What a difference a week (or two) makes...

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Mar 22, 2012, 9:53:43 PM3/22/12
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
So 2 weeks ago I got the lust for some 26" fun and hung the AHH out there on the trade hook fishing for some Atlantis.

As it turns out I get a snappy email off the bat asking if I might have interest in an All Rounder? Ummmm YEP. We quickly hammered out a grocery list trade and BOOM...off to UPS.

Got the frame and extra bits Tuesday. Lets just put it this way...I could not have dreamed of a more exact answer to my wishes. And the deal was made extra pleasant having a professional, courteous, and enthusiastic person to deal with on the other side of the computer webz. Thanks again...you know who you are.

Happily, we exchanged nearly identical parts as to keep from needing additional purchase to re-build the bikes. Frames/wheels/brakes traded, everything else swapped over. Thumbs up.

So I got her built and took the maiden voyage as my commute to work yesterday. I received the wheels with a 1.1" slicks that I kept on there for the shake down, although I plan to run a fatter semi-knobby maybe like a town and country (or group recommendation??). Basically everything came directly off my Hilsen and swapped right over. I opted to go back to my favorite mustache bar set up, though I may use my dirt drop stem in the future. The only thing I didnt use from the Hilsen was the Paul Racer brakes, which I will sell/trade to get some Neo Retro cantis. (I wanna be like cyclotourist) ;)

By the end of the day yesterday I rambled around for 50+ miles riding my "long commute" home over bike path, surface streets, dirt service roads, and single track. Truly "All Round".

For grins today I swapped out the tires to some 2.1 MTB knobbies I had just so I could bask in the clearance and badassery of the thing.

Check it out. I'll keep adding to the set and follow up with impressions.

Seth Vidal

Mar 22, 2012, 9:57:01 PM3/22/12
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 5:53 PM, jinxed <hbc...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> So I got her built and took the maiden voyage as my commute to work
> yesterday. I received the wheels with a 1.1" slicks that I kept on there for
> the shake down, although I plan to run a fatter semi-knobby maybe like a
> town and country (or group recommendation??). Basically everything came
> directly off my Hilsen and swapped right over. I opted to go back to my
> favorite mustache bar set up, though I may use my dirt drop stem in the
> future. The only thing I didnt use from the Hilsen was the Paul Racer
> brakes, which I will sell/trade to get some Neo Retro cantis. (I wanna be
> like cyclotourist) ;)

What if I have a set of mafac tandem cantis. Would you be interested
in those? :)



Mar 22, 2012, 10:05:05 PM3/22/12
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
She's CUTE!


Mar 22, 2012, 10:25:37 PM3/22/12
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
Very nice -- congrats.I myself want a Atlantis (and a Bombadil and a
Roadeo, not to mention other things).

Tires: what 1.1s? Really, for a bike like that, I highly recommend
something Schwalbe, either the 50 mm Blg Apples (60 if things are
really rough) or the ditto (50 mm) Kojaks: the former for flat
resistance with decent rolling abillity, the latter for rolling with
decent flat resistance.

I still remember with fondness my early '90s Diamond Back budget fixie
all rounder with dd stem, Noodles and 60 mm Big Apples and ~ 63" gear.

My brother just picked up (for $120!) a rare (500 made during the
single year of production) Specialized Rock Combo, basically an AR
with clearance for 2+ inch tires. This has slightly more road-like
geometry (72 degree head, for example).

Me, I'll put up wlth the Fargo for now because it is so versatile
(mountain, sand, touring, groceries, modestly sprightly derailleur
road bike since I have not one of those) tho' the handling on pavement
is hardly up to Riv standards.

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Patrick Moore
Albuquerque, NM
For professional resumes, contact
Patrick Moore, ACRW


Mar 22, 2012, 10:48:34 PM3/22/12
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
I like!


Mar 22, 2012, 10:55:57 PM3/22/12
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
I'm gonna get the fenders off one of the wide clearance bikes and get the knobbies back on.  Likely the Rawland.  

On Thursday, March 22, 2012 3:48:34 PM UTC-7, Leslie wrote:
I like!

Greg J

Mar 22, 2012, 11:09:16 PM3/22/12
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
Congrats!  That's my dream bike, too (a Waterford AR), if I can find a 53.  

