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DS: Summary of Official Errata, Clarifications, Rulings, and Statements

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L. Scott Johnson

1 Şub 1996 03:00:001.02.1996

Dark Sovereigns

Includes Rulings, Errata, Clarifications and Statements from: Rules Team
Rulings Through: 01/24/96
Answers from Thomas R Wylie Through: 01/31/96


New Terminology
'Before Combat Begins' actually means 'As Combat is Entered'. [RTR]
Non-Camarilla vampires.
Cannot be princes, although they can become primogen members. If a
non-Camarilla begins with votes and later gains a title, he loses the
votes he started with, just as if he had lost a title. [RTR]
Cannot call Praxis Seizures, Justicar Retribution, Command of the Harpies,
Masquerade Enforcement, nor a vote to burn Elysium: the Arboretum. [RTR]
Cannot call Camarilla Exemplary. [TOM 951227]
Can call any votes not listed above. [TOM 960102]
Cannot be chosen as an Archon or Camarilla Exemplary. [RTR]
Suffer the effects of blocking an Archon or Camarilla Exemplary. [RTR]
Inner Circle members
Don't qualify for Prince/Justicar-only cards. [RTR]
Are titled (and would lose their title if they gain another). [TOM 951215]
Derive their votes from their titles (and would lose the votes with the
title), but the +2 bleed is independent of the title. [TOM 951217]
Cannot be targetted by the Blood Hunt action card. [RTR] !NEW!
Equipment which are Unique Locations
# Are treated as both equipment and locations, and can be targetted by cards
# that target either. [TOM 951209]
Do not count as equipment while they are in play. [RTR]
May be put on any ready minion if moved in an ambiguous fashion (by Disputed
Territory, e.g.). If the new controller has no minions, the locquipment is
burned. [RTR]
If the equipping minion cannot pay for the locquipment, the locquipment is
simply burned with no effect. [TOM 951215]



Acquired Ventrue Assets - Master (Gio) (2):
Can be used during any master phase, not just its controller's. [RTR] !NEW!

Archon - Political Action - Prince/Justicar:
Cannot choose a non-Camarilla vampire to be the Archon. [RTR]

Banishment - Political Action:
delete "from the controlling Methuselah's active region" :T01:
A banished vampire will return to play when it again has blood >= capacity
on it at the end of its Methuselah's influence phase. [TOM 951209]
Disciplines on the vampire will count towards his capacity. [TOM 951209]
Except for cards played on the vampire, all effects are forgotten (e.g.,
acquired/lost titles, Deevolution, Blood Bond, etc.) [TOM 951209]
All minion cards on the vampire become uncontrolled as well, and are immune
to contesting or affects like Arson or Cryptic Mission. These cards come
back into play when the vampire does. [RTR]
All master cards on the vampire are still controlled and could be contested.
A Banished vampire remembers only two things: how much blood he has and what
cards are played on him. Other effects are ended. [RTR]
Exception: a Blood Bond restriction is remembered. [RTR] !NEW!
# Exception: The gaining of a title *is* remembered (while the loss of one
# is still not remembered) [TOM 960115]
Passive effects remain in effect (Disciplines, e.g.) while active effects
cannot be used (Blood Doll, e.g.) [RTR]

Blythe Candelaria - Vampire (Tre) (3):
Is mis-printed. Should have inferior, not superior, Auspex. [TOM 951208]

Camarilla Exemplary - Political Action:
Cannot choose a non-Camarilla vampire to be the Camarilla Exemplary. [RTR]

Clan Loyalty - Action Modifier (1):
Modifies only the acting minion, not the action, and would not carry over
through a Mask of a Thousand Faces modifier. [TOM 951214]

Command of the Harpies - Political Action:
Cannot be called by non-Camarilla vampires. [RTR]

Corpse Minion - Retainer (Gio) (1):
May be used any number of times during a single action. [TOM 960109]

