Why am I getting unsolved constraint ?

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chotu s

Jan 31, 2014, 6:45:31 AM1/31/14
to ats-lan...@googlegroups.com

Maybe I am missing some thing here(I am pretty sure :-) )   , may I know why is compiler asking for following constraint to be unsolved (rgt - 1) >= 0 . (I believe this is what it is asking)

Here is the code :

fun just_a_test {rgt : int} {lft : nat | lft <= rgt+1}
(left : int (lft) , right : int (rgt)) :  [lft == rgt+1] void =
if (left <= right)
then just_a_test{lft}{rgt-1} (left,right-1)
else ()

Is there any counter example that makes above formulation impossible.


Brandon Barker

Jan 31, 2014, 8:25:07 AM1/31/14
to chotu s, ats-lan...@googlegroups.com
1: I don't think you need just_a_test{lft}{rgt-1} in a call to a
polymorphic function, just "just_a_test".
2: I htink your return type is wrong: if you change the recursive case
to : (left,right+1), it works.
Brandon Barker
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Brandon Barker

Jan 31, 2014, 8:30:26 AM1/31/14
to ats-lan...@googlegroups.com, chotu s
fun just_a_test {rgt : int} {lft : nat | lft <= rgt+1}
(left : int (lft) , right : int (rgt)) :  [lft == rgt+1] void =
if (left <= right)
then just_a_test (left, right+1)
else ()

chotu s

Jan 31, 2014, 8:55:14 AM1/31/14
to ats-lan...@googlegroups.com, chotu s
Brandon , what I am trying to do is my inputs have relationship l <= r + 1  where l is a nat and r is a int and I want to ensure that result of my function have property l==r+1.

Here is another example code of what I am trying to do  :

#include "share/atspre_define.hats"
#include "share/atspre_staload.hats"

() = println! ("rough")

(* l must always be >= 0 and return value must always have
   following relation
: l == r+1 *)
(* this function assumes that inputs are  l >= 0 and l <= r+1 *)  
fun just_a_test2
(l : int , r : int) : (int,int)  = let
() = assertloc (l >= 0 && l <= r+1)
if l <= r
then just_a_test2(l , r-1)
else (l,r)

val l
= just_a_test2(0,10)
val l2
= just_a_test2(0,~1)

() = println! (l.0 , "," , l.1)
() = println! (l2.0 , "," , l2.1)

//val l3 = just_a_test2(0,~2) // this is invalid input and should  fail

implement main0
() = ()

Brandon Barker

Jan 31, 2014, 9:13:42 AM1/31/14
to ats-lan...@googlegroups.com, chotu s
How about this? You need a new static variable (rgt_out) for the right variable that is being output, as it changes over the course of execution.

fun just_a_test {rgt : int} {lft : nat | lft <= rgt + 1}
(left : int (lft) , right : int (rgt)
) :  [rgt_out : int | lft == rgt_out + 1] (int lft, int rgt_out) =
  if (left = (right + 1)) then (left, right)
  else just_a_test (left,right-1)

chotu s

Jan 31, 2014, 9:32:26 AM1/31/14
to ats-lan...@googlegroups.com, chotu s
Thanks, yes this seems to work , let me try to plug it in actual program and see if it solves the issue . But I wonder why original code fragement does not work , is it not that linear constraints (which I presume it is ) are solved by the compiler , I wonder if  my original formulation wrong .


Jan 31, 2014, 9:48:33 AM1/31/14
to ats-lan...@googlegroups.com
First, the quantifiers should probably be written as follows:

fun just_a_test
{lft:nat}{rgt : int | lft <= rgt+1}

(left : int (lft) , right : int (rgt)) :  [lft == rgt+1] void =
if (left <= right)
then just_a_test{lft}{rgt-1} (left,right-1)
else ()

You are mixing functional programming with imperative programming.

Note that lft and rgt are fixed integers that cannot change during the call.


Jan 31, 2014, 9:52:30 AM1/31/14
to ats-lan...@googlegroups.com

The following function typechecks:

fun just_a_test
{lft:nat}{rgt : int | lft <= rgt+1}
(left : int (lft) , right : int (rgt)) :  [rgt:int | lft == rgt+1] int(rgt) =

if (left <= right)
then just_a_test{lft}{rgt-1} (left,right-1)

else right

Only 'right' needs to be returned as 'left' stays the same.

On Friday, January 31, 2014 6:45:31 AM UTC-5, chotu s wrote:

Brandon Barker

Jan 31, 2014, 10:12:51 AM1/31/14
to gmhwxi, ats-lan...@googlegroups.com
I'm curious what part of this is considered imperative programming?

Brandon Barker

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Brandon Barker

Jan 31, 2014, 10:16:40 AM1/31/14
to gmhwxi, ats-lan...@googlegroups.com
Sorry, nevermind: I guess it is because only the void is being returned; but it seems to have no effects, so I thought it was functional.

Brandon Barker

chotu s

Jan 31, 2014, 10:18:04 AM1/31/14
to ats-lan...@googlegroups.com
Ha ! , now I get it(I hope :) )  , indeed I was mixing functional and imperative .



Jan 31, 2014, 10:25:41 AM1/31/14
to ats-lan...@googlegroups.com, gmhwxi
This implementation is of imperative style:

fun just_a_test
{lft:nat}{rgt : int | lft <= rgt+1}

(left : int (lft) , right : &int (rgt) >> int (lft-1)): void =
if (left <= right)
then (right := right-1; just_a_test (left, right))
else ()
// end of [if]

chotu s

Jan 31, 2014, 10:48:00 AM1/31/14
to ats-lan...@googlegroups.com
Another stupid mistake I did not realize was that order {lft}{rgt-1}was also incorrect as per function spec :(
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