I really like the look of the skinny-tubed, level tt bike with the fat 26 wheels.


On Thursday, March 22, 2012 2:53:43 PM UTC-7, jinxed wrote:

On Thursday, March 22, 2012 2:53:43 PM UTC-7, jinxed wrote:


Mar 22, 2012, 11:10:43 PM3/22/12
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
I had a RockCombo when it was a current model.  I wish I had it back.  That was a fun bike.

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Mar 23, 2012, 12:14:00 AM3/23/12
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com

What if I have a set of mafac tandem cantis. Would you be interested
in those? :)


Seth - Those ARE cool, but I have been jonesing for a set of Neo's as long as I have for this frame! Gotta keep the eye on the prize. 


Mar 23, 2012, 12:15:03 AM3/23/12
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
That's great! Looks perfect set up there with those fat tires & M-bars!

> Monster A/R <http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7267/6860650144_3fd1cbb6d8_b.jpg>
> First ride and
> misc<http://www.flickr.com/photos/42027576@N00/sets/72157629645525001/with/6860650144/>

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Redlands, CA

“I believe in an America where millions of Americans believe in an
America that’s the America millions of Americans believe in. That’s
the America I love.”


Mar 23, 2012, 12:55:12 AM3/23/12
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com

On Thursday, March 22, 2012 4:25:37 PM UTC-6, Patrick Moore wrote:
Very nice -- congrats.I myself want a Atlantis (and a Bombadil and a
Roadeo, not to mention other things).

Tires: what 1.1s? 

The 1.1's that came on the wheels are WTB "Slickasaurus". They came on the wheels which were from a different bike. They were actually fine and plenty usable if you were sticking to smooth(er) conditions. I did have them wash on me a few times in the loose stuff. Thanks for the tire recommendations!


My brother just picked up (for $120!) a rare (500 made during the single year of production) Specialized Rock Combo, basically an AR

with clearance for 2+ inch tires. This has slightly more road-like
geometry (72 degree head, for example).

Those are AWESOME! A buddy of mine has one and really digs it. Of course he has an X0-2, and a Handsome X0X0 as well. So he's all covered on the 26" AR front. 


Mar 23, 2012, 1:45:13 AM3/23/12
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
Instead of the Neos, considered the Motolites?

I'm really liking your bike,reminds me a lot of what I was thinking about on my Bomba build....


Mar 23, 2012, 2:09:44 AM3/23/12
to RBW Owners Bunch
Definitely fatter tires; those 1.1s look so skinny! Maybe not all the
way up to 2"+ size (although it does look good) but something with
more meat on it.

> Monster A/R <http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7267/6860650144_3fd1cbb6d8_b.jpg>
> First ride and misc<http://www.flickr.com/photos/42027576@N00/sets/72157629645525001/with...>


Mar 23, 2012, 2:47:58 AM3/23/12
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
I have a set of neo retros for the front (w/ the special bolts for mounting a front rack) and a set of Paul touring cantis for the rear. Let me know if you want some pictures.

rob markwardt

Mar 23, 2012, 3:46:42 AM3/23/12
to RBW Owners Bunch
Go RockCombo! I ride this bike a lot...though I'd trade for that
yellow one.


