need precise advice before final decision on Django

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Krishnakant Mane

Nov 13, 2014, 6:33:33 PM11/13/14
Hello all,
I did look at a few good tutorials and also did some hands-on with what
ever those tutorials had to offer.
Also did some of my own inovations with the tutorials/
I feel Django has greatly impressed me so far.
Now I think I can rightly ask my question and in a more specific way.
I would like to have all the bennifits of one particular aspect of
Django, namely it's ability to create very good looking forms, playing
with divs in templates.
All in all, I think if it is going to be more Python and less writing of
HTML and CSS I love it.
My Specific question is about this very aspect.
I am developing a accounting. book keeping software.
As I had previously emailed to this list, I have the complete logic
written in an xmlrpc package coded using Twisted.
Now, I wish to know, if I can use the template's capacity of generating
good forms and add good css without having a compulsion of using the
model part of Django?
I guess it is obvious that I only need the view and template part here.
I feel if Python can hellp me with writing good looking forms and if
there are ways I can easily use AJAX then I am going with it.
So this is the only doubt remaining in my mind.
And yes, I really don't need the admin part, so far as I can see it.

Avraham Serour

Nov 13, 2014, 6:37:57 PM11/13/14
Now, I wish to know, if I can use the template's capacity of generating good forms and add good css without having a compulsion of using the model part of Django?

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Javier Guerra Giraldez

Nov 13, 2014, 6:52:49 PM11/13/14
On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 1:32 PM, Krishnakant Mane <> wrote:
> I guess it is obvious that I only need the view and template part here.

and forms. they're often used with models (i.e. subclassing
ModelForm), but that's not a requirement.

also note that doing XMLRPC calls in view code will block the
request/response cycle. in principle that would mean you need a good
multithreading WSGI container, but maybe some good
event-driven-monkeypatching platform can work too.


Krishnakant Mane

Nov 13, 2014, 7:01:02 PM11/13/14

Hi Javier,
On 11/14/2014 12:21 AM, Javier Guerra Giraldez wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 1:32 PM, Krishnakant Mane <> wrote:
>> I guess it is obvious that I only need the view and template part here.
> and forms. they're often used with models (i.e. subclassing
> ModelForm), but that's not a requirement.
Yes correct, I just found this thread on stackoverflow
I see this is a wonderful thing.
I had thought of a similar idea and was just looking for the right

> also note that doing XMLRPC calls in view code will block the
> request/response cycle. in principle that would mean you need a good
> multithreading WSGI container, but maybe some good
> event-driven-monkeypatching platform can work too.

Well, I had used Pylons for some time and I did make xmlrpc calls
correctly and I used to have no problems in having multiple requests
going to the rpc server at one point from different clients.
So I don't think the Django views may be so stupid either.
Happy hacking.

Krishnakant Mane

Nov 13, 2014, 7:05:08 PM11/13/14
On 11/14/2014 12:07 AM, Avraham Serour wrote:
>> Now, I wish to know, if I can use the template's capacity of generating
> good forms and add good css without having a compulsion of using the model
> part of Django?
> yes.
Any good article, blog or tutorial for this?

Happy hacking.

Collin Anderson

Nov 17, 2014, 8:40:30 PM11/17/14
Hi Krishnaaknt,
You could try this if you haven't.

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