Just Ride on NPR's Morning Edition May 18

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May 17, 2012, 11:59:10 PM5/17/12
to RBW Owners Bunch
Likely most will get the notice but just case: Grant was interviewed
for tomorrow's Morning Edition program on NPR. Should be a lot of



May 18, 2012, 1:30:25 PM5/18/12
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
Link is up, listening now:

(i think it's funny they describe him as "long time bike shop owner" ahahah.  i think Grant is a bit more than that, just my .02)


May 18, 2012, 1:52:43 PM5/18/12
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
Interesting; I see a trend away from "real cyclist = racer" and
doubtless this NPR piece is both a sign and will be an encouragement
of the trend.

Interesting, too: first, that Grant hasn't managed yet to shed all his
lowdown, racer-boy ways (I can sympathize, tho' I never raced formally
-- slow motion attack!); second that he gives $300 - $400 as the
minimum for a usable utility bike (I'd guess that this is true if you
don't commute more than, say, 2-3 miles each way; new bikes only, used
is cheating); and riding in your work clothes: can't see that for
rides over 2-3 miles. Me, summer, street shorts but jerseys (pockets,
trim fit and long tails), SPDs and shoes and the most important piece
of cycling kit ever developed, the cycling cap (blocks sun, wind and
mops up sweat).
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Patrick Moore, Albuquerque, NM
For professional resumes, contact Patrick Moore, ACRW

A billion stars go spinning through the night
Blazing high above your head;
But in you is the Presence that will be
When all the stars are dead.

Rainer Maria Rilke, Buddha in Glory


May 18, 2012, 7:09:49 PM5/18/12
to RBW Owners Bunch
I don't wear spandex, but I do wear shorts and t-shirt and change at
the office. The commute is pretty short at 5 miles, if a little
hilly, but the weather gets a little too hot here for me to wear the
suit. I do, however, use the bike to go from my office to nearby
locations, and do that in my suit. Fenders make that possible.
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