mini GanetiCon 2017

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Ansgar Jazdzewski

Nov 8, 2017, 7:53:02 AM11/8/17
to Ganeti
Hi *,

i had a chat with sascha and the outcome is that we like to have a
mini ganeticon manly to prepare a full size GanetiCon in 2018.

First of all a big Sorry from my side i was trying to set a ganeticon
up in 2017 but i did not find the time to do so, mainly because the
lag of a mising place in Berlin.

To make things easy to plan for me i like to invite all how are able
to manage a trip to Leipzig (Germany) in the beginning o December to
stop by (i just try to get a room in our Office)

i hope for some feedback ;-)


Karsten Heymann

Nov 8, 2017, 8:48:57 AM11/8/17

that's a great idea and I will definitely try to attend. Hopefully we will have more luck finding a suiting location next year.


Phil Regnauld

Nov 8, 2017, 11:33:11 AM11/8/17
to 'Ansgar Jazdzewski' via ganeti
Hi Ansgar, great initiative ! Maybe we could set up a poll to pick a
date, based on your availabilities ? I'm unfortunately away traveling
until the 12th of December :(

Depending on the number of people, maybe Copenhagen in the spring
could be a possibility ? There are some possibilities here.


Federico Pareschi

Nov 8, 2017, 11:40:30 AM11/8/17
I'll be happy to participate. I'm travelling around Christmas time so that's obviously a no-go (which I assume is the same for most folks as it's holiday time).

Also I will most likely attend FOSDEM this year (like every year). If all else fails we could always have a get-together there and even find a spare room for us most likely.

Nov 8, 2017, 3:32:46 PM11/8/17
Hi Ansgar,

thanks for taking the initiative! I like to attend in December and to share
my hopefully interesting 2¢, which are:

* ganeti on SLES
* an OS-Interface based on libguestfs
* a trip to LXC and back to KVM
* using sharedfile (NFS) for 5 years now, but planning to migrate to DRBD
* using blockdev (FC)
* partiality finished solutions/ideas like:
- hook for online disk grow
- very simple web console based on novnc integrated inside the ganeti-
cluster (bound to the master-node)

Besides exchanging experiences and ideas, this meetings are a good chance to
increase the awareness of ganeti.

Thanks, Sascha.

Daniel Howard

Nov 8, 2017, 5:06:14 PM11/8/17
Could we tack on a Zoom meeting? :)

Randy Bush

Nov 8, 2017, 10:09:57 PM11/8/17
to Phil Regnauld, 'Ansgar Jazdzewski' via ganeti
> Hi Ansgar, great initiative ! Maybe we could set up a poll to pick a
> date, based on your availabilities ? I'm unfortunately away traveling
> until the 12th of December :(

for the little it is worth, i already have to be in saarland 17
december. long way from leipzig; but closer than tokyo is :)


Ansgar Jazdzewski

Nov 10, 2017, 1:18:55 AM11/10/17
to Ganeti
Hi *,

i got the OK from my employer, we also have the option to offer a

But first of all we need to find a date:
- i would like to do it at the first week of december 4th - 8th (but
we have a company x-max party on the 7th)
- the week after is also possible

Plan so far:
- things we as a user have changed, like to have changed or added to
Ganeti (Presentations?)
- open github issues/fature requests (may add some patches we have handy)

Please doodle:

i will Organize the:
- Lunch
- Dinner/Beer/Mate

have a nice day

Ansgar Jazdzewski

Nov 17, 2017, 6:53:37 AM11/17/17
to Ganeti
Hi *,

i will wait until monday for more registrations on the doodle at the
moment it will be the december the 15th.

toppics so far:
- calulate price of an instance based on: cpu, mem, disk, io and traffic
- os interfaces (libguestfs bash and python)
- ganeti on SLES and Ubuntu
- NFS, CEPH and FC
- hooks and hacks
- VxLAN and Ganeti
- Planing a GanetiCon 2018

we are open for more toppics,

Have a nice Weekend

Georg Faerber

Nov 18, 2017, 8:03:52 AM11/18/17
to 'Ansgar Jazdzewski' via ganeti
Hi Ansgar,

On 17-11-17 12:53:35, 'Ansgar Jazdzewski' via ganeti wrote:
> i will wait until monday for more registrations on the doodle at the
> moment it will be the december the 15th.

Thanks for pushing this. In case you need help / support, I could be
there on the day before.


Ansgar Jazdzewski

Nov 21, 2017, 1:19:45 AM11/21/17
to Ganeti
Hi *,

the vote is done the "mini GanetiCon 2017" will take Place on December
the 15th in Leipzig.

Location is:

Spreadshirt ( AG)
Gießerstraße 27
04229 Leipzig

we will start at 10:00am until we are done, i also try find a place
for dinner not an easy task because of all the company x-mas partys
(if this not worke out, we have to stick with pizza and beer)

Please let me kown if you will stop by and have a presentation to share?


Ansgar Jazdzewski

Nov 27, 2017, 2:44:17 PM11/27/17
to Ganeti
Hi *,

good news everyone, there is some progress!

So far 14 attendees showed their interest and 11 confirmed their coming.
If you want to attend and have not mailed me yet, please see my first
mail on this topic. Thanks.

**The other good news:**
If you come by, feel free to mail me your preferred t-shirt size &
gender cut (male/female/unisex) upfront (in the next few days) so we
can prepare a little surprise right in time -- if you know what I mean

Bernd and Ansgar

Apollon Oikonomopoulos

Nov 27, 2017, 5:54:10 PM11/27/17
to 'Ansgar Jazdzewski' via ganeti
Hi Ansgar and Bernd and thanks for the initiative!