Donal O'Connor - Vampire (Bru) (8):
An empty blocking vampire may still block (and will simply try and fail to
burn a blood). [TOM 951215]
No blood need be burned to block an action when the block does not result in
combat. (tentative) [TOM 951215]
The blocking vampire pays 'as combat is entered' [RTR]

Elysium: the Arboretum - Master: Unique Location:
The vote to burn the Elysium cannot be called by non-Camarilla vampires. [RTR]

Fata Morgana - Action Modifier (ch) (1):
The restriction against playing modifiers to further increase bleed only
applies if you use its superior ability. [RTR] !NEW!

Force of Will - Action (fo) (1):
Will tap the acting vampire again, as it takes the bleed action. [TOM 951209]
The Bleed action is a separate action from the untap action. Untapping
is an undirected action. Any action modifiers/reaction cards will not
hold over to the Bleed action. [RTR]
The Bleed action is mandatory, and must be the next action. [TOM 951217]
The Bleed action must be a cardless bleed. Action cards that allow bleeds
(such as Computer Hacking) are not usable. [TOM 951217]

Forest of Shadows - Master: Unique Location (Mal) (3):
May be used anytime it is untapped, even if it has been used previously
during the same action. [TOM 960109]

Heidelburg Castle, Germany - Master: Unique Location (2):
May not be used to move equipment to or from a minion in combat. [RTR] !NEW!

Horrid Reality - Combat (ch) (2):
Only pulls weapons out of the library, not simply equipment. [RTR] !NEW!
If no weapon can be found, the two blood is simply burned and the acting
vampire is left tapped. [TOM 951212]
If the weapon gained is not in play (burned by Destroy Equipment, e.g.) by
the end of combat, do not burn it (or shuffle it into your library, if
superior). [TOM 951212]
# Mis-quote deleted -LSJ !NEW!

Incriminating Videotape - Equipment:
If the tape is stolen, then the chosen minion is unable to block the new
possessor of the tape (and can now block whoever used to have it). If
the tape is removed from play, its effect ends. [TOM 960114]

Inverary, Scotland - Equipment (1):
The blood that a minion may place on this card is placed as an undirected
action, at zero stealth. [TOM 951215]

Jar the Soul - Action (ne):
Its effect doesn't damage vampires, an empty vampire will simply attempt
to burn blood and fail. [TOM 951212]

Javier Montoya - :
Should say "blood", not "pool". [RTR]

Justicar Retribution - Political Action:
Cannot be called by non-Camarilla vampires. [RTR]
Does not count a +bleed that isn't 'active' (Laptop, e.g.) [TOM 960109]

Leandro - Vampire (Mal) (11):
The victim Methuslah decides (during her untap) whether to lose a pool
or all transfers. [TOM 951208]
The inferior Dominate is not a typo [TOM 951208]

Legacy of Power - Reaction:
May be used if one of your vampires is in combat with an ally. In this case,
your vampire goes into torpor, and the ally is unaffected. [RTR]

Legendary Vampire - Master:
Only usable if the vampire was moved into your active region during your
last influence phase. [RTR] !NEW!

Possession - Action (ne):
Moves a vampire from your ash heap to your ready region. :T01:

Praxis Seizure: <City> - Political Action:
Cannot be called by non-Camarilla vampires. [RTR]

Ravnos Cache - Master: Unique Location (Rav) (2):
The blood on the cache may be used in place of pool or blood, as appropriate
to the cost of the equipment. [RTR]

Regina Giovanni - Vampire (Gio):
Reduces the pool cost of retainers, as printed. [RTR]
[as opposed to the blood cost, which she cannot reduce -lsj]

Rutor's Hand - Action (th) (1):
To prevent the damage (superior version), treat it as if you are being struck
in combat (i.e., use combat cards, Flak Jackets, etc.) [TOM 951208]

