Dimension Mismatch

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jack urombo

Feb 4, 2023, 10:54:47 AM2/4/23
to deal.II User Group
i am using the implimenation by  Jaekwang Kim to model polymer flows. The major change that I want to do is to output convergence tables like in Step-7 and Step-22, which means I have to have an ExactSolution.

The code is encountering an error because the dimension of the solutions do not match at a some point when generating output:

An error occurred in line <820> of file </home/jurombo/Downloads/dealii-9.3.2/include/deal.II/n
umerics/vector_tools_integrate_difference.templates.h> in function
   void dealii::VectorTools::internal::do_integrate_difference(const dealii::hp::MappingCollec
tion<dim, spacedim>&, const dealii::DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>&, const InVector&, const dealii::
Function<spacedim, typename InVector::value_type>&, OutVector&, const dealii::hp::QCollection<d
im>&, const dealii::VectorTools::NormType&, const dealii::Function<spacedim>*, double) [with in
t dim = 2; int spacedim = 2; InVector = dealii::BlockVector<double>; OutVector = dealii::Vector
<double>; typename InVector::value_type = double]
The violated condition was:  
   exact_solution.n_components == n_components
Additional information:  
   Dimension 3 not equal to 7.

#0  /usr/local/share/dealii/lib/libdeal_II.g.so.9.3.2:  
#1  /usr/local/share/dealii/lib/libdeal_II.g.so.9.3.2: void dealii::VectorTools::integrate_diff
erence<2, dealii::BlockVector<double>, dealii::Vector<double>, 2>(dealii::Mapping<2, 2> const&,
dealii::DoFHandler<2, 2> const&, dealii::BlockVector<double> const&, dealii::Function<2, deali
i::BlockVector<double>::value_type> const&, dealii::Vector<double>&, dealii::Quadrature<2> cons
t&, dealii::VectorTools::NormType const&, dealii::Function<2, double> const*, double)
#2  ./oldroyd_bn: Viscoelastic::StokesProblem<2>::output_results(unsigned int)
#3  ./oldroyd_bn: Viscoelastic::StokesProblem<2>::run()
#4  ./oldroyd_bn: main

I have checked the ExactSolution in the code to try and figure wher the error is occurring without success.
Can anyone point me the direction to look.

Marc Fehling

Feb 5, 2023, 8:11:19 PM2/5/23
to deal.II User Group
Hello Jack,

the error message is quite descriptive and tells you that something is off with the number of components of your Function object:
The violated condition was:  
   exact_solution.n_components == n_components

Check line 200 of your code:
        ExactSolution () : Function<dim>(dim+1) {}

You call the constructor for Function with 3 components (since dim=2 in your case). However, your implementation returns 7 components. Make sure that you call the constructor with the right number of components.


jack urombo

Mar 7, 2023, 10:38:43 PM3/7/23
to deal.II User Group
Took a brief hiatus. and managed to pass a huddle following Marc's suggestion.

Now I have set to construct convergence tables for the polymer flow problem I am solving. It involves solving a Stokes Problem for velocity and pressure (u,p), (size dim+1)  and the Constitutive Equations for the stress tensor tau, (size dim*dim). The solution has 7 components for dim=2.
To calculate the errors, I need the exact solution [(u,p), tau], ( size dim +1 + dim*dim). To pick the correct component I use the ComponentSelectFunction:

const ComponentSelectFunction<dim*dim+dim+1>

velocity_mask(std::make_pair(0, dim), dim*dim+dim+1);

const ComponentSelectFunction<dim*dim+dim+1>

pressure_mask (dim, dim+3);

const ComponentSelectFunction<dim*dim+dim+1>

stress_mask(std::pair(dim+3, dim*dim+dim+1), dim*dim+dim+1);

Now the errors that I am getting are:

/home/jurombo/binaires/dealii/nnf/nnewton/oldroyd_b_stab/oldroyd_bn.cc:951:43: error: no matching fu
nction for call to ‘integrate_difference(dealii::MappingQ<2, 2>&, dealii::DoFHandler<2, 2>&, dealii:
:BlockVector<double>&, Viscoelastic::ExactSolution<7>&, dealii::Vector<double>&, dealii::QGauss<7>&,
dealii::VectorTools::NormType, const dealii::ComponentSelectFunction<7, double>*)
 951 |         VectorTools::integrate_difference (mapping, dof_handler,
     |         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 952 |                                            solution,
     |                                            ~~~~~~~~~
 953 |                                            exact_solution,
     |                                            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 954 |                                            cellwise_errors,
     |                                            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 955 |                                            quadrature,
     |                                            ~~~~~~~~~~~
 956 |                                            VectorTools::H1_seminorm,
     |                                            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 957 |                                            &velocity_mask);
     |                                            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/usr/local/share/dealii/include/deal.II/numerics/vector_tools_integrate_difference.h:143:3: note: ca
ndidate: ‘template<int dim, class InVector, class OutVector, int spacedim> void dealii::VectorTools:
:integrate_difference(const dealii::Mapping<dim, spacedim>&, const dealii::DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>

