HOWTO: Chromebook AI2, Arc Welder and Companion App

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Nov 2, 2017, 7:29:38 AM11/2/17


A couple of other options (not tested)

Seeing lots of questions about running and developing AI2/Apps on Chromebooks, so had a go at making it work.
I carried out this work on a lowly Acer C710 Chromebook, so no reason why this shouldn't work on any Chromebook!
I tested with three or four simple apps, and the screenshots show the Xylophone app from the AI2 tutorials which also demonstrated working sound

Working as of 02/11/2017

  1. Start your Chromebook

  2. Once you have the browser open go to this url: (you can just google for arc welder if you want)

  3. On this page you will find the link to the arc welder app: (click it or use the url below)

  4. This should then open up the Chrome web store to Arc Welder


    In my case I already have arc welder installed, so it offers to launch the app, otherwise you will be offered to install. Do so, then you will find arc welder in your list of chrome apps / extensions when you click the white circle on the taskbar.

  5. Arc Welder should open up with an orange header and ask you to load an apk. For this you want your copy of the AI2Companion, which you can download by opening up AI2, clicking Help, then Companion Information to get the link 

    When ready, ( I found the orientation and form factor options to be fairly unresponsive, but they do work), Click on TEST. This should launch the AI2 Companion in a separate window.
    For me, I got an "aw snap!" black page first time round, but tried again and all was well, eventually loading up the usual screen.

  6. Now in AI2 choose Connect, then AI2 Companion and enter the code in the Companion app

  7. If all goes well, your development app should now be running in AI2 Companion on Arc Welder !!

  8. You can set options for the arc welder screen, and resize it using the drag handles, the display seems to sort itself out for you :)

  9. Finally if you now click on the white circle on the taskbar to bring up your Chrome Apps / Extensions, you will see an icon for AI2 Companion and also one for Arc Welder. You just go to the launcher menu and click on MIT AI2  Companion logo and away you go :)

  10. As far as I know, this has to be done on each machine, so a bit of setting up for classroom situations, and organising the desktop so the AI2 and the Companion App can be seen at the same time will need doing each startup, but hope this helps those who are needing to use chromebooks for development.

  11. Please post back if this worked for you....

Juan Antonio

Nov 2, 2017, 1:36:28 PM11/2/17
to MIT App Inventor Forum
This is an ARC Welder tutorial in Spanish.

Peregrine Developers

Nov 5, 2017, 11:37:22 AM11/5/17
Thank You So Much!!! I Just Tried It And It Worked! I Am Using A Lenovo Chromebook.


Nov 5, 2017, 11:53:57 AM11/5/17
to MIT App Inventor Forum
:thumbsup:  :)
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