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Toril retires, Sojourn lives again..

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Kris Kortright

Sep 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/20/98

Toril MUD has officially ended on September 20th, 1998.

With fond memories and a long, proud tradition, the Forgers of Toril
decided that the time has come for change. We accomplished everything we

set out to do with Toril, created a rich atmosphere of excitement and
fun for
thousands of players, and built a well balanced society that emphasized
fairness and equality. We are proud of what we did, and are extremely
to the thousands of players who made Toril what it really was.

We have re-entered a development phase, one in which we plan to merge

in large elements of the Duris code base, which we obtained from it's
with full blessings to use it, as well as many new code aspects from our
new coding staff. Areas will be modified and moved around in the world
more appropriate locations, and many of the skills, spells, and classes
be adjusted to address some of the imbalances we discovered over the
with Toril. This process will take 1 to 3 months by our estimation at

When we re-open, we will do so as Sojourn MUD. We have decided to
re-assume our old name and domain, and are dedicated to coming back with

new attitudes both open and friendly as compared to the Toril of old.
will player killing amongst associations and guilds, but only for those
wish to declare themselves participants in killing, while the majority
of the
mud remains non player killing. There will be new zones, greatly
code, and much much more.. We are taking the exceptional balance we had
created on Toril, and repairing what was wrong to make it even better
before. I will post details in the months to come, and advertise for
as we did not with Toril. I think our Torilities will be most pleased by
results of this rebuild.

Again, my thanks to all of our players and gods, the ones who really
Toril what it was, and gave us much enjoyment over the years. We look
forward to seeing you all when we re-open. If you wish to reach us, just
mail to

Lloth of Toril, Miax of Sojourn...

Kris Kortright

Sep 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/20/98

Kris Kortright

Sep 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/20/98

Kris Kortright

Sep 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/20/98

Pat Moore

Sep 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/20/98

Kris Kortright wrote in message <>...

> Toril MUD has officially ended on September 20th, 1998.
> With fond memories and a long, proud tradition, the Forgers of Toril
>decided that the time has come for change. We accomplished everything we
>set out to do with Toril, created a rich atmosphere of excitement and
>fun for
>thousands of players, and built a well balanced society that emphasized
>fairness and equality. We are proud of what we did, and are extremely
>to the thousands of players who made Toril what it really was.

I played Toril for awhile about a year ago and I enjoyed the game
tremendously. Toril will be missed by many. Good luck to you


Christopher S. Tomcho

Sep 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/20/98
to Kris Kortright
Lloth ,

It has been quite some time since myself and bren began our lives on
Sojourn...Then on to Toril.

In those many many years, we have both made many a friend of the players
of Sojourn. Some went away after a short time, but the majority stayed
and rode out the rough spots, especially during the split of Sojourn.
Which IMHO was one of the darkest times the mud had weathered... But it
never faltered an inch, and after the split, Toril emerged... I always had
used to think "they cant improve this place much more"... Well, I was
quite disheartened to not be able to connect to the mud for a bit, then
that message appeared announcing the rebirth of Sojourn, I couldnt help
but smile !

To the staff of Toril, the best of luck in rebuilding, I wish you luck,
and at the same time, I wish you a challenge, amaze us, make us gasp when
we first visit Sojourn (again, for the first time :P)...

I look forward, very much to, the opening of Sojourn, make us proud guys
! :P




Sep 21, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/21/98

> Toril MUD has officially ended on September 20th, 1998.

...died 4 times in the same newsgroup,

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