesis 3:15, which is expounded by Rabbi Saul of Tarsus in the letter to the Romans chapter five, where the sentence is mediated by the Sentenser and risen again from the dead. Those who willingly accept that mediated cancellation will be with the Risen Testator (Hebrews 9:16) and those who willfully reject it will continue to be where they always wanted to be—away from the Risen Sentenser.

          That is no threat. It is a fact, both historical and historic. Otherwise the early Christians (their numbers recorded in the Acts are 12, 120, 500, 3000, 50000, then multitudes both men and women) who were 100% Jewish, could not have “gathered”/synagogue for Communion on the First Day of the Week (Acts 20: 7) instead of the inflexible Seventh Day (which has only a Tanakhian reason and no astronomical or terrestrial basis, such as for the month, year and 24-hour day). It must also be noted that there is no mention in the New Testament of a Sadducee convert (the Liberal, Jewish version of Hellenist Epicurean). They were very orthodox, Pharisaical.      

3. Self-expression if at all real, must first have a realself” first-- identical/eidetic to the visible body to avoid global dissonance.  And if “self” is real—a big if for the science of observations--  but invisible, the only candidate now available  is bio dark-matter with bio dark-matter chemistry (i.e. chemical bonds which are spin governed particle configurations of Duets & Octets). Such information was not available for Aristotle or Augustine of Hippo or Descartes). “Self” is then the nonelectric, nonentropic extraordinary bio dark-matter twin cocreated with the electric, entropic ordinary body at the moment of conception. One refers to Ordinary Materialism (Physicalism) and the other to Extraordinary Materialism (Physicalism). The WAMP is silent!! Dumbfounded? Discomfited? Self-conscious?                         

      This may have some relevance to item # 2 above: “Upon decoupling, the unenergized (unregenerated), non-entropic bio dark-matter bodies co-created at the moment of conception will be lost in their abodes of the dark-matter realms (black holes), by their own willful choice. Adapted from "Ten Implications of Bio Dark-Matter Chemistry"(ResearchGate).    

4.   Comingling religion with the State is not germane in the 5-Sola post-Reformation West. Liberal/Progressive/Socialist/Marxist paganism is originally and almost uniquely a Western phenomenon. It started with the Protestant segment of Germany, perhaps the pagan philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche paved the way (this pagan philosopher’s family was a stronghold of Lutheran piety, his father and both paternal & maternal grandfathers were leading Lutheran pastors. If Germany had come under Jihadism (≠ Jihad), which was too close, there was little or no probability of him being not a Jihadist fundamentalist (as some Indian scholars were during 1000 years of Jihadist plunder, and some Spaniard scholars were during 800 years of Jihadist rule (≠ Jihad) facilitated by the Unitarian Arianism).

      Conversely, the blasphemy is in the quarantine and cauterization of foundational principles of Augustinian Western Civilization which had as its cornerstone the replacement of the Aristotelian Uncaused First Cause, the Unmoved (Prime) Mover, with the Prophetic/Apostolic Adonai YHWH (singular) Elohim (uni-plural). Rabbi Saul of Tarsus had already dealt with the Athenian “Unknown god”,  as recorded by the Greek physician Luke in Acts 17:23 around 60 AD.

          This Church State Separation was made into the stare decisis American juridical lingo by the KKK Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black ( who was against supporting Catholic Schools vis-à-vis the Public Schools which were for all practical purposes (5-Sola) Protestant Schools (American founding population being: >98.8% Protestant, <1% Catholic, <0.2% Jewish).

         America is a product of two great historical events known as the Two Great Awakenings. It is not a creation of WAMP-erial Revolutions. These are individual quickening ( to quote the Quakers & Shakers) on a massive scale. Those quickened (regenerated) consciousnesses prevented a French type or Russian type Revolution in America. That is true of Great Britain also where the Wesleyan Revivals saved the Nation from anarchy. A Third Great Awakening is the only way out of the present malaise produced by socialist/Marxist/fascist Progressive paganism (verisimilar to that of the evolutionists-- socialist pagan Hitler, Marxist pagan Stalin etc.). Brunel University’s finding (see below) that socialism is for “losers” and the physically “week”, is true also for the misinformed and mentally deficient.        

5: Theology began as the Queen of Science, not “contrary to science causing social schizophrenia”, because in order to get admitted into Theology one had to be highly qualified in all known sciences and humanities. The 5-Sola Augustinian Reformers continued the same traditions, only they wanted mass education (facilitated by the Gutenberg printing press), instead of restricting it to the clergy and royalty/nobility. Today things are very different, though some Seminaries still insist on scholarship.

