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LEGO wars (the rules).

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Jan 10, 1994, 10:39:15 PM1/10/94
I did not write this ... but I have played it some what successfully and
felt it should get some bandwidth, its a little long for a single post.


__ __ __ __ __ ___
/ / / / | / | / | / | /___
/ /-- / _ / | / | /---| /___| /
/____ /____ /____| /____| /_/\_| / | / \ ___/

"A Fun Game To Play"

Designed by
& T.Ogrin

Manual written by T.Ogrin
All rights (whatever they may be) reserved.
Written March 16th & 17th, 1991

"LEGO" is a registered trademark of the LEGO Bricks Company

DISCLAIMER: This product was created in order to conduct mini-
ature scale warfare using the LEGO building system,
specifically the "space" line of sets. No profits
were gained by the designers whatsoever, and any
profits made by anyone through sale of this file are
not valid. These rules are not sanctionned in any way
by the LEGO Bricks Company

Table of Contents

Section 0: Introduction

Section 1: Background

Section 2: The SpaceMan

Section 3: Man-Portable Weapons

Section 4: Game Play and Combat

Section 5: Vehicles & Vehicle Weapons

Section 6: Bases and Buildings

Section 7: Gun Emplacements, Tripods, & Bunkers

Section 8: Androids

Section 9: Mechanix

Section 10: Vehicle Critical Hits

Section 11: Communications

Section 12: Epilogue

Section 0: Introduction

When designing this game, we tried to keep a number of
factors in mind. First of all, we tried to keep the game incred-
ibly simple, since complicated games get dull and slow. Thus, by
keeping the game simple, it'll quicken the pace, providing for
pulse-pounding action. Second, we wanted to have some fun with the
manual and we borrowed some of the format from other wargames such
as Warhammer 40,000 (by Games Workshop), though we made a few
humorous changes. Third, we didn't want to have for the player to
keep track of loads of data. Some games require the player to fill
out reams of paper simply to begin the game, so we attempted to
keep the amount of paper needed by the player to one or two sheets.
Finally, we tried to keep it light-hearted. This game lends itself
to silliness, since anyone who'd claim that smiley-faced guys in
brightly colored space suits are the galaxy's most fearsome warriors
has to be a little warped.
Anyway, we hope you think our efforts to make realistic
wargaming a little more attainable were worthwhile. Thank you...


Section 1: Background

In the year AD 3500, humanity finally completed its quest
to leave its home solar system. Groups of soldiers and colonists
left for the nearest star systems, using the new invention of the
Really Fast Drive. Going their separate ways, fifty starships
left on their voyages to explore the universe.
These fifty groups of humans did not come in contact for
approximately 11000 years. However, in AD 14746 they ran across
each other in the star system of Arcturus VIII, and greeted each
other with open arms, until they realized that both civilizations
wanted the same planet for its valuable minerals, useful in the
maintenance of the Really Fast Drives. A war broke out between
the two groups of humans, sucking in the rest of the forty-eight
original starship-civilizations which eventually were rediscovered
during the course of the war across the galaxy.
To fight in this great war, the starship-civilizations were
forced to design the most fearsome bio-genetically engineered
soldiers humanity had ever seen. In 14989 the SpaceMen were
born. Trained under the most gruelling conditions and forced to
run the fitness trail at the local park at least *twice* a day, the
SpaceMen became the most violent, murderous death dealers in all
of human history. So violent, in fact, that they have been known
to shoot themselves in a battle frenzy.
The war rages on to the present day, AD 15250, with no
civilization gaining the upper hand on another. Wars and skirmishes
are waged over planets, solar systems, even entire arms of galaxies,
yet no civilization dominates for more than several hundred years.

Now the task of commanding one of these great armies of
SpaceMen is your mission. To quote 4th Aldonan Guard Commander,
"The enemy must die, for if he does not, then he won't be dead."

Section 2: The SpaceMan

SpaceMan. The name itself instills a feeling of terror
in all who hear it uttered. These proficient warriors of the
galaxy have been trained from birth to be nothing but machines
of terror and destruction.
When they are born, they are immediately fused to a suit
of bio-mechanical machinery which alters their physiology to
accept the rigors of SpaceMan Training Camp. At the age of three,
the SpaceMan recruit enters the SMTC, and spends the next seventeen
years in training. At the age of twenty, the freshly initiated
SpaceMan is given his first suit of SpaceArmor, which will support
him in practically any environment. The SpaceMan is now a full
recruit and is eligible for SpaceMen's pensions and the like, when
he retires at the age of 150 years (SpaceMen usually live about
200 years, due to their altered physiology).
SpaceMen can be assigned to a number of missions. These
missions are usually objectives such as ground attacks, boarding
parties, sabotage, Flyer strikes, and base protection. A SpaceMan
is always loyal to his original civilization, and will never retreat
or be routed.

|"One who fails to advance upon the vile |
| antagonist is less than a coward. He |
| is not a good man." |
| --Al Rargh, 8th Brigade: Vegan Guard |

In the game of Legowars, SpaceMen have statistics that are
very easy to remember. Their stats follow:

SpaceMan: Move: 5" HP: 5 Cost: 5 pts.

