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Do Ken Ogger (the late 'Pilot' of 'Superscio'), and Marty Rathbun, face l. ron hubbard's Evil? - {Note 20151123}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Nov 25, 2015, 1:38:29 AM11/25/15
Do Ken Ogger (the late 'Pilot' of 'Superscio') and
Marty Rathbun, face l. ron hubbard's Evil?

23 November 2015
{Note 20151123}

Ken Ogger ('The Pilot' of 'Superscio') thought, that he was "even
better than l. ron hubbard" - which is a very FALSE viewpoint, not
so much false about himself, but very false about l. ron hubbard.

At some moment, l. ron hubbard apparently told** him, 'The Pilot' of
"better Scientology" or 'SuperScio' - and l. ron hubbard apparently
told** him rather forcefully - to 'go and jump in a lake' or similar

Ken Ogger complied, and was found to have committed suicide, with
stones tied to his feet, at the bottom of a swimming pool.


Marty Rathbun does not face Tom Cruise "because he gave
Tom Cruise therapy." Which I think is a lame excuse for NOT
facing someone's (here, Tom Cruise's) actual nature.
Not surprising, then, that Marty Rathbun does not face l. ron hubbard
at all either, other than as "someone with good intentions gone very
wrong": Marty REFUSES to look at the ACTUAL intentions of them,
of l. ron hubbard in particular.**

Marty chooses the Middle Road of platitudes. (This, according to his
recent blogs.)
And he finds, that the authorities "wasted their time" by watching
organizations that promote l. ron hubbard's HATE of the society and
of people, which he, l. ron hubbard, could only "successfully" do
under the guise of "improving it - the society and people."

Like all those who want to remain AS Insane* as it pleases the
Sociopaths (to remain Insane)* - so ALSO Marty Rathbun DOES NOT
WANT TO READ, what I found out about l. ron hubbard, or about him.

Also they, 'The Pilot' and Marty Rathbun, have NO CLUE about
l. ron hubbard's Evil...

And also they, are too Insane,* to even read about it.


Wholly their opposite, etc. etc., I do remain, etc. etc.,

KNT hrp&p


(*) see [DOI] under References, below

(**) see below,
'Anyone facing l. ron hubbard inflicting spiritual
(Life Energetic Particle) violence and terror on you?'

Anyone facing l. ron hubbard inflicting spiritual (Life Energetic
Particle) violence and terror on you?

11 November 2015
{FPP Note 20151111-V1.1}

(Version 1.1
on 13 Nov 2015)

Is anyone of you facing, l. ron hubbard's

(who after his passing in 1986 became a demon again,
[see 'The Dead Files'] and who is)

inflicting spiritual (that means, Harmful Life Energetic Particle)

No, you don't face it at all, because the Sociopaths tell you, that
(also Harmful) Life Energy, "does not exist."

The Sociopaths MADE you, THAT inconceivably Insane: [DOI]

"Life Energy does not exist."


Their malicious statement about Life, "Life Energy does not exist," is
on the order of someone claiming, that

"water and air do not exist:"

Most essential facts of life: The soul, and the fact that Sociopaths
become demons - all that "does not exist," according to those Sociopaths.

And these inflicting spiritual (Harmful Life Energetic Particle) violence
and terror on you, also that, "does not exist." [YEI]

Their hitting you in that way, "does not exist" and instead "is all your
own imagination."


Nevertheless (THEY know very well, that they are lying, also proven by
their - often extremely criminal - actions, by which they execute their
intentions) [BANO]

even though "it does not exist," they NEVERTHELESS work
very hard, to make "that what does not exist," not looked
at and not understood and preferably, not known at all:

'You should be PREVENTED from telling others, about "those non-
existing souls and that imaginary Life Energy"

- you should be drugged, incarcerated, assassinated, cursed,
banned, blocked, incapacitated,

and ridiculed so that others WILL NOT LISTEN TO YOU ANYWAY.

And the Sociopaths are most willing to carry that out - after all, THEIR
"survival" depends on it...

Just check out their written communications to that effect, already in
the past twenty years alone on the Newsgroups.

Throughout written history it was not different, either.


Again: Sociopaths tell you, that Life Energy "does not exist."

It is, on their part, a deliberately malicious statement about life,
about people:

so that people can be controlled, dominated, and made to suffer.


The irrationality of stating and demanding "Life Energy does not exist,"
is on the order of the idiocy of claiming "water and air 'do not exist'."

