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[Ranma][Fanfic][Lemon] Ranma .05 Volume 3, Part 1

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Lee W Ginther

Mar 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/11/97

Ranma .05
Volume 3, Part 1
The Slice of Life

*** Warning: This is a lemon, which contains scenes of
explicit sex and other disgusting and ethically repugnant
ideas such as author ego inflation. So, abandon morals, all
ye who enter here. I know I have. ***

People responsible for this travesty:
Produced by: Horde O' Hentai Productions, Literature Division
Darren Demaine: Chairman of the Horde, President for Life
(chance of parole in 20 years)
Lee (Grey Wolf): Pun Minister, Guy We Rub For Luck
Rob (Barbarian): P.U. Officer, Breath Weapon Specialist
Craig (Dr. Ruminahui): Minister of Foreign Affairs
(until we caught him at it)
Series Concept: Darren Demaine
Written by: Darren Demaine
(The Incombustible Campus Guardian;
regular shopper at Gunsmith Cats;
Mustard Boy)
Based on characters and situations created by: Takahashi

Having successfully given Hinako a pocketful of Canadian
two-dollar coins and escape her resulting wrath, Ranma stuffed
his report card into his bag and jogged outside. Not seeing
who he was looking for out front, he headed around to the back
of the school. Grinning slightly, he jumped up and landed on
the top of the water fountain, just in front of Akane. She
looked up as he folded his legs and sat down.
"Well, it's about time."
"Aw, I had to suffer though one of Hinako-sensei's
lectures about my behavior. Come on, let's go get something
to eat."
"Just a moment," she said, looking up with a grin. She
held her hand out, palm up.
"What's this?" he asked, confused.
"Your report card. Let's see it."
Ranma rolled his head in annoyance. "Akane, I want to go
eat, not argue about who's the better student."
"It's no argument who's better Ranma, I just want to see
if that extra help I've been giving you actually meant
"Are you saying you're better then me?" he asked, his
standard response to a challenge.
He snorted, "I'd like to see that."
Akane held out her report card to him and her grin
widened. Ranma backed away slightly, then realized he was
trapped. Glaring at her slightly, he fished out his own and
grabbed Akane's report card while handing his over
Glancing down the list, he saw Akane's scores were
consistent and of a variety that he'd only seen when he
bothered to take a look at his gym mark. The only one that
took away from the others was the Home Economics mark.
Akane meanwhile was groaning as she read down his list.
"Ranma, Ranma, Ranma...Didn't I help you study for that last
set of midterms?"
"Hey! I did good!"
"You wouldn't know it by reading these marks."
"They're all higher then your Home Ec. grade," he
guessed, not having bothered to look at his own report card.
Judging by the angry scowl that appeared, he guessed he scored
a point.
"That's not true!" She fired back. Quickly she scanned
his marks again and saw that it was true. Stung, she
returned, "At least my sensei puts comments like, 'she really
throws herself into her work!' All I need is some more time
and I'll do well in that class too!"
"Well I hope so," he replied, taking back his own card.
"Maybe you should bring in some of your curry, you're sure to
get a good mark for that."
Akane blinked and leaned back, surprised. <D-did he just
compliment me?> she wondered. Actually, it was something
she'd noticed recently: a tendency for Ranma to say things
that were actually nice. It didn't happen all the time and
she could never predict them, but every now and then, for no
particular reason, he'd just come right out of the blue and be
nice to her. She couldn't explain why he acted really sweet
to her sometimes; most of the time he continued to act in his
normal, thoughtless manner. But, as she'd just seen, he did
once and a while try and be nice. Why?
She coloured slightly and put her card away. Deep down,
she thought it might be due to the fact that they'd actually
been...together. It was hard to even think about it in actual
terms; it was even harder to talk between them about what had
happened. They'd never been good at expressing themselves to
each over simple matters, how could they even think of trying
to talk about...what was happening? Nonetheless, she'd tried
on occasion, broaching the subject as delicately as possible,
but nothing had actually been said. It always seemed that
something would happen, or, more regularly, someone would show
up to interrupt them.
Closing her bag, she looked up at Ranma sitting there;
just watching him. The extent to which they'd managed to
overcome their inherent shyness and talk about their new
situation had occurred during a previous...encounter. There,
in a round about way, they'd come to the conclusion that they
weren't going to try and stop themselves if it happened again.
And it had happened once again; despite all their unease and
silence, things were actually progressing between them. Not
progressing easily or free of trouble, she didn't think
anything they did together could possibly be done the easy
way, but definite improvement was being made. Neither seemed
too willing to openly question what they were doing, in case
doing so jeopardized the advances they'd made.
When they made l-l...when they had s-...She blushed and
restarted her line of thought. When together they
didn't think about it too much, or really try to understand
what they were feeling. They just enjoyed it for the brief
moment of peace they shared. Peace, and maybe something else
as well. Sometimes it scared her how much she actually looked
forwards to such times.
Ranma grabbed his card back and stuffed it in his bag.
Turning back at her, he saw she was looking at him with
unfocused eyes and a small smile. He blinked in surprise,
then shifted uncomfortably. He turned his head away
pretending to be interested in the nearby soccer game, then
covertly glanced at her from the corner of his eyes.
Actually, she'd been smiling at him lot more recently.
Smiling and looking just too darn cute. He was never really
sure why; he didn't think he was doing anything different:
others still described him as an insensitive jerk, but here
Akane was being kind and sweet to him.
It may have had something to due with what they'd done
together. Ranma rubbed the back of his neck and coloured
slightly as he thought about it. He tried not to think about
it too much, their relationship was already confusing enough.
Not that he hadn't liked it, quite the contrary, it had been
wonderful. But he really didn't want to let it overwhelm him;
he just hoped there was more to them being together then just
the enjoyment they got out of it. He was pretty sure there
was, but it wasn't something he was about to come out and ask
her, in case she took it the wrong way. Or in case someone
was listening in, as they had happen all too often already.
<You know,> an errant thought pestered, <your silence
might have more to due with the fact that you're scared over
what's been happening between the two of you, rather then the
idea others might find out.> Arrogantly, he banished that
sacrilegious presumption. He, Ranma, who had never lost a
fight in is life, scared of a simple thing he began to push forefingers together
with the sound of rusty hinges.
<Like what?> the thought reappeared and asked, snidely.
Deciding on another course of action, Ranma began to move his
mouth, as this often had the effect of keeping his brain from
"So you should give your curry a try," he continued from
where he'd left off. "Just wait until your sensei gets back
on her feet from your last cooking assignment."
Akane glared at him for a moment, <It was sweet...for a
second,> she thought. She glanced around, then reached into
the basin of the water fountain. Holding a full bucket of
water in her hands, she advanced on Ranma, her frown twisting
into a crooked smile.
Ranma leaned away, holding his hands up before him.
"Now, now, really don't want to get me all wet do
"Frankly scarlet," Akane deadpanned as she tossed the
pail, "I don't give a damn."
Ranma yelped and leapt above the bucket, the water
splashing to the ground under him. Landing easily, he
stretched his mouth wide with his fingers and stuck out his
tongue. "You're going to have to do better then that you
macho chick!"
Akane responded by hefting two more buckets from the
basin, one in each hand. Ranma 'urked' at the predatory grin
on her face, then turned and promptly started to hoof it.
"You take that back you baka!" she shouted, giving chase
with the two water pails. For the most part the crowd of
departing students ignored the chase, having seen variations
of this theme every week. Following as best as she could,
Akane chased Ranma once around the school, but lost him as he
jumped over the girl's locker building.
Once on the roof, Ranma dropped to his belly and waited.
He heard Akane circling the building, trying to find him.
Grinning slightly, he hefted a rock he'd picked up and with a
short flick of his wrist, tossed it.
The rock disappeared with a rustle of leaves into the
grove of trees behind the out buildings, and Akane raced off
after the noise. Still grinning, Ranma waited for a moment
then jumped off the roof and crept into position behind one of
the outlying trees. Setting himself, he waited for Akane to
come by. <Try and get me wet,> he thought. <I'll scare you
out of three years' growth for that.>
There...he could hear the sounds of something pushing
through the trees in an awful hurry. Grinning, he waited for
the noise to get closer, biding his time for the maximum
effect. Crouching down, he steadied himself and stilled his
breathing; by the noise he judged Akane was just about to
round his tree. With a sudden shout, Ranma uncoiled his
powerful legs in a quick motion and twisted around the trunk,
catching the startled figure in a loose hug and bringing them
both to a sudden halt.
"HA!" he shouted. "You're getting sloppy!" Pulling his
head back, he looked into Akane's face, expecting to see an
annoyed but cute expression of aggravation on her face for
being captured so easily.
Unfortunately for him, Kuno's expression showed neither
aggravation, nor anything even approaching cuteness.
While Ranma's grin disappeared into his suddenly
bugged-out eyes, Kuno made no effort to break out of Ranma's
hug, but only looked at the younger boy with a gaze of
detached superiority. "Saotome...while my return is
undoubtedly a momentous event in your otherwise empty life, I
would ask that you restrain yourself from such public displays
of emotion. It does not become a man."
Ranma blinked, then realized that he was still hugging
the unmoving Kuno. He slammed the kendo champ headfirst into
the nearest tree.
Shivering slightly, Ranma backed away.
"Man, when'd you get back, Kuno?"
Acting as if the large bruise now present on his head had
not injured a thing, Kuno stood tall and proud before his
inferior. "Although it is of no business of yours, I do now
just return from a long quest of a spiritual nature. I have
been cleansing my body and soul; now, I return much stronger
and adept in my actions and thoughts. Whereas before you fled
in fear of my previously unparalleled abilities, now all will
surely tremble at the mere thought of 'The Blue Thunder.'"
"Glad to see you too, Kuno," Ranma deadpanned. Kuno
nodded imperialistically and disdainfully glanced around.
"I have little time to spend with the likes of you
Saotome. I have traveled long and suffered much for those
that the heart does cry out for. Now that I have returned, I
do seek to make haste. I tolerate your presence only to query
of you this: where may I find those angels you so unjustly
hold in slavery to your black heart?"
For an answer, Akane suddenly burst into sight, giving
out a battle yell and splashing water at the figures present.
Seeing Kuno, she lurched to an abrupt halt and stared at him
in surprise. "Kuno-sempai!"
"Tendo Akane!" he returned, it difficult to determine
where his tears of joy ended and where the bucketful of water
she'd hit him with began. "You try and quench the fire my
soul blazes forth at seeing you again, but know that nothing
will ever douse those flames!" Still crying joyous tears, he
charged towards her, arms open wide.
Although a month out of practice, Akane reacted
instinctively and nailed him with a standing round-house kick.
The force of the blow twisted Kuno's head around slightly, and
he caught sight of the other person who'd been caught in the
impromptu rain shower.
"Osage-no-onna!" Instantly recovering, he latched onto
her and held on tight. "Oh, how you must have missed me! But
fear not! Never shall I leave your side again!"
Ranma-chan threw him into another tree. "Don't do that!"
"When did he get back?" Akane asked, coming to stand
beside Ranma.
"Just now," the red-head replied, looking annoyed.
"Nabiki promised me a month without him around, and I guess my
time's up." Shaking her head, the two girls started to walk
away. "Next time though, I'll ask her to get rid of Kuno for
a whole year. I'd forgotten how much I hate his glomping."
