New social networking plugins

瀏覽次數:29 次


2015年4月26日 上午11:05:182015/4/26
Hello people,

I'd like to announce two new plugins in the socialauth series I started a while ago.

1. There is now a facebookauth plugin - You can use your Facebook account to pass information to Habari.
2. There is also a simple registration plugin - You can use information from one of the socialauth plugins (like the new facebookauth plugin) to create accounts on a Habari site.

So if you want to allow users to register and login to your site, you can now do so using the "socialregistration" plugin for registration, the "socialadmin" plugin for login and one of "githubauth", "googleauth" and "facebookauth" to integrate with the service. It's also possible to just allow loggin in - users then have to link their existing account from their profile page. All of them use OAuth, so more plugins (ex. Twitter) can be made easily. You will have to register your Habari site as an "app" or whatever it's called with the social service you use.

All plugins can be found on my GitHub account:

Feel free to leave feedback or ask any questions.

Happy coding!

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