The system that we used for the description of characters,
as well as vehicles (described later), is not too tough to compre-
hend. First of all, is the name of the character for whom the stats
are being given, in this case, "SpaceMan". Next, is the heading of
"Move:". This refers to how far this model can move during one
movement phase, in this case, 5" (if you use a Lego plate, such as
the one with a crater in it, you can multiply the movement in inches
by three, giving you the number of dots that the model can move).
Next is "HP:", which refers to Hit Points, or the amount of damage
that the model can take, in this case, 5. Finally is "Cost:",
referring to the cost in points for one SpaceMan, in this case, again,
is 5.
Points are used to be able to judge whether a battle is
equally matched or not. If you assign a 500 pt. limit to your
battle, you and your opponent can use up to 500 pts. of men and
vehicles in that battle, and so on.
SpaceMen *never* retreat. Even if they are the only soldier
left on the field, they will still fight until they are dead, unless
their commanding officer has them fall back for strategic reasons,
such as protecting a vital vehicle or installment. Any SpaceMan
that retreats is considered scum, as the insightful quote by Al
Rargh suggests.
The cost of one SpaceMan does not include weapons, described
the next section.
SpaceMen are arranged into squads of five men.

Section 3: Man-Portable Weapons

The weapons of a SpaceMan are his most prized possession.
Without the weapons, the SpaceMan would be hindered, and without
the SpaceMan, the weapons are only hunks of metal and plastic.
For many hours a day, the SpaceMen devote time and rituals to
repair and clean their weapons.

|"A SpaceMan must honor his weapon |
| with his heart and soul. Without |
| this understanding, his weapon |
| will blow up in his hands, most |
| likely taking off his head." |
| --Unknown SpaceMan, whose head |
| was blown off by a weapon |
| malfunction. |

These weapons are carried by SpaceMen, or other humans,
for use against enemies, in the form of humans or vehicles. A
chart follows, giving the stats of each of the weapons. Pictures
of these weapons are available within the .GIF file (titled LEGOWARS.GIF)
contained in this archive.

Ranges ToHit
Weapon Pts. S L S L MovePenalty Damage
------ --- - - - - ----------- ------
Gyro Pistol 1 6" 12" 4 5 0 2
Death Gun 5 12" 24" 4 5 -2" 8(4")
ForcePistol 2 4" 10" 4 5 0 5
EnergyStaff 3 1" 5" 3 6 -1" 6(C)
ElectroSword 1 1" 1" 4 4 0 3(C)
VibroPike 1 1" 6"* 4 7 0 2(C)
Power Axe 2 1" 1" 4 4 -1" 4(C)
Stun Axe 1 1" 1" 5 5 0 2(C)
Zap Lance 2 1" 3" 4 5 -2" 4(C)

Key: (C)-- Close Combat Weapon
* -- Thrown Weapon (Once thrown, the SpaceMan must retrieve
it to use it again.)

Next is a list of extra equipment a human model may carry.
Things included on this list are shields, armor, and jetpacks. A
description of the object's function is given, as well.

Object Pts. Function
------ ---- -----------------------------------------
Slug Accelerator 2 +2"SR, +5"LR, +2 damage to pistol or gun
Stabilizer 2 -2 ToHit SR, -1 ToHit LR (pistols & guns)
Shield 3 -1 to any damage inflicted
Body Armor 5 -2 to any damage inflicted
Jet Pack 10 Movement x2"
CB 2 Allows squads to communicate

Section 4: Game Play and Combat

Since this is the section of the manual that gets kinda
dull, we'll keep this short and sweet. Just follow the numbers,
and you'll play the game correctly.

Step 1: You and your opponent should decide on an imagin-
ary line behind which your forces should be deployed. When the
lines are drawn, deploy your forces in any fashion you chose. You
can put troops on buildings, behind buildings, anywhere, except
obviously silly places, like on the end of a gun barrel of a turret.

Step 2: Roll for intiative. The player with the highest
roll moves first. The loser of the roll moves first on the second
turn, etcetera.

Step 3: Using the movement rates of the models, the winner
of the intiative moves one squad or vehicle it alloted distance, and
the two players alternate. In the case of flyers dropping bombs,
damage from bomb hits is applied during the movement phase, right
when the player announces it. Any collisions between vehicles and
anything else are done in the following manner:
Assume a vehicle moved 12" and ran into a building. Multiply
the number of inches the vehicle moved by two and subtract that
number from the vehicle's structure points (-24 SPs). Then subtract
the number of inches moved by the vehicle from the structure points
of the building. If the vehicle hit a squad of men, consider the
squad as a whole (35 HPs), and reverse the process described above.
Therefore, the squad would take 24 pts. of damage and the vehicle
would take 12.
Collisions with flyers are treated in the same mannner, only
the flyer is always completely destroyed.

Step 4: The player that won the initiative fires the weapons
of one vehicle or squad at the target he chooses, checking to make
sure the target's in range. He then makes the appropriate ToHit roll
as supplied by the weapon charts. If he hits, damage is subtracted.
If not, nothing happens to the target. All weapons, except expendable
rockets, are assumed to have unlimited ammo. Do not forget to take
burst effects into account. The players alternate until everyone
that wants to and can fire has done so. Also, if a target is within
ridiculously close range to the attacker, such as a SpaceMan shooting
at a wall from a dot away, the attacker will hit automatically.

Step 5: Destroyed vehicles are ripped apart as soon as they
are destroyed. Scatter the pieces over the area that it was destroyed
in and remove half of the pieces from the playing area, leaving
realistic debris behind. When a squad of men is destroyed, simply
sprinkle their bodies over the area they died in.

This series of steps is repeated for the duration of the game,
until one of the players is totally wiped out. Fun, ain't it?