"Belovedes!" Kuno shouted, once again on his feet. "You
can not leave me now!"
"Just watch us."
Tatewaki ran in front of the women and fell to one knee.
"You do not understand what it was I had to suffer though to
return to you, stronger in my devotion then ever before.
While I left without saying good-bye, please understand that I
could not tell your gentle souls about my perilous quest. Now
that it has ended in glorious triumph, I can mesmerize you
with my tellings of this epic tale."
"Oh joy," Akane replied.
"For long did I travel, searching for the right place to
explore my soul. Finally, I came to a strange locale. The
place was indescribable, the people who frequented it,
outlandish. It was there, amongst the strange and the
bizarre, that I settled down and began to train."
As Kuno was talking, the school's new substitute teacher
was just leaving the grounds. He happened to look up at the
three figures, and then did a double take.
"Oh no!" he groaned. "Not that weirdo who moved into
Room 3! I thought Kyoko had finally gotten rid of him." He
sighed. "I sure hope I'm not teaching any of his classes."
"Godai-sensei!" a voice yelled. The substitute teacher
'urked' rather violently and broke into a mad dash for the
gate, chased by a cute but determined student.
"You must understand," Kuno continued. "I had begun to
doubt myself. Nay, not my love for the two of you, for that
is as eternal as the unchanging face of the moon overhead, but
a man sometimes suffers trials that tempt him unjustly. In
order to face these inner demons and return to the pure and
noble love that I have for you both, I sought out a master to
help me. The master is a man sure of his devotion, and so in
control of his affections that nothing could change them. It
was by learning from him that I return stronger in my devotion
and secure in my love for both of you."
Two girls in smoke gray fukues were walking by at this
point. The cute one with short orange hair looked over and
tugged at the sleeve of the long, black-haired exotic one.
"Madoka-san? Isn't that guy in the kendo outfit the one who
was hanging around Darling all this month?"
"And so," the Blue Thunder concluded. "Following the
example of that one, I do now return, stronger in my devotion
and secure in the knowledge that nothing will ever enfeeble my
love for the enchanting women I see before me." Both of the
women in question were looking dreadfully bored by this point,
but Kuno paid this no heed. "And so my dear angels, I do so
devoutly promise to you: what God has worked so hard to bring
together, no man shall ever tear apart!"
Nabiki walked up. "Kuno-chan!" she said, her voice
animated and a smile on her face. "Glad to see you're back. I
was starting to miss you."
Kuno, cut off in the middle of his posturing, froze
dramatically as the older Tendo girl arrived. The others
waited for Kuno to do something, but he suddenly seemed carved
out of stone; he held himself stock still, oblivious to the
outside world. All three girls stared intently into the
immobile figure's face. Akane waved her hand in front of his
eyes, but got no reaction. Neither did Ranma, who doodled
'what a pain' on Kuno's face.
"Kuno-chan?" Nabiki prodded. He blinked once and all of
a sudden returned to his normal manner, all calm and
controlled. Hands folded together in the sleeves of his
robes, he turned to face the new arrival.
"Tendo Nabiki. It must be gratifying for you to lay eyes
upon me again after my being so long absent." Her smile
returned, now showing more of the underlying grin that usually
superseded it.
"You don't know what it's been like without you around,
Kuno-chan. Things just haven't been the same."
"They've been better," Ranma muttered under her breath.
"That reminds me," Nabiki continued. "I've got something
for you."
Kuno looked momentarily shaken. "Tendo Nabiki, you care
enough to have a gift all ready for my return? You would
"Oneechan? You got him something?" Akane asked,
surprised. Ranma just stared in amazement.
Nabiki looked down, modestly. She began to ruffle
through her book-bag. "Oh,'s nothing, really."
A new wave of joyous tears began to form in Kuno's eyes.
"Price does not matter so long as the soul is packaged. It
must be a gift you give me that comes true from your heart.
It would not be just of me to refuse what you have to present
before me. Thus, Tendo Nabiki, I can not but graciously
accept this noble gift of-"
"-your report card," Nabiki finished, holding it out
before her.
Silence echoed emptily across the field.
She shrugged. "Like I said, it's really nothing."
After a long, still moment, Kuno shook his head minutely.
Returning to his arrogant posture, he accepted his marks from
Nabiki. "Ah, thank you for bringing me these honours. No
doubt you were impressed by my scholastic achievements?"
Nabiki smiled up at him. "Kuno-chan, I was astounded, I
was amazed; maybe even I was a little stunned at what I saw
there. But then I remembered it was you."
"Naturally," Kuno replied.
"Still, since you've been on a sabbatical for the last
month, you might need some help catching up." What remained
of Nabiki's smile dissolved into a mischievous, narrow-eyed
grin. "Want to consider another help session? Like the one
we had last time?"
Kuno didn't answer immediately. He just stared at her
for a moment, his face an unreadable mask, his eyes slightly
wide. Suddenly, he brought his head up high and breathed out
a single harsh snort through his nose.
"If you feel that you would benefit from my person, then
I humbly agree to this, Tendo Nabiki."
"Gee," Ranma-chan said snidely. "Spending time with
Kuno-sempai. How lucky can you get."
Without warning, Kuno reached over and crushed Ranma-chan
to his chest tightly. "Do not be jealous my beloved! My love
for you is ever and unchanging! Such thoughts will not come
between us-"
For a response, Ranma kicked Kuno out of sight.
Teeth bared and chest heaving, Ranma-chan glared off
where Kuno had taken flight. "Why that pompous, arrogant,
grabby son-of-a-"
A hand gently settled on her shoulder. "Now, now...where
did you learn such language?" a soft voice tenderly chided.
All three girls looked over their shoulders. Standing
there with one hand one Ranma's shoulder was an elegant,
motherly woman in a beautiful kimono. Resting in the crook of
her free arm was a long, silk wrapped bundle, and a warm smile
highlighted her lovely face.
"Saotome-Obasama!" Akane said in surprise.
<Ofukuro...> Ranma thought in terror, quickly checking to
make sure she had more chest then any guy had any right to
Saotome Nodoka didn't seem to notice the panic her
arrival had caused; instead, she smiled down at the smallest
girl. "Ranko-chan dear, you shouldn't be so discourteous to
the boys. Playing hard to get has its limits, and he looked
like such a nice young man."
"I wasn't...I mean...he's not...I don't-" Ranma tried,
getting all flustered and red at what her mother was
"Obasama," Akane began, saving Ranma the embarrassment of
trying to think. "What are you doing here at Furinkan High?"
Taking her hand from Ranma-chan's shoulder, Nodoka
straightened up and cradled her bundle with both hands. "I
was in the neighborhood and recalled that you and Ranma both
went to Furinkan. I called the school and found out that
today was report card day. I was hoping to catch Ranma as he
received his marks." She looked around eagerly. "Is he still
here? Or has he left yet?"
Akane glanced over at the shorter girl beside her.
" see, Ranma...he...uh..."
"He and his father have already left on another training
trip," Ranma-chan said quickly, all smiles and looking just
too darn cute for her own good. Nodoka's face fell into a
sorrowful expression and the smile slipped from her face.
"Again?" the older woman said, sounding slightly let
down. Seeing her deflate so, Ranma suddenly felt like a heel
for what she'd done to her mother. "My, Ranma and Dearest
really do take their training seriously."
"You have no idea what they go through," Nabiki said
Nodoka sighed gently, then looked up at the girls,
smiling again. "In that case, I'll just get his report card
and talk to his teachers about him." Ranma 'urked.'
"Umm...Obasama?" Akane spoke. "I have Ranma's report
card with me. He...uh, he asked that I pick it up for him."
"May I see it please, Akane-chan?" Akane glanced out of
the corner of her eye at Ranma. The red-head paused, then
nodded slightly. Akane smiled and mirrored the gesture to
Nodoka. Leading the way, the group returned to the water
Riffling through Ranma's bag, she handed over the card.
Nodoka took the report with a smile and began to read. As she
scanned the list, her eyes widened. A moment later, her free
hand came up to cover her mouth.
"These marks..." she began. Ranma started to sweat.
"Ya...ya gotta understand, Obasama...Ranma really is a
good student...I mean there's...umm...more to school then just
marks! After all he...uh...he..." she looked at the two
sisters for help, but Akane looked just as lost as she was,
and Nabiki just looked amused with the whole incident.
Nodoka seemed not to have heard. "These marks...these
Ranma swallowed hard.
"These marks are wonderful!" Nodoka suddenly exclaimed, a
smile blossoming on her face. Ranma face-faulted.
"They are?" Nabiki asked.
"Ranma's?" Akane questioned.
"Why, he spends so much time away on training trips that
even managing to get these marks must mean he's a genius!
Imagine what he could do if he actually spent time in class!"
Nodoka held the report card to her chest and smiled proudly.
"Just imagine," Akane muttered, giving Ranma a sidelong
glance. After a moment of basking in her son's
accomplishments, Nodoka returned the card and asked if she
could see the girls' report cards.
She had nothing but praise for Nabiki's marks, and
congratulated Akane for doing so well. Although an
embarrassed Akane apologized for her home economics mark,
Nodoka promised to teach her a recipe that would knock the
socks off her sensei.
"Now, Ranko-chan, where's yours?" Nodoka gave the
red-head a motherly look of offense. "And why aren't you in
your uniform young lady? A skirt would really become you."
Ranma started to sweat all over again. "I-I-uh...I..."
Fortunately (or unfortunately depending), Nabiki stepped in at
this point.
"You see Obasama, Ranko-chan here wrecked yet another of
her uniforms. She's so clumsy and fell into a puddle while
playing soccer at lunch, we just had to get her out of that
dirty old thing. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to keep
her in a dress."
Nodoka shook her head at the small girl reprovingly.
"Ranko-chan, are such a tomboy. And your
report card?"
"It, damaged when I fell in the mud!" Ranma
said quickly. "Then...uh...then I misplaced it! I'll ask the
school for another one tomorrow."
"Oh, Ranko-chan...I swear you'd lose your head if it
wasn't firmly attached to your shoulders."
Nabiki, absolutely deadpan, put her hand on the now
twitching Ranma's shoulder. "If you only knew her the way we
know her." Ignoring Ranma's horrified gaze, Nabiki waved at
the gang. "It was nice meeting you again, Obasama. I've got
some things to do before I go home. I'll see you all later
tonight. Ja ne!"
After Nabiki had walked off, Akane turned to Mrs.
Saotome. "You are coming over to the dojo tonight aren't you
Obasama?" Ranma looked as if her life was passing before her
eyes at the thought of her mother saying the night. Nodoka
jumped slightly at the question, then glanced down at the
" Thank you for the offer Akane-chan, but I
really don't think so." Ranma breathed a sigh of relief, then
caught herself.
"Oh! That's too bad, Obasama. I r-really look forward
to when you come over."
Akane, having caught the strange look on Nodoka's face
that Ranma had missed, leaned closer. "Obasama," she gently
probed. "Is something the matter?"
Nodoka looked up quickly and put on a brave smile.
"Of-of course not dear. I'm...just feeling a little under the
weather, that's all."
"You're ill?" Ranma asked, suddenly concerned over her
mother's well being.
"No, it's nothing. I'll be alright once I get home-"
"All alone?" Ranma-chan asked. Then her voice hardened.
"No way. You're coming home with Akane and me. I can't let
you be sick with no one to look after you."
Nodoka blushed slightly. "Really now, Ranko-chan! It's
nothing, and I wouldn't want your family to catch it-"
"No buts! You're coming with us!" Ranma said, full of
determination; Akane nodded in agreement. Nodoka smiled
tenderly at the persistence of the young women.
"Oh Ranko-chan, you are so concerned over the well being
of others. Your children will be blessed to have you for a
While Ranma was reduced to a quivering mass of twitching
limbs at the thought of her own motherhood, Nodoka seemed to
consider the request. "I'll...I'll think about it. But I
must pay you back for your kindness. I know! I'll buy you a
new uniform and take the two of you shopping!"
Hearing this, Ranma recovered very quickly. "R-really
now, Obasama! T-that's not necessary-"
"No, I'll hear no arguments! Come with me, it's time we
saw you dressed like a real lady."
"I can't wait," Ranma replied, a wavering grin plastered
on her face.