&, const InVector&, const dealii::Function<spacedim, typename InVector::value_type>&, OutVector&, co
nst dealii::Quadrature<dim>&, const NormType&, const dealii::Function<spacedim, double>*, double)
 143 |   integrate_difference(
     |   ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/usr/local/share/dealii/include/deal.II/numerics/vector_tools_integrate_difference.h:143:3: note:   
template argument deduction/substitution failed:
/home/jurombo/binaires/dealii/nnf/nnewton/oldroyd_b_stab/oldroyd_bn.cc:951:43: note:   deduced confl
icting values for non-type parameter ‘spacedim’ (‘2’ and ‘7’)
 951 |         VectorTools::integrate_difference (mapping, dof_handler,
     |         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 952 |                                            solution,
     |                                            ~~~~~~~~~
 953 |                                            exact_solution,
     |                                            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 954 |                                            cellwise_errors,
     |                                            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 955 |                                            quadrature,
     |                                            ~~~~~~~~~~~
 956 |                                            VectorTools::H1_seminorm,
     |                                            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 957 |                                            &velocity_mask);
     |                                            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/usr/local/share/dealii/include/deal.II/numerics/vector_tools_integrate_difference.h:160:3: note: ca
ndidate: ‘template<int dim, class InVector, class OutVector, int spacedim> void dealii::VectorTools:
:integrate_difference(const dealii::DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>&, const InVector&, const dealii::Funct
ion<spacedim, typename InVector::value_type>&, OutVector&, const dealii::Quadrature<dim>&, const Nor
mType&, const dealii::Function<spacedim, double>*, double)

The issues seem to be emanating from the form of the exact_solution and how the components are selected.
Ant suggestions on resolving this?


jack urombo

Mar 7, 2023, 10:41:34 PM3/7/23
to deal.II User Group
The code is attached this message.

Wolfgang Bangerth

Mar 7, 2023, 11:19:28 PM3/7/23
to dea...@googlegroups.com

You are creating a Function<dim*dim+dim+1>=Function<7>, but that is not right.
The template argument denotes the number of components of the *input* vector
'x' for which you want to evaluate 'f(x)'. It does not denote the number of
*output* vector components. It should only be ComponentSelectFunction<dim>.


On 3/7/23 20:38, jack urombo wrote:
> *** Caution: EXTERNAL Sender ***
> The issues seem to be emanating from the form of the *exact_solution *and how
> the components are selected.
> Ant suggestions on resolving this?
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On Monday, 6 February 2023 at 03:11:19 UTC+2 wrote:
> Hello Jack,
> the error message is quite descriptive and tells you that something is off
> with the number of components of your Function object:
> //The violated condition was:
>    exact_solution.n_components == n_components//
> Check line 200 of your code:
>         ExactSolution () : Function<dim>(dim+1) {}
> You call the constructor for Function with 3 components (since dim=2 in
> your case). However, your implementation returns 7 components. Make sure
> that you call the constructor with the right number of components.
> Marc
> On Saturday, February 4, 2023 at 8:54:47 AM UTC-7 jack urombo wrote:
> i am using the implimenation by Jaekwang Kim to model polymer flows.
> The major change that I want to do is to output convergence tables
> like in Step-7 and Step-22, which means I have to have an ExactSolution.
> The code is encountering an error because the dimension of the
> solutions do not match at a some point when generating output:
> /
> /
> //
> /An error occurred in line <820> of file
> --------------------------------------------------------/
> I have checked the ExactSolution in the code to try and figure wher
> the error is occurring without success.
> Can anyone point me the direction to look.
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> loss or damage arising in any way from the receipt or use thereof.
> --
> The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/
> <https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dealii.org%2F&data=05%7C01%7CWolfgang.Bangerth%40colostate.edu%7Cee52a6bc9db54c2be9ef08db1f86a028%7Cafb58802ff7a4bb1ab21367ff2ecfc8b%7C0%7C0%7C638138435321352889%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=n3Kq7VQdSickKVWZtBCtcnQxHLtGIsnGqRoYcLrMaGQ%3D&reserved=0>
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Wolfgang Bangerth email: bang...@colostate.edu
www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/

jack urombo

Mar 8, 2023, 7:37:28 AM3/8/23
to deal.II User Group
I am halfway there, after taking Wolfgang's correction.  Now the program is running, but runs into trouble later with error:

