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Ranma's Timeslip (Part 6)

閲覧: 23 回

christian gadeken

1992/12/08 17:16:341992/12/08

Ranma Nibunnoichi : Actor in the Mirror

Part 6

[The stands are packed with people yelling and cheering for
their favorite fighter, the referee and announcer are ready,
and Kodachi makes her entrance, descending in a shower of
fireworks (and one missile that Ranma takes out with a well-
thrown chair), leaping lithely to the ring, and facing Akane
with a very unpleasant smile.]

Ranma:[hearing a whistle from the crowd and suddenly remembering
something] Hang on, Akane!

[He bends double and dashes under the ring. Masculine shouts
and feminine screams can suddenly be heard, and a flock of
leotarded girls suddenly scramble out from under. Ranma appears,
and winks at Akane.]


[The match begins. The two girls trade blows and other attacks,
neither managing a decisive strike. Slowly, it becomes apparent
that, while she's doing incredibly well for someone who only
started training last week, Akane is overmatched, being steadily
pushed back onto the defensive. Finally, she slips on a baton
left lying on the mat after a previous attack, spins 180 degrees
to keep from falling, and is yanked off balance by Kodachi by
the hair.]

Kodachi:[laughs nastily] Ah, now you'll see what happens to
girls who have been above themselves!

[Akane struggles, but Kodachi has her bent over almost double
by the grip on her hair. Kodachi readies her whip to throw
Akane out of the ring. Ranma frantically looks around for
inspiration, then grabs up a hoop.]

Ranma:Akane, behind your head!

[Akane guesses what he means, and reaches up with the hand on
the side opposite him. The hoop swooshes between her and Kodachi
into her hand; Kodachi staggers back, her grip suddenly gone,
since when the hoop went between them it *severed* Akane's hair.]

Akane:[pivoting and hurling the hoop at Kodachi] Yaaah!!

[The hoop catches Kodachi right on the chin, knocking her cold.
The referee counts her out, then goes over to Akane.]

Referee:The winner-Tendou Akane!!

Crowd: (Roar)

[Akane reaches up to feel her severed tresses, then stares at
Ranma in shock. He leads her out of the gym back into the
dressing room.]


Ranma:[staring at his feet] Um... If you didn't want to go that
far to win the match, I-

Akane:No that's not... That's okay, but... [feels her hair again]

Ranma:I, uh, I think you'll look really cute with short hair.

Akane:[staring at him] ...Really. [She walks up to him]
You really mean it?

Ranma:Uh...Yeah, I... [trails off as he realizes Akane's eyes
are filling with tears] Uh, look, it's not that bad-

[He tentatively puts his hands on her shoulders. She looks at him,
then loses what's left of her self-control and starts sobbing into
his chest. Ranma gapes, starts to say something, then(perhaps
remembering the other time her hair was cut off) stops and, after
looking suspiciously around the room, puts an arm around her

[Cut to later, Ranma and Akane(who's changed back into street
clothes) walking home. Ranma keeps glancing at Akane.]

Akane:[catching a glance] Um, thank you know.


[Akane just laughs. She looks up at Ranma thoughtfully.]

Akane:Ranma? Have you thought any more about which of us
you're going to choose for real?

Ranma:[startled] Eh? ...Uh, I haven't had time to pick...
I mean, I still don't know you all very well... I mean-


[Cut to later, in Akane's room. Her hair has been trimmed so it
looks okay(probably by Kasumi) and once in a while she reaches
up to feel it. She's lying on the bed, and staring up at the

Akane:I'm scared... [feels her hair] I think another death
match with Kodachi would scare me less... How could this have
happened? It's absurd... [rolls onto her side] I wonder
what he'd say if I tell him... [closes her eyes] I wonder
if I have the courage to.

[Cut to Ranma's room. He's sitting on the floor, looking at
something in his hands. As we pan around him, we see it's
the length of hair he severed with the hoop. He's slowly,
repeatedly running his fingers through it.]

Ranma:Why is it, the weaker she is, the closer I feel to her?
I can't believe I only like wimpy girls; I don't mind her
being strong(except when she pounds me) but why is it, I
only really want to hold her when-

[He breaks off and shoves the hair under his pillow as Akane
opens the door and enters. She closes the door and sits facing

Akane:I think you've got it backwards. It's not that you don't
like me when when I'm not weak, It's just the more I need
gentleness the more you give me.

Ranma:[gaping at her] Errr... who said I was talking you!?
[turns around and crosses his arms]

Akane:[smiling at his back] Everyone needs someone they don't
have to be macho with...

[Ranma glances over his shoulder at her suspiciously,
then turns back away.]

Akane:Ranma, this business about just telling people we're

[Ranma glances back again as she takes a deep breath and
gathers her courage.]

Akane:I want to make it for real.

Ranma:[staring in confusion] Eh!?

Akane:[carefully] I want to marry you, Ranma.

[Ranma is stunned beyond words by this. He's too shocked
even to do a face-fault. He gapes at her, then slowly gathers
his wits, and-]

Ranma:Akane, you don't know what you're saying. You're still
in shock from the battle, and you're grabbing at me to steady

Akane:[shaking her head] It was a shock, but it didn't
confuse my head, it cleared it. There are all sorts of good
reasons we should get married(Ranma twitches and turns away
again), but there's one that makes it certain. [she gathers
her courage again, then hesitantly reaches out to Ranma and
lays her hands on his shoulders.] I love you.

[Cut to a closeup of Ranma's face. He's so stunned, none
of the usual sight-gags will convel it. He slowly turns
around and stares at Akane's downturned face. She lifts
it enough to stare at him under her bangs; whatever she
sees in his face gives her the courage to lift her lips
towards his.]


[He starts to bend forward, but can't, even after several
attempts. It's left to Akane to reach up and bring his
face down to hers. Slow pullback as they embrace each other.]

C h r i s t i a n G a d e k e n

Yakumo: "But I really did destroy a monster in Hong Kong!
Saru : "Ahem, ahem"
Yakumo: "Saru, do you believe me?"
Saru : "Where's my Hong Kong souvenir?"

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