* * *

"Why is it that whenever Ofukuro comes around, we always
end up going shopping?"
Akane glanced over at Ranma and smiled as the red-head
asked the rhetorical question.
"Maybe it's because you never go shopping otherwise. If
she only saw you wearing something different now and again,
she might not feel the need to expanded your wardrobe."
"But I don't want *this* in my wardrobe!" Ranma gestured
to herself, growling just loud enough for Akane to hear. Like
her fiancee, Ranma-chan was also wearing the short-sleeved
shirt and blue dress that was Furinkan's school uniform. Her
regular clothes were stuffed in her bag, which she now carried
by the handle, rather then on her back.
"Are you two coming?" Nodoka asked from further in the
department store. Ranma-chan and Akane turned to the elder
woman and said "Hai!" at the same time, smiling together; the
two of them looking like matching adorable bookends of
"There now Ranko-chan. Don't you feel a whole lot more
feminine in that rather your street clothes?"
"Oh yes, Obasama! I feel just *so* feminine now!"
"Good; I've picked out some other things that I think
would look lovely on you. Here," the kimono-clad woman passed
a bunch of items into Ranma's waiting arms. "Now, get into
that changing room, and I expect you to try on each and every
Ranma looked with distress at the bundle of dresses,
blouses and other items in her arms. She turned to face her
mother, then suddenly broke into a bright smile. "You just
spoil me, Obasama! I really can't accept these-"
"No, I insist Ranko-chan. Since my son isn't around,
I've got to spoil someone." She sighed momentarily. "Maybe
Dearest was right...maybe I would have been a bad influence on
Ranma. Here I am spoiling you girls; who knows what I might
have done to my own son? I might have mothered him too much
and made him weak." Gently she ran one hand over her armload
of silk wrapped steel.
Akane touched her shoulder kindly. "I don't think you've
anything to worry about. I'm sure Ranma would have benefited
from your influence. Don't you think so, Ranko-chan?"
Unfortunately, Ranma had hightailed it into the dressing
booth the instant her mother's hand had touched the silk
wrapped katana.
Nodoka raised her head and smiled at her son's fiancee.
"That's so sweet of you to say, Akane-chan. But I'm going to
prove Dearest right; I am too giving. For example, you can
choose any item in this store and I'll buy it for you."
Akane took a step away. "Obasama, I can't accept-"
Nodoka cut Akane off by shaking her head firmly.
"No debates, Akane-chan. I won't accept no for an
answer. Go ahead and pick." Akane tried once more, then
succumbed to the gentle pressure. Smiling at the older woman,
the two began to look at the selection available. There were
dresses and hats, shoes and pants, blouses and unmentionables.
After a search, Akane bit her lip and glanced down at her
toes, embarrassed.
"Come on dear, tell Auntie what you want."
Guiltily, Akane scuffed her feet and hesitated. Then she
pointed to a lovely, silk, midnight blue nightie currently on
"I-if it's alright with you...I-I'd kinda like
that...please," she muttered, her face flaming. Nodoka put a
hand to her cheek and gave a Kasumi-like "oh my," that caused
Akane to blush even more.
"If you don't think I should have it, I under-"
"Akane-chan," Nodoka cut her off gently. "I did promise
you anything in the store. And...and I guess you are growing
up." Akane smiled through her blush. "Very well dear, Auntie
will get it for you. Besides," she whispered to Akane
conspiratorially. "I think it's rather impressive myself."
Akane grinned back. After a moment, her smile slipped
off her face and she looked over at the dressing rooms. Not
seeing anyone, she motioned Nodoka to lean close. "Obasama?
Can I ask you not to tell Ran...Ranko-chan about this?
Nodoka looked genuinely confused. "Why dear, are you
afraid she'll try and borrow it?"
The thought of Ranma actually borrowing a piece of
negligee from her nearly sent Akane over the edge. Via
superhuman effort, she managed to keep her face straight.
"Yes. That's. What. I'm. Worried. About. Ran...Ranko.
Chan. Borrow," [smirk] "Borrowing. It."
Nodoka smiled. "Don't worry dear. I'll be our little
As Mrs. Saotome went off to talk to a saleslady, Akane
took several deep breaths to clear her mind. Once in control
of herself, she again glanced back towards the changing
booths, but Ranma still wasn't finished. She sighed and
looked around, her eyes eventually coming to rest on the
Staring at the article, she couldn't help but colour a
little. It wasn't something she usually went out and bought.
Hell, it wasn't something she'd *ever* go out and buy. The
few that she had were all hand-me-downs from Nabiki, who
seemed to get some sort of perverse delight out of buying
Why exactly was she getting it? There were other dresses
in the store that she liked better, and definitely were a lot
more functional. Obasama certainly would have gotten her
anything she wanted, although she never would have taken
advantage of Nodoka's kindness. Yet, here she was asking for
something she'd never even consider if her sisters were with
Akane smiled slightly. Her decision certainly wasn't for
herself, although she did like the look of it. And wearing it
would doubtless make her feel good, as she had to admit that
it would probably be quite stunning when she actually had it
on. And when all was said and done, that really was the
reason why she asked for it. Not for herself, but for the
look on someone's face when he finally saw it.
Actually buying for Ranma; she sighed. It was something
she once would have scoffed at. But here she was, giving up a
chance for an extra dress for Ranma's sake. No matter how she
looked at it, things between them had changed.
"I hope he likes it," she whispered.
"Hope I like what?" Ranma asked from behind her. Akane
jumped and spun around, staring at the red-head guiltily.
"Oh! N-nothing!"
"In that case," Ranma-chan turned around. "Can you
button this thing up in the back for me?" Akane nodded and
used the opportunity to work off her blush. As she did up the
last two buttons, Ranma 'urked' at each one and arched her
back painfully. Taking a shallow breath, Ranma-chan turned to
face Akane, her dress a pretty yellow one-piece with a skirt
that reached down to her knees. While unquestionably cute,
the dress didn't seem to fit quite right.
"Ranma? I think it's a little tight for you."
"I know," the red-head responded, hunching her shoulders.
"But since I'm not going to wear it after Ofukuro leaves, I
thought I should get something that would fit you better."
Akane smiled at her.
"Although it'll still be a little big around the chest
for you," Ranma continued. "If I actually got your size, I'd
never be able to breathe."
"Akane-chan," Nodoka called as walked back to the girl.
"I just talked to the staff, and I'm afraid they only have
that one on display left. They agreed to add your request
onto an order they're filling now. It should be available
soon." Finished, she looked towards the changing rooms.
"What's taking Ranko-chan so long?"
Akane, currently a head taller due to the fact she was
standing on Ranma's floor-implanted head, just smiled and
shrugged. <The more things change around here,> she thought,
digging her heels in, <the more they stay the same.>

* * *

Later, the three women were enjoying a small meal at
Akies Family Restaurant; a cute and active girl took their
order. As the waitress bounced away, Ranma-chan couldn't help
but follow the girl with her eyes.
"Ranko-chan?" Akane asked acidly, noticing where she was
looking. "What are you doing?"
Ranma snapped her eyes back to the table and shook her
head. "Oh, nothing. It's just that I've learned to fear
purple-haired waitresses." She tugged uneasily at the collar
of her school uniform.
"You shouldn't fidget like that, Ranko-chan," Nodoka
gently admonished her; Ranma snapped instantly to attention.
Mrs. Saotome shook her head at the girl's actions. "You'd
think that you've never worn a dress before. Honestly, I keep
seeing you in those boyish clothes of yours. Tell me: do you
ever wear a dress of your own free will?"
Ranma's mouth began moving, but no sound came out. Akane
took a sip of her water, then put the glass down. "Really me when I tell you that Ranko-chan is quite
sure about her gender. In fact, she's adamant about it."
Nodoka sighed and relaxed slightly. "That's good to
hear," she said. After a moment, she smiled, "I'm glad to
see that Akane-chan supports you so much. You must be really
glad to have a friend like her, aren't you Ranko-chan?"
"He he he!" Ranma giggled girlishly, trying far too hard
to look feminine. "Oh yes, Obasama! You have no idea what
Akane-chan is to me!" Hearing this, Akane glanced over at
Ranma from the corner of her eyes.
The waitress returned, bounding over a group of drooling
males. She dropped off their meals and left with a smile.
After the first few bites, Nodoka had nothing but praise for
the restaurant. "Excellent food here, and with such quick
service as well."
Akane agreed. "This is really good, but just wait until
you taste what Kasumi-oneechan has planned for tonight's
Nodoka slackened her eating slightly at Akane's comment.
She looked down at her plate uneasily. "Girls," she began,
causing the other two to look up at her. "I-I really want you
to reconsider inviting me over. I don't want to cause you any
trouble for you all, and-"
Ranma-chan slapped her utensils down to cut her mother
off. "Obasama; we've already talked about this. You're not
going home alone. If you're sick, you should have someone to
look after you. At the dojo we can all take care of you."
"But really Ranko-chan-" Nodoka tried again, but Ranma
was determined.
"No. You're coming with us. There is no debate."
"Yes Obasama," Akane agreed, "You've got to let us take
care of you."
"But I don't...I don't want your family to get what it is
I have-"
"Who cares about that?" Ranma declared. "Your well
being is all I...I mean...all we care about!" Starting to
respond, Nodoka looked into the obstinate face before her and
wavered. Finally she gave a defeated nod.
"Very well. I'll come over tonight." Ranma nodded and
return to her food. "But I do have one little request."
Akane nodded, picking up her glass. "Anything Obasama."
Giving a sad smile, Nodoka took a sip of her coffee.
"Since I'm...ah...coughing a lot at night, I don't want anyone
else to lose any sleep. I'm going to have to ask that I have
the guest room all to myself."
Akane's eyes widened slightly at what she heard; Ranma
just looked confused. "Well where am I going to sleep?"
"You can sleep in Akane-chan's room tonight." Nodoka
Akane choked on her drink while Ranma's suddenly large
eyes replaced all other facial features.
"Sleep-" Akane began.
"Together?" Ranma finished for her.
"Yes," Nodoka said, oblivious to the unease of the two
girls. "I'm sorry for any inconvenience this might cause, but
I don't want to disturb Ranko-chan tonight. It's no problem
is it?"
Both girls jumped in surprise, then smiled guiltily at
Nodoka. "No problem!" they both said, then quickly hid their
expressions by eating.
Or at least they tried.
Akane lifted her glass. <W-What am I so worked up about?
It won't be the first time he's spent the...I mean it's not
like we haven't...> The hand holding the glass began to
tremble slightly. She glanced down at it, then returned it to
the table with a small blush.
Ranma tried to drown her unease by stuffing her face.
Unfortunately, her appetite wasn't quite what it had been a
minute ago. <Geez, get a grip,> she told herself. <How is
this going to be any different from the last time you and
Akane-> she swallowed. <You and know...>
"Girls?" Nodoka asked, "is something wrong?" Both
glanced up at her with far too bright smiles on their faces.
"If it's going to cause you any trouble, I'll just go home
"It's no problem, Obasama," Ranma cut her off. "Its just
that...uh..." she looked over at Akane. "Akane-chan snores!"
"I do not!" Akane snarled back.
"You do."
"Do not!"
"Well, you talk in your sleep!" Akane fired back.
"What does she talk about, Akane-chan?" Nodoka wanted to
"Oh, uh...well, she t-talks...about..." <Can't tell her
Ranma mutters about Jhusenkyo, or his martial arts, or
food...> "She talks about..." Akane suddenly grinned.
Ranma choked on her drink.
"Oh Ranko-chan! I just knew you were a true girl deep
"He he he he!" Ranma giggled. Then she leaned over to
Akane and angrily whispered, "I talk about boys?!"
"Sure," Akane whispered back. "you talk about beating
Ryoga, defeating Mousse, thumping Kuno..."
"That's not the same!" Ranma whispered through clenched
teeth. Akane just gave a self-satisfied smirk and picked up
her fork. Ranma would have growled something else, but she
glanced at her mother and saw the bright smile that
highlighted her face. Ranma couldn't do anything except
return her own sick smile at her mother's happiness.
<Great, now she's so happy I'm feminine. Normally that'd
get me my gut cut and my head chopped off.> She took a drink.
<What else could go wrong?>
For an answer, one of the windows in the restaurant, and
most of the wall adjoining it, was blown in.
Patrons screamed and dived for cover as shrapnel shot
throughout the room. Ranma tried to shield both Akane and her
mother from the flying glass and other items. Squinting
through the dust and debris, she looked for the cause of this
violence while the women she protected coughed and choked.
Finally, the smoke and dust started to clear slightly; a
solitary shadow emerged from the haze. Ranma moved into a
defensive posture and readied herself as the figure walked
into the open.
Finally able to see the person who caused all the damage,
Ranma blinked in surprise. "Mousse?"
Indeed, it was the Chinese hammerspace master. However,
it certainly looked as if he'd seen better days. Better weeks
too. His bloodshot eyes were wide and staring; his long raven
hair was wild and uncombed, his clothes looked like he'd slept
in them for the last few days. He didn't seem to be aware of
the chaos and destruction around him, he just appeared sort of
oblivious to the world. All in all, he presented quite a
"Mousse?" Akane asked timidly, concerned at his
appearance. His head snapped around at the sound of her
voice, his eyes searching. Akane backed away. "I-is there
s-something wrong?"
Mousse's jaw twitched slightly, and tears began to flow
from in his bloodshot eyes. Suddenly he knelt down and began
"She doesn't love me!" he shouted between the tears.
Ranma sagged, then looked bored, dismissing the whole
thing. "So? She's never loved you anyway. Why are you
suddenly taking it so bad now?"
"Ranko-chan! Please!" Nodoka chastised her. Getting to
her feet, she walked over to the crying boy and looked down at
him with stern compassion.
"Now, shouldn't cry. Get ahold of yourself and
tell me all about it."
Mousse looked up at the kind woman before him, tears
still flowing unheeded down his cheeks. "I...I gave her my
heart! I did all I could for her! I...suffered for years to
please her! You don't have any idea of what I had to put up
with in order to be with her! None of you could! And
then...and then when I finally got a chance to show my love
for her, she spurned me for another!"
Ranma had her hands behind her head. "So? You'd think
by his reaction that this was something new." Akane shushed
Nodoka knelt down and placed a hand on the shoulder of
his dirty, torn robe. "You're a man aren't you?" she asked;
Mousse nodded furiously. Nodoka smiled gently. "And you love
this woman, don't you?"
"More then my worthless life."
"Well, then be manly and get control of yourself. A man
never accepts defeat. Someday, perhaps, you'll win her over.
You just have to keep trying."
Mousse looked up, a small light of hope glimmering in his
eyes at the kind speech. A moment later he shook his head and
looked away, angrily dismissing her words. He sat there for a
time, his jaw trembling slightly. Then, he slowly glanced
back at Nodoka from the corner of his eye, the light of hope
still present. "D-do you really think so? I can win her
love?" Nodoka patted his shoulder gently and smiled
"I don't see how a woman could possibly resist a man
who's so devoted to her as you obviously are. Maybe she's
just confused; young women often are. She might not be used
to such pure displays of emotion as you show to her. Perhaps
all she needs is more time to really understand you. Now, act
like a man and I'm sure that will be well."
For a time the boy just sat there and considered her
words. Finally, Mousse wiped his tears and rose to his feet.
He sniffled once, closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
Letting it out slowly, he took a few moments to regain control
over himself. Then he bowed politely to the woman before him.
"A-arigato Obasan. Your kind words have given me
strength to hope once again. I-I will do as you say. I will
be a man. I will...I will try." Nodoka smiled and nodded.
"And I'll start by doing something I should have done long
"That's the spirit."
"I'll kill Ranma," he finished, and pulled out a large
scimitar. "IN THE NAME OF LOVE, DIE SAOTOME! DIE!!" Mousse
shouted, and leapt at Ranma-chan.
Akane looked horrified, Nodoka looked shocked, and
Ranma-chan was too busy dodging the blows to show exactly how
petrified with fear she was.
"R-Ranko-chan?" Nodoka asked woodenly as the two
combatants raced all around her. "W-why did he call you
The red-head was far too busy being chased over tables
and other customers to answer. She ran into the kitchen with
Mousse in hot pursuit before Nodoka could ask again. Akane
gulped and gently tugged on Nodoka's arm.
"Obasama...Mousse, that's the boy, he's...uh...he's..."
Moving to stand a little closer, the broken glass under
Akane's foot cracked.
Suddenly it dawned to her. "His eyesight really isn't
that good! Without his glasses, he constantly mistakes
Nodoka still looked shocked, so Akane grabbed Ranma by
the neck as she ran by; Mousse was there instantly.
"Mousse!" Akane turned Ranma to face him and put on a
bright smile. "This isn't Ranma! You know how much Ranma
hates to wear...I mean...he'd never wear a dress! This just
couldn't be him!"
Mousse pointed the sword at the red-head in the dress.
"Don't try and confuse me! I'd know the man who stole the
love of my life anywhere!"
Nodoka began to tremble slightly.
Mousse eased his sword slightly to one side, so it
pointed at Akane. "Now stand aside! I don't want to hurt
you, Mizuno Ami!"
There was silence for a moment, then Nodoka looked over
at Akane, and back to Mousse. Quietly she asked, "Ami?"
Mousse nodded and faced her.
"Stay out of the way Makoto. Ranma must pay!"
Nodoka sighed. After a moment, she placed a gentle hand
on Mousse's shoulder. "I'm sorry my boy, but this poor girl
isn't the man you're looking for."
Mousse leaned towards Ranma, squinting. "Are you sure?"
All three women nodded, two of them very vigorously.
"Gomen." Mousse turned away. "You will not escape me
Saotome! Like a bird of prey, I will hunt you down!" He
sprinted for the hole he'd made in the wall, and tripped over
some debris. His arm knocked over a glass of water, then in a
flurry of feathers and discarded robes, a duck took to the air
in search of vengeance.
There was a following moment of silence, then Ranma-chan
and Akane both let loose heavy sighs.
"What an interesting young man," Nodoka noted; she faced
the two girls. "So could you two explain exactly why he's
looking for my son?"

