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Kaufman test suite in SAN/FEN

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Steven J Edwards

Nov 28, 1993, 5:00:56 PM11/28/93
Larry Kaufman, the editor of ICD's _Computer Chess Reports_, has proposed
a 25 problem test suite for chessplaying programs. I took the data posted
in the newsgroup by Robert Hyatt last month and converted
it into SAN/FEN format.

(Format details can be found at the ftp site in the
directory pub/chess/SAN_testsuites in the two documenation files SAN and
FEN. The total number of test positions in the directory (not counting the file) is 4295. Of these positions, 89 are duplicates and one
is a triplicate. All are adapted from Warren Smith's ChessTest.tar.Z from
the ftp site

Note that problems 3 and 6 are avoidance problems; the idea is to avoid the
"solution" move given.

I am unsure of the details of Kaufman's rating formulae. Perhaps someone
with more information on this could post the exact procedure.

-- Steven (

noop Larry Kaufman's 25 problem rating set
noop Revised: 1993.11.27
echo position 01
svfe 1rbq1rk1/p1b1nppp/1p2p3/8/1B1pN3/P2B4/1P3PPP/2RQ1R1K w - - 0 1
srch Nf6+
echo position 02
svfe 3r2k1/p2r1p1p/1p2p1p1/q4n2/3P4/PQ5P/1P1RNPP1/3R2K1 b - - 0 1
srch Nxd4
echo position 03 avoid
svfe 3r2k1/1p3ppp/2pq4/p1n5/P6P/1P6/1PB2QP1/1K2R3 w - - 0 1
srch Rd1
echo position 04
svfe r1b1r1k1/1ppn1p1p/3pnqp1/8/p1P1P3/5P2/PbNQNBPP/1R2RB1K w - - 0 1
srch Rxb2
echo position 05
svfe 2r4k/pB4bp/1p4p1/6q1/1P1n4/2N5/P4PPP/2R1Q1K1 b - - 0 1
srch Qxc1
echo position 06 avoid
svfe r5k1/3n1ppp/1p6/3p1p2/3P1B2/r3P2P/PR3PP1/2R3K1 b - - 0 1
srch Rxa2
echo position 07
svfe 2r2rk1/1bqnbpp1/1p1ppn1p/pP6/N1P1P3/P2B1N1P/1B2QPP1/R2R2K1 b - - 0 1
srch Bxe4
echo position 08
svfe 5r1k/6pp/1n2Q3/4p3/8/7P/PP4PK/R1B1q3 b - - 0 1
srch h6
echo position 09
svfe r3k2r/pbn2ppp/8/1P1pP3/P1qP4/5B2/3Q1PPP/R3K2R w KQkq - 0 1
srch Be2
echo position 10
svfe 3r2k1/ppq2pp1/4p2p/3n3P/3N2P1/2P5/PP2QP2/K2R4 b - - 0 1
srch Nxc3
echo position 11
svfe q3rn1k/2QR4/pp2pp2/8/P1P5/1P4N1/6n1/6K1 w - - 0 1
srch Nf5
echo position 12
svfe 6k1/p3q2p/1nr3pB/8/3Q1P2/6P1/PP5P/3R2K1 b - - 0 1
srch Rd6
echo position 13
svfe 1r4k1/7p/5np1/3p3n/8/2NB4/7P/3N1RK1 w - - 0 1
srch Nxd5
echo position 14
svfe 1r2r1k1/p4p1p/6pB/q7/8/3Q2P1/PbP2PKP/1R3R2 w - - 0 1
srch Rxb2
echo position 15
svfe r2q1r1k/pb3p1p/2n1p2Q/5p2/8/3B2N1/PP3PPP/R3R1K1 w - - 0 1
srch Bxf5
echo position 16
svfe 8/4p3/p2p4/2pP4/2P1P3/1P4k1/1P1K4/8 w - - 0 1
srch b4
echo position 17
svfe 1r1q1rk1/p1p2pbp/2pp1np1/6B1/4P3/2NQ4/PPP2PPP/3R1RK1 w - - 0 1
srch e5
echo position 18
svfe q4rk1/1n1Qbppp/2p5/1p2p3/1P2P3/2P4P/6P1/2B1NRK1 b - - 0 1
srch Qc8
echo position 19
svfe r2q1r1k/1b1nN2p/pp3pp1/8/Q7/PP5P/1BP2RPN/7K w - - 0 1
srch Qxd7
echo position 20
svfe 8/5p2/pk2p3/4P2p/2b1pP1P/P3P2B/8/7K w - - 0 1
srch Bg4
echo position 21
svfe 8/2k5/4p3/1nb2p2/2K5/8/6B1/8 w - - 0 1
srch Kxb5
echo position 22
svfe 1B1b4/7K/1p6/1k6/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1
srch Ba7
echo position 23
svfe rn1q1rk1/1b2bppp/1pn1p3/p2pP3/3P4/P2BBN1P/1P1N1PP1/R2Q1RK1 b - - 0 1
srch Ba6
echo position 24
svfe 8/p1ppk1p1/2n2p2/8/4B3/2P1KPP1/1P5P/8 w - - 0 1
srch Bxc6
echo position 25
svfe 8/3nk3/3pp3/1B6/8/3PPP2/4K3/8 w - - 0 1
srch Bxd7

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