On 20:44 Mon 27 Nov , 'Ansgar Jazdzewski' via ganeti wrote:
> Hi *,
> good news everyone, there is some progress!
> So far 14 attendees showed their interest and 11 confirmed their coming.
> If you want to attend and have not mailed me yet, please see my first
> mail on this topic. Thanks.

I'm also considering attending. I have to check my schedule etc
tomorrow, so I'll post a follow-up.

I could do a small presentation on the status of Ganeti in Debian and
how we are using Ganeti at Skroutz, although not much has changed since
the last GanetiCon I attended :)


Bernd Naumann

Nov 28, 2017, 11:33:06 AM11/28/17
to ganeti
Sounds great. I would pre-schedule you half an hour, if you would like to extent notice me.

I would be interested in the status of ganeti in debian, and in your use-case too. I don't know if any of the attendees attend the last miniCon, so a repeat/refresh would not harm at all.


Benjamin Redling

Nov 30, 2017, 10:27:42 AM11/30/17
to 'Ansgar Jazdzewski' via ganeti
Hello Ansgar,

I would like to confirm that I'm able to participate in miniGentiCon.
-- and depending on the amount of pizza and the taylor's mood I'm a L/XL
"male", I'm not offended by XL ;)

FSU Jena |
☎ +49 3641 9 44323

Phil Regnauld

Nov 30, 2017, 10:49:07 AM11/30/17
to 'Ansgar Jazdzewski' via ganeti
'Ansgar Jazdzewski' via ganeti (ganeti) writes:
> Please let me kown if you will stop by and have a presentation to share?

Argh, initially wrote I could, but migration planned at work that means I
can't make it :(

Federico Pareschi

Nov 30, 2017, 11:35:14 AM11/30/17
Already booked the trip, so I'll be there :) 
T-shirt size is an M, male.

Really huge thanks for looking after all this.

Apollon Oikonomopoulos

Nov 30, 2017, 12:48:06 PM11/30/17
to 'Federico Pareschi' via ganeti
Already booked the trip, as well. As I said elsewhere, I'll prepare a
small presentation on the status of Ganeti in Debian and things I would
like to see upstreamed.

T-shirt size L, male.

Looking forward to it :)

Federico Pareschi

Dec 13, 2017, 6:33:08 AM12/13/17
to ganeti
Hey all! 

We're getting close to the date, just two more days. 
Do we have a list of actual planned talks? A time slot for unconference time/discussion for the future of Ganeti?
I'll be leaving for Leipzig tomorrow and arrive in the late afternoon/early evening, I'm looking forward to meeting you all on Friday!

Just as a confirmation for everybody who might have missed it:

Location is:

Spreadshirt ( AG) 
Gießerstraße 27 
04229 Leipzig 

And we will start at 10am. Is this still correct Ansgar?


Bernd Naumann

Dec 13, 2017, 6:58:31 AM12/13/17
to ganeti
Hi @all,

The schedule, or at least a proposal for a schedule. You see, after lunch there is much time to do ad-hoc discussions.

09:30    Welcoming / Agenda
    Bernd Naumann

09:45    ext-network provider, i.e. VxLAN
    Ansgar Jazdzewski

10:30    Coffee-Break   

    ganeti on SLES

    an OS-Interface based on libguestfs
    a trip to LXC and back to KVM
    using sharedfile (NFS) for 5 years now, but planning to migrate to DRBD
    using blockdev (FC)
    partiality finished solutions/ideas like:

        hook for online disk grow
        very simple web console based on novnc
        integrated inside the ganeti-cluster (bound to the master-node)

    Sascha Lucas

    status of Ganeti in Debian
    using Ganeti at Skroutz

    Apollon Oikonomopoulos

12:00    Coffee-Break   

    Accounting VMs with RAPI and prometeus   
   Ansgar Jazdzewski

13:00    Lunch
    To keep things simple we have ordered bagles.

    (?) LXC   

    (?) ganeti on SLES and Ubuntu & Debian
aka: Howto establish a community based build pipeline and pacakge repository   
    (?) NFS, CEPH and FC
    Discussion: Community based development   

    FOSDEM 2018   

    Planning ganitiCon 2018   

   (?) (Optional) Dinner: Ansgar organised a table at a Chinese restaurant not far away from here.

Questions? Do not hesitate!

Looking forward to see you.

From: "ganeti" <>
To: "ganeti" <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2017 12:33:08 PM

Subject: Re: mini GanetiCon 2017

Lucas, Sascha

Dec 13, 2017, 8:02:30 AM12/13/17
Hi Bernd,

> 09:30    Welcoming / Agenda

I see, it's better to arive at 9:00h? No problem for us, we will be there.

Thanks, Sascha.

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Bernd Naumann

Dec 13, 2017, 11:10:34 AM12/13/17
to ganeti
If think we can wait for like half an hour (till 10:00) if someone is late, don't you think?

We try to be at the office around 9:00.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lucas, Sascha" <>
To: "ganeti" <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2017 2:02:23 PM
Subject: Re: mini GanetiCon 2017

Lucas, Sascha

Dec 14, 2017, 9:43:45 AM12/14/17
Hi Bernd,

> If think we can wait for like half an hour (till 10:00) if someone is late, don't you
> think?

No problem. We schedule to arrive at 9:30h. Thanks, Sascha.

Georg Faerber

Dec 15, 2017, 3:33:25 AM12/15/17

On 17-12-13 16:10:28, Bernd Naumann wrote:
> If think we can wait for like half an hour (till 10:00) if someone is
> late, don't you think?
> We try to be at the office around 9:00.

My train got cancelled due to "technical damage", whatever that means.
I'll arrive in ~ 20 minutes at the central station, and will arrive at
the location around 10:15.

See you,
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