Re: [PDFNet] Could not load file or assembly 'PDFNet.dll' ' when using PDFNet for .NET 4.x

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Ryan Barr

Mar 19, 2013, 1:33:37 PM3/19/13
to PDFTron PDFNet SDK on behalf of Mirko
The PDFNet x64 library is for targeting frameworks 2.0 - 3.5. Since your building .net 4 or 4.5, you should use PDFNet for .Net 4.

You can see the libraries and the frameworks they target at this link

If there is some reason to use the .Net 2 assembly, the following article might help.

On 19 March 2013 04:07, Mirko via PDFTron PDFNet SDK <> wrote:
Hi, I'm trying to develop a sample, blank web application including the PDFNet x64 dll. So I create the app from the standard VS2012 web form template and run it. Then I try to add the PDFNet dll.
If I run the test web app on .NET 3.5 no problem. If I run it in .NET 4 or 4.5 I get this error:

Could not load file or assembly 'PDFNet' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.

=== Pre-bind state information ===
LOG: DisplayName = PDFNet
WRN: Partial binding information was supplied for an assembly:
WRN: Assembly Name: PDFNet | Domain ID: 5
WRN: A partial bind occurs when only part of the assembly display name is provided.
WRN: This might result in the binder loading an incorrect assembly.
WRN: It is recommended to provide a fully specified textual identity for the assembly,
WRN: that consists of the simple name, version, culture, and public key token.
WRN: See whitepaper for more information and common solutions to this issue.
LOG: Appbase = file:///C:/Sites/WebApplication2/WebApplication2/
LOG: Initial PrivatePath = C:\Sites\WebApplication2\WebApplication2\bin
Calling assembly : (Unknown).
LOG: This bind starts in default load context.
LOG: Using application configuration file: C:\Sites\WebApplication2\WebApplication2\web.config
LOG: Using host configuration file: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet.config
LOG: Using machine configuration file from C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\config\machine.config.
LOG: Policy not being applied to reference at this time (private, custom, partial, or location-based assembly bind).
LOG: Attempting download of new URL file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0.30319/Temporary ASP.NET Files/root/90a438de/bb3b334f/PDFNet.DLL.
LOG: Attempting download of new URL file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0.30319/Temporary ASP.NET Files/root/90a438de/bb3b334f/PDFNet/PDFNet.DLL.
LOG: Attempting download of new URL file:///C:/Sites/WebApplication2/WebApplication2/bin/PDFNet.DLL.
ERR: Failed to complete setup of assembly (hr = 0x8007000b). Probing terminated.

Stack Trace:

[BadImageFormatException: Could not load file or assembly 'PDFNet' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.]
   System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly._nLoad(AssemblyName fileName, String codeBase, Evidence assemblySecurity, RuntimeAssembly locationHint, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, IntPtr pPrivHostBinder, Boolean throwOnFileNotFound, Boolean forIntrospection, Boolean suppressSecurityChecks) +0
   System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.nLoad(AssemblyName fileName, String codeBase, Evidence assemblySecurity, RuntimeAssembly locationHint, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, IntPtr pPrivHostBinder, Boolean throwOnFileNotFound, Boolean forIntrospection, Boolean suppressSecurityChecks) +34
   System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.InternalLoadAssemblyName(AssemblyName assemblyRef, Evidence assemblySecurity, RuntimeAssembly reqAssembly, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, IntPtr pPrivHostBinder, Boolean throwOnFileNotFound, Boolean forIntrospection, Boolean suppressSecurityChecks) +152
   System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.InternalLoad(String assemblyString, Evidence assemblySecurity, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, IntPtr pPrivHostBinder, Boolean forIntrospection) +77
   System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.InternalLoad(String assemblyString, Evidence assemblySecurity, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, Boolean forIntrospection) +16
   System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(String assemblyString) +28
   System.Web.Configuration.CompilationSection.LoadAssemblyHelper(String assemblyName, Boolean starDirective) +38

[ConfigurationErrorsException: Could not load file or assembly 'PDFNet' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.]
   System.Web.Configuration.CompilationSection.LoadAssemblyHelper(String assemblyName, Boolean starDirective) +752
   System.Web.Configuration.CompilationSection.LoadAllAssembliesFromAppDomainBinDirectory() +218
   System.Web.Configuration.CompilationSection.LoadAssembly(AssemblyInfo ai) +130
   System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetReferencedAssemblies(CompilationSection compConfig) +170
   System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetPreStartInitMethodsFromReferencedAssemblies() +91
   System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.CallPreStartInitMethods(String preStartInitListPath) +258
   System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.ExecutePreAppStart() +135
   System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.Initialize(ApplicationManager appManager, IApplicationHost appHost, IConfigMapPathFactory configMapPathFactory, HostingEnvironmentParameters hostingParameters, PolicyLevel policyLevel, Exception appDomainCreationException) +516

[HttpException (0x80004005): Could not load file or assembly 'PDFNet' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.]
   System.Web.HttpRuntime.FirstRequestInit(HttpContext context) +9873784
   System.Web.HttpRuntime.EnsureFirstRequestInit(HttpContext context) +101
   System.Web.HttpRuntime.ProcessRequestNotificationPrivate(IIS7WorkerRequest wr, HttpContext context) +254

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319; ASP.NET Version:4.0.30319.18033

I have already searched a lot on the web and in this group, and I have already tried the solutions proposed for instance in!newtopic/pdfnet-sdk/pdfnet-sdk/jXBDWdV0_NQ


or others similar, but to no avail. I'm running a Windows 8 machine x64 with all versions of .NET up to 4.5 installed, and I DO have the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Redistributable installed on my PC. I have also tried copying both the msvcr100.dll and msvcp100.dll to the output bin folder, but I still get this error. I then thought that maybe it was the fault of VS2012 development server which runs in x86 mode, so I have set up a website on IIS and run it from there on x64, but still the same result. I am a bit bereft, does anybody have any idea? Thanx.

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Best Regards,

Ryan Barr
Software Developer
PDFTron Systems, Inc.

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