* * *

At the Tendo Dojo, Soun and Genma were once again locked
in combat via the demanding and skill testing game of shogi.
Nabiki was sitting nearby, her attention split between her
manga and the TV, while Kasumi was quietly knitting.
Genma moved a piece then looked over at his friend
confidently. "I've got you now Tendo-kun. There's no way you
could possibly rally enough to win this game now."
"Do not count me out, Saotome-kun. Mayhap the kami will
smile on me yet," his long-time friend replied. From the
front of the house, the family heard a "Taidaima!" Kasumi
looked up and blinked.
"My, Ranma and Akane certainly are home late tonight. I
wonder if anything happened?"
Looking up from her manga, only to glance briefly at the
TV, Nabiki casually muttered, "By the way, I think we might be
having a guest for dinner."
"Really," Soun asked, paying only slight attention to his
daughter's words. Brow furrowed, he tried to ignore the
smirking Genma and concentrate on the game. "And who might
that be?"
"Hello everyone," Nodoka said politely as she walked into
the room. The sound of her introduction was partially drown
out as something heavy hurtled itself into the carp pool.
Behind her, Ranma-chan and Akane entered as well, in matching
school uniforms. "It's so nice to see you all again."
"And Panda-chan," she continued, smiling kindly at the
large, wet bear. "Playing in the water again? You really are
mischievous, aren't you? Just an overgrown teddy bear."
"Yes," muttered Nabiki. "Although he's impossible to
train." Soun used the opportunity presented to grab hold of
the shogi board and spin it 180 degrees before Panda returned
to his place.
"But you've taught him how to play shogi; that's quite an
achievement." Nodoka looked down at the board. "Although
he's still got a lot to learn about strategy."
Soun looked up at Mrs. Saotome. "So, what brings you
here, Oku-san?"
Nodoka held up a hand and coloured slightly. "Oh,
nothing. In fact, I just wanted to walk the girls home, then
I was going to go."
{Well, it's been nice seeing you,} Panda held up a sign
in one paw, gently pushing Nodoka back the way she'd came with
the other. {Drop by again soon, like next year sometime.}
Ranma-chan kicked her father in the face. "Obasama," she
began, holding Panda tightly by his neck fur. "Isn't feeling
all that well. She's going to spend the night here, where we
can look after her."
"I shouldn't, really," Nodoka tried to desist.
"It's no trouble, Obasama," Kasumi smiled at her.
"And who knows?" Nabiki supplied. "Something strange
could happen and Ranma-kun might make an appearance."
"Do you think it's possible?" Nodoka asked, full of
Panda, holding Ranma in a head-lock, held up a sign {Not
"Around here, we've learned just about anything is
possible." Kasumi supplied helpfully.
"Very well, I'll stay. But you must let me help with
dinner; I just couldn't stand the thought of not helping in
some small way." Her smile slipped slightly and Mrs. Saotome
sighed gently. "But I shouldn't get my hopes up that I might
see my son." Panda and Ranma-chan both nodded vigorously,
although they were still trying to pound each other. "I mean,
I am really ready to face Ranma? I've waited so long to see
him, what if he isn't what I expect? Has his father
succeeded? Will he be a real man?" Uneasily, she fingered
the blade she carried.
Smiling, Kasumi rose to her feet. "I wouldn't worry
about Ranma-kun being a man, Obasama," she motioned the older
woman towards the kitchen. "When you finally meet him, I'm
sure he'll make the cut."

* * *

Dinner was finally done and the family members were
getting ready for bed. Dressed in his pajamas, Ranma-kun
walked out of the tub room and into the laundry chamber.
Catching his reflection, he stopped in front of the mirror and
took a good look at himself. A prideful smirk appeared on his
face and he turned his head to gaze at himself from new
"You are the man, aren't you?" he asked the air, gazing
at his handsome reflection. "Yes you are. Ain't no debate on
that fact. You've proven it to all who ask. Nobody's stood
up against you. The women all want you. You are definitely
the man."
He looked at his reflection straight on and proudly
nodded, the arrogant smirk never leaving his face. "And now,
because you're the man, you know what's going to happen, don't
In an instant, his prideful smirk and posture dissolved
into the idiotic grin of a complete and total moron. With a
mixture of stupid bliss and outright terror, he skipped around
the room, still grinning stupidly. As his path carried him
back in front of the mirror he caught his reflection. Seeing
how he was acting, Ranma paused, then shook his head. Wiping
the grin off his face, he slugged himself once in the cheek.
<G-get a grip, Ranma,> he told himself. <This isn't just
about...well you know. T-there's more to it then just
spending the night with...her...> He gulped. <Now, stop
acting like an idiot. You're doing this for more then just
you.> He began to take rapid, shallow breaths. <She's what
you should be concerned about. You're getting a rare
opportunity to be...i-intimate with don't blow it.
You've taken a bath, brushed your teeth; you're all ready.
It's nothing you haven't done before. Only this time, you're
ready for what happens. This time, you've had time to
He looked at his reflection again. <So how come this
time you're freaking out over it?> He gave up and clawed his
fingers though his hair then slugged himself in the face some
more. <Calm down. Breathe. Just go up there and take things
as they come. Nothing could possibly go wrong. All you've
got to do is cross the house, go up the stairs, and get to
Akane's room without Ofukuro, Oyaji, or Ojisan seeing you in
your male body. No problem.>
Another few deep breaths to steady himself and Ranma
considered himself ready. Standing straight and tall, he took
one final look at his masculine form and nodded. To calm
himself down, he put an arrogant swagger in his step.
Slandering over to the door, he opened it and stepped through.
"There you are Ranma!" shouted Happosai, gleefully
tossing his now empty bucket of water aside. "I was wondering
where you'd gone!" Without further ado, the old hentai buried
himself between her two wet breasts. "I've missed you so much
"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Ranma-chan shouted, driving the old
geezer through a wall. <Great,> she thought, shaking with
anger. <Now I gotta go back and take another hot bath. This
is not turning into a good night...>
"Ranma..." a shaky voice behind her breathed. The
red-head looked horrified, and slowly turned to see Nodoka
standing behind her, a look of blank shock on her face. Ranma
continued to shake, but now from fear. "W-why did he c-call
you Ranma..."
"Uh...uh...uh...because...uh..." With her life at stake,
Ranma's mind put in overtime work; seeing Nodoka start to
slowly undo the ties for the katana was a real motivater.
"Because...uh...because Jiji is a little senile! Yeah, that's
it! He's over a hundred you know, and he has trouble
recognizing people! H-he always calls me Ranma...I'm really
not sure he can tell us apart anymore!" Finished, Ranma had
her two fists clenched together under her jaw and was smiling
her patented wide eyed, 'cute-enough-to-kill' look.
For Ranma, an endless moment of silence followed, then
Nodoka sighed and relaxed; Ranma-chan let go a high pitched,
uneasy laugh. Nodoka recovered her katana and smiled down at
the girl. "I'm sorry for startling you Ranko-chan; I was just
going in for a bath. That water he hit you with must be cold,
would you like to join me?"
Unthinking, Ranma-chan nodded. "Yeah, sure. I need a
bath anyway to return to-WAIT!" Ranma's mind finally caught
up with current events and hit her with a mental hammer. "I
mean...I just had a bath! And this water isn't really all
that cold. I'll be fine!"
Nodoka just cocked her head. "If you say so dear. Good
"Good night, Obasama!" Ranma kept smiling until her
mother had closed the door to the bathrooms. <Great,> she
thought, turning away and letting her smile fall. <Now I've
got to get some hot water from the kitchen.>
She stomped into the kitchen and looked around for the
ubiquitous kettle. She didn't see it anywhere, only the
remains of tonight's dinner. Partially since Nodoka had
helped cook so much extra food, and mostly because Ranma-chan
and Panda couldn't eat their usual amounts without risking
their cover, the family had the rare opportunity of leftovers.
Still searching for the kettle, Ranma's brows furrowed for a
moment. "I wonder where it got to?"
For an answer, someone poured boiling hot water down her
back. Ranma-chan jumped in surprise, and spun around to
clobber the instigator, shapechanging as she did.
"That's hot!" Ranma-kun yelled. Then blinked as he saw
his father standing there, steaming kettle in one hand and
backpack full of camping equipment ready on his back. Tears
of shame flowed unheeded down his cheeks.
"Come on Ranma," his father said. "We're leaving now."
"Your mother's here; that's more then enough reason for
us to take a vacation."
Ranma dropped into a fighting stance. "I'm not going
anywhere Oyaji."
Genma mirrored his son's actions. "You're not serious
are you? Do you remember what she'll do if she sees us? Is
there some reason you want to stay?"
"Hell yes!" Ranma snapped. "Tonight I'm going to
have..." He suddenly stopped. Once again his seldom used
brain had come to the rescue before he could manage to put
both feet, his legs, and his whole lower torso in his mouth.
"...I mean...uh...I'm going to have to look after Ofukuro
while she's sick!"
"Are you mad, boy?! She'll kill us!"
"This is all your stupid fault! Why'd you make that dumb
promise anyway?!"
"Be a man about it!" Genma shouted, charging forwards.
Ranma moved in as well. "It's your fault I'm not!"
Nodoka leaned in through the doorway into the kitchen.
"I'm sorry to disturb you Ranko-chan, but I was wondering if
you tell me where you keep the towels? I'm afraid the
bathroom is all out." She blinked when she caught a good look
at the two figures in the kitchen. "What is going on here?"
The busty red-head and the fuzzy panda turned to face the
elder woman. Cold soup from dinner poured down their hair and
fur. "Oh nothing, Obasama! I was just feeding Panda-chan
here some leftovers, and he spilt it!" She began methodically
slugging the panda's cheek. "He's just so clumsy and stupid