Sacrificial Lamb - Action (ob) (3):
#If the superior version (a directed action) is used to burn a vampire in
# you own torpor region, no one may attempt to block. [TOM 951212]
The superior version may not be used on a vampire you control. (errata) [RTR]

Secure Haven - Master: Unique Location (1):
All Methuselahs (including the target vampire's controller) must pay one
extra pool when playing Master cards on the target minion. [TOM 951208]
Only (D) actions targetting the minion are restricted. The minion's
retainers and equipment are not immune from attack. [TOM 951208]
Secure Haven will be burned when the target minion is burned. [TOM 951215]
If it is contested, it will not be burned when the target (vampire) goes
to torpor, nor will it be burned if it becomes re-controlled while the
target vampire is still in torpor. [RTR] !NEW!

Sensory Deprivation - Action:
Is a (D) action in both its normal and superior forms. [RTR]

Shackles of Enkindu - Equipment (Gan) (2):
"The shackled minion" refers to the minion the card is put upon (not the
Gangrel the card is put upon with the equip action). [TOM 951212]
The controller of the Gangrel who places the Shackles on another minion
continues to control the shackles (and is the target of the (D) action
to burn the shackles) (errata). [RTR]

Shepherd's Innocence - Action (an) (1):
The basic version is a (D) action. [RTR]

Soul Stealing - Action Modifier{/Combat} (ne):
The normal version can only be used as an action modifier (card text).
Superior: As above, and this card can also be played as a combat card.
(errata) [RTR] !NEW!
Cannot be used if a vampire is burned as a result of a political action,
such as Tradition Upheld. [RTR] !NEW!

Spiritual Protector - Retainer (Gio) (3):
Will not restrict the opposing minion if no block occured. [TOM 951208]
Does not restrict the ability of retainers to use equipment. [RTR]

Stefano Giovanni - Vampire (Gio):
Can only burn 1 blood for 1 vote once during a political action. [RTR]

Strained Vitae Supply - Master:
The pool placed on this card comes from the Methuselahs pool. [TOM 951209]

Tereza Rostas - Vampire (Rav) (8):
Cannot steal the Edge if it is uncontrolled, and if the controller of the
Edge loses the edge between the time Tereza begins her action to steal
it and the time the action resolves, then the action fizzles. [TOM 951214]
Must pay 2 blood for the attempt. This cost is paid even if the action is
blocked or otherwise fails. [RTR]

Thoughts Betrayed - Combat (do) (2):
May (must) be played outside of combat (before combat begins). [TOM 951209]
The superior version only prevents cards from being played. Cards already
in play may be used as appropriate (errata). [RTR]
If the acting vampire uses Thoughts Betrayed, then the Blocking minion is
prohibited from doing so. [TOM 951214]
#Is played "at the last moment" before combat - will not prevent reaction
# cards from being played (errata). [TOM 951216]
Is played "as combat is enetred" - will not prevent reaction cards from
being played. [RTR]

Treatment, The - Master (1):
The action to burn The Treatment is not directed, as printed. [RTR]

Trick of Danya, The - Action (ch):
The normal (only) version is a (D) action. [RTR]

Triole's Revenge - Action (Bru) (2):
The Ventrue is burned only if the hunt isn't blocked - even if the benefit
of the hunt is reduced to zero (a failed action). [TOM 951212]
If the victim is prevented from hunting, he may take no action. [RTR] !NEW!
The victim Ventrue cannot take any other actions before hunting, but other
minions' actions can be taken before the hunt. [TOM 951214]
The action to burn is a (D) action (at the Meth. that played it). [RTR]

Veiled Sight - Reaction (ch) (2):
The strike option (steal blood) given by the superior version may be used
once, on any round of the combat. [RTR]
The strike is not ranged. [TOM 951215]
May be used even if the acting minion is at zero stealth. [TOM 960115]

Vial of Garou Blood - Equipment:
Using Vial of Garou Blood counts as your one source of additional strikes for
each round, so it may not be used if you've already acquired additional
strikes this round and prohibits you from playing any further additional
strike cards for the rest of the combat. [RTR]

Zombie - Reatiner:
Is a retainer, and the damage dealt exactly as for Wolf Companion.