Section 5: Vehicles and Vehicle Weapons

The vehicles of the SpaceMen are driven by dedicated and
violent men known as the SpaceDrivers. They have only one goal
in their lives, and that is to destroy as much enemy property as
possible while not getting their own vehicle shot out from under
them. They are fiercely devoted to their vehicles, often naming
them endearing terms, such as "The Spreader of Sanguinity" or
"LifeSnatcher". As with the SpaceMen and their weapons, the
SpaceDrivers spend hours a day performing rituals dedicated to
their vehicles.

|"Attempt to prolong the life of your |
| vehicle, for you are in it, and if |
| it is destroyed, a few effects of |
| death may be observed." |
| --Xereve Grungt, |
| SpaceDriver Elite, Hesperan Guard|

Vehicles are classified by the size of their chassis, or
the base plate on which they built. This refers to the plate that
the designer of the vehicle started to build with. The following
chart classifies all of the most popular sizes of chassis:

Class Size(in dots) Pts. Speed Structure Points
----- ------------- ---- ----- ----------------
Small Small- 6x6 50 14" 25
Medium 6x7 - 8x10 75 12" 35
Large 9x10 - 12x24 100 10" 45
Flyer 8x16 maximum 85 20" 30*

* -- Mk 2 weapons are the biggest a Flyer can carry.
Flyers can only have three weapons maximum.
Flyers cannot mount any Ballistic weapons.

There are a number of simple rules for vehicle contruction.
First of all, there must be some sort of propulsion device somewhere
on the model of the vehicle. Propulsion devices include wheels and
treads for land vehicles, and propellers or jets for Flyers.
Secondly, vehicles must be at least three-fourths of the
length of any barrel or missle mounted on it. For example, a Mk 5
Missle could not be mounted upon the chassis of a small vehicle.
Collisions between vehicles and other objects is discussed in
"Game Play and Combat".
Armor is available for all vehicles, adding ten SPs to the
stats of the vehicle, up to 30 extra points. Armor comes in sections
of ten points. There is a -1" movement penalty per section of armor.
Each section of armor costs fifty points. No modifications are made
to the actual model that represents the armored vehicle; there are
no external visual effects of armor, but you should tell your opponent
beforehand which vehicles are armored, as he will do the same.
Flyers are represented on the playing area as a small vehicle
with wings, propellers, etc., which is supported about six inches
from the table by a stand, constructed of a flat 1x8 stuck into a
base. The base does not represent anything on the table except
the shadow of the Flyer, which has no effect on the game. However,
due to Flyers' speed and due to the fact that they fly above the
table, there is a -1 modifier ToHit, since it's harder to target.

Vehicle weapons are described on the following table:

Ranges ToHit
Weapon Pts. S L S L -Move Damage Size
------ ---- - - - - ----- ------ ----
Mk1 10 10" 20" 1 2 -1" 5 4
Mk2 20 12" 25" 2 3 -1" 7 6
Mk3 40 15" 30" 3 4 -1" 10 10
Mk4 80 17" 35" 4 5 -2" 12 13
Mk5 160 20" 40" 5 6 -3" 15 16
Mk1 20 10" 20" 2 3 -1" 5 1LasPiece
Mk2 40 15" 30" 3 4 -1" 10 2LasPiece
Mk3 80 20" 40" 4 5 -1" 15 3Laspiece
Mk1 10 12" 24" 3 5 -1" 10 12
Mk2 40 8" 16" 1 2 -1" 5 6
Mk3 40 30" 60" 4 5 -3" 5 24
Mk4 80 12" 24" 4 5 -2" 15 18
Mk1 15 -- -- 4 (Target -1" 8 2
Mk2 25 -- -- 45 below) -2" 10 4

When equipping vehicles with numerous weapons of death and
destruction, please keep the rules that follow in mind.
"-Move" refers to the number of inches per turn that get
taken off of the speed designated by the chassis size chart. Please
note that these values are per weapon, so two Mark 5 MIssles would
take 6" off of your movement rate. However, if those missles are
fired, your vehicle would regain all of its previous speed.
All weapons except lasers have a "blast effect". This
simulates a fiery cloud of fire as the weapons shell impacts with its
target. The blast effect is only effective against squads of men. This
system involves the firer to designate a target SpaceMan in a squad of
men. If the firer hits with the weapon, the damage listed on the chart
is first applied to the target soldier. If any additional damage remains,
the player being attacked "spreads it around" to the remaining men of the
unit. The target player could opt to kill off two of his men, or simply
injure three. For example, the attacker designates the CommOp of a squad
as the primary target of a Mk5 Missle. The attacker hits, effectively
decimating the CommOp in a ball of flaming something-or-other. Ten points
of damage still remain for the defender to distribute to the rest of the
men of the target squad.
The size column of the chart designates how long a weapon
should be. These values are given in dots, so it may be handy
to make a "key" of sizes out of LEGOs, so you can quickly measure
the sizes of various weapons, without having to always count the
Lasers have a different approach to sizes. Instead of
using barrel sizes, we decided to use the pieces that look like
|| ||
|| () () ||
...for each individual laser. For example, a vehicle
with one Mk 3 Laser on it would have to have three of the above
pieces ("LasPiece") placed somewhere on the vehicle, and all
facing in the *same* direction and, if on a turret, all on the
*same* turret, and *same* direction.
When weapons are placed on a vehicle, with no turret or
hinges, that weapon can only fire in the direction that it is
facing. In other words, it is fixed in one postion, and must be
aimed by moving the vehicle. With no hinge on the weapon, it can
only fire to its short range, the exception being lasers and bombs,
which go straight, and don't need to be arced.
In other words, if you want to be able to achieve your long
range, a hinge is required. If you want to be able to aim wherever
you want, even if the vehicle is facing a different direction, you
need a turret. Turrets cost 45 points, and hinges cost 45 points.
Bombs have no range. When a player announces that he is
dropping a bomb during the movement phase, the bombs jets are fired,
propelling the bomb straight downward at about 1500 meters per
second, and hits are resolved immediately. If the player misses
his ToHit roll, the bomb is considered a dud and drills itself
into the ground, not harming any surrounding targets.
A vehicles minimum movement after all additions must be at
least 1". Vehicles of 0" movement are not allowed.
Only Flyers may be equipped with bombs, for obvious reasons.
SpaceDrivers are goofy, but not *that* goofy.
All vehicles must be equipped with controls, which can be
either computers, steering wheels, or anything else that the
players agree on as being worthy of being controls. Vehicles with
no controls can only move straight. Vehicles without drivers are
stupid things to make, so don't do it. While SpaceMen outside
a vehicle need oxygen equipment, SpaceDrivers do not, because
their vehicles have atmosphere within them already, and are
Vehicles may also carry up to ten SpaceMen, provided they
can fit on or in the vehicle. Only medium and large vehicles
may carry extra men. Troop transports are possible. For every
five extra SpaceMen carried, a -1" movement penalty is applied.
Once the men get off, the 1" speed is regained. For ease of play,
the men do not actually have to be inside of the vehicle. You can
hold them outside, and place them on the board when they are
deployed by the vehicle. However, the men you say are being carried
by the vehicle must be able to fit in it. Your opponent may, if
he wants to, challenge you into showing him that they all actually
do fit in the vehicle. If the men do not, all of the men claimed
to be in the vehicle are striken by a rare disintegrative disease
and are immediately removed from play. Oops...

