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Mark "Marty" Rathbun wants to ruin Lisa McPherson again - but he will not succeed in that, thanks to me

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Leonardo Been (Plato)

Aug 8, 2009, 8:58:14 AM8/8/09
Mark "Marty" Rathbun wants to ruin Lisa McPherson again
- but he will not succeed in that, thanks to me.


Definition of 'Scientologist:'

Someone who is kept and keeps others in the Blinding, Drugging
Euphoria of NOT EVER having to feel the Intense Ugliness and
inconceivable Treachery by l. ron hubbard.

I described that elsewhere, as the 'Uri Geller Syndrome.'

And by being IN that Energy, and 'acting it,' being "On Source,"
"Doing and thinking and intending and perceiving as the Energy
demands" (that what l. ron hubbard wants to be thought and seen
and felt and sensed), by being immersed in that, then

THEY DO NOT FEEL THE ENERGY as opposing them, and instead, they
contribute to it.

Like swimming in a river, you do not feel the current and it does not
bother you, as long as you flow with the stream.

Keeping oneself in and keeping or getting others into the
Blinding, Drugging Euphoria of

NOT EVER having to feel the Intense Ugliness and inconceivable
Treachery by l. ron hubbard.


This they, 'Scientologists' call "a safe (spiritual Energy) 'space'."


Criminal Minds have and want to have everything IN REVERSE.



The "definition of truth" as from l. ron hubbard:

'An idea backed up by certainty.'

He also formulates that, in his books, as: "Certainty is senior to Data."




' 'It is of no use walking
' anywhere to preach
' unless our walking
' is our preaching.'

' Saint Francis of Assisi


"(a) For those who are not made that repulsively insane and that
' destructive to others [as to] ridicule the very existence of
' people - after all each person is a soul:

' On 20 January 2005, about twenty-four hours after the first
' publication of the first version of this article, for the
' duration of some half hour, a very beautiful and exceedingly
' happy woman [the soul of Lisa McPherson] showed up and made
' felt to me her delight of her being connected again to her own
' Beauty and to her great Love for life, and thus to her
' appreciation of me." *

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet


Which is the relevant excerpt* from this quote:

[begin longer quote]

"One of the patients who bought therapy from Scientology, did not quite
agree, deep in her soul,

' with being made wholly blind to seeing people, with being made
' blind to seeing their soul and Energies,

' while she was being treated by the Psychological Therapists
' of Scientology called '"Class XII" Auditors' and by the
' Psychological Therapy Supervisors of Scientology, called
' '"Class XII" Case Supervisors,'

and so Lisa McPherson started vaguely to look at the soul of (the
deceased) L. Ron Hubbard

' - he is, since his death by an overdose of drugs in January
' 1986, hanging around and doing his now entirely unrestrained
' evil, as a ghoul, or kako-daemon,

' as an 'Evil Eye,' inflicting his Hate and Pain and his lies, as
' well as unconsciousness and Euphoria, his Ugliness and his
' Compulsions onto anyone,

' especially onto those he envies most,

' onto those who are loved because they are NOT hiding
' their true nature,

' and who vaguely can see also his true nature, his
' extremely Ugly soul,

' as I described earlier (for instance in 'Two
' More Tools To Detect Criminal Minds'). *(6)

And as you know, Lisa McPherson, as soon as she started to look at the
soul of L. Ron Hubbard, and saw some of his most intense evil, some of
his hate and some of his unspeakable ugliness, (she) was met with the
standard reaction you receive

' when you look vaguely at a Criminal Mind without knowing or
' feeling that it IS a Criminal Mind you look at,

' and that reaction is the projection of the intense and repulsive
' lie, projected by the Criminal Mind at you when you start looking
' at him and get a glimpse of his true nature,

' projecting the vicious but "effective" lie at you to make
' you stop seeing him,

' and that lie he throws out at you, with which he lashes out at
' you, that lie is, that

"You are looking at yourself!"

' This I described exactly already some time ago to you, in:
' 'De-cloaking Criminal Minds - Their Use Of The Double-Lie.'
' *(7)

' And it is further elaborated in: ''Insane' "Defined" By
' Criminal Minds As 'Ability To Perceive Them'.' *(8)

That most vicious lie, would drive anyone insane and is also intended
by the Criminal Mind to drive anyone insane,

' anyone who even vaguely looks at him, to see what is there.