[TOM] Tom Wylie - WotC Net Representative
[RTR] Ruling, Errata, Clarification, or Statement from Official WotC Rules Team
L. Scott Johnson ( | Any sufficiently advanced bug is | indistinguishable from a feature.
Graphics Specialist and V:tES Rulemonger. | -- Kulawiec

Nicole Janine Purvis

6 Şub 1996 03:00:006.02.1996
Thomas R Wylie ( wrote:

: L. Scott Johnson <> wrote:

: >Horrid Reality - Combat (ch) (2):
: > If no weapon can be found, the two blood is simply burned and the acting

: > vampire is left tapped. [TOM 951212]

: Why is the "acting vampire still tapped" part here? HR is a combat card,
: of course the vampire is still tapped...

What if they were dragged into combat in an unconventional way, such as
being Bum Rushed?

: Tom Wylie* Network Representative for
: Wizards of the Coast, Inc.


| "What is a man without the beasts? If the beasts were gone, |
| man would die from a great loneliness of spirit." |
| "Confuse, annoy, and dee-STROY!!" Call me "Nicole" and I |
| -- will have to kill you. |

L. Scott Johnson

6 Şub 1996 03:00:006.02.1996
alıcı (Thomas R Wylie) writes:
>>Banishment - Political Action:

>> Except for cards played on the vampire, all effects are forgotten (e.g.,
>> acquired/lost titles, Deevolution, Blood Bond, etc.) [TOM 951209]
>> # Exception: The gaining of a title *is* remembered (while the loss of one
>> # is still not remembered) [TOM 960115]

>The #'ed ruling was an oops from when I was thinking you put title cards
>on the vampire (in game terms, that is) when it gets the title.

>> A Banished vampire remembers only two things: how much blood he has and what
>> cards are played on him. Other effects are ended. [RTR]
>> Exception: a Blood Bond restriction is remembered. [RTR] !NEW!

>> Passive effects remain in effect (Disciplines, e.g.) while active effects
>> cannot be used (Blood Doll, e.g.) [RTR]

>The actual principle here is that "for the rest of the game" effects generated
>by the Banished vampire end, whereas such effects pointing at it will resume
>if/when the vampire comes back into play.

But effects generated by a vampire via a card in play do remain with the
banished vampire, correct?

It would be helpful if we had the whole principle, not just parts and
a few examples.
L. Scott Johnson ( | Smith & Wesson: the original | "point and click" interface.

Andre D. Gironda

6 Şub 1996 03:00:006.02.1996
On 6 Feb 1996, Thomas R Wylie wrote: > L. Scott Johnson <> wrote: > >Banishment - Political Action: > > Except for cards played on the vampire, all effects are forgotten (e.g., > > acquired/lost titles, Deevolution, Blood Bond, etc.) [TOM 951209] > > # Exception: The gaining of a title *is* remembered (while the loss of one > > # is still not remembered) [TOM 960115] > The #'ed ruling was an oops from when I was thinking you put title cards > on the vampire (in game terms, that is) when it gets the title. That reminds me of a situation that came up when I was playing like a week or so ago. I have 2 Praxis Seizure: Paris in my Brujah/Toreador deck and I had Delilah out (2 capacity). She had already been made Prince of Paris, and being Toreador, her capacity increased by one. I called the vote a second time later in the game, and I argued that her capacity did increase a second time (even tho she lost the first title, and jist re-gained it, giving her 2 votes, I understand that). Also, let's say a vampire gains one of those titles that increase capacity and then lose their title due to Command of the Harpies or yeilding to a contested title. Do they lose the extra capacity? What if they had full blood on them at the time? Do they lose that blood? I would say that the vampire keeps the capacity regarless of the title, as the title card does not remain in play (on the vampire). Answers/Comments/Ideas please? Andre [4;31mM [34mi [35ms [36mt [0;37me [4;31mr [34mB [35mu [36mn [4;31mg [34ml [35me [Goth Code Version 2.0]: GoJu+ TJt(AnIn) B5/10Bk! cDBRw-- PSa(GSh) V++s M+D ZGo(InGn) C+2u a20= n-3 b-:-- H173 gA m-- w+! r+3 D--~% h+TAn s10 k- Rn)m( SsYy N0993WPnlw LusAZ+*1WA++*dS