      There certainly is a difference between Religion and Theology. Systematic Theology from the protoevangelium of Genesis to its consummation in Revelation, center around the Messianic Redemption.  The Biblical hermeneutics is: The Text; the Context; Scripture interpreting Scripture; Messiah-centrism. An example is Jesus’ sermon at the Nazareth Synagogue recorded by the Greek Physician in Luke 4:14-30.  Jesus stops the reading of the Text at “the vengeance” because the context is the First Advent, not the Second. In Luke 24:27 & 44 Jesus begins at Moses, all the Prophets and Psalms, expounding to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.

          There is an erroneous notion spread abroad by the New Agers that Jesus was gone to the Eastern mystics during the “silent years” to learn mysticism and occultism. “As His custom was” in Luke 4: 16  refutes, rebukes and invalidates such speculations. “Customs of the East” (Isaiah 2:6), said Isaiah the stateman prophet, eventually led to the Babylonian Captivity.

        It must be noted that Organic Chemistry & Vitalism were coined by the Swedish Physician-chemist-pharmacist Berzelius, among many other of his important scientific discoveries. Wohler’s  accidental discovery of urea by heating ammonium cyanate in the German laboratory changed the course of chemistry. Biology did not play any role at all, as is alluded in these misinformed posts.                                                   


Philip Benjamin

CC. Prof. James Hedges;         

Definition of WAMP. The self-righteous, grubering, intolerant WAMP-the-Ingrate = Western Acade-Media Paganism (parody of WASP). Academedia (acade-media): The monstrous double headed hybrid of a small minority of all academics including seminarians and a large majority of all media including the Hollywood, with no-question-asked Marxist-like authoritarianism as their modus operandi. Based on the works of Rabbi Daniel Lapin, Ben Stein, Victor Mordecai, ex-Marxist David Horowitz


    When decoupled at death the bio dark-matter body will be relatively at a negative energy state by -E = mC^2 where m is the dead body mass. That will be the magnitude of the threshold external energy needed to raise the bio dark matter body to any functional state (Physical resurrection for example). In an early termination of pregnancy in humans, a durable and precocial bio dark-matter twin, co-created at the moment of conception, can survive the altricial light-matter twin.

Adapted from "Ten Implications of Bio Dark-Matter Chemistry"(ResearchGate) and "Spiritual  Body or Physical Spirit" Sunbury Press, by Philip Benjamin PhD MSc MA

A Caveat: WAMP is no match for Jihadism (≠ Jihad) which brutalized India for one thousand years, Spain and other European nations for 300-800 years, all of Middle East, a chunk of East Europe and inhumanly vanquished the Christian Byzantines etc. Had it not been for the British Empire (the vastest, greatest, mightiest, noblest ever--not perfect), the whole world would have been under Jihadism by now and the self-righteous grubering WAMP-the-Ingrate would never ever have seen the light of day.  



National Economics Editorial (NEE) May 24,2017.  

    After assessing 171 men for how buff they were, academics from Brunel University, concluded: “Researcher Michael Price suggests that the results can be explained using the logic of evolutionary psychology: This is about our Stone Age brains, in a modern society. Our minds evolved in environments where strength was a big determinant of success.  If you find yourself in a body not threatened by other males, if you feel you can win competitions for status, then maybe you start thinking that inequality is pretty good. Basically, Price says that if you’re a winner, you like being free to win. Meanwhile, if you’re a loser, your best chance at reproductive success is to mooch off someone successful—every king, or great warrior, always had a large retinue of servants”.

[Lawrence Crowell] Google Groups

May 24, 2019.  “My religious background is Judaism and Catholicism. I ended up choosing Judaism, simply because it is in a way more intellectual,..”

[Bruno Marchal]   May 23—May 29, 2019 Google Groups

May 25, 2019. “To claim that someone will go to hell if it does not obey to some humans (cling to represent God) is the worst act of terrorism possible”.

[Samiya Illias] Google Groups

May 23, 2019 “I believe that the God who created me and granted me the ability to speak and express my self is capable of expressing and communicating perfectly, and thus the scriptures must be taken literally”.

[Bruno Marchal]

May 23, 2019 . “To mix religion and state, or the spiritual with the terrestrial, seems to me to be already blasphemous’.

May 24, 2019. Also much of these things involve magical thinking.

OK. But with mechanism, the concept of “ontological real matter” becomes magical thinking, like the Vitalism of the biologist some century ago.

The problem of not letting theology in science is that it confines it in tradition which will opposed science and religion, leading to a social schizophrenia.

May 27, 2019 “Personally I think that Christianity has ended in 529, going from the open dialog to pure argument per-authority. The same for Islam, as a genuine religion, it ceased to exist after 1248, for similar reason”.



