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Aditya,Check the first example:You can also use this to set the "hidden" property of docfield (df).best,
On 25-Feb-2013, at 4:08 PM, Aditya Duggal <aditya...@gmail.com> wrote:
I have some queries with regards to custom scripts:
- I am trying to make certain fields in the item master as "READ-ONLY" but after the creation of item codes. Since my item codes would be dependent on these fields and to maintain the integrity of the items I would like to lock these fields using the custom script. Kindly let me know how to achieve this by using custom reports.
- Is there a way to show certain fields on screen at the time of item creation since they are the ones according to which the item code is created, something on the lines of the item variant which is long pending but now I am trying to prepare one myself.
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Kindly let me know what is wrong with the code since I am unable to perform the tasks mentioned in the code.
Kindly please help me with the small modifications so that I could continue with my work.
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I am sorry to ask so many simple questions since this is the first time I have had my tryst with Python code anyhow I have already started to read about python code as well now. Hope you would show me the right path to follow.
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Aditya,webnotes.client.get_value is a server side function.You will need the value (tool_type_image) in your current transaction using add_fetchThen use an image tag like:<script>"<img src='" + doc.tool_type_image + "' />"</script>This should work...best,Rushabh
On 26-Apr-2013, at 3:41 PM, Aditya Duggal <aditya...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi,I need to pull an image in a print format from a different doctype. I have tried using this<script>webnotes.client.get_value("Tool Type", doc.tool_type, "image")</script>But this is not helping me out can you suggest a code hidden in the client side so that I could fetch a photo attached to a doctype.
On Friday, April 19, 2013 2:37:39 PM UTC+5:30, Addy wrote:Hi Anand,Thanks you very much for the NO COPY code it should solve a lot of problems for me. As for the file list I can definitely wait and I guess I would be letting it sleep till the time new release are made and as for the image placeholder I think Umair gave me a very simple solution of opening the attachment which I don't know why I did not think of and hence I guess the placeholder part is also done.Once again thanks a lot for all the help you people have been offering.--
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<script>"<img src='" + doc.tool_type_image + "' style='width: 200px; height: 100px' />"</script>
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Dear Rushabh,Basically I was looking to replace the blank field with ' since filtering for blank fields is difficult and I would also like to replace the 0.000 values as well with the ' or any other small value since they look very bad and unreadable. Here is a screen shot of the report:
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if(`tabItem`.height_dia==0,"'", ifnull(`tabItem`.height_dia,"'")) as "H/D:Float:60"
On 02-May-2013, at 2:30 PM, Anand Doshi wrote:
Hi Aditya,Just use the if condition to set 0 values as null.Thanks,Anand.
On 02-May-2013, at 2:28 PM, Aditya Duggal <adi...@rigpl.com> wrote:
Dear Rushabh,Basically I was looking to replace the blank field with ' since filtering for blank fields is difficult and I would also like to replace the 0.000 values as well with the ' or any other small value since they look very bad and unreadable. Here is a screen shot of the report:<image.png>--
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Thanks rushabh,
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Hi Aditya,
cur_frm.toggle_field(“fieldname”, false) will hide the field :)
Essentially it sets the hidden property of the field to true.
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Thanks rushabh,
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Aditya,Check the first example:You can also use this to set the "hidden" property of docfield (df).
On 25-Feb-2013, at 4:08 PM, Aditya Duggal <aditya...@gmail.com> wrote:
I have some queries with regards to custom scripts:
- I am trying to make certain fields in the item master as "READ-ONLY" but after the creation of item codes. Since my item codes would be dependent on these fields and to maintain the integrity of the items I would like to lock these fields using the custom script. Kindly let me know how to achieve this by using custom reports.
- Is there a way to show certain fields on screen at the time of item creation since they are the ones according to which the item code is created, something on the lines of the item variant which is long pending but now I am trying to prepare one myself.
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You should call the function `cur_frm.cscript.tipo_item` from `cur_frm.cscript.custom_refresh`.
And that get_query statement should be declared outside tipo_item trigger function.
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