L. Scott Johnson

6 Şub 1996 03:00:006.02.1996
alıcı (Thomas R Wylie) writes:
>L. Scott Johnson <> wrote:
>> May be put on any ready minion if moved in an ambiguous fashion (by Disputed
>> Territory, e.g.)...

>It doesn't matter how you get control of these locations; you always
>get to choose the minion to give it to. This would include "unambiguous"
>effects like Dominate Kine.

Kine Dominance is ambiguous - since it only gives the minion's controller
control of the location. And I assume your statment does not apply to the
original 'get control' action of equipping :-)

>> If the equipping minion cannot pay for the locquipment, the locquipment is
>> simply burned with no effect. [TOM 951215]

>Please note that this is only relevant if the vampire burned blood
>for action modifiers or something :) The vampire can't attempt to equip
>with them if it doesn't have the blood.

Sure. The actual answer was to a 'Vast Wealth' style equip action, but
I can see how the general rule for spending blood with a lein on it
would apply.

>> A Banished vampire remembers only two things: how much blood he has and what
>> cards are played on him. Other effects are ended. [RTR]
>> Exception: a Blood Bond restriction is remembered. [RTR] !NEW!

>> Passive effects remain in effect (Disciplines, e.g.) while active effects
>> cannot be used (Blood Doll, e.g.) [RTR]

>The actual principle here is that "for the rest of the game" effects generated

>by the Banished vampire end, whereas such effects pointing at it will resume
>if/when the vampire comes back into play.

Then why word it as 'card in play' when you mean 'til end of game'?
Still, I'll modify the list (of course).

>>Horrid Reality - Combat (ch) (2):

>> If no weapon can be found, the two blood is simply burned and the acting
>> vampire is left tapped. [TOM 951212]

>Why is the "acting vampire still tapped" part here? HR is a combat card,

>of course the vampire is still tapped...

You got me. I can find no source for that statement (and it's too long
to be a typo). Being in combat doesn't imply being tapped, of course.

>>Sacrificial Lamb - Action (ob) (3):
>> #If the superior version (a directed action) is used to burn a vampire in
>> # you own torpor region, no one may attempt to block. [TOM 951212]
>> The superior version may not be used on a vampire you control.(errata) [RTR]

>The RTR ruling is not errata. It's a ruling on how the superior version
>is interprested, and reverses my earlier interpretation.

It changes card text, which fits my definition of errata.
Another case of the missing 'only' modifier you are so keen on adding

L. Scott Johnson ( | Smith & Wesson: the original | "point and click" interface.

J. Andrew Lipscomb

6 Şub 1996 03:00:006.02.1996
In article <4f79km$>, (Nicole
Janine Purvis) wrote:

> Thomas R Wylie ( wrote:

> : L. Scott Johnson <> wrote:
> : >Horrid Reality - Combat (ch) (2):
> : > If no weapon can be found, the two blood is simply burned and the acting

> : > vampire is left tapped. [TOM 951212]

> : Why is the "acting vampire still tapped" part here? HR is a combat card,

> : of course the vampire is still tapped...

> What if they were dragged into combat in an unconventional way, such as
> being Bum Rushed?

Since he says "left tapped" and not "is tapped," and since reaction cards
do not tap the user, I'd rule he winds up as he was before.

