Birds today Waterton to South Platte

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David Suddjian

2013年12月23日 下午5:42:402013/12/23
收件者:Colorado Birds
I walked trails along the South Platte River from Waterton Bridge to the Chatfield wetlands area. It was mostly rather quiet (read: I am missing the very lively winter habitats of California), but there were some delights. A sleepy NOR. SAW-WHET OWL was tucked in a dense stand of trees and understory near the bird banding station site. I felt lucky to see it, as it was pretty hidden. There were two AMERICAN DIPPERS on the river - one not far below Waterton Bridge and the other about 200 m down from the first. Both were finding lots to eat. An adult GOLDEN EAGLE flew over, and a MARSH WREN was near the pond closest to the Audubon center. 

South Platte Reservoir had many fewer ducks than my last visit there a week ago. But the two LONG-TAILED DUCKS were still present in the central part of the Arapahoe Co portion of the reservoir. They were underwater more than on the surface and it took me several scans to spot them.

On 12/20 a MERLIN was hunting starlings along West Coal Mine Ave near Pierce.

David Suddjian

Tina Jones

2013年12月23日 晚上9:34:302013/12/23
收件者、Colorado Birds

Tina Jones, Littleton, Jefferson county, Colorado Sent from my iPhone
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