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Lisa McPherson - Life-denying Sociopaths (Tony Ortega etc., Scientologists) HAVE NO CLUE and do NOT care about her - {HRI Note 2005018-plus}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Dec 6, 2015, 7:27:31 AM12/6/15
Lisa McPherson - DENIED by Life-denying Sociopaths (like Tony Ortega
etc., and Scientologists) WITHOUT A CLUE - they only PRETEND to "care
about her"

6 December 2015
{HRI Note 2005018-plus}

(adds to {HRI Note 2005018})


The avowed and fervent, Life-Energy- and Soul-denying "Humanist"
Tony Ortega, a compulsive Scientology chaser,

AND the Scientologists under l. ron hubbard, themselves, have NO CLUE
and also CAN NOT HAVE ANY CLUE, about the torment of souls

due to the severe restrictions they put on each other's
"knowledge" about Life,

limited to such a debilitating extent, they are, that THEY
HAVE NO CLUE about the dire condition of souls tormented:

ESPECIALLY NOT about any soul tormented by l. ron hubbard (who is,
after all, like anybody else, a soul, but) who is, to a very extreme,
a soul who is bent on possessing and tormenting other souls - as I
HAVE INFORMED you very extensively -

which both the above parties have deliberately EXCLUDED from
their knowledge and investigation:

They are either "Humanist" Sociopaths, or their soul is otherwise
dominated by Sociopaths (in particular by l. ron hubbard).


So Lisa McPherson - as described below - IS NOT GOING TO FIND ANY
RELIEF FROM being possessed by l. ron hubbard (who is a soul, and
more precisely, a demon) - his victims will find no relief while being
with either of the above parties,

becuase ALL of it is completely AND FORCEFULLY denied by both
the above-mentioned groups of individuals, to even exist even
though it is the main, and in this case, a crucial part, of Life's

BUT they DO PRETEND (or they DID PRETEND) "to care about"
Lisa McPherson,

solely because the occasion of her dying and her death

They really don't care in the least about her, but

they DO care, ONLY, about furthering their own 'agendas.'



That summarizes, if you will, and adds to, the following
{HRI Note 2005018}, which I published at the time under
my pseudonym Leonardo Been.

KNT hrp&p


see also:

[RLMA] 'Mark "Marty" Rathbun wants to ruin Lisa McPherson again - but he
will not succeed in that, thanks to me'
{note 20090808} [RLMA]
(8 August 2009)
(same): ...



Spiritual Condition of Scientology's Psychological Therapists
("Class XII" 'Auditors') - Who Caused The Death Of Young And Beautiful
Lisa McPherson

' 18 January 2005
{HRI Note 2005018}

' ('short' note)

The spiritual condition of ALL of Scientology's Psychological
Therapists (especially their "highest" or "Class XII" 'Auditors') and
ALL of their Psychological Therapy Supervisors ("highest" are called
"Class XII" 'Case Supervisors') - their condition is NOT ONLY that of

full spiritual blindness:

' They are unable to see (they are wholly blind to seeing) the soul
' of others, and

' they are unable to see (they are wholly blind to seeing) any of
' the Life Energies of people.

In and by means of their therapy, they inflict ALSO the same
inability and blindness onto their patients

' (the patients are called 'pre-clears' internally, in
' Scientology - and in an attempt to evade consumer protection
' and various civil and criminal and tax laws, their patients
' are externally or publicly referred to as 'parishioners' -
' lying is "the way to succeed" according to basic Scientology
' doctrine). *(1)(2)(3)

This is done by 'wrapping' all feelings and perceptions that are
uncomfortable or disturbing, into Euphoria or oblivious unawareness,

' which procedure is called "Erasure" or "As-Ising"

' by the 'Founder' of Scientology and Dianetics "therapy,"
' L. Ron Hubbard, and is so described in his published "Axioms" or
' (for him) self-evident "truths," used in all Dianetics and
' Scientology Therapy. *(4)(5)

As no erasure can take place - all these memories and uncomfortable,
unpleasant and disturbing feelings are still there - but they are
what is the spiritual equivalent of being Drugged:

' You do not see or feel the Pain, you feel happy and on top of the
' world - for some short time, that is.

' This is the "great invention of L. Ron Hubbard" - himself
' an avid drug-user during his life, "in order to find truth
' for others" - but actually to be wholly unrestrained in
' his spiritual attacks on people, not even avoiding drugging
' his own children and women of various sorts, which was/is
' basically his action of acquiring the Energy of other
' people to use these himself, behind his mask, to hide,

' to deceive and thereby influence people,

' who are so prevented from seeing or sensing or
' feeling,

' whom they are actually dealing with or listening to or
' supporting.