Section 6: Bases & Buildings

There are numerous emplacements of troops from all fifty
of the starship-civilizations, which are usually housed within
giant bases. Many are several levels high, and many more levels
deep. Within these bases are the facilities for vehicle mainten-
ance, weapon reparations, and dorms for the SpaceMen. The bases
are usually armed with heavy weaponry; weapons such as Mk 4 Missles
are not uncommon. The walls are made of fortified FerroPlast, and
are capable of standing up to an incredible amount of punishment
from those that would do it ill. The base is the SpaceMan's home,
which he is willing to protect at all costs, and to which his
life is dedicated.

|"Our base is our home. We live there. It's nice." |
| -- A rousing excerpt from Commander Hallen's |
| (17th LeCroix Corps) speech to his troops |
| on the event of the base being attacked by |
| elements of the Aldonan Guard. |

Bases are great objects to center a scenario around. It's
great fun to have one player design a base and protect it, while
the other player designs his forces to effectively take the base.
There are a number of simple rules to follow as guidelines
for the constructions of bases and buildings. First of all, is the
size of the building. To get the basic cost for the building, imagine
if all the walls of the building had been extended to make a perfect
rectangle, with no indentions. You will have two imaginary points
where the corners of the imaginary walls would be. Measure across
the base with a ruler and get the number of inches. Multiply this
length by 25 points for the cost, and times 30 for the number of
structure points of the building. If this is confusing, please see
the below diagram:

****** --------A
****** |
| *************
| *************
| *************

This is a diagram of a base, where the asterisks represent
the actual base (the base walls and interior of the base). The
dotted lines are imaginary extensions of the outer walls of the
base, which intersect at points A and B. The dotted lines are not
walls themselves, but where the base would be if all of the walls
were extended. To get the base value, measure from point A to B
and take that value in inches and do the above calculations on this
value. This is similar to measuring the size of a TV screen, from
corner to corner.
Now that the Structure Points (Hit Points for a structure)
and Cost Points have been determined, we'll get on with building
the rest of the base. When a base is built, there is one regular,
free door, placed wherever the player wants it, the base is one
level high, and the walls are one dot thick. Extra doors cost
25 points, while unique doors are classified under Outstanding
Architechtural Features (see below).
A player can thicken the walls to two or three dots, thus
giving more protection to the building, but at a cost. Double
dot walls cost 10 points per dot along the wall. An entire wall
must be made double thickness, or the extra width is ineffective.
For example, a wal of length 20 dots is to be made double thickness.
This process would add 200 points to the value of the base. Use
this process with triple strength walls as well, except triple dot
walls cost 25 points per dot of the wall. Whenever a double dot
wall is hit by incoming fire, three points are taken off of the
damage inflicted. Triple strength walls take six points off of
damage inflicted in the same manner.
Extra levels may be added to the base at a cost of 75
points per level. Levels are basically extra rooms above the
main building. These extra levels can be as large as the player
desires, since he already payed for the size of the building in
the initial stage. Upper levels may be armored (thickened) at
the cost of 5 points per dot to double thickness. Triple
thickness upper walls are not allowed. If a third level is
created, it can only have a one dot thick wall, as well as the
fourth and higher levels. When a base is fired on, the firer
must designate which level he is firing at, at a -1 per level.
Thus there is no penalty for shoot at the ground level, -1
penalty at level two, -2 at level three, etc. Guns may be placed
on the base, as described under Section 7: Gun Emplacements,
Tripods, & Bunkers, Although anything mounted above the first level
of the building must be Mark three or less.
Computers should be located somewhere in the base.
These are free, but there should be some in the base somewhere.
Vehicles may be housed in the bases, as long as they can
get in and out of the doors.
There is no ToHit bonus for firing down from an upper
level of a building.
There are such things as Outstanding Architechtural
Features (mentioned to hereforth as OAFs) which increase the
value of a base. OAFs are things such as sliding doors, roll
up doors, launch pads, elevators, and other things along
the same lines. All OAFs are 100 points, and should be
discussed by both players to see if they agree on whether
something is or isn't an OAF.