J. Andrew Lipscomb <,>
PGP keys by request

Thomas R Wylie

6 Şub 1996 03:00:006.02.1996

L. Scott Johnson <> wrote:
>Non-Camarilla vampires...

> Cannot call Praxis Seizures, Justicar Retribution, Command of the Harpies,
> Masquerade Enforcement, nor a vote to burn Elysium: the Arboretum. [RTR]
> Cannot call Camarilla Exemplary. [TOM 951227]
> Can call any votes not listed above. [TOM 960102]

Remember that they can't call the vote to burn MEnforcement, either.

>Equipment which are Unique Locations
> # Are treated as both equipment and locations, and can be targetted by cards
> # that target either. [TOM 951209]
> Do not count as equipment while they are in play. [RTR]

I'm not sure what the #'s are for, but note that the second entry here
contradicts the first (and is correct).

> May be put on any ready minion if moved in an ambiguous fashion (by Disputed

> Territory, e.g.)...

It doesn't matter how you get control of these locations; you always
get to choose the minion to give it to. This would include "unambiguous"
effects like Dominate Kine.

> If the equipping minion cannot pay for the locquipment, the locquipment is

> simply burned with no effect. [TOM 951215]

Please note that this is only relevant if the vampire burned blood

for action modifiers or something :) The vampire can't attempt to equip
with them if it doesn't have the blood.

>Banishment - Political Action:

> Except for cards played on the vampire, all effects are forgotten (e.g.,
> acquired/lost titles, Deevolution, Blood Bond, etc.) [TOM 951209]

> # Exception: The gaining of a title *is* remembered (while the loss of one
> # is still not remembered) [TOM 960115]

The #'ed ruling was an oops from when I was thinking you put title cards

on the vampire (in game terms, that is) when it gets the title.

> A Banished vampire remembers only two things: how much blood he has and what

> cards are played on him. Other effects are ended. [RTR]
> Exception: a Blood Bond restriction is remembered. [RTR] !NEW!

> Passive effects remain in effect (Disciplines, e.g.) while active effects
> cannot be used (Blood Doll, e.g.) [RTR]

The actual principle here is that "for the rest of the game" effects generated

by the Banished vampire end, whereas such effects pointing at it will resume
if/when the vampire comes back into play.

>Horrid Reality - Combat (ch) (2):

> If no weapon can be found, the two blood is simply burned and the acting
> vampire is left tapped. [TOM 951212]

Why is the "acting vampire still tapped" part here? HR is a combat card,

of course the vampire is still tapped...

>Sacrificial Lamb - Action (ob) (3):

> #If the superior version (a directed action) is used to burn a vampire in
> # you own torpor region, no one may attempt to block. [TOM 951212]

> The superior version may not be used on a vampire you control.(errata) [RTR]

The RTR ruling is not errata. It's a ruling on how the superior version
is interprested, and reverses my earlier interpretation.

Thomas R Wylie

7 Şub 1996 03:00:007.02.1996

Nicole Janine Purvis <> wrote:
>: >Horrid Reality - Combat (ch) (2):
>: > If no weapon can be found, the two blood is simply burned and the acting

>: > vampire is left tapped. [TOM 951212]
>: Why is the "acting vampire still tapped" part here? HR is a combat card,

>: of course the vampire is still tapped...
> What if they were dragged into combat in an unconventional way, such as
>being Bum Rushed?

The entry does say "acting vampire," which threw both you and me.
In any event, the point is that Horrid Reality never changes whether the
minion is tapped or not.

Shane Travis

7 Şub 1996 03:00:007.02.1996
Thomas R Wylie ( wrote:

: >Equipment which are Unique Locations

: > # Are treated as both equipment and locations, and can be targetted by cards
: > # that target either. [TOM 951209]
: > Do not count as equipment while they are in play. [RTR]

: I'm not sure what the #'s are for, but note that the second entry here

: contradicts the first (and is correct).