One of the patients who bought therapy from Scientology, did not quite
agree, deep in her soul, with being made wholly blind to seeing people
and their soul and Energies,

' while she was being treated by the Psychological Therapists of
' Scientology called '"Class XII" Auditors' and by the
' Psychological Therapy Supervisors of Scientology, called '"Class
' XII" Case Supervisors,'

and so Lisa McPherson started vaguely to look at the soul of (the
deceased) L. Ron Hubbard

' - he is, since his death by an overdose of drugs in January
' 1986, hanging around and doing his now entirely unrestrained
' evil, as a ghoul, or kakodaemon,

' as an 'evil eye,' inflicting his Hate and Pain and his lies and
' unconsciousness and Euphoria on anyone, as I described earlier
' (for instance in 'Two More Tools To Detect Criminal Minds').
' *(6)

And as you know, Lisa McPherson, as soon as she started to look at the
soul of L. Ron Hubbard, and saw some of his most intense evil, of his
hate and of his unspeakable ugliness, she was met with the standard
reaction you get

' when you look vaguely at a Criminal Mind without knowing or
' feeling that it IS a Criminal Mind you look at,

and that reaction is the projection of the intense and repulsive lie,

' "You are looking at yourself!"

' This I described already some time ago to you, in:
' 'De-cloaking Criminal Minds - Their Use Of The Double-Lie.'
' *(7)

' And it is further elaborated in: ''Insane' "Defined" By
' Criminal Minds As 'Ability To Perceive Them'.' *(8)

This you can verify by the various, wholly insane statements made by
Lisa McPherson, of "I am L. Ron Hubbard," etc., that she made after
she got a glimpse of the soul of L. Ron Hubbard. This has been duly
reported by others, so I am not going to repeat that here.

' I will not go into a correct description and definition of
' the psychological therapy used, such as Listing a
' particular question to find the "right" answer, with the
' use of the lie-detector, nor of the consequences of being
' given a too much wrong answer as "the 'right' answer," and
' I will not go into properly defining 'List Correction,'

' which is why I have called this article a 'short
' note.'

Now it happens to be so, that neither the posters that are fanatically
"for Scientology" or "for L. Ron Hubbard," nor the posters that are
fanatically "against Scientology," in the newsgroup
alt.religion.scientology, it happens to be so - contrary to how they
like to be seen or at least thought of - that the slightly repulsive
truth is, that

' these could not care less about Lisa McPherson, and they are
' all of such disposition, as described in the

' 'FAQ about the psychosis of alt.religion.scientology -
' summarizing eight years of experience with it,' *(9)

' that they would not point out even that truth to each other.

So now I have informed you, and thereby Lisa McPherson via those who
will read this, of the actual cause of her death - which, as you know,
opens to her the way to a happy re-birthday -

' and that is open, because I actually do love people.

Leonardo truly Been

' 'It is of no use walking
' anywhere to preach
' unless our walking
' is our preaching.'

' Saint Francis of Assisi


(1) 'Actor Tom Cruise, A Jesus-Hater,(*) Sends Christmas Cards...
' That Are Promoting The Pretenses Of Satan(**)'
' (22 December 2004 - Version 1.2 on 23 Dec 2004)

(2) 'Criminal Mind Tom Cruise is "friends" publicly now with
' 'scientology'-owner David Miscavige'
' (20 September 2004 - Version 1.3 on 16 Oct 2004)

(3) 'Addition to 'The Criminal Mind Tom Cruise "friends" publicly now
' with 'scientology'-owner David Miscavige'
' (22 September 2004 - Version 1.01 on 26 Sept 2004)

(4) 'l. ron hubbard and adolf hitler in their "Axioms" or in their
' "Mein Kampf" state, THAT they are lying continuously and heavily'
' (28 June 2004)

(5) 'All 'scientology' Words And Concepts Are In Themselves Deceptions'
' (14 April 2004)

(6) 'Two More Tools To Detect Criminal Minds' (16 July 2003)

(7) 'De-cloaking Criminal Minds - Their Use Of The Double-Lie'
' (14 Oct 2002, posted 25 Oct 2002)

(8) ''Insane' "Defined" By Criminal Minds As 'Ability To Perceive
' Them'' (22 April 2004) {HRI 20040422}

(9) 'Koos' FAQ about the psychosis of alt.religion.scientology -
' summarizing eight years of experience with it.
' With some Footnotes by Koos on Small and Fine Particle Physics
' (22 May 2004 - Version 3.71 on 17 Jan 2005)

(*) and (**) are defined within the article itself, of the footnote.

Copyright KNT-hrp&p - All Rights as usual


Copyright 2005,2015 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.

Koos Nolst Trenite

Dec 13, 2015, 11:22:26 AM12/13/15

(a) For those who are not made that repulsively insane and that
destructive to others, that they ridicule the very existence of
people - after all each person is a soul:

On 20 January 2005, about twenty-four hours after the first
publication of the first version of this article,

for the duration of some half hour,

a very beautiful and exceedingly happy woman showed up and made
felt to me her delight of her being connected again to her own
Beauty and to her great Love for life, and thus to her
appreciation of me.

Quoted from Version 2.0.1 of:

'Spiritual Condition of Scientology Psychological Therapists
- Who Caused The Death Of Young And Beautiful Lisa McPherson'
{HRI note 20050118-V2.0.1}
(18 January 2005 - Version 2.0.1 on 31 Jan 2005)
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