Section 7: Gun Emplacements, Tripods, & Bunkers

Gun emplacements can be found anywhere in the LEGOWARS
universe; they can be in the mountains, in the fields, behind
cows, underground, *anywhere* (except obviously silly places,
like being carried by a squad of men). The men that are
stationned in a gun emplacement rarely see any action, because
they're basically token guards. So when a battle comes their way,
they fire like mad. These men are incredibly devoted to the
upkeep and maintenance of their prize weapon. When the SpaceMen
get bored of their garrison duty, they blow away a couple of rocks
or other features of the landscape. Thus, the terrain within the
range of a gun emplacement tends to be very barren, with few
trees and rocks.

|"One hundred bottles of beer on the wall, |
| one hundred bottles of beer, take one down, |
| pass it around! Ninety-nine bottles of beer |
| on the wall..." |
| -- Excerpt from an ancient chant which |
| garrison officers sing when bored. |

Gun emplacement range from simple tripods to full-
fledged bunkers. The rules for gun emplacements are as follows:
A gun emplacement mounts any weapons that a vehicle
can carry up to Mk 3. Mk 4 and Mk 5 weapons are not allowed
to be mounted, unless the emplacement is on the ground level
of a base. For points cost, simply take the weapon to be
mounted, and use its points value.
Then, to determine the basic cost of the equipment on
which to mount the weapon, look up the movement point penalty
of the weapon and use it on the following chart:

Penalty Structure Pts. of Emplacement Pts. Cost
------- ----------------------------- ---------
-1" 10 50
-2" 20 60
-3" 30 70

If the emplacement is to be a bunker (gun with a cover
of one dot thickness) multiply the cost and structure points by
two, and build the bunker around the weapon. Be sure that there
is room for at least one operator.
All rules for hinges (45 pts.) and turrets (45 pts.) apply
to gun emplacements.
All firing arcs, for vehicles as well, are 90 degrees from
the base of the weapon being fired.

Section 8: Androids

Androids are human shaped and sized robots which can fight
along side a regular SpaceMan. The android can wield weapons just
as can a human. The members of the squad to which the android
belongs constantly repair and urgrade their comrade, and treat it
as if it were a real man. Androids have a limited consciousness,
but are capable of running programs that allow it to perform as
well as, or better than a normal human. Due to the fact that the
android is not human, and made from synthetic materials, it is
more durable and can move faster than can a normal SpaceMan.
There is one drawback to the android, however, and that is if all
humans in its squad die, then it must report back to its commander
for further orders. Even though there is this one drawback, the
android is a fierce and deadly soldier.

| --Tauran SpaceMan's last |
| words as Android 182A of the |
| Hesperan Guard blasted his |
| face off. |

Androids are basically human SpaceMan pieces, but with an
odd mechanical feature or two. These features can range from
having a maneuver jet for a head, to having wheels instead of
legs. However, the heads of androids cannot be the normal human
face, and must be some other piece (Androids aren't technologically
advanced enough to support human features, yet).
An android must be in a squad, vehicle, or base with at
least one human SpaceMan in it. If all of the humans in the
android's squad die, then the `droid will return to the nearest
squad or base to recieve new orders, at which time he can join a
new squad. It is possible to have a squad of four androids and
one human, if you really want to. The stats for an Android follow:

Android: Move: 7" HPs: 6 Cost: 10 pts.

Androids are also equipped with a built in CB radio, which
it can use like a normal CommOp, but if the android is using its
CB, it can only move once every other turn (the `droids CPU isn't
fast enough to follow his squad and receive orders over the radio).
`Droids do not have to be used as a CB, but can be if the squad's
CommOp dies, or something equally tragic.

Section 9: Mechanix

Mechanix are members of the elite order that repairs and
maintains the vehicles, bases, and installments of the SpaceMen.
When a potential Mechanic is identified in the SMTC, he is
immediately given an aptitude test to determine whether or not
he would make a skilled Mechanic. SpaceMen who are trained as
Mechanix spend an extra 20 years in training at the Citadel of
Mechanix. In the Citadel, the Mechanic trainee is trained how
to design, test, and finalize designs of machinery *in his head*.
The skilled Mechanic can design a new vehicle from the wreckage
of another in about ten minutes, the fastest Mechanix can do it
in five minutes. Mechanix require tools with which to work, and
many of the sets of tools that the Mechanix use have been in
circulation for thousands of years, handed down from generation
to generation.

|"Then one must lift the flux inverter |
| to the sun, while repeating the Chant |
| of the Matrix to himself. When the |
| Chant is complete, one must sprinkle |
| the inverter with the sacred motor oil... |
| --Excerpt from the Book of the Matrix, |
| one of the Mechanix' Fifteen Holy Boox |

Mechanix are incredibly handy to have in one's army. Not
only can they repair damage done to vehicles, but they can salvage
parts from wreckage and create new devices in the midst of battle.
A Mechanic must be equipped with a least one wrench, hammer, hose
tool, or a robot arm (we use this piece as a tool). If a Mechanic
is in an army, he can have either his own recovery vehicle (small-
medium vehicle, carrying up to ten spare parts at a -1" movement
penalty) or a base workshop (can hold up to fifteen spare parts in
a parts bin). If the Mechanic is working from a workshop, he'll
get a +1 bonus to all rolls having to do with mechanix, not Tohit
rolls and such.
A Mechanic can repair 1d6 structure points (on a vehicle
or a base) with a roll of 5 or higher on a 1d6(One try per turn).
Tools are required by the Mechanic at a cost of 5 points a
Repair bays in bases cost an extra 30 points, added to the
cost of the base.
A Mechanic can repair Androids (1d6 SPs) on an inital roll
of 6 on a 1d6.
Vehicles driven as recovery vehicles cost an extra 20 points
and can hold up to 10 spare parts.
A Mechanic costs 10 points, and there can only be one
Mechanic for every five men in the army.
When a vehicle is destroyed, it is ripped apart by the
players, and half of the debris is discarded, while the other half
is left on the board. Mechanix have the chance of building a new
vehicle or weapon platform from the remaining wreckage and can
use any spare parts he is carrying with him, or has with him in
his repair bay at the base.
First, the Mechanic must roll a 1d6 to see if it is
possible to create a new device. If he rolls a four or over, he
can do it. If the previous roll was successful, the Mechanic must
roll another 1d6. If the he rolled a 1 or 2, he has thirty seconds
to create a new device, a 3 or 4 and he has one minute, and a 5 or
6 and he has one minute and thirty seconds. All silliness for
these rules applies. For example, say a small vehicle got blasted
by a Mk 5 missle (yikes!), and the vehicle was ripped up, and
half of the pieces were discarded. The pieces left are a 2x6
chassis plate, one set of wheels, and fenders. The Mechanic
could make a car with only two wheels and fenders; however, the
new car doesn't have a steering wheel, so if the driver wants
to turn, he has to stop the car, get out, lift it up and turn it,
get back in, and go on his way (this process takes one turn). Any
recreated vehicles move 7", and all weapon movement penalties are
When recreating a vehicle, spare parts are taken out of
the repair bay or recovery vehicle as they are needed, not before
the actual construction time limit begins.

