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Rode my quickbeam to vote this morning en route to work. Did not take a picture.
Dan Abelson
St Paul, MN
Pete in CT
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I didn't vote, and, I didn't get my Rivbike back from the shop until 8pm tonight.Sorry, no pics of my not voting and not having my bike at a polling place.
PS - In before the lock...hardy har har!
PS - In before the lock...hardy har har!
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The whole vote by mail thing was championed and put together by my favorite Wasington republican Sam Reed. My ballot was so sad and one-party without him in there.
I spent election day building up my new to me Ram. Had trouble with the metal fenders and front rack so I took the vo rack back and ordered a Mark's rack. Hope it works!
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My shop is in a blue-collar area of South Minneapolis, which is a pretty diverse place. I've learned a lot about people, but the most useful thing I've learned is that a common interest in bikes does not mean two cyclists have ANYTHING else in common.
Oh yeah. I walked to my poll twice (registration issues), but only voted once.
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Do you find out the political affiliation of every business owner before you patronize the biz?
I'm surprised to see some of the opinions - or really, the projections - of the other side. I can assure you that you wear as much of the polarizing disparity as you paint on the other side. You believe they're trying to put you in jail, they believe you're trying to tax them to death and make their grandchildren pay for the rest. Stock markets around the world today tanked as a result of the election.
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the reason the two parties worked together when Grant and I were kids was because there were four parties. North/south democrats, and east/west republicans. Coalitions would form over issues of common interest between the four regions and two parties. Ending in the 70s, people changed parties and polarized, so now, it's the major urban centers against the rest of the nation - if you look at last night's EC map, it will show you that. The parties will not work together as long as each side keeps fear-mongering the beliefs of the other. The media feeds on that fear-mongering, because they must spin every news story to last 360 hours.
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Peter, there's another way we vote. With digital cable, they know what we're watching on tv 100% of the time. Turn off the 24-hr/day news and turn off the news entertainment industry.
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Got a photo of your Riv at the poll? Send a link or post the photo! :)I'll be riding to go vote this evening after work and will send a photo then.Amit
Peter, s. Democrats became Republicans in the 80s, not the 60s, so your data is wrong
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Nor canyon in any way represent me, however loudly you claim
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Oy, Peter, this is the 2nd time you've become insulting and puffed up. The colors of the map don't matter, the distribution does. But you did prove my point about scare tactics, and from another generation
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As per Grant's comments,
One day there will be a party that is fiscally conservative but not antedeluvian. Until that day I'll be voting democrat pretty exclusively. How does that affect which companies I purchase from? I'm not sure. I still don't buy from Nike because they pretty much led the slave labor movement. I'm sure I have other examples. If Grant had said he was happy Bush won (specially the first time) I'd probably not have given it a second thought.
- Ryan
well, I did bicycle 30 miles on Yom Kippur.and the Civil Rights Act was written by The power broker of the southern Democrats, LBJ, and couldn't have been pushed through by anyone else.
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regarding rationality. All the issues I've seen listed here (other than taxes) are state issues and not federal issues, so to paraphrase Inigo Montoya, I don't think voting for the President means what you think it means.Jim, I'm sure Sen. Romney has already spent a couple of years on a bike - he's fit right in.
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hi seth, know both, just typing fast between work breaks. but still state issues, nor does the president have control over the 14th amendment.There is no question the republicans wrote a stupid platform that cost them the election, but don't think that people who voted for Romney are bigots.
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From: []
On Behalf Of John L
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2012 7:18 PM
Subject: Re: [RBW] Re: Who rode their bicycle to vote in the US today?
Bull-Moose, all the way.
On Wednesday, November 7, 2012 4:38:38 PM UTC-5, Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery wrote:
I love talking politics, but to bring the discussion more on-topic: Which party is friendlier to the lugged steel lobby? Discuss!
On Wednesday, November 7, 2012 3:25:21 PM UTC-6, Peter M wrote:
First off that map is misleading since it has the democrat highlighted in red. Second, yes the Democrats lost the south forever after the civil rights acts in the 60s, I would think to the millions of people that have had thier lives improved for the better because of the Civil Rights act would not be sad about that. And dont try to tell me about the south, I lived in South Carolina for 9 years, 5 of those in rural area, they hate the democrats for really just one big reason, sad but true.
On Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 3:56 PM, Ron Mc <> wrote:
Peter, Grant, here is the polarization of our country from 1960 to 2000
EC map - 1960 presidential election
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More importantly UPS lost my phil tools so it's either wait for them to find that package or put the shimano bb in so I can ride tomorrow, grrr.