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Become Caitiff = Become Camarilla? (LSJ)

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4. 12. 2008, 0:47:034. 12. 2008
I have a question concerning the precise wording of the sect-switch
rule from section 10 of the rulebook:

"If a vampire changes clans [,,,] to a clan that belongs to a
different sect, he changes sect as well."

Malvalvis (caitiff) Clan Impersonates a Salubri, becoming
Independent. Later, she burns the Clan Impersonation, becoming
Caitiff again.

By becoming Caitiff, she has just changed clans, certainly, since
gaining or losing a clan is a change in clan. But she has not "change
[d] clans [...] to a clan ...".

So does she remain independent?


4. 12. 2008, 1:47:084. 12. 2008
> 1- Lucita impersonates a Settite (She remains independent, but card text
> is, in a way, superceded, since her Independent status is no longer
> based on card text, but on the sect of her new clan).

She didn't change clans to a clan of a different sect, so her sect
has not been superceded. She remains Independent.

> 2- Lucita burns the Impersonation (becoming Lasombra again).

> So is her original independent status (by card text) now restored, or does
> she now become Sabbat, since she has just changed into a Lasombra, and
> Lasombra are a Sabbat clan?

Now she has changed clans to a clan (Lasombra) which belongs to a
sect than the sect to which she currently belongs. So she changes sect
match the sect of her new clan (Sabbat).


4. 12. 2008, 6:13:574. 12. 2008

No. She becomes Camarilla. Changing to Caitiff is handled the same as changing
to a clan.

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