A valid point that this marker is not mentioned in any legend, and means
something different here than it does in the House Rulings.

In the House Rulings, the ## markers before a house rule indicate that the
RT has ruled that this is the _official_ way the card should be played
(the ruling is left in, however, for sake of completeness).

In the Ruling/Errata Compendiums, the ## markers indicate an earlier ruling
that was overturned by the ruling which immediately follows it.

Thus, the two rules _do_ contradict, but they were both 'official' at one
time or another, and are both left in so that i) people may see how the
rulings evolve, and ii) people who missed the later ruling can see
how/when it was overturned.

Shane H.W. Travis | Galbraith's Law of Human Nature: Faced with the | choice between changing one's mind and proving
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan | that there is no need to do so, almost everybody
| gets busy on the proof.

p.s. Yay!!! My newsfeed seem to be up-to-date now! :-)

Thomas R Wylie

10 Şub 1996 03:00:0010.02.1996

L. Scott Johnson <> wrote:
>>> May be put on any ready minion if moved in an ambiguous fashion...

>>It doesn't matter how you get control of these locations; you always
>>get to choose the minion to give it to. This would include "unambiguous"
>>effects like Dominate Kine.
>Kine Dominance is ambiguous - since it only gives the minion's controller
>control of the location...

Whatever. The point is that the ruling was about gaining control of an
equip-location already in play, regardless of how you get control of it.

>And I assume your statment does not apply to the
>original 'get control' action of equipping :-)

Correct. Again, the ruling was about gaining control of an equip-location
already in play.

>>> A Banished vampire remembers two things: how much blood he has and what

>>> cards are played on him. Other effects are ended. [RTR]
>>> Exception: a Blood Bond restriction is remembered. [RTR] !NEW!

>>> Passive effects remain in effect (Disciplines, e.g.) while active effects
>>> cannot be used (Blood Doll, e.g.) [RTR]

>>The ... principle here is that "for the rest of the game" effects generated

>>by the Banished vampire end, whereas such effects pointing at it will resume
>>if/when the vampire comes back into play.

>Then why word it as 'card in play' when you mean 'til end of game'?

Since I'm not sure where you're quoting "card in play" from, I'm not sure
how to answer the question. My point was that the "exception" reflected
an incorrect report of the previous ruling.

>>>Horrid Reality - Combat (ch) (2):

>>> If no weapon can be found, the two blood is simply burned and the acting
>>> vampire is left tapped. [TOM 951212]

>>Why is the "acting vampire still tapped" part here?...
>You got me. I can find no source for that statement...

Am guessing it was a cut-and-paste from Magic of the Smith or something,
but I didn't check the file.

>>>Sacrificial Lamb - Action (ob) (3):

>>> The superior version may not be used on a vampire you control.(errata)

>>The RTR ruling is not errata. It's a ruling on how the superior version
>>is interprested, and reverses my earlier interpretation.

>It changes card text, which fits my definition of errata.

Whether it's errata depends on how you interpret the "but" in the superior
version, i.e., whether you think it means "in addition to" or "instead of".
My initial reading was the former; the ruling is that it's actually the latter.
We didn't formally issue a text change for the card, so technically
there isn't errata.

Thomas R Wylie

10 Şub 1996 03:00:0010.02.1996

L. Scott Johnson <> wrote:
>But effects generated by a vampire via a card in play do remain with the
>banished vampire, correct?

I'm not sure what you're getting at; can you give an example of such a card?

>It would be helpful if we had the whole principle, not just parts and
>a few examples.

I attempted to do this in the 1/24 rulings. The relevant entry is attached
at end so you don't have to go look it up.