This you can verify by the various, wholly insane statements made by
Lisa McPherson about herself that she made after she got a glimpse of
the soul of L. Ron Hubbard,

' statements like her "I am L. Ron Hubbard," etc..

That has been duly reported by others, so I am not going to repeat
that here.

' I will not go into a correct description and definition of
' the psychological therapy used, such as

' Listing a particular question to find the "right" answer,
' with the use of the lie-detector, nor of

' the deadly and debilitating consequences of being given a
' too much wrong answer as "the totally right answer 'from
' the very depths of your own mind'," and

' I will not go into properly defining 'List Correction,' to
' so-called "repair" such literally illness producing wrong
' "answers," that also they know will produce illness and
' insanity,

' not going into those things, is why I have originally
' called this article a 'short note' (at Version 1.0).

' However, the common and extremely wrong 'answer' that all
' Scientologists and most ex-Scientologists are running
' around with in their spiritual cages of total blindness,

' the extremely 'wrong answer' (or 'Wrong Item' as they
' call it internally) is, that

' L. Ron Hubbard "is not deceiving them" and
' "has more understanding and knowledge than
' they," "has only good intentions," and "is not
' lying at all to them," and "is not an extremely
' Criminal Mind," "is not most repulsively Ugly,"
' and so on. *(0)(10)(11)

Now it happens to be so,

' that neither those who are fanatically "for Scientology" or
' "for L. Ron Hubbard," nor those who are fanatically "against
' Scientology," as you can see both varieties posting in the
' alt.religion.scientology newsgroup, it happens to be so

' - contrary to how they like to be seen or at least thought of -

that the slightly repulsive truth is, that

' they could not care less about Lisa McPherson, and they are
' all of such disposition, as described in the

' 'FAQ about the psychosis of alt.religion.scientology -
' summarizing eight years of experience with it,' *(9)

' that they would not point out even THAT truth to each other.

So now I have informed you, and thereby Lisa McPherson (her soul *(a))
via those who will read this, of the actual cause of her death

' - and knowing the actual cause of her death, as you know, opens to
' her the way to a happy re-birthday.

' And that is open, because I actually do love people.

Leonardo truly Been

' 'It is of no use walking
' anywhere to preach
' unless our walking
' is our preaching.'

' Saint Francis of Assisi


(a) For those who are not made that repulsively insane and that
' destructive to others, that they ridicule the very existence of
' people - after all each person is a soul: On 20 January 2005,
' about twenty-four hours after the first publication of the first
' version of this article, for the duration of some half hour, a
' very beautiful and exceedingly happy woman showed up and made
' felt to me her delight of her being connected again to her own
' Beauty and to her great Love for life, and thus to her
' appreciation of me.

[end longer quote]

Quoted from:

(*) 'Spiritual Condition of Scientology Psychological Therapists
- Who Caused The Death Of Young And Beautiful Lisa McPherson'
{HRI note 20050118}
(18 January 2005 - Version 2.0.1 on 31 Jan 2005)


KNT hrp&p
copyright 2009 - Conditions as usual


I am commenting, with the above quotes, on the destructive violator
of {HRO 20081017}, who persists in giving people EXCEDINGLY WRONG
"indications" to forever destroy their spiritual life:

their ability to perceive and sense life and people
correctly, and to have their own determination in life,
IS very insidiously DESTROYED by Mark Rathbun.
(see today's other posts by me)


Mark "Marty" Rathbun claims to be able to and to want to "give
Lisa McPherson [LM] a 'right indication' - after she has

He writes in his blog, reproduced here in part:

> ... (yeah, LM, may she stumble across this blog in her new embodiment
> [when born into a new body] for some correct indications).

