I have a large number of subject edat files (500+) and I like the column/row format that the Excel export option that E-DataAid uses so that I can easily convert the data into a format I like using spss syntax. Is there a faster way to convert all of these subject files into the excel format, some sort of way to iterate over all files in a folder, instead of having to open each one and export them separately?Thanks.
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Or even an Excel macro (which I guess is just another way of saying VBA), after merging the data and exporting it to Excel. (I have written such macros myself, feasible but not trivial.)
-- David McFarlane
Paul Groot wrote:
I don't think e-prime provides such an option by itself, but personally I would split the merged file using a small matlab script. Hoever, I'm sure there are many other way's to do that (e.g. perl, awk, C++, Visual Basic, ...)
On 9 February 2013 01:01, Daniel <schizoph...@gmail.com <mailto:schizophrenicdan@gmail.com>> wrote:
Is there a way to do this that keeps each subject file separate?
On Friday, February 8, 2013 6:50:52 PM UTC-