Thanks for your input.
Regarding History object and the firing of ValueChangeEvents... I've confirmed that the events are not being fired with this:
History.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<String>() {
public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<String> event) {
Window.alert("history changed");
I am wondering if the use of Places and the MVP framework has something to do with this... The way navigation works in my app is via "clientFactory.getPlaceController().goTo(place);" and if the user stays within the same "Place" (ie same token prefix) no event is fired. However, I am able to detect the user navigation via:
eventBus.addHandler(PlaceChangeRequestEvent.TYPE, new PlaceChangeRequestEvent.Handler() {
public void onPlaceChangeRequest(PlaceChangeRequestEvent event) {
Window.alert("new place requested");
And since what I'm really after is the user navigation not the tokens themselves, this is sufficient for me... Why I'm not getting the ValueChangeEvents from the History object is a mystery to me...