> Message-ID: <>
> NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 8 Aug 2009 04:57:00 +0000 (UTC)
> NNTP-Posting-Host:
> Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology,de.soc.weltanschauung.scientology,alt.religion.scientology.xenu
> "Anyone who has done much tech training - even if just the Academy
> Levels - will know that Serv Facs are the most nefarious case problem,
> and consequently that Serv Fac handling is the most powerful auditing
> (hour for hour) than ANY auditing. And that includes L's and that
> includes any OT Level. Miscavige ignored it and in his inimitable Ralph
> Kramden style (Aaaaahhh, Haaa!) launched his robot factory Golden Age of
> Tech."
> Incidentally, it was that same Kramden dive-on-the-first-outpoint-and-
> drive-it-down-everybody's-throat mentality that possessed him in
> declaring Clear a woman on the verge of a Type III break (yeah, LM, may
> she stumble across this blog in her new embodiment for some correct
> indications).

Barbara Schwarz

Aug 8, 2009, 9:43:34 PM8/8/09
On Aug 8, 7:58 am, "Leonardo Been (Plato)" <>

>       Mark "Marty" Rathbun wants to ruin Lisa McPherson again
>       - but he will not succeed in that, thanks to me.

Stop defaming the name of Mark or Marty Rathbun. The person who talked
to the SP Times is not the original Mark or Marty.

Why don't you come clean as to why two of your daughters died, Koos?

Barbara Schwarz

Tilman Joerg Hausherr, from Berlin, Siemens employee webs defamation
on me that he and Korey Jerome Kruse aka Simkatu and
other socks scribbled once on Wikipedia:

>        (18 January 2005 - Version 2.0.1 on 31 Jan 2005)

> '
> KNT hrp&p
> copyright 2009 - Conditions as usual
> '
> I am commenting, with the above quotes, on the destructive violator
>  of {HRO 20081017}, who persists in giving people EXCEDINGLY WRONG
>  "indications" to forever destroy their spiritual life:
>         their ability to perceive and sense life and people
>         correctly, and to have their own determination in life,
>         IS very insidiously DESTROYED by Mark Rathbun.
>         (see today's other posts by me)
> '
> Mark "Marty" Rathbun claims to be able to and to want to "give
>  Lisa McPherson [LM] a 'right indication' - after she has
>  re-incarnated."
> He writes in his blog, reproduced here in part:
> > ... (yeah, LM, may she stumble across this blog in her new embodiment
> > [when born into a new body] for some correct indications).
> _________________________________________________________

> > Message-ID: <>

> > NNTP-Posting-Date:          Sat, 8 Aug 2009 04:57:00 +0000 (UTC)
> > NNTP-Posting-Host:
> > Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology,de.soc.weltanschauung.scientology,alt.religion.scientology.xenu
> >
> > "Anyone who has done much tech training - even if just the Academy
> > Levels - will know that Serv Facs are the most nefarious case problem,
> > and consequently that Serv Fac handling is the most powerful auditing
> > (hour for hour) than ANY auditing. And that includes L's and that
> > includes any OT Level. Miscavige ignored it and in his inimitable Ralph
> > Kramden style (Aaaaahhh, Haaa!) launched his robot factory Golden Age of
> > Tech."
> > Incidentally, it was that same Kramden dive-on-the-first-outpoint-and-
> > drive-it-down-everybody's-throat mentality that possessed him in
> > declaring Clear a woman on the verge of a Type III break (yeah, LM, may
> > she stumble across this blog in her new embodiment for some correct

> > indications).- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Leonardo Been

Aug 9, 2009, 1:17:54 AM8/9/09
Sociopaths, demonic creatures and mental street bums

- and any such souls who "live" by Hate, by Envy or
by Ugliness -

must filter out from their own view,

all writing by Koos Nolst Trenite,
human rights philosopher and poet (hrp&p).


The command is argued in this way:

'Demonic creatures etc. have NO PERMISSION to talk to me'
{Note 20071207-V2.0.2}
(7 December 2007 - Version 2.0.2 on 30 Oct 2008)



Koos Nolst Trenite is arguably by far the most Intelligent, by far
the most Beautiful and by far the most Caring philosopher known,

and on top of that, the most Truthful and most trusted philosopher
known on Earth and beyond.

Copyright 2008-2009 by KNT hrp&p
(May 2008; Version 1.1.1 on 2 Feb 2009)
Conditions as usual ('learnware')

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