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Jiri Barton

May 5, 2015, 6:39:04 AM5/5/15
to Django Cs, Konference PyCZ
Je to tady! Konecne jste se dockali! Uz po 50. Vas vsechny pozveme na
Python sraz v Praze! Pivo zdarma! (ne uplne, cti dal)

20. 5. 2015 streda v 19:00

Na Venecku, Ostrovskeho 38a, Praha 5 - Smichoff

* Pyg (bude prase!)
* Pyrotechnika (bude ohnostroj!)
* Pyvo (bude pivo!)


Pivo zdarma cely vecer pro kazdeho, kdo si pripravi prispevek do 1 ze 3
souteznich kategorii. Hodnotit se bude
vtipnost/trapnost/preslap/nefunkcnost. Behem 5min (nebo mene) se
pokusite, nejlepe na kousku kodu, vysvetlit, proc to nenfunguje (pokud
to nebude zrejme). Casomira na 5 min, pocitac netreba, kod staci mit
zpristupnen online. Katerorie:

* BASIC: muj prvni naivni programek - v cemkoliv (BASIC, Pascal, ...)
* PYTHON: moje naivni Python zkusenost - jak me Python pokousal (Python)
* PRO: moje posledni/nedavna naivni blbost - co jsem naposled podelal/a

* Kazdy s prispevkem bude mit pivo (vcetne nealko piva) cely vecer
* Vitezove obdrzi lahvinku tradicniho drinku na Venecku!

Zapatrejte ve svych pametech a dorazte.



Jiri Barton

May 12, 2015, 8:39:41 AM5/12/15
to pyt...@py.cz, Django Cs
Pratele, nezapomente, jiz pristi stredu 20.5.2015 propukne 50. bujare
veseli ku prilezitosti 50. opakovani naseho slavneho Python srazu (aka
Python/Django) v Praze!

prase+delobuchy+pivo zdarma
programatorsky program

Racte se prihlasit na stranky na stranky srazu na adrese
http://lanyrd.com/2015/praha-pyvo-may/. Prijdte, i kdyz si netroufate
prijit s programkem ze svych zacatku (viz minuly email s podrobnostmi).
Pro predstavu, zde je moje prvotina:

10 CLS
20 GOTO 50
30 END
40 GOTO 20
50 NEW

Netreba delsi, pro zvidave, vysvetleni podam na miste.


> _______________________________________________
> Python mailing list
> pyt...@py.cz
> http://www.py.cz/mailman/listinfo/python
> Visit: http://www.py.cz

Jiri Barton

May 20, 2015, 3:58:33 AM5/20/15
to pyt...@py.cz, Django Cs
Takze dnes vecer, ve stredu 20.5.2015, od 19:00 vas destive pocasi
nalaka dovnitr na Venecek, Ostrovskeho 38a, Praha 5 - Smichoff do 50.
pokracovani Python srazu v Praze.

Pripravte si kratky naivni programek/studii z mladi, nerozvazneho stari
a soutezte v 1 ze 3 katerii:

kategorie BASIC: moje nesmele zacatky
kategorie PYTHON: muj vtipny preslap v Pythonnnu
kategorie EXPERT: moje nedavna (nebo nejvetsi) naivnost v cemkoliv

Vsichni s prispevkem pivo (i nealko) vecer zdarma, pro viteze dalsi
ceny. Ohnostroj vypukne a prase prijde.

Ciao vecer


Chinmaya Patanaik

May 20, 2015, 4:33:29 AM5/20/15
to djan...@googlegroups.com, pyt...@py.cz

I am a first year international student at Charles University. I recently got to know about this local python community. I would love to attend the meetup today. 

I just wanted to know whether the talks will be held in English or not as most of the discussions in this group happens in Czech.


Jiri Barton

May 20, 2015, 6:25:17 AM5/20/15
to djan...@googlegroups.com
Hi Chinmaya,

we have a special event tonight: we're celebrating the 50th edition of
the meet up! This means the format will be a bit different from an
ordinary meetup. Everyone will have a short talk about their funny/naive
program they wrote during their

1. programming beginnings (any language), or
2. python experience (python), or
3. recent time (any language)

The important thing is to stay short (5 min) and stay funny and show
what you thought it would work and why it didn't. Of course, you don't
have to talk but then, you'll have to pay for your beer.

We usually hold the talks in Czech and sometimes in English. After the
talks, we always start to small talk to each other/groups (sometimes
till the morning) and this means the English time for you! Anyway, you
should come and see how the place and people look like and whet your
appetite for the next time.

We will be meeting by the iStore at the Andel metro station at 18:30 --
for all those who don't want to go alone and don't think they will find
the place.


>> http://lanyrd.com/2015/praha-pyvo-may/ [1]
> --
> --
> E-mailová skupina djan...@googlegroups.com
> Správa: http://groups.google.cz/group/django-cs [2]
> ---
> Tuto zprávu jste obdrželi, protože jste přihlášeni k odběru
> skupiny „django-cs“ ve Skupinách Google.
> Chcete-li zrušit odběr skupiny a přestat dostávat e-maily ze
> skupiny, zašlete e-mail na adresu
> django-cs+...@googlegroups.com.
> Chcete-li tuto diskusi zobrazit na webu, navštivte
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/django-cs/c1dfd6ee-d691-423d-9840-85cf92e7944a%40googlegroups.com
> [3].
> Další možnosti najdete na https://groups.google.com/d/optout [4].
> Links:
> ------
> [1]
> http://www.google.com/url?q75http%3A%2F%2Flanyrd.com%2F2015%2Fpraha-pyvo-may%2F46sa75D46sntz�75146usg75AFQjCNGCMbxthA5Ell4YwiqVenwLNsHgzw
> [2] http://groups.google.cz/group/django-cs
> [3]
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/django-cs/c1dfd6ee-d691-423d-9840-85cf92e7944a%40googlegroups.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer
> [4] https://groups.google.com/d/optout

Petr Viktorin

Jun 4, 2015, 9:10:07 AM6/4/15
to djan...@googlegroups.com, Konference PyCZ
Video ze srazu je tady: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdmUvHPEC-Y

Jakub Vysoky

Jun 4, 2015, 5:23:24 PM6/4/15
to djan...@googlegroups.com, Konference PyCZ
petre, jses hvezda! absolutni diky! jenom vidim zacatek a hned bych si dal pyvo/pyro/pyg :)))

Tuto zprávu jste obdrželi, protože jste přihlášeni k odběru skupiny django-cs ve Skupinách Google.
Chcete-li zrušit odběr skupiny a přestat dostávat e-maily ze skupiny, zašlete e-mail na adresu django-cs+...@googlegroups.com.
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