* * *

Much later, the dojo was finally dark and quiet.
Climbing the stairs, Panda let loose a gigantic yawn. Things
downstairs had gone from bad to worse: Nodoka had wanted to
help clean up the mess, and had offered to wash the soup out
of Ranko-chan's hair for her. After much debate, Ranko and
Panda had promised to do the work themselves, and had sent
Nodoka off for her bath. Genma had wished to use the
opportunity presented to hightail it, but for some reason
Ranma had been determined to stay. They'd gotten into another
fight over the whole thing and by the time Nodoka had returned
from the bath, the kitchen was an even bigger mess.
His wife had insisted on helping them, and in fact had
started to fill a bucket of hot water to wash down the floor.
Ranma however had reminded her that she was ill, and that
sleep was very important. Nodoka had tried to resist, but
Ranma-chan had been firm that she should sleep. Finally
Nodoka had given in and went upstairs, seemingly a little
Genma had then made a move for the nearest door, but
Ranma had clobbered him and used the giant ball of fuzz like a
rag to soak up all the spilt liquid. Then she'd kicked her
father around some, and told him that he could go if he wanted
to, but that she was staying.
Panda shook his head. He just couldn't understand his
son sometimes. The whole situation with Nodoka was a matter
of life and honour; both were important for a martial artist,
and as a father and teacher, he strived hard to ensure that
both were maintained in his family. So long as Nodoka never
saw her son or her husband, she had her honour intact, and
they had their lives; seemed pretty clear to him. So how come
his son couldn't understand it?
He plodded over to the guest room, rubbing a paw over his
eyes. With the other, he slid aside the door and slipped
inside, closing the panel behind him.
"W-who's there?"
Panda froze at the sound of the startled voice. Turning
slightly, he looked into the room and saw Nodoka sitting up on
her futon, gazing at him with surprise. Panda blinked, then
snapped his paw; he'd forgotten she was sick.
Taking a step backwards, he groped for the door handle
while holding up a sign. {Gomen. I forgot you where here.
I'll just go.}
Nodoka sighed, a hollow, lonely little noise. "A-arigato
Panda-chan." Her voice sounded taut and strained. Taking a
deep breath, she continued. "P-please understand. It's just
that...I don't want you catch..." All of a sudden,
her words were cut off in a sob. Panda looked at her with
surprise as she brought her hands to her face and began to
whimper; gentle tremors ran through her frame.
Caught between the desire to flee and some long forgotten
internal instinct to help her, Panda hesitated a moment too
long. Just as he made the decision that running was always
the better option, Nodoka quietly called out to him through
her crying. "W-wait...c-could you come here...please..."
After another moment of conflict, Panda closed the door
and padded over to his wife. Sitting down beside her, he
shifted uncomfortably. {Is there something I can help you
with, Oku-san? Please make this brief, as Pandas catch colds
quite quickly.}
Ashamed, Nodoka glanced down at her hands.
"Panda-chan...I...I must apologize...both to you and the
Tendos. You see, I'm really not ill...It's just that I
didn't...I didn't want to come here tonight...I knew this
would happen..." Tears once again started to spill from her
eyes, and her lower jaw began to tremble. Looking as uneasy
as a seven-foot cuddly ball of fur can, Panda glanced around
the darkened room once, then awkwardly reached a paw over and
patted her shoulder gently.
That small action seemed to open the flood gates, and
Nodoka threw herself against the big bear and buried her face
in his fur. Hot tears poured down her face, and she sobbed
brokenly. Panda looked utterly and hopelessly lost and
distressed as his wife broke down before him. All he could
do was gently pat her back with one paw and hold up a sign
saying, {There, there...}
For endless minutes she cried, and Panda just sat there
taking it; feeling even more useless then normal. Eventually,
her sobs lessened, and silence returned once again to the
darkness of the room. Finally, she turned to lay her cheek
against Panda's warm fur and stared out into the blackness.
"Gomennasai, Panda-chan," she whispered quietly. She
sounded better, yet strangely detached from herself, almost as
if it was someone else speaking. "I knew this would happen.
Ever since Ranko-chan convinced me to come here tonight. I
just knew it. That's why I tried to stay away."
{Why?} Panda signed, confused. He'd never remembered
his wife breaking down like this before; she usually was so
strong. {Is there something wrong?}
"No...not really," Nodoka whispered, her eyes unfocused
as she saw things far removed. "It's just that...I don't
expect you to know, but...You was my
wedding anniversary."
The ten thousand arrows of shame came out of nowhere and
unerringly struck Genma. Stabbed through the heart, all Panda
could do was hold up a sign saying, {I...I...I...} "I
really couldn't expect you to know that," Nodoka quietly
continued, oblivious to Panda's quivering. "After all, my
husband never remembered the date either."
{Well, you know...he's been busy training Ranma these
past dozen or so years-}
"Even before he left."
"But that never really bothered me. So long as he was by
my side, I knew I had a place in his heart. Just watching him
come home, crawl into bed and fall asleep was enough for me to
feel content. He doesn't know it, but some mornings I woke up
and just stayed there in bed, watching him sleep." Here, a
small, gentle smile appeared on her face. "It scared me
sometimes, just how much I enjoyed looking at him."
She swallowed a lump in her throat. "But...but I can't
do that anymore. I haven't been able to do that for the past
ten years. I know it's important that he bring Ranma up as a
{Very important,} Panda signed.
"...but I can't help but miss him. Normally, I can be
strong; for Ranma's sake. Except...except tonight. I...I
always break down and cry myself to sleep on the anniversary
of my wedding. Just remembering what it was I've
lost...That's why I didn't want to come here tonight. I
didn't want anyone to know...I've always suffered in silence
before, and I though that this night shouldn't be any
different. But now...but now..."
{But now?} Panda signed, feeling like a five-ton fuzzy
"But now that I've opened up to someone," she quietly
sighed and smiled slightly. "I...I feel...better. Like I've
told my worries to someone who cares. Someone who will listen
to my problems and understand. Almost...almost like I'm with
my husband again." She laughed quietly. "I don't know why,
he never was a good listener. Always talking about this
technique or that, going on about the glory of the Saotome
family. About how he was too busy training to help me with
the house, or get a real job."
{He he he...} Panda signed, looking more and more
ashamed. {Sounds like a real jerk.}
"I loved him," Nodoka whispered; Panda twitched
painfully. "I still do," Nodoka finished, causing the ball of
fur to sag slightly in relief. After another moment she
pulled away from Panda, scooted back a bit and bowed before
him, almost touching her forehead to the floor.
"Domo arigato gozaimas, Panda-chan. Your presence has
made the pain of this night pass more smoothly. I...I am in
your debt."
{Don't mention it.} Panda signed, looking like he just
might kill himself and save her the trouble.

* * *

In her room, Akane checked her reflection in the small
desk mirror she had. She'd been putting on then wiping off
light makeup for the past half hour. She didn't wear the
stuff all that often, and after she'd put it on the first time
she'd wondered if it might seem too formal for the evening
ahead, or if Ranma would even like it. So she'd wiped it off,
and took another look at her reflection. Seeing the same face
staring back at her that she'd always seen, she'd given in and
fished out the makeup again and gave it another try. And
again after she'd put it on she'd wiped it off, thinking it
too much. Now she was thinking that maybe a little wouldn't
As she was fishing for it again, it occurred to her that
this just might be her mind's way of keeping itself occupied
so she didn't have to think about what was about to happen.
<Forget the damn makeup!> she thought, stuffing the kit
into the farthest reaches of her desk and slamming the drawer.
Sighing harshly, her eyes fell once again upon a note she'd
found taped to the duck on her door.
{Not too loud, OK? I've got a test first thing tomorrow.
Love: Nabiki.}
Akane tore the note into little pieces and blushed
furiously. Not only did her sisters know about her private
life, they were criticizing it! At least Kasumi hadn't done
anything other then smile at her as she'd said good night. Of
course, that smile alone had made Akane blush furiously and
had prompted her father to ask if she was coming down with
Soun had just about lost it when he'd first heard that
Ranma was going to be spending the night in Akane's room. It
had taken the daughters several minutes to calm him down
enough for Kasumi to tell him that this wasn't the first time
Ranma had done this. Hearing that had sent Soun into a new
wave a tears and Akane off denying the whole thing. Then
Nabiki began to list the other times: like when Ranma had
thought he was a girl, or when Akane and Ranma had
pretended to be married. Her father had seemed to calm down
after hearing that while Akane had thought nasty thoughts
about her sisters' senses of humour.
A soft knock at the door caused her to jump out of her
chair and blush even more. She took several deep breaths to
try and calm herself. For the last time she bemoaned the fact
that the nightie she'd chosen hadn't been ready yet and
checked herself once more. She was dressed in an unflattering
shapeless yellow pajama shirt and pants that only vaguely
hinted at any curves underneath. She rubbed her arms self
consciously and took a step towards the door. After a final,
audible gulp, she put a smile on her face and opened the door
"I was wondering if you were ever going to be finished
down there-"
"Akane-chan!" Happosai shouted, diving through the now
open doorway. "My old bones get so cold at night! Let an old
man sleep with you two lovely women and keep warm!"
"Arrggg!" Akane cried, stumbling backwards into her
room. The old goat followed up on his advantage and leapt
towards her bosom; her eyes snapped shut and she braced
With an empty *klang*, something plopped to the floor.
Akane cracked open an eye to see Ranma-chan standing there in
her pajamas, holding a wrapped up sleeping bag in her arms
like a weapon, and the old freak lying on the carpet.
"Just what do you think you're doing Jiji?!" the red-head
asked, looking mad enough to chew nails. The ancient hentai
rose proudly to his full eighteen inches of height and looked
back at the two young girls.
"I'm spending the night here with you two."
"The Hell you are."
"I'm your chaperon," the proud pervert pronounced. "We
can't let two young people who are engaged just spend the
night alone without any supervision. What would your parents
think?! I'm just doing this for your own good. Someday
you'll thank me!" He leapt towards Ranma's ample chest.
Ranma swung the bedroll like a club. For a roll of
cloth, it made a surprisingly metallic *klunk* as it connected
with Happosai's head. As this was happening Akane had pulled
her window pane aside, just in time to allow Happosai to fly
away without breaking any glass.
Snarling unfriendly things, Ranma kicked the door closed
as Akane relatched the window. Glancing at the other girl,
Akane licked her lips in embarrassment. "Uh...Ranma? What's
with the...uh...bedroll?"
Loosening the ties, Ranma let the cloth unroll. In
between the folds, a dented kettle became visible. "I'd
rather not explain to our parents why I'm heading to your room
with a kettle of hot water." She began to blush as she picked
it up. "I mean...they might get the...uh...wrong idea."
Akane nodded and looked down at her toes, blushing as
well. The two stood there for a moment, neither moving or
saying anything, but both dealing with a maelstrom of emotions
and thoughts. Finally, Ranma took a deep breath and tried a
comforting smile. She closed her eyes and moved the kettle
over her head and began to tip it.
Something stopped her. Opening her eyes, Ranma saw Akane
standing next to her, one hand on hers, keeping the kettle
"Ranma," Akane asked very quietly. "Can we talk?"