Tom Wylie* Network Representative for Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

8) If a vampire is sent to the uncontrolled region, all "remainder of
game" effects it applied to other cards end. However, all "remainder of
game" effects that applied to it will still be in effect if the vampire
returns to play. For example, if a Banished vampire had played Blood Bond
on another vampire, the effect would end. But if the vampire has been the
victim of the bond, or had been chosen for The Rack, the effect would
start applying again when the vampire came back into play.

Any minion or master cards on the vampire written with a "remainder of
game" effect still remain in effect, as such cards are retained by the vampire.

Thomas R Wylie

10 Şub 1996 03:00:0010.02.1996

Andre D. Gironda <> wrote:
>That reminds me of a situation that came up when I was playing like a
>week or so ago. I have 2 Praxis Seizure: Paris in my Brujah/Toreador
>deck and I had Delilah out (2 capacity). She had already been made
>Prince of Paris, and being Toreador, her capacity increased by one. I
>called the vote a second time later in the game, and I argued that her
>capacity did increase a second time (even tho she lost the first title,
>and jist re-gained it, giving her 2 votes, I understand that).

The title itself is what gives her the 1 capacity. If you remove the title,
she loses the 1 capacity (and excess blood), even if you happen to be
replacing it with an identical title. After becoming prince of Paris a
second time, Delilah was back to 3 capacity, not boosted to 4.

>Also, let's say a vampire gains one of those titles that increase capacity
>and then lose their title due to Command of the Harpies or yeilding to a
>contested title. Do they lose the extra capacity? What if they had full

>blood on them at the time? Do they lose that blood?...

They gain the 1 capacity as long as they have that title. If the title
goes, for any reason, so does the capacity. I'm not sure why you think
losing the title to Command of the Harpies would work differently than
losing it by substitution.

L. Scott Johnson

10 Şub 1996 03:00:0010.02.1996
alıcı (Thomas R Wylie) writes:

>L. Scott Johnson <> wrote:
>>But effects generated by a vampire via a card in play do remain with the
>>banished vampire, correct?

>I'm not sure what you're getting at; can you give an example of such a card?

Spying Mission, superior.

>>It would be helpful if we had the whole principle, not just parts and
>>a few examples.

>I attempted to do this in the 1/24 rulings. The relevant entry is attached
>at end so you don't have to go look it up.

Thank you.

L. Scott Johnson ( | Smith & Wesson: the original | "point and click" interface.


11 Şub 1996 03:00:0011.02.1996
alıcı (Thomas R Wylie) wrote:

>L. Scott Johnson <> wrote:
>>But effects generated by a vampire via a card in play do remain with the
>>banished vampire, correct?

>I'm not sure what you're getting at; can you give an example of such a card?

>>It would be helpful if we had the whole principle, not just parts and
>>a few examples.

>I attempted to do this in the 1/24 rulings. The relevant entry is attached
>at end so you don't have to go look it up.

>Tom Wylie* Network Representative for
> Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

>8) If a vampire is sent to the uncontrolled region, all "remainder of

>game" effects it applied to other cards end. However, all "remainder of
>game" effects that applied to it will still be in effect if the vampire
>returns to play. For example, if a Banished vampire had played Blood Bond
>on another vampire, the effect would end. But if the vampire has been the
>victim of the bond, or had been chosen for The Rack, the effect would
>start applying again when the vampire came back into play.

>Any minion or master cards on the vampire written with a "remainder of
>game" effect still remain in effect, as such cards are retained by the vampire.

Well thats a simpler ruling then the other way. I think simpler is
preferable if possible as its easier to remember and quote.

Thomas R Wylie

11 Şub 1996 03:00:0011.02.1996

L. Scott Johnson <> wrote:
>>>But effects generated by a vampire via a card in play do remain with the
>>>banished vampire, correct?
>>I'm not sure what you're getting at; can you give an example of such a card?
>Spying Mission, superior.

Ah. Since the bleed-boost is provided by the SM card, and the Banished
vampire retains this card, it will still be able to cash in the Spying
Mission if it returns to play, yes.

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