read support for PLY files in LAStools

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Martin Isenburg

Sep 13, 2018, 11:27:54 AM9/13/18
to LAStools - efficient command line tools for LIDAR processing

you can now read point clouds from PLY files in both ASCII and binary version. If the PLY file contains a mesh then only the vertices are read. A sample result is attached.

lasview -i cow.ply

This is available since the most recent version 180911 of LAStools.

If you have PLY files that do not load properly please let me know.


Martin @rapidlasso

Dominik Schneider

Oct 1, 2018, 10:09:21 PM10/1/18
to LAStools - efficient tools for LiDAR processing
Hi Martin,
I have some .ply files that don't seem to open properly. they are binary, from a Fraunhofer 3d scanner. I attached one for your reference.
I just downloaded lastools on friday (last change in CHANGES is 30 September 2018 )

thanks for the nice tools!

Martin Isenburg

Oct 1, 2018, 10:12:40 PM10/1/18
to LAStools - efficient command line tools for LIDAR processing

yep. Thanks for this sample. This file has a "gray" value that I had not supported. I've mapped it into the intensity field for the time being. Will be supported in the next release. Does the attached image make sense?




Dominik Schneider

Oct 2, 2018, 12:09:54 AM10/2/18
Yes that looks about right. Before I saw your post about supporting .ply I was using cloudcompare to convert from .ply to .las but lastools wasn't behaving well with the .las file. Would it makes sense that this gray value is the reason for the funky conversion too? I was getting all kind of warnings upon import with lastools about header inconsistencies regarding first returns.
Thanks, Dominik

Martin Isenburg

Oct 3, 2018, 1:50:39 PM10/3/18
to LAStools - efficient command line tools for LIDAR processing

if you need to convert this before the next release then try this pre-release:

You see how it operates below:

C:\software\LAStools\bin>las2las -i sensor0.ply -o sensor0.laz
parsed: format binary_little_endian 1.0
parsed: comment created by Fraunhofer IIS
parsed: element vertex 1629613
parsed: property float x
parsed: property float y
parsed: property float z
parsed: property uchar gray
not supported: element face 0
skipping remaining header ...

C:\software\LAStools\bin>lasinfo sensor0.laz
lasinfo (181001) report for 'sensor0.laz'
reporting all LAS header entries:
  file signature:             'LASF'
  file source ID:             0
  global_encoding:            0
  project ID GUID data 1-4:   00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
  version major.minor:        1.2
  system identifier:          'LAStools (c) by rapidlasso GmbH'
  generating software:        'las2las (version 181001)'
  file creation day/year:     275/2018
  header size:                227
  offset to point data:       227
  number var. length records: 0
  point data format:          0
  point data record length:   20
  number of point records:    1629613
  number of points by return: 1629613 0 0 0 0
  scale factor x y z:         0.001 0.001 0.001
  offset x y z:               0 0 0
  min x y z:                  -67.727 143.662 111.148
  max x y z:                  97.735 370.778 183.847
LASzip compression (version 3.2r5 c2 50000): POINT10 2
reporting minimum and maximum for all LAS point record entries ...
  X              -67727      97735
  Y              143662     370778
  Z              111148     183847
  intensity          37        255
  return_number       1          1
  number_of_returns   1          1
  edge_of_flight_line 0          0
  scan_direction_flag 0          0
  classification      0          0
  scan_angle_rank     0          0
  user_data           0          0
  point_source_ID     0          0
number of first returns:        1629613
number of intermediate returns: 0
number of last returns:         1629613
number of single returns:       1629613
overview over number of returns of given pulse: 1629613 0 0 0 0 0 0
histogram of classification of points:
         1629613  never classified (0)

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