And so, by the rationale of their "most rational science," then also
their Energetic terror and their Energetic infliction of suffering,

let alone the spiritual (Energetic) violence and the (Energetic) terror
inflicted by l. ron hubbard himself,*

"does not exist."

And "of course" when Sociopaths decease (when they die) that then their
souls become active demons, that "ALSO does not exist."

"Nothing is hiding under your bed."

And thus, "there is no need at all, to defend yourself and others against
that 'what does not exist'," (to protect against their Harmful Energy
Particle creation and infliction on you)

because - so the Sociopaths demand of you - their soul, and with it,
their inflicting (Energetic) violence and (Energetic) terror on you and
your body,

"does not exist" either.


That "Certainty of Non-Existence," results however in the ultimate in
Cowardice, and in an Evil "peace of mind."

In this way:

"It all 'exists' ONLY in your mind... as hallucinations."

The Infliction of Evil, of Harmful Life Energy, "does not exist" but
consists of "your OWN hallucinations"

"...hallucinations that must be labeled or 'diagnosed' as
such, and then be 'countered' by whatever method"

TILL the victim AGREES, that "there is nothing there:"

that "it all does not exist, other than as a bothersome fantasy."


The Sociopaths (also as demons) do NEVERTHELESS damage your body with
their Harmful Life Energy Particle infliction:

operating as your body does, on Life Energy, which directs and alters -
or on the other hand, which adapts its actions to - the available
molecules (which then results in Life, and as the word for it says, in
its animation, in an animated Life form ('animus' meaning the breath of
Life, Life Energy, leading to an old meaning of the word 'Animal' as
'having to do with the 'animus,' the animating Life Energy).


But the Sociopaths made you THAT inconceivably Insane [DOI], that you
agreed to, what these very consciously and very intentionally have
inflicted and do inflict and will inflict on you,

(meaning, you have taken over the Insanity, that THEY inflicted
on you - you have taken it over)

as if it is "your own,"

as if theirs are your "own" ideas, or are "common knowledge," and are

- by Benjamin Franklin and Lavoisier in 1784 -

"rationality proven by the scientific method." [YEI]



Wholly their opposite,

and arguably the most Loving and most Beautiful
and most Intelligent and Truthful spirit
on Earth and well beyond,

I do remain yours faithfully etc. etc. etc.,

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Solomon's wisdom was greater
than the wisdom of
all the men of the East,
and greater
than all the wisdom of Egypt.'

1 Kings 4:30



Post Scriptum:

Should the following apply to you, then you might do well, to stop
wasting vast amounts of your time, and vast amounts of your money
and of your Life Energy,

on l. ron hubbard's "Upper Levels,' on Scientology's "Solo Auditing"

and INSTEAD you use your time and effort on facing (looking at the
actuality of) l. ron hubbard and of his ENERGETIC, Demonic infliction
of Evil on you and others. [AWLBQ]

See various Human Rights Issues and Fine Particle Physics on that

RATHER THAN following the Sociopaths' very strong hypnosis (their Harmful
Energy Infliction) on you,

'critics' who Blinded you into accepting them as "friends" - "with a
common purpose" - whose "common" PURPOSE IS, however, to Blind, to
Block, to destroy, to ruin, ALSO YOUR life)

in other words, these "friends" make you 'jump from the frying pan into
the fire'

- which is already PROVEN by the fact, that you fail to
connect to me or fail to stay connected to me.



(*) [DOI] (see under references)

References: (a small selection)

referred to, in the text body:

[DOI] 'Natural Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor'
{HRI 20030205-V2.5.1} [DOI]
(5 Feb 2003 - Version 2.5 on 8 Jul 2008, V2.5.1 p. 13 Mar 2012)

[YEI] 'Your Educational Intelligence: "How come, neurons are
mis-firing in your brain?" and "Why was Einstein immune to it?" plus
"The After-shocks of the Big Bang" '
{HRI 20130112-V2.0} [YEI]
(12 January 2013 - Version 2.0 of 1 Feb 2013,
published 29 Dec 2013)!topic/ show trimmed
content also:!original/

[AWLBQ] 'Awareness Level Basic Questions - to penetrate-remove
Euphoria, Ugliness, Unawareness and Hate-Pain'
{AWL 20150513} [AWLBQ]
(15 May 2015)!topic/soc.rights.human/qkb_4bwJy7w

[BANO] 'Die Bamberg Notiz - (A Notice to Bamberg)'
{HRI note 20090819-D-V2.1} [BANO]{extended version coming up}
(19 August 2009 - Version 2.1 on 31 Aug 2009)



a cluster of other references:

[ODCS] 'Ousted by the Dictator, they are courted by the Sociopaths
"together to fight the Dictator" '
{HRI-20150522} [ODCS]
(22 May 2015)!topic/soc.rights.human/EMY9uOM6-bw

[HSLO] 'How a Sociopath (like "journalist" Paulette Cooper, in her own
words) "looks at" others she is asked professionally to look at'
{HRI note 20150507-I} [HSLO]
(7 May 2015)!topic/soc.rights.human/3tBY6jhvVqc

[TCHRO] 'Too cowardly even to READ the Human Rights Order on
l. ron hubbard
(Version 6.2, optimized for foreign language readers)'
{note 20150504} [TCHRO]
(4 May 2015)!topic/soc.rights.human/L8kna0W6nyQ

[VSIMW]'VIOLENT l. ron hubbard (Satan) HARMFUL LIFE ENERGY (Blackness,
Pain, Ugliness, Fear, etc) PARTICLES - inflicted on Margery
Wakefield (her Testimony enclosed)'
{FPP 20150419} [VSIMW]
(19 April 2015)!topic/soc.rights.human/1DaTw9YFK8s

[ORLRH] 'You have the opportunity now, to face l. ron hubbard (Satan),
and remove him from your life - don't let it go by'
{note 20150417} [ORLRH]
(17 April 2015)!topic/soc.rights.human/24mOw8PRYGI

[SIHNR] 'Scientology IS HATE - it IS l. ron hubbard's Hate, and so
Scientology cannot be reformed'
{note 20150316} [SIHNR]
(16 March 2015)!topic/soc.rights.human/-q_qAo3GpaY

[SASI] 'It behooves (Ex-)Scientologists in particular, to address
the Soul-Implants* that l. ron hubbard inflicted'
{note 20150311} [SASI]
(11 March 2015)!topic/soc.rights.human/V64JqkGNj9U

[ESNS] '"Now totally free," Andy Porter HAS escaped Scientology, BUT
NOT l. ron hubbard's hypnosis and Soul-Implants'
{HRI 20150308-V2.0} [ESNS]
(8 March 2015 - Version 2.0 on 10 Mar 2015)!topic/soc.rights.human/HcXmeozk-xk

[EHMSC] 'ENVY and HATE made l. ron hubbard and Scientology, but ALSO
motivates his "critics" '
{HRI 20150303} [EHMSC]
(3 March 2015)!topic/soc.rights.human/gGUKKiWWJuY

[KRSH] 'Key to Remedy any Sociopath, Demon & Satan l. ron hubbard's
inflictions: Look for their HATE (-Energy) for you, for others,
for Life'
{HRI 20150226} [KRSH]
(26 February 2015)!topic/soc.rights.human/MkBrCMr9X5c

[SIARC] 'How Sociopaths intrude and gain your support by means of
Satanic "Affinity," "Reality" and "Communication" - as in
'Scientology's "ARC"-triangle'
{HRI note 20140617-A-V1.1.1} [SIARC]
(16 February 2015 - Version 1.1.1 of same date)!topic/alt.religion/2vkOF91ny_E

[LEFMS] 'LEF-meter, how to obtain a proper and strong signal -
(Life-Energy-Particle Fluctuation meter)'
{FPP 20150207} [LEFMS]
(7 February 2015)!topic/soc.rights.human/s5dI2wwhAuc


recent references:

[CPPSB] '"Confidential" "Power Processes" stripped bare: 'Recognize who
Causes which Reality and what Suffering, and who does not'
{HRI 20151015} [CPPSB]
(15 October 2015)!topic/soc.rights.human/RJWfZvR4YA8

[SSS] 'INSIDE the "Safe Space" of "the Sociopath as your greatest
friend" '
{FPP 20150915-V3.1} [SSS]
(15 September 2015 - Version 3.1 on 24 Oct 2015)!topic/soc.rights.human/RzMFIwXBd68

on physics:

[NDT] 'Natural Definition of Time'
{HRI 20150621} [NDT]
(21 June 2015)!topic/sci.physics/GRT7myHRMpM!topic/soc.rights.human/uMKVq5mnjEw


Copyright 2015 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it) who
passes it on unaltered, and with this message included, to others who
might be able to learn from it (but not to "handle" Sociopaths, because
these vehemently oppose any true knowledge of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate, and
to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves, about any
organizations or individuals.

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