On Mar 22, 4:10 pm, William <tapebu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I had a RockCombo when it was a current model.  I wish I had it back.  That
> was a fun bike.
> On Thursday, March 22, 2012 3:25:37 PM UTC-7, Patrick Moore wrote:
> > Very nice -- congrats.I myself want a Atlantis (and a Bombadil and a
> > Roadeo, not to mention other things).
> > Tires: what 1.1s? Really, for a bike like that, I highly recommend
> > something Schwalbe, either the 50 mm Blg Apples (60 if things are
> > really rough) or the ditto (50 mm) Kojaks: the former for flat
> > resistance with decent rolling abillity, the latter for rolling with
> > decent flat resistance.
> > I still remember with fondness my early '90s Diamond Back budget fixie
> > all rounder with dd stem, Noodles and 60 mm Big Apples and ~ 63" gear.
> > My brother just picked up (for $120!) a rare (500 made during the
> > single year of production) Specialized Rock Combo, basically an AR
> > with clearance for 2+ inch tires. This has slightly more road-like
> > geometry (72 degree head, for example).
> > Me, I'll put up wlth the Fargo for now because it is so versatile
> > (mountain, sand, touring, groceries, modestly sprightly derailleur
> > road bike since I have not one of those) tho' the handling on pavement
> > is hardly up to Riv standards.
> > >https://groups.google.com/d/​msg/rbw-owners-bunch/-/​1pcT9U7T0vcJ<https://groups.google.com/d/msg/rbw-owners-bunch/-/1pcT9U7T0vcJ>
> > .
> > > To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.​com<rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com>
> > .
> > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > > rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscribe@​googlegroups.com<rbw-owners-bunch%2Bunsubscri­b...@googlegroups.com>
> > .
> > > For more options, visit this group at
> > >http://groups.google.com/​group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en<http://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en>
> > .
> > --
> > Patrick Moore
> > Albuquerque, NM
> > For professional resumes, contact
> > Patrick Moore, ACRW
> >http://resumespecialties.com/​index.html<http://resumespecialties.com/index.html>- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Addison Wilhite

Mar 23, 2012, 3:47:35 AM3/23/12
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
Ah....the glorious allrounder...so versatile and wonderful.

Mine in a few configurations

Love this bike!

Enjoy yours...

Sent from my iPad
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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To post to this group, send email to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to rbw-owners-bun...@googlegroups.com.
For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.

Joe Bunik

Mar 23, 2012, 3:53:09 AM3/23/12
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
I could have grabbed this same(exact?!?) Combo when I was in
Pittsburgh for $250 or something, but passed. Damn! It! Why?!?

> To post to this group, send email to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com.

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Mar 23, 2012, 4:09:00 AM3/23/12
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
let me know when you want to sell me that Rock Combo.  I'll take it and resurrect it epicly. 
> > > To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.​​com<rbw-owners-bunch@​googlegroups.com>
> > .
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Mar 23, 2012, 5:36:43 PM3/23/12
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
I had a tire party last night.  All 4 bikes were queued up to get different rubber.  I got through 3 of the 4:

Go-Fast:  I took off the Clement Stradas for later.  I'm going to treat those like 'event tires'.  I put on a pair of wire-bead Conti Gatorskin 700x28s that have been in the garage for ~3 years.  It's one of those curses of being half pack-rat and half minimalist.  The minimalist loves to get rid of stuff.  The pack rat can't bear getting rid of something unless it's used up.  So I'm going to try to use up the oldest tires and get them used up before they are too old to use.  

Hilsen:  Hetres came off and Pari-Motos went on.  The Hilsen has the medium width Foss tubes.  I've punctured the Pari Motos on practically every ride of over 50 miles.  This is another try to make restore confidence in them, and my sternest test for Foss tubes, since I have no interest in seeking out goatheads.  

Rawland:  Fenders and Soma New Express tires came off.  Quasi-Motos and wide Foss tubes went on.  I'm anticipating the slimy clay of Wildcat Canyon being rideable now, and if not now, soon.  The Rawland will not get smooth tires until I've finally worked out one of my long-neglected goals:  mapping out a >70% dirt route from my home in El Cerrito to my office in South Hayward (~35 miles).  

Bomba:  Soma New Express will come off, and I'm going to do some fender line correction when the wheels are off.  Then Hetres will go on.  

The other thing I did was tear apart a tubular wheelset.  The tires are in good shape, but were poorly glued onto rims that are pretty worn out.  So I set aside the tires in the tire box, and unlaced the rims for recycling.  The 36h Campy Record hubset will go to the second hand channels.  126mm rear.  


Mar 25, 2012, 12:34:42 AM3/25/12
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
/ I think you might do well to consider the Mafacs. The forged aluminum is stronger than the Paul machined stuff. And the French-ness has more élan in my opinion. 
However I currently run the Paul retro/touring set-up on a bike and they are fine. All the kids seem to like them too.


Mar 22, 2012, 11:35:38 PM3/22/12
to RBW Owners Bunch
Imo, I use the Michelin Country Rock tire in 26 x 1.75 which works for
everything you have described and then some. Long wearing, reasonable
weight, good rolling on multi surfaces. Plus, they only run about $15-
$20 each plus shipping. Just my .02!
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