Looking for a 62cm Rambouillet

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не прочитано,
4 дек. 2012 г., 14:49:1704.12.2012
– rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
I love my 60cm, but think it might be a tad small.  If you have (or know of) a 62cm for sale, please drop me a line.


не прочитано,
18 янв. 2013 г., 22:33:0718.01.2013
– rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
Still ISO an owner of a 62cm Ram who wishes it was just a bit smaller.  F/F or complete, color unimportant.  FWIW, mine is blue.


Peter Morgano

не прочитано,
18 янв. 2013 г., 22:51:1618.01.2013
– rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com

64cm Renovelo too big?

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не прочитано,
19 янв. 2013 г., 01:18:3719.01.2013
– rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
Thanks Peter, I saw the Renovelo. That might be a bit tall for my 89 PBH. (and I just can't get on board with DTTs)

Ryan Ray

не прочитано,
19 янв. 2013 г., 02:21:1519.01.2013
– rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
How do you keep your skinwalls so CLEAN?

Seriously, I might switch from paselas just to get nice black sidewalls.

- Ryan


не прочитано,
19 янв. 2013 г., 03:00:5519.01.2013
– rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
They're 32 Paselas.  I'm a recreational rider, so I'm not "forced" to ride in the rain...  and I will admit to wiping them down with some some citrus cleaner when they start to get dingy. (I'm kind of a neat freak)
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