* * *

The guest room was silent and dark. The soft sounds of
breathing from the single occupant did not disturb the quiet
of the night. A rustle came from the doorway, and into the
darkness slipped a large, round figure. Very carefully, Panda
tip-toed into the room and slid the panel closed with its
foot. In each paw an item was held, dangling from a handle.
Stealthfully padding over to the sleeping woman, Saotome Genma
stepped around his wife's sword and placed the bucket of cold
water nearby. Now free, both hands grasped the kettle and
held it above his head.
He couldn't believe it; for the first time since he could
remember, he'd lost a battle to a foe he'd easily beaten
before. The foe was weak, out of practice, and easily cowed
into submission. Only this time, the foe had rallied its
forces, marshaled an attack, and in a stunning display had
triumphed over him. He dumped the contents of the kettle over
his head.
For Saotome Genma had finally lost a battle to his
No matter how much he wanted to run, no matter how much
years of practice had made him adept in dodging
responsibility, the sight of his wife's tears had undone him.
Putting the empty kettle down, Genma sat as well.
Sitting cross-legged, he made sure that the bucket of cold
water was within easy reach. Then, after taking a deep
breath, and praying, and praying some more, he reached out and
gently grabbed the comforter around his sleeping wife.
Easing it around her, he wrapped her up snugly in the
comforter and ever so gently lifted her off the futon. With
exaggerated care, he pulled her up so she was leaning against
him, her head resting against his shoulder, her body cradled
against his. Looking down into her face, he was unable to
continue; he could only stare at the beautiful features of the
woman before him.
After a moment, he swallowed, and moved his free arm up
to her face. With the back of his fingers, he lovingly
caressed a smooth cheek. After a few strokes her facial
muscles twitched lightly, and she murmured in her sleep. He
continued his actions, and after a large twitch her eyes
fluttered slightly. Barely awake, she looked up at him.
Genma took a deep breath, and smiled. "Hello dear," he
Nodoka blinked sleepily. "Dearest," she whispered back;
he nodded gently. She was silent a moment, then smiled a soft
smile and continued. "T-this must be a dream."
"Yes, it is." <Good thing I remembered she's always half
asleep when she first wakes up. All I have to do is not get
her too excited and everything will be fine.> His face still
displaying a look of gentle affection, he smiled at her. "It
is a dream, but it does come from my heart. And I just wanted
to say happy anniversary darling. And that...that I
love you; my precious wife."
"Dearest," Nodoka whispered, tears gathering in the
corners of her eyes. "Y-you remembered."
"How could I forget the most important day of my life?
The day you agreed to be by my side? How little you think of
me," he gently chided.
"Forgive me."
"Hush, all is forgiven. Now need your sleep
my pretty one. I'll be here with you till morning."
" is Ranma?"
Genma 'urked' slightly.
"Is he a man?" she sleepily asked.
"Is" Genma repeated, now sounding a little
uneasy. <Ranma? Again? I don't remember her being this
narrow-minded when I married her.>
"Dearest?" Nodoka asked, her brow furrowing, sounding
slightly more awake.
"Hush," Genma returned, stroking her cheek again. "I'll
tell you all about your son." He took a deep breath and
looked down into the trusting, eager face of the woman he
He let the breath go; he just couldn't lie to Nodoka.
Not now. Any other time yes, but just not now. Mentally, he
cursed his conscience; he'd have to tell the truth, and damned
be the results.
"Nodoka, your son is...your son is..."
"Your son is unique among men." Genma said. "He stands
all alone in the crowd. All the men follow his lead, all the
women too. He has done things no other man could possibly
hope to accomplish. I can honestly say: I've never met
another man quite like our son."
Nodoka held onto her tears no longer and they flowed
freely down her cheeks, some of them pooling against the back
of Genma's fingers. Rustling slightly, she pulled an arm from
the comforter Genma had wrapped her up in and raised it to his
face. Touching his cheek slightly, she cried silently.
"I miss you."
"I miss you too. However, it is important that your son
be raised correctly. Trust me on this, my darling Nodoka.
Leave everything to me." Jerkily, he leaned down and kissed
her once on her forehead. "Now sleep my angel. I'll be here
to comfort you."
Sighing contentedly, Nodoka relaxed against him; her one
free hand resting gently against his shoulder. Her face, no
longer lined with sorrow, shone with a smile that stabbed at
Genma's heart. Waiting until he was sure his wife was asleep,
Genma just watched her, his eyes getting moist.
<Maybe...maybe I should return to her...> he thought.
<Hasn't she suffered enough over the years? Ranma is a man,
she'll have to see that...maybe we can be a family again.>
He turned his head away, and his gaze fell upon the
katana lying beside the futon.
<Then again, maybe not.>
Sighing slightly, he began to ease her back down to the
futon. All of a sudden, Nodoka twisted over. "Dearest!" she
whispered in her sleep, turning her body around and pulling
her legs up, hitting the bucket of water as she did so. Her
arms shot out from under the comforter fully, and she locked
them around Genma's neck with a strength Akane would have been
proud of.
Still asleep, Nodoka made happy noises as Genma, his wife
holding him about the neck in an embrace he couldn't possibly
break without waking her, watched with horror as the spilled
water from the bucket was soaked up by the floor mats.
<> he thought, then slowly
looked over at the nearby katana. He swallowed a large,
painful lump. <No. This...IS...trouble...>