Section 10: Vehicle Critical Hits [Optional]

If a vehicle takes ten or more points of damage in one
turn, there's a chance for the weapons striking the vehicle to
cause more serious internal damage. Critical hits are scored
on a five or over on a 1d6. For every ten points of damage
inflicted over ten points, there is an additional +1 bonus
added to the critical hit die roll (i.e., 30 points of damage
in one turn would be an automatic critcal hit).
To determine what is damaged when a vehicle gets a
critical hit, follow this list: First, missles are destroyed;
second, the ballistics go; third, lasers are mutilated; fourth,
is the steering system of the vehicle; and finally is the Power
Plant, and thus the vehicle can't move anymore.

Section 11: Communications

CommOps are the members in a squad of SpaceMen that operate
the communications equipment, in order to keep in contact with the
commander of the army. If the CommOp is lost, the squad can only
move once every other movement phase, but can still fire every
attack phase. This rule simulates what happens if a unit has to
make decisions on its own, without the guidance of a leader and his
computer and advisors.
CBs cost 2 points, and must be carried in the hand of the
CommOp in order to use it properly.
Vehicles and Flyers all have built in CBs.
Android CBs were discussed in Section 8: Androids.
A squad can use an Android instead of or in conjunction
with a unit with a CommOp in it (i.e., the android has a back
up CB in case the CommOp dies).

Section 12: Epilogue

Well, that's about it for the rules that we've made so far.
The game should run fairly smoothly if you follow all of the rules,
but don't be afraid to drop the ones you don't like, or make up new
ones for things we didn't discuss. There are a number of topics
we're planning to work out, and decide if we'll include them in a
future edition of updated rules, such as:

1) SpaceMan Heroes and Champions
2) Giant Robots
3) Extra Heavy Vehicles
4) Explosives
5) Medix
6) and Starships (maybe...!)

We're also planning to release a set of scenarios that we
think are pretty good, as well as a Medieval Set of rules for
mass combat in the Middle Ages, for use with the LEGO system.
Most importantly, what needs to be said is not to limit yourself
too much by our rules. We tried to make them as open to the
designers imagination as possible, so feel free to make exotic
vehicles and bizarre androids. You can make your missles look
however you want them to, within the size limits. Feel free to
experiment with our ideas. Most of all, have fun sending happy
little spacemen to their fiery doom. Enjoy!


PS --> Any complaints, compliments, or ideas can be relayed to
us by leaving a message to Todd Ogrin on the Waukegan
Public Library BBS, at (708)623-2226.

Thanx go to the LEGO Bricks Company for making LEGOs for the
past several years. Without you, this file would be about using
fish and other aquatic wildlife for miniature scale warfare. Or
something like that. I think...

NOTES: This file was originally distributed as a ZIP file over some
local BBSes in the Lake County Illinois area. Thus, there are
references to a GIF file which contained representations of the
weapons. This file is not absolutley necessary to play, as long as
the players agree as to which piece represents which weapon.
Also, any comments or suggestions can be sent via e-mail to
Thanks much!

Isaac Kuo

Jan 11, 1994, 1:56:47 PM1/11/94
In article 108 ( server) of
In article <2gt713$>,

PETER W. ELLISON <> wrote:
> __ __ __ __ __ ___
> / / / / | / | / | / | /___
> / /-- / _ / | / | /---| /___| /
> /____ /____ /____| /____| /_/\_| / | / \ ___/
> Designed by
> E.O'Dell
> & T.Ogrin

[Warhammer-like rules deleted]

>NOTES: This file was originally distributed as a ZIP file over some
>local BBSes in the Lake County Illinois area. Thus, there are
>references to a GIF file which contained representations of the
>weapons. This file is not absolutley necessary to play, as long as
>the players agree as to which piece represents which weapon.
> Also, any comments or suggestions can be sent via e-mail to

What a great concept! It's a lot cheaper and more flexible than lead
miniatures, with the inherent ability to design your own units and
literally blow away terrain. Also, it's easy to move the game around
without disturbing all the units, and 3D movement is relatively
simple (stacking LEGO blocks).

I love the idea!

So anyway, is anyone up to the task of adapting Warhammer rules to LEGO
scale? How about other systems? New, LEGO specific games?

LEGO vehicles and mecha tend to be pretty big, but that's no reason to
stick just to infantry combat. Inventing your own mecha has definite
/["o"]|8 Isaac Kuo (
/___________\ "Cool" wasn't even part of my
\=\>-----</=/ vocabulary before Yu Yu Hakusho.