An error occurred in line <1333> of file </usr/local/share/dealii/include/deal.II/base/tensor.h> in
   constexpr ArrayElementType& dealii::internal::TensorSubscriptor::subscript(ArrayElementType*, un
signed int, std::integral_constant<int, dim>) [with ArrayElementType = dealii::Tensor<0, 2, double>;
int dim = 2]
The violated condition was:  
   static_cast<typename ::dealii::internal::argument_type<void( typename std::common_type<decltype(
i), decltype(dim)>::type)>:: type>(i) < static_cast<typename ::dealii::internal::argument_type<void(
typename std::common_type<decltype(i), decltype(dim)>::type)>:: type>(dim)
Additional information:  
   Index 2 is not in the half-open range [0,2).

#0  ./oldroyd_bn: Viscoelastic::ExactSolution<2>::gradient(dealii::Point<2, double> const&, unsigned
int) const
#1  /usr/local/share/dealii/lib/libdeal_II.g.so.9.3.2: dealii::Function<2, double>::vector_gradient(
dealii::Point<2, double> const&, std::vector<dealii::Tensor<1, 2, double>, std::allocator<dealii::Te
nsor<1, 2, double> > >&) const
#2  /usr/local/share/dealii/lib/libdeal_II.g.so.9.3.2: dealii::Function<2, double>::vector_gradient_
list(std::vector<dealii::Point<2, double>, std::allocator<dealii::Point<2, double> > > const&, std::
vector<std::vector<dealii::Tensor<1, 2, double>, std::allocator<dealii::Tensor<1, 2, double> > >, st
d::allocator<std::vector<dealii::Tensor<1, 2, double>, std::allocator<dealii::Tensor<1, 2, double> >
> > >&) const
#3  /usr/local/share/dealii/lib/libdeal_II.g.so.9.3.2: double dealii::VectorTools::internal::integra
te_difference_inner<2, 2, double>(dealii::Function<2, double> const&, dealii::VectorTools::NormType
const&, dealii::Function<2, double> const*, dealii::UpdateFlags, double, unsigned int, dealii::Vecto
rTools::internal::IDScratchData<2, 2, double>&)
#4  /usr/local/share/dealii/lib/libdeal_II.g.so.9.3.2:  
#5  /usr/local/share/dealii/lib/libdeal_II.g.so.9.3.2: void dealii::VectorTools::integrate_differenc

e<2, dealii::BlockVector<double>, dealii::Vector<double>, 2>(dealii::Mapping<2, 2> const&, dealii::D
oFHandler<2, 2> const&, dealii::BlockVector<double> const&, dealii::Function<2, dealii::BlockVector<

double>::value_type> const&, dealii::Vector<double>&, dealii::Quadrature<2> const&, dealii::VectorTo
ols::NormType const&, dealii::Function<2, double> const*, double)
#6  ./oldroyd_bn: Viscoelastic::StokesProblem<2>::output_results(unsigned int)
#7  ./oldroyd_bn: Viscoelastic::StokesProblem<2>::run()
#8  ./oldroyd_bn: main

make[3]: *** [CMakeFiles/run.dir/build.make:71: CMakeFiles/run] Aborted (core dumped)
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:116: CMakeFiles/run.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:123: CMakeFiles/run.dir/rule] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile:137: run] Error 2

Wolfgang Bangerth

Mar 8, 2023, 8:54:46 AM3/8/23
to dea...@googlegroups.com
On 3/8/23 05:37, jack urombo wrote:
> -------------------------------------------------------
> An error occurred in line <1333> of file
> </usr/local/share/dealii/include/deal.II/base/tensor.h> in
> function
>    constexpr ArrayElementType&
> dealii::internal::TensorSubscriptor::subscript(ArrayElementType*, un
> signed int, std::integral_constant<int, dim>) [with ArrayElementType =
> dealii::Tensor<0, 2, double>;
> int dim = 2]
> The violated condition was:
>    static_cast<typename ::dealii::internal::argument_type<void( typename
> std::common_type<decltype(
> i), decltype(dim)>::type)>:: type>(i) < static_cast<typename
> ::dealii::internal::argument_type<void(
> typename std::common_type<decltype(i), decltype(dim)>::type)>:: type>(dim)
> Additional information:
>    Index 2 is not in the half-open range [0,2).

Someone is accessing element 2 of a tensor that only has elements 0 and 1. Why
that is so is something you have to find out. The debugger is your friend!

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