* * *

Ranma looked over at Akane with shock. She was still
holding her hand on Ranma's, keeping the kettle from
overturning. After a moment the red-head found her voice.
"What are you doing, Akane?"
"I...I want to talk to you Ranma. It''s about
Ranma brought the kettle down and looked at her with a
bit of disappointment. "I-if you don't want
anything...then just tell me. I can deal with it. Although I
admit I'm a little disappointed, that's something-"
"That's not it," Akane cut her off. "I...I don't
mind...being with you tonight," her face flamed. "It's just
that..." Akane looked uneasy and took a moment to continue.
"I-I want you to get rid of the kettle first."
Ranma's eyes widened as she stared at Akane. Suddenly,
she took a step back. "You want me to stay like this?! And
you call me a hentai?!" She said, her voice rising.
Akane blushed angrily, glaring at the other. "It's not
like that!" she returned, her own voice going up. "If you'd
just listen-"
"It sure seems that way to me! Maybe you really are
getting to be too much of a tomboy! Your testosterone levels
must be way outta sync!"
Akane had picked up her wooden sword at the tomboy
comment and was advancing on Ranma. "Listen jerk! This is
for your own good!"
"How is being as sick as you are going to be good for
"I am not sick!"
A loud thump shook the wall adjoining Nabiki's room.
Through the building's frame, both heard Nabiki bellow, "I
told you two to do it quietly!"
The two blushed even more, but returned to whispering.
"Listen Ranma," Akane began. "Let me make one thing clear.
If you use the kettle, you're sleeping on the roof tonight."
"Maybe I should," Ranma returned. "It sure beats your
"There's a reason why this has to be Ranma!"
"Oh yeah? And what's that? Curiosity? Can't get enough
of me in my real body? Or just showing what you really go
Akane took a deep breath and let it out through clenched
teeth. "Do you remember what happened to me after our...first
time?" She asked, still holding the sword pointed at the
other. Ranma blinked in surprise and seemed to think for a
"Umm...yeah. That's when you thought that you might
be..." Suddenly, Ranma's blue eyes went wide. "Are you
telling me that you're...and that if'll get...p-pr-"
Akane nodded, blushing. "You might not pay attention to
these things when you're a girl, but I pay attention to mine.
And I'm telling you, you're not spending tonight in my room as
a boy."
Ranma blinked once more, then shot past Akane. Reaching
the window, she yanked the pane aside and sent the kettle
flying across the neighborhood. Shutting the glass, she sat
down heavily on the bed; Akane watched her for a moment, then
turned away and clicked the lights off. Putting her sword
away, the dark-haired girl moved to the bed and sat down
beside Ranma.
"I never even thought about it," Ranma muttered quietly,
her anger gone. She had her hands on her knees and looked
down at the floor, avoiding Akane's eyes. "I mean...after
that scare the first time, I just thought we'd dodged the
bullet. I-I didn't really think it could happen again."
"It's always possible Ranma. It's just that...after we
had that scare, I've been keeping real close track. Since we
don't get together...I mean really together, all that often,
it hasn't been an issue. Tonight just...just had the
misfortune of falling on a bad day for me."
"Really bad day."
"Yeah." For a time both were silent, just listening to
each other breathe. Finally, Akane glanced down at her hands,
clasped in her lap.
"R-Ranma? If you don't want to...I, I understand. I
know you don't like being a girl and all."
"Yeah," Ranma replied, scratching the back of her head.
Glancing slightly at Akane from the corners of her eyes, she
timidly asked, "Well...what if...what if I said it didn't
matter?" Akane turned to face her and Ranma looked away,
shifting uneasily. "I wouldn't think I'm some kind
of weirdo...would you?" <If she ever finds out what I did
with Kuno she'll really think I'm a freak! Not that I'm ever
going to let something like that happen again!>
Akane stared at her for a moment. Then she whispered,
"No, I don't think either of us is a werido for...wanting
this." <Just as long as he never finds out what I did with
Shampoo! Not that I'm ever going to get dragged into
something like that again!>
"Why?" Ranma asked, trying to come to grips with what she
was feeling. Akane looked away for a moment, trying to
collect her thoughts. Finally, she turned back and rested a
hand on the shorter girl's shoulder.
"'ve already...been with me. We both can
agree there was nothing weird about that, can't we?"
"Other then the fact we actually managed to do
"And this," she brushed Ranma's red hair, "isn't the
real you. That's something deep down inside of you; it
doesn't change with your bust size. I've been with it before,
and...and that's what I'm choosing to spend the night with."
Ranma looked embarrassed as she turned to face Akane.
Slowly, her arms reached out to encircle Akane's waist as the
Tendo girl rested her arms on Ranma's shoulders.
"So then how come I've been so nervous over tonight? I
never had this much trouble the other times."
"I think," Akane said, "that it's not our being together
that's the trouble, it's the fact that for the first time,
we've actually had time to think about it. Before, it always
just sort of happened, and there wasn't any time to worry.
Today, we knew we were going to do this eventually, and it
just scared the daylights out of us."
"I'm not scared now," Ranma-chan whispered.
"Nor am I," Akane replied.
<I'm terrified,> they both thought to themselves.
Ranma licked her lips slightly. "I-I'll need your help,
Akane. It's-it's not like I've ever really done anything in
my girl body before."
Akane looked at her with a gentle expression. "Really?
I can't imagine why not." Softly, she raised a hand to
Ranma's cheek and gently caressed it. "You're so beautiful
like this, so sexy," she breathed. "I can't believe you
haven't tried anything."
"Uh...well, now that you mention it..." Ranma collapsed
under the gentle probing. "I know...once
maybe, I actually...kind of, felt what it was like-"
"Aha!" Akane snapped suddenly, grinning; Ranma looked at
her in surprise. "I knew a sex fiend like yourself couldn't
resist!" The red-head's face suddenly matched the colour of
her hair. Akane, still ginning, leaned in and began tickling
Ranma's ribs, softly chanting, "Sex fiend, sex fiend,
sex-sex-sex-sex-sex fiend!"
Ranma, looking embarrassed, grabbed Akane's hands and
pulled on them. Twisting around as she went, Ranma pulled
Akane down on the bed with her. For a few moments they
playfully wrestled each other until Ranma ended up behind
Akane, pinning her arms against her chest.
"I'm a sex fiend?" Ranma asked, grinning. "I'm suppose
to do it with a girl normally. You're the one who's acting
like a hentai."
"Tell me that to my face," Akane taunted.
"OK," Ranma replied. In a swift motion, she spun Akane
around so she faced her. Still holding Akane's arms immobile,
Ranma smiled and continued. "Tendo Akane, you are a
That last bit was due to the fact that Akane had used the
opportunity to lean close to Ranma and put their lips
together. Both trembled a little bit at the contact, then
eased their heads in a little more to increase the pressure of
their kiss. Ranma released Akane's arms, and they each
encircled the other in an embrace.
Pulling their bodies together, they released the kiss and
gently traced the other's face with their lips. "You know,"
Ranma whispered, a wonderful chill running across her nerves,
"we don't fit together as well as we usually do."
Akane ran a hand around from behind Ranma's body and
playfully traced a finger over one of the red-head's breasts.
"These are getting in the way," she giggled. Slowly, her hand
worked its way up to Ranma's neck and gently began to unclasp
her nightshirt. Ranma slid her hands up the bottom of Akane's
loose shirt and across her smooth back. Gently following
Akane's body, Ranma searched for the openings for Akane's
shirt from the inside.
Akane rolled over slightly till she was sitting over
Ranma's body. Lightly kissing her fiance, she moved her head
down until she could take the top clasp in her teeth. With a
gentle tug, she popped it open and let it go. Moving down,
she repeated the gesture with the next one. As she got lower,
Ranma's hands slipped out of the yellow shirt, having known
all along that it was a pullover.
Akane reached the bottom clasp on Ranma's shirt and undid
it with her teeth as well. Gently, she raised her arms up
through the open front and spread the shirt open. Keeping
Ranma's back against the bed, Akane leaned back down and
kissed her just above the pants. Then reversing her action,
she traveled up the center of Ranma's front, now kissing the
smooth skin at each spot where a clasp had been undone.
Ranma shivered slightly at the sensation, and ran her
hands gently through Akane's soft hair. The taller girl
reached Ranma's breasts and placed a soft kiss between the
two. Ranma whimpered softly and tried to redirect the stream
of kisses by pressure from her hands. Akane yielded to this
suggestion and gently licked her way up Ranma's right breast.
Reaching the nipple, Akane ran her tongue around it for a
moment, savouring the sensation as she felt it go hard.
For Ranma, this new experience got even more intense when
Akane tenderly began to suck. It was something she'd never
felt before, and most of her just fell passive at the
sensation. Rather then travel to the other breast, Akane
continued up Ranma's body after a few moments. Moving down
the mound of the red-head's breast, Akane nuzzled her way up
to Ranma's neck, then they groped for each other's mouths for
a moment before kissing, letting their tongues intertwine.
Ranma rose to a sitting position, gently pushing Akane up
before her. Pulling her arms out of her shirt, Ranma freed
her small torso and tossed the garment aside. Sliding her
hands down Akane's front, Ranma traced over her breasts, then
reached the waist of the other girl. Pulling the loose end of
the shirt out, Ranma ducked and twisted, pulling the shirt
over her own head and slipped in against Akane.
While loose for just Akane, Ranma filled up the remaining
space in the shirt. Ranma's breasts were squinched against
the other girl as the red-head started to explore Akane's
chest. Above, Akane moaned softly as she felt Ranma's hard
nipples against her tummy while a tongue and fingers gently
caressed her breasts. This close, Ranma worked gently; her
nose filled by the wonderful scent of her fiancee.
As Ranma gently licked her, Akane started to push her
hips against the other girl in a gentle up and down motion.
Tracing her hands down the outside of her shirt, and Ranma's
body underneath, Akane reached the bottom and pulled upwards.
Stretching, the shirt lifted off the bodies of the two girls
and Akane stripped it off. Holding Ranma's naked torso
directly now, Akane eased them both down to the pillows, and
reluctantly moved her own body down far enough to kiss the
other on the lips.
As their tongues met, their hands gently rubbed at the
exposed breasts of the other; each gently pushed against the
other, trying to increase the pressure being applied to their
sensitive nipples. Further down, both were flexing their legs
slightly and grinding gently against the other. Akane broke
the kissing and moved her head to breath deeply into Ranma's
ear. While the red-head pecked slightly at the other's neck,
Akane lowered her hands down Ranma's body.
Reaching her waist, she started to push down the other's
pants. After a moment, Akane pulled herself away from Ranma's
embrace, resisting Ranma's tries to pull her back. Sitting
up, Akane yanked on the pants more forcefully, and with a
little help, slid them off Ranma's smooth legs, leaving the
red-head only in a pair of male boxers. Staring down at
Ranma's near naked form, Akane suffered a twinge of jealousy
at the proportions of the girl under her. That feeling passed
as she saw the eager look on Ranma's face as she tried to pull
Akane's bottoms off. Ranma sat up and pushed Akane back
down. For a moment, her mouth returned to softly milk at
Akane's nipples. After listening to Akane moan out her name,
Ranma rose up, using her fingers to gently play with Akane's
breasts. Softly caressing them, Ranma kept Akane there for
some time, just playing with the other, enjoying the sounds of
Akane's moans. Finally, face flushed, Ranma let go and
grabbed Akane's legs. Holding them up, Ranma-chan tugged at
the fabric covering them, slowly revealing Akane's creamy
skinned, long legs. Seeing her there, clad only in a pair of
panties, Ranma gulped once and traced her hands back down
Akane's legs, reached for the garment. Akane stopped the
other's hand and sat up; as Ranma looked at her in surprise,
Akane kissed her and gently eased the other to the bed. Once
there, Akane hovered over the red-head and gently started to
ease down the boxers.
Letting them go, Ranma started to blush uneasily.
Reluctantly slipping them off her feet, Ranma looked up at the
other as Akane placed her hand against Ranma's stomach, then
started to move it downwards.
"Umm...Akane? What do I-"
"Just relax, Ranma. Ease your legs apart a little and
relax. I'm not going to hurt you." Akane rested her flank
right next to Ranma and gently ran her left hand through the
red hair. Her other hand flowed over the smooth skin and
rounded Ranma's hip. <He's so soft like this,> she thought.
<Not like the other times we've been together...>
Teasingly, Akane let her fingers gently caress Ranma's
inner calves. Gulping, Ranma reached one hand over and
timidly copied the motion on Akane's body. After a moment,
both sighed softly, then looked at each other and grinned in
Akane reached in, bringing her fingers to lie gently
against Ranma's new sex. Ranma's mouth twitched for a moment,
then, shakenly, she moved her hand to Akane's middle, worming
a finger under the band of Akane's panties. The taller girl
'mmmhhed' slightly and lowered her hand from Ranma's hair to
gently rub one of the other's exposed breasts. Ranma moved
her right arm up under Akane's body and embraced her, the
fingers resting against Akane's right nipple.
Softly tracing the sides of the entryway, Akane ran her
fingers in stroking motions up and down. She could feel
moisture just at the edges of the lower lips as Ranma's hips
slightly rocked from side to side. Breathing softly across
the other's face, Akane ran a finger over the entryway, and
heard her fiance coo beside her.
Swallowing against a dry throat, Ranma copied Akane's
actions, somewhat hindered by the tight press of the panties
against her finger. Softly, Ranma's finger flowed over the
curves of Akane's inner thigh. Finally, she could feel Akane
gently stroke the folds of skin aside. "A-Akane, I...I hurt
you the...uh...first time...didn't I?"
"Only a little," she replied. "Don't worry, its not that
"Who's worried," Ranma replied, trying to sound as macho
as she could under the present circumstances. "I'm just
wondering if-" In one smooth, slow motion, Akane eased a
finger inside Ranma's vagina. Feeling it, Ranma sucked in a
deep breath and twitched. Her own fingers clumsily probed
Akane before they too slipped in through the wetness present.
For a moment, the two of them just lay there, breathing
softly and moaning. After a moment, Akane continued to move
in, then pull back out along the front of the entry, feeling
the tightness and wetness present; Ranma mirrored this as best
as she could. Teasing and exploring the red-head, Akane
circled the entry and tunnel, her fingers pressed tightly by
the enclosing pathway. Slowly, she pushed in, more and more
of her finger getting coated by the wetness. Both of their
hips were moving in small circles and their breathing was deep
as this continued.
Akane encountered some impediment, and pulled back her
finger slightly. Adding her middle finger to the pointer, she
jerked it back in forcefully. There was a moment of something
giving away, and Ranma gave a small grunt.
"Was...was that..."
"I think so," Akane replied. "You might have loosened
your's by being so active." Feeling a little guilty over
wanting to 'take' Ranma, Akane pulled her now moist fingers
out and ran them softly under the fold of skin for Ranma's
Ranma gasped and her hands began to shake slightly, the
motion of the one hand against Akane's moist sex causing Akane
to moan. Dragging the finger around Ranma's sex, Akane worked
to stroke Ranma up higher and higher. Following as best she
could, Ranma tried the same on Akane. Pushing into the
tightness that snugly held her fingers, Ranma pulled them out
to run a bit of wetness over Akane's clitoris before gently
plunging back inside her. Each felt the warmth spread to
other regions as they kept it up.
Akane finally pulled her hand away, causing Ranma to moan
out her name. She grabbed her panties and eased them down her
legs, forcing Ranma's hand away. Once she'd disposed of them,
Ranma tried to return her hands, but Akane moved down the body
prone before her. Easing Ranma's legs even further part,
Akane stared at the other's soft and glistening entry.
As Ranma gaped at her, Akane leaned in and gave the
red-head a soft lick. Ranma moaned at the wonderful feeling
and let her head fall backwards on the pillows. For a moment,
Akane wondered what it was Ranma tasted when he'd done this to
her. Softly, Akane stroked her tongue over Ranma's sex,
occasionally worming inside the other. While Ranma moaned
and squirmed at Akane's gentle probing, her hands found her
own breasts and began to squinch them, helping the emotions
along. Akane eased one of her own hands down her body, and
rubbed her own honey-damp clitoris.
After a few minutes of this, Akane rose up, the area
around her mouth damp. Gasping, she moved forwards till she
covered Ranma's body completely. As Ranma tried to move down
her body, Akane stopped her and nestled against the other.
Slipping her right leg in-between both of Ranma's, she leaned
forward and ground the front of her calf against Ranma's moist
Ranma moaned as Akane pressed her whole weight against
her. Raising her hands to encircle Akane's waist, Ranma
moaned, "Akane, let me do that..." Akane shook her head
slightly and rocked forwards again. Ranma moaned again and
tightened her embrace of Akane, bringing her sweaty body
closer. Bending her right leg at the knee, Ranma pushed her
own calf up against Akane's entrance.
Sweating, Akane continued to rock hard against Ranma's
body. For the red-head, it was an interesting, yet scary
experience. While unquestionably liking the sensations, it
was uneasy feeling exactly just how much she wanted Akane
*inside* her. Using her right arm to hold Akane close,
Ranmaslipped her left hand in between their pelvises. Pushing
through the tight press of their two bodies, she pressed into
Akane's wet sex again.
Whimpering, Akane dropped her forehead to the pillow
beside Ranma's head. Taking her weight off her left arm,
Akane moved it down the red-head's trembling form. Following
the other's actions, Akane slipped her hand in between their
bodies and poked Ranma's clitoris, earning a soft squeal from
As the two kept moving their hips together, their
entrapped hands were shoved and pulled, their fingers yanking
slightly on the other's sex. Grunting, Ranma pressed her
sweaty cheek against Akane's and relished the feeling as her
breasts were squished and pulled by Akane's moving body. The
pressure that had built up inside Ranma got even greater.
Shuddering, she planted her feet and lifted her hips off the
bed, causing Akane's full weight to press down against her.
Feeling this, Akane pressed her finger in hard. Gasping,
Ranma arched her back and stared unseeing at the roof as the
warm sensation burst into a flood that rushed out from her
middle to cover her body. Ranma shuddered and felt muscles
ripple throughout her body, then a wetness run down her middle
as ecstasy claimed her.
After a long moment, Ranma's muscles unclenched as the
pleasure slowly began to flow away. As she collapsed back
against the bed, the force of her landing drove her hand hard
against Akane; this sudden push against her caused Akane to
pant repeatedly. Pulling her fingers from Ranma's wet entry,
Akane grabbed the other's hand and pressed it as hard as she
could against herself.
Whimpering into Ranma's ear, Akane's legs trembled and
she let herself go against her fiancee. Torso shivering,
Akane sobbed happily as she felt herself release onto Ranma's
fingers. Through her own diminishing bliss, Ranma could feel
Akane cry out quietly as she orgasmed.
A few moments were spent with the two of them regaining
their breath. Akane rolled off Ranma and lay by her side.
Running her hand up, Akane rested it gently against one of the
red-head's breasts and softly stroked it with the tip of her
finger. Ranma wrapped both arms about Akane's waist and
closed her eyes, enjoying the sensations as they slowly faded
from a blazing warmth to a relaxed, comfortable feeling.
" it always like that?" Ranma asked quietly, her
voice husky. Akane snuggled a little closer and nodded
"Pretty much," she replied, nuzzling the other's ear with
her nose. "I do have one question for you though."
Still stroking Ranma's breast, Akane blushed. "W-which
do you like better: as a guy, or as a girl?"
Ranma also blushed, keenly aware of how good Akane's
gentle massage felt. After a moment, the red-head licked her
lips. "Ah...well...this was...nice..."
"That's it?"
" was great," Ranma was blazing red as she talked.
"But...really, I'm a guy and...and I just can't describe just can't understand how a guys feels when
it...ah...happens...the desperate hunger I feel building up,
and then...that final, explosive release..."
Akane grinned slightly and kept on blushing.
"Good...I...I prefer you as a guy anyway."
Ranma rubbed the back of her head with her free hand and
looked up at the ceiling, uncomfortable yet smiling at Akane's
statement. "Well...I'm kinda stuck like this for now."
"I know," Akane replied, running her lips gently over
Ranma's cheek. "But let's make the best of it, shall we?"
After a moment, she giggled slightly. "You know, you taste
different like this."