Bruno Marchal
Sent: Monday, May 27, 2019 5:53 AM Subject: Re: Allah: the One and Only Deity



On 24 May 2019, at 02:00, Lawrence Crowell <> wrote:


On Thursday, May 23, 2019 at 6:08:11 PM UTC-5, Brent wrote:


On 5/23/2019 3:37 PM, Lawrence Crowell wrote:

The Torah, Tanach and to a degree as I understand the Christian New Testament are mythic narratives meant to bring meaning to various aspects of inner mental space or psychology.

I think you impute to much cleverness there.   A lot it is, or was, intended as real history providing both provenance and justification for whatever ethics was being pushed at the time.



The writers of these narratives were rather clever. These are done in a literary "shape-shifter" fashion so that they can be interpreted in a wide range of ways. The book of Exodus, or Shemot (שְׁמוֹת) in Hebrew Shem = name and Shemot is plural or means the list of names, has the children of Israel leave Egypt (Mitzrayim) in the narrow place (Mezaryim), narrow in one meaning because of the Nile. They are lead to the Red Sea where the water is separated and crash, where red is symbolic of blood. Also remember one of the plagues on Egypt was the Nile turned to blood. This is a birth motif, and certainly one message is this is a metaphor for the birth of Israel. The Torah is packed full of this sort of thing, and it involves a lot of word play. 


This is not to say there are not literal meanings as well, which in different ages are rather different. The American conservative Protestant idea about Christianity is a peculiar redaction on the whole meaning. I can't say about the Koran and what Islamic scholars think. It is not a subject I have delved into, nor am I ever likely to. Samiya has posted some curious stuff that equates Koranic passages with meaning about atoms and at one time if I recall about the Higgs boson. So the writers there were clever enough to make the narratives and poetry shift metaphors and retranslate meaning into different forms as the world learns and matures. It really is one reason these scriptures have remained so culturally and socially powerful for many centuries.


My religious background is Judaism and Catholicism. I ended up choosing Judaism, simply because it is in a way more intellectual, it is more fun, and Catholicism has it perks here and there but it is also rather grave and grey. I generally consider myself quite agnostic about the idea of an infinite disembodied entity that created and controls everything. The idea simply runs into contradictions. I can still go to the minion, where it is the same reason the fiddler stays on the roof (Issac B Singer) --- tradition. If I were Catholic instead I think it would be the same thing. 



With Mechanism, the infinite disembodied entity that creates and controls everything is what the logician call “the standard model of arithmetic”, which is the same thing as the arithmetic taught in high school.


Personally I think that christianity has ended in 529, going from the open dialog to pure argument per-authority. The same for Islam, as a genuine religion, it ceased to exist after 1248, for similar reason. 

Maimonides seems to have helped the jews to not fall in christian and Muslim traps, although the Orthodox Jews does it, but without the felt necessity to impose this to non-jews. 


Note, that christians and muslims have kept a bit of their initial platonism, and have sub school or internal dissident at all period, trying to get back to reason.


When the anglican theologian tried to bring back reason in theology, notably on the trinitarian/unionist problem, they created mathematical logic. (Cf the book by Daniel J. Cohen)








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Samiya Illias

May 30, 2019, 10:38:05 PM5/30/19
to, jcs-online,

Bruno Marchal

May 31, 2019, 4:48:29 AM5/31/19

Can you elaborate. I don’t understand. Please my a point, and then illustrate with quotes and links.
What is Bani Israel?


Samiya Illias

May 31, 2019, 5:49:18 AM5/31/19

> On 31-May-2019, at 1:48 PM, Bruno Marchal <> wrote:
> Samiya,
> Can you elaborate. I don’t understand. Please my a point, and then illustrate with quotes and links.
> What is Bani Israel?
Bani means sons. The term Bani Israel refers to the twelve tribes of Israel who are the descendants of the twelve sons of Jacob, who was later renamed Israel.
Moses was from the Bani Israel.

> Bruno

Bruno Marchal

May 31, 2019, 7:34:51 AM5/31/19
Samiya. I am still not sure what was the point of your post, but thanks for the information.


>> Bruno
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Samiya Illias

May 31, 2019, 11:52:30 AM5/31/19

> On 31-May-2019, at 4:34 PM, Bruno Marchal <> wrote:
> Samiya. I am still not sure what was the point of your post, but thanks for the information.
It was a response to Philip Benjamin’s post.

Bruno Marchal

Jun 1, 2019, 3:10:54 AM6/1/19
I saw that.But each response is addressed to everybody. Hmm… my remark still apply but I will not insist.
I suspected something interesting, but you make me doubt, to be honest,


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