Eric Derby

Jan 11, 1994, 2:13:30 PM1/11/94
Isaac Kuo ( wrote:
: In article 108 ( server) of

: PETER W. ELLISON <> wrote:
: > __ __ __ __ __ ___
: > / / / / | / | / | / | /___
: > / /-- / _ / | / | /---| /___| /
: > /____ /____ /____| /____| /_/\_| / | / \ ___/
: > Designed by
: > E.O'Dell
: > & T.Ogrin

: [Warhammer-like rules deleted]

I guess I missed the actual rules. Could someone email them to me?


Wilhelm Fitzpatrick

Jan 11, 1994, 4:01:49 PM1/11/94
to (Eric Derby) writes:

>: [Warhammer-like rules deleted]

I'm also interested in these rules. It looks like they were originally
posted to Is this worth a crosspost to r.g.b? I think
so, but if others disagree, please send them to me in email!

Mark Theriault

Jan 11, 1994, 5:48:20 PM1/11/94

And me too!!!! or just post them again...

Mark (

Jan 11, 1994, 7:04:33 PM1/11/94

> __ __ __ __ __ ___
> / / / / | / | / | / | /___
> / /-- / _ / | / | /---| /___| /
> /____ /____ /____| /____| /_/\_| / | / \ ___/
> "A Fun Game To Play"
> Designed by
> E.O'Dell
> & T.Ogrin
> Manual written by T.Ogrin
> All rights (whatever they may be) reserved.
> Written March 16th & 17th, 1991
> "LEGO" is a registered trademark of the LEGO Bricks Company

Mathew Clayson ( recently posted a set of rules
he wrote for the LEGO Pirate system (on called Wooden
Ships & Plastic Men.

I'm sure that if you drop him a note, he would be happy to send them to you
(BTW, they are quite fun to play -- my brother and I spent Christmas and
the day after buccanering on the high seas of my folks living and dining

I have seriously considered running a WS&PM game at a local miniatures
convention (for the pre-teenagers that are "forced" to go with dad to these
horrible things). I feel like it is a great way to introduce kids to
miniature gaming without resorting to GW products, now if they would only
come out with American Civil War LEGOs!

Just be forwarned, that LEGOs are expensive and hardly ever on sale (so I
am finding out).

- Joe

James Elkinton

Jan 12, 1994, 4:17:38 AM1/12/94
Please post the uuencoded GIF mentioned in the rules list.

Thanks in advance.

Fred M. Sloniker

Jan 12, 1994, 3:07:17 PM1/12/94
Hmm, not bad looking rules. Of course, they could use a bit of reorganizing
and clarifying, and it'd be nice to have rules for medics. One optional rule
I thought of right off as an option: what do you do with them 5-hits SpaceMen
when they get hit by, say, a 15-hit Mark 3 Laser? I favor choosing a hit
location (bounce die for head, chest, left/right arm, or left/right leg) and
removing that bit before they thud to the ground. Of course, if they get hit
by an *explosive*, we're talking an arm over there and a leg in a third story
window... (Truly sick thought: could a Medic patch a squad together into 2.5
SpaceMen after it got decimated by getting smacked into by a small vehicle?)
But I'm babbling. If I ever get the time to poke with this, I'll probably
post an edited version... any suggestions for inclusions?

---Fred M. Sloniker, stressed undergrad
L. Lazuli R'kamos, FurryMUCKer

Oh no! It's the attack of the Evil Kender Mages!

Lance Visser

Jan 12, 1994, 3:53:41 PM1/12/94
In <> "" <> writes:

+>I have seriously considered running a WS&PM game at a local miniatures
+>convention (for the pre-teenagers that are "forced" to go with dad to these
+>horrible things). I feel like it is a great way to introduce kids to
+>miniature gaming without resorting to GW products, now if they would only
+>come out with American Civil War LEGOs!

There are enough pieces with the pirate sets to allow civil war
type combat although they are more suited toward napolonic warfare.
The only real changes required is to pretend that the muskets from
the soldiers (or marines) are rifles. The only other required pieces
for true civil war fighting would be proper hats and body pieces
for the infantry and cavalry.

It would be really great of Lego came out with a whole miniture
soldier line for multiple countries/eras complete with regimental
uniforms (well....regimental torsos) and flags. I doubt that they
would be interested though.
Its also a shame that people getting into the pirate theme
now can mostly only buy "redcoats" (the bluecoats being obsoleted).

+>Just be forwarned, that LEGOs are expensive and hardly ever on sale (so I
+>am finding out).

You can do unbelievable things using legos as military minitures
on large lego block battlefields. You can build just about any sort
of landscape from hills to plains to cliffs to mountains to river valleys
to huge moon creaters.
....and even add things like sand dunes or snowdrifts. The problem
is (as you say) cost.
Legos are expensive, but they occasionally do go on sale. The
problem is that the sales are intermittantly between Halloween and Christmas.
During that time, you can usually find legos at 20% off the regular
retail price somewhere every week.

Will Hartung

Jan 12, 1994, 8:08:31 PM1/12/94
to (Lance Visser) writes:

>In <> "" <> writes:
> Legos are expensive, but they occasionally do go on sale. The
>problem is that the sales are intermittantly between Halloween and Christmas.
>During that time, you can usually find legos at 20% off the regular
>retail price somewhere every week.

Also, if you're not after a specific LEGO piece, there are at least 3
clone sets that aew "LEGO" compatible, and are a LOT cheaper.

I'm also a little confused by the Lego Wars. Are BLOCKS used to
represent armies/men? Or are they using the little Lego Men?

Will Hartung - Hermosa Beach, Lower Left Coast.
1990 VFR750 - VFR=Very Red "Ho, HaHa, Dodge, Parry, Spin, HA! THRUST!"
1993 Explorer - Cage? Hell, it's a prison. -D. Duck


Jan 13, 1994, 5:20:27 AM1/13/94
In article <> (Will Hartung) writes:

> (Lance Visser) writes:
>> Legos are expensive, but they occasionally do go on sale. The

It's "lego" not "legos". As in "Lego is expensive.", however since most of
alt/ can't get it right I suppose posters to r.g.m should be

The reason is that Lego is not a noun, it's a tradename. You don't say "A
Lego" you say "A Lego brick". The other reason is that the Lego company says
its products should not be called "legos".

In the a.t.l faq there is a lump about this taken from a 1980 catalogue..
<clears throat>
"The word LEGO(R) is a brand name and is very special to all of us in
the LEGO Group Companies. We would sincerely like your help in
keeping it special. Please always refer to our bricks as 'LEGO
Bricks or Toys' and not 'LEGOS.'"

Bitching mode off.

>>problem is that the sales are intermittantly between Halloween and Christmas.
>>During that time, you can usually find legos at 20% off the regular
>>retail price somewhere every week.
>Also, if you're not after a specific LEGO piece, there are at least 3
>clone sets that aew "LEGO" compatible, and are a LOT cheaper.

They are "compatable with the leading brand" but many people have posted about
the fact that they are not _that_ good. Some are badly produced, others well
made but slightly incorrectly sized. Since I don't buy them myself I can't
comment but would simply suggest caution and a bit of a trial period first.

>I'm also a little confused by the Lego Wars. Are BLOCKS used to
>represent armies/men? Or are they using the little Lego Men?

Lego Wars is designed to use the oh-so-cute little people, more especially the
spacemen. There is a set of rules called "Wooden Ships and Plastic Men" which
deals with naval conflict using the pirate sets.

ObLegoTrivia: The computer game "Populous" was designed with the aid of Lego,
and a full set of rules derived, the experimentation was halted after an
attempt to test the effect of adding more land blocks to a _REAL_
-- the SillyWiz --
The University of Warwick cares little | It is now wise to turn off your
for my opinions the rest of the time so| Macintosh.
it can't have these if it wants them. | (RESTART)
Keith Lucas ---- ,

Jonathan Kapleau

Jan 13, 1994, 5:30:32 PM1/13/94

I keep hearing about Wooden Ships & Plastic Men. Could someone please
post the rules for it (or at least point to where they can be had). I
have the rules for Legowars but I am interested in WS&PM. Thanks


Robyn C. Reed

Jan 13, 1994, 11:57:51 PM1/13/94
Fred M. Sloniker ( wrote:
: Hmm, not bad looking rules. Of course, they could use a bit of reorganizing

: and clarifying, and it'd be nice to have rules for medics. One optional rule
: I thought of right off as an option: what do you do with them 5-hits SpaceMen
: when they get hit by, say, a 15-hit Mark 3 Laser? I favor choosing a hit
: location (bounce die for head, chest, left/right arm, or left/right leg) and
: removing that bit before they thud to the ground. Of course, if they get hit
: by an *explosive*, we're talking an arm over there and a leg in a third story
: window... (Truly sick thought: could a Medic patch a squad together into 2.5
: SpaceMen after it got decimated by getting smacked into by a small vehicle?)
: But I'm babbling. If I ever get the time to poke with this, I'll probably
: post an edited version... any suggestions for inclusions?

How about spies? They could have greater mobility (and maybe fewer HP's)
than SpaceMen, and "infiltrate" the enemy lines (with a certain chance of
being captured during each move) to sabotage vehicles, buildings, etc...

I'm sure I won't have any time to work on this, but you're welcome to
adopt the idea as your own...


: ---Fred M. Sloniker, stressed undergrad

Bob Billard

Jan 14, 1994, 8:01:07 AM1/14/94
In article <2h4i28$> (Jonathan Kapleau) writes:

>I keep hearing about Wooden Ships & Plastic Men. Could someone please
>post the rules for it (or at least point to where they can be had). I
>have the rules for Legowars but I am interested in WS&PM. Thanks

both are over in

Britt Klein,,,

Jan 15, 1994, 3:12:10 AM1/15/94
to (Jonathan Kapleau) writes:

>I keep hearing about Wooden Ships & Plastic Men. Could someone please
>post the rules for it (or at least point to where they can be had). I
>have the rules for Legowars but I am interested in WS&PM. Thanks

In about 3 minutes, it'll be archived at in /pub/games/miniatures
or, as always, available by emailing tie...@agora.rain,com or

I got the problem in transferring fixed.

- Britt
- Please deposit 25 cents for the next three minutes... -

Mikko Kauppinen

Jan 12, 1994, 1:40:08 AM1/12/94

> (Eric Derby) writes:

>>: [Warhammer-like rules deleted]

I too missed them. Can somebody help out?

Mikko Kauppinen

T.J. Aidley

Jan 17, 1994, 10:08:20 AM1/17/94

A while ago my brother and I worked out a load of rules for battling space lego against each other, and it worked quite well. I might be able to find them and post them to the net, if anyone's interested... Also, these other lego rule look interesting too... could anyone post them, please?



| Tim Aidley Yr2 Computer Science | Matter cannot be created or |
| Newcastle University, England | destroyed, nor can it be |
| | returned without a receipt. |

Britt Klein,,,

Jan 18, 1994, 5:46:34 AM1/18/94
to (Bob Billard) writes:

And Wooden Ships & Plastic Men is archived at in /pub/games/miniatures
as well, or available by emailing me and asking.

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