* * *

The sounds of Nabiki expressing one of her unflattering
opinions regarding the morning worked their way through the
sleep that clouded Akane's mind. The padding of Nabiki's feet
and her voice both faded as she walked down the hall, but
Akane resisted the desire to return to sleep. Although
tempted to just return to the wonderful world of slumber, some
part of her recognized that if Nabiki was up enough to
complain about how early it was, then it was definitely too
late to sleep in.
Yawning, she began to stretch while still lying down,
only to find she was somewhat entrapped; blinking, she opened
her eyes and looked around. Beside Akane, lying on her back,
Ranma still snoozed dead to the world. Akane was cuddled up
against her left side, the blanket pulled up over Akane's
shoulders. Ranma had wrapped her left arm under and around
Akane's torso, holding the girl to her. The red-head's other
arm was flung wide over the edge of the bed, and she'd managed
to work the bed sheet down on herself so that her right breast
was visible. Her head was thrown back, her hair was wild, and
her mouth hung wide open so Akane could hear the rumbling
timbre of Ranma's deep throated breathing.
Seeing this sight, Akane couldn't help but giggle.
<Imagine *wanting* to wake up next to a face like that,> she
thought. Her grin faded into a smile, and after a moment, she
reached over and started to comb Ranma's hair into place.
Once that was done, she stretched over and pulled the
red-head's right arm back in. Holding it for a moment, Akane
settled it down over her own hip, so that Ranma's arms
encircled her completely. Gently, she reached up and eased
Ranma's jaw closed; then pulled the sheets up over Ranma's
When she was finished, Ranma looked at peace; the usual
hard edge of pride present on her features was softened into
something serene. Having done this, Akane spent several
moments just staring at the face beneath her; deep in her
chest, she could feel her heart thumping away as she watched
the other sleep. Her mind couldn't deal with the scene before
her, and she'd never be able to recall quite what Ranma looked
like just then; however, she would remember how she felt.
Lowering her head, she gently snuggled one last time up
against Ranma's neck. <She'd look better with darker hair and
a more angular face; but then it wouldn't be 'her.'> Akane
thought, smiling. <And that's the point, isn't it? I don't
want 'her,' I want...him...>
Sighing, she raised her head up and touched Ranma's lips
gently with her own. Softly tracing them over the other's
face, Akane watched as Ranma muttered and started to twitch in
her sleep. Finally, the red-head shook her head and yawned.
Blinking, she opened and eyes and looked around sleepily. Her
eyes finally focused on the image of a softly smiling Akane
just inches away; Ranma abruptly snapped fully awake and tried
to recoil away.
"Ohayo," Akane said quietly, still smiling. A second
later, Ranma's brain woke up as well, and she realized that
she wasn't going to get a beating for her present location.
She let loose a thankful sigh.
"Ohayo," Ranma-chan returned, tightening her embrace on
Akane. She took a deep breath and gently kissed Akane, who
returned the gesture. After a few moments of enjoying this,
Akane rolled off Ranma.
"We should probably get up now," Akane said, one arm
holding the bed sheet to her chest modestly. "It is a school
"Yeah," Ranma muttered. "I want to check in on Ofukuro
and see how she's doing." Neither of them moved for a moment,
just stared at the other's face. Finally, getting a little
embarrassed, Ranma sat up and stretched, exposing her breasts
as she worked out the night's kinks. "Well, let's go."
Akane remained lying down, holding the blanket to
herself. "You go first, I'd like a little privacy while I
Scratching the back of her head, Ranma frowned slightly.
"Why? It's not like you've got anything to hide."
Akane's eyes blazed. "Ranma!"
Seeing her expression, Ranma struggled to explain. "No,
wait! I mean...I've already seen everything you've got to
offer." That didn't seem to do any better. "No! That's not
what I meant! I mean...Argggg!" She gave up and grimaced in
Under the sheets, Akane bent her leg, then kicked. Ranma
was booted square on the butt and shot out from under the
sheets to end up on the floor. Grunting, she rose to her
feet, rubbing her sore bottom. Quickly pulling on her pajamas
while under the gaze of Akane's glower, she headed for the
door muttering, "Kawaikune."
"Look who's talking. You should see yourself in the
morning," Akane returned, sticking out her tongue. After
Ranma returned the gesture and closed the door behind her,
Akane broke out into a grin.
<I sure hope that nightie I picked out comes in soon,>
she thought. Then, she eased out of bed and started dressing.
Ranma walked down the hall, one hand rubbing the back of
her head self-consciously and smiling a little. Akane
obviously hadn't been too mad since she hadn't punctuated her
comments with any nearby heavy furniture. Maybe, just maybe,
things were actually working out between them. <Wouldn't that
be nice,> thought Ranma, reaching her normal room. <I could
do with a few less complications in my life.>
"Ofuku...I mean, Obasama? Are you up yet?" Ranma called
softly. Not hearing anything, she started to slide the door
aside. "Obasama? I'm sorry, but I need to get at my
Ranma peaked in; the shock of what she saw inside caused
her to slam the door completely open in surprise. Before
Ranma, she saw her parents together: her mother with a
wonderful smile of peace on her sleeping face, and the
trembling, wasted remains of her father still holding the
woman who held onto his neck tightly. Slowly, Genma turned
sunken, hollow eyes towards his son as Ranma just stared in
"B-boy," Genma croaked out, looking like he hadn't gotten
a single wink of sleep the whole night.

* * *

Swinging her arms, Akane was almost bouncing as she
headed off to school. A bright smile on her face, she glanced
over at the person walking beside her.
"Come on, Ranma; things aren't that bad."
Beside her, the red-head in the matching school dress
uniform only glowered in return.
"I mean, there's nothing you can do about the fact your
mother was so energetic this morning that she put all your
clothes in the wash."
"But she didn't have to make me go to school in a dress!
I can't even walk on the fence now!" Ranma wailed; Akane
"Well, you have to admit that Obasama sure seems better
this morning. I thought she was kind of moody yesterday, but
this morning she was so happy and full of energy. I've never
seen someone do so much work before breakfast."
Ranma nodded, rubbing her stomach. "All that cleaning
and housework and a great breakfast too. I asked her about
it, and she just said that she'd had a wonderful dream and
felt better then she had in a long time. I couldn't get
anymore out of her 'cause she disappeared to take Oyaji for a
"He seemed sort of stressed out this morning, didn't he?"
"Yeah, but not as stressed out as I'm going to be! I've
got to spend the whole day as a girl since there's no way I'm
changing back to a guy while wearing this stupid dress!"
Ranma ground her teeth. "At least after we left the house I
could take off that damn bow Ofukuro put in my hair."
Akane laughed. "But it was so kawaii!"
"This isn't funny! The only good thing I can see in all
this is that gym class is canceled today for some reason, so I
don't have to take off this dress with all those other
perverts around."
Suddenly Akane stopped. Ranma halted and looked at her,
concerned. For no apparent reason, Akane began to snicker.
After a moment it broke into full fledged laughter and she
grabbed her sides, shaking.
"Ranma," Akane laughed through gasps for air. "I just
remembered why gym is canceled today!"
Akane looked up at her and laughed even harder. "We're
getting ouryearbook photos taken instead!"

Author's Notes:

Yes, I's long. Really long. I don't know what
happened, It wasn't this long when I was planing it. But for
some reason, when I started to type it out, it just kept
getting longer and longer. To bad I'm not getting paid by the
word (too bad I'm not getting paid, period).
Anyway, enough of my own multiple problems and onto
talking about this fic. Some of you are going to ask why I
didn't have a Nodoka sex scene, but I have my reasons.
Firstly, I'm a hopeless romantic and like tender, loving
scenes. I also couldn't think of a way for her and Genma to
get together without bringing up the 'is Ranma a man' issue,
and I didn't want to deal with that. I also felt that Nodoka
needed a comforting, tender scene rather then a romp with her
The main reason is that I read Ranma manga Vol. 36 as I
was about to write this thing.
After seeing exactly how big of a bastard Genma was for 2/3 of
that storyline, there was no way in hell I was going to let
him get lucky. Yes, I'm small and spiteful, but if you
haven't read 36 yet, trust me; I went easy on him. ^_^
For all the Mousse fans (and judging by the mail I got
regarding my last chapter, there are many), don't worry. I
will be doing more with him in the next installment, so please
don't send me nasty things about how I should die for my
treatment of him. Personally, I think he's taking continued
rejection by Shampoo after they had sex rather well, and he'll
come through eventually. Remember, every duck has its day.
For in-jokes, I'm going to save myself answering some
letters and ID some of them here:
The substitute teacher is Godai Yusaku from Maison
Ikkoku. The girl who's chasing him is Yagami from later in
the MI series, a student who develops a serious crush on him.
Yagami is perhaps the most single-minded, vicious, and
determined young woman Takahashi-megamisama has ever created;
she's also my favourite character in all of anime/manga. ^_^
The two girls are Hikaru and Madoka from KOR, the master
Kuno is talking about it Kasuga from the same series. (In
other words, Kuno is training under someone who can't make his
mind up between two women either. Go figure.)
The purple-haired waitress is Nuku Nuku, the all purpose
cultural cat girl. Mousse mistakes Akane for Mizuno Ami, AKA:
Sailor Mercury, and Nodoka for Makoto, AKA: Sailor Jupiter.
And before you mention it, yes, I do watch far too much anime
for my own good.

Last episode, I had a list of translated names for some
of the Ranma cast, and now I must apologize for a mistake. I
translated Genma as 'illusionary horse.' Unfortunately, I
translated the wrong 'Gen' character, so basically, I screwed
The real translation for Genma is: 'dark (or mysterious)
horse.' I'm surprised no one caught my screw up (must mean
that no one reads my fics). So, for my incompetence I must
say: Gomennasai.

Thanks to David Williams [] and
Xavier Hardy [ha...@ensta.fa] for answering when I was
wondering about the meaning behind Ukyou's name. Apparently,
Ukyou is an old fashioned boy's name, and aside from the
literal translation I had last post, it also refers to a sort
of chivalric code of conduct that suggested how people were
suppose to act. Thus, the joke of Ukyou, a girl, acting like
a boy. (Yet another Takahashi multiple meaning gag name that
leaves us English speakers looking really stupid. (Of course,
I don't need Takahashi to look stupid; I do that well enough
on my own.))

I appreciate the mail I've received regarding this and my
other works, and I'd like to say that us authors really do
enjoy hearing your opinions on how good of a job we're doing;
it makes us feel important. Along with the letters, I've also
received questions and inquires from some people. Some of
these I've answered via return E-mail, others I'm simply going
to save myself some time and answer here, where all can see
and benefit from the wisdom thus dispensed ^_^.
Q: Are you going to get any of the girls in your story
A: [author ignores the weird looks sent his way] At the
moment, I don't have any intention of letting anyone get
pregnant. While this is a lemon series, it is also a comedy
series; teenage pregnancy is a little too serious for this. I
don't like angst, but I do like tender scenes and comedy.
Q: How about this idea? [what follows is a story
involving a love potion]
A: While ideas and suggestions are generally quite
welcome, please don't send me ideas that involve love potions
or other mind control to get characters together. I regard
using love potions to solve relationship difficulties as a cop
out. I will never take the easy way out with writing
relationships; if I want some characters to come together, I'd
better be able to think of a believable reason myself.
Q: Are you ever going to do an H Sailor Moon story?
A: While I admit to thinking perverted thoughts about the
cast of Sailor Moon, I'm trying to get out of lemon writing,
so it's highly unlikely I'm going to do such a story. (Some
of my friends tell me I should be thinking the perverted
thoughts about the senshi rather then the demons in SM, but
what do they know? ^_^)
Q: Are you ever going to do a Dragonball H story?
A: I hate Dragonball with a passion, so there's no way
you could force me to do such a story. (Bribe yes, force no.)
Q: When is the next part coming out?
A: Don't ask. We fan-fic authors don't have deadlines,
and if we do, we never meet them. Stories come out when ever
we manage to write them, which is whenever we have enough
Q: [an actual question] I can't believe such well
written encounters come totally from your imagination. When
you write your sex scenes, are you driven solely by your
imagination, or from your memories?
A: I wish.

Since my last chapter, John Walter Biles'
lemon/alien-invasion/author-character-centere parody
'Lemonade' hit the net. It's not bad, and I do recommend
people read it. I do have a complaint with it though: as the
author of arguably one of the best lemon series out there, I
only got mentioned twice! And he only parodied my work from
Vol. 1, Chapter 1! Thus, either he's so impressed with my
excellent writing that he couldn't find much to parody...or
else he never read anything beyond the first installment.
While I hope it's the former, I have a sneaking suspicion it's
the latter. ^_^
(By the way *Biles,* my name is spelt _DEMAINE_, and I
don't drool. At least, not anymore.) Also, I would like to
thank Taleswapper who decided this series made enough of an
impact to be included among his 1996 inductees for his Hall of
Fame of Ranma fac-fics. Like only a few others in select
company, I am now the proud owner of a Prestigious Platinum
Plated P-chan award. It goes well with my Silver Sow award.

Anyway, like I've been saying for awhile now, I'm ending
this series since I'm running out of acceptable ideas. Unless
something happens, there will be one more installment and then
that will be it. I'll only pick up this series again if I get
a shot of brilliance. Otherwise, I've had fun writing it, and
do hope you've had fun reading it, but I can't keep this up
The following are people who, in some small way, have
made it possible for this piece of filth to make it onto the
net and into your otherwise happy home.

James Stone: For starting me on my road to corruption.
The Banzai Anime Klub of Alberta (BAKA) gang: For not
stopping me when they had the chance.
Lee (Grey Wolf): For continually dealing with requests for
past chapters and other stuff from fans.
Rob (Barbarian): For generally making my life miserable.
Thank you.
Craig (Dr. Ruminahui): For making sure my ego never got too
Taleswapper: For actively making my ego too large by
repeatedly voting this lemon series as the
best of the worst, or the worst of the best.
Also for accepting me into his otherwise clean
Hall of Fame.
Takahashi Rumiko-megamisama: A mere mortal like myself has
only one humble complaint...THEY
(author is promptly beaten senseless for his hubris of
questioning the Divine One.)
You: I hope someone's bothering to read this, otherwise I
could have spent the time I wasted writing this
trying to get a life. Naah.

Mail to: :Lee's mail account, doubles
as the Horde's account :my personal mail for
however long it lasts.

Note: All The Horde Writings can be found at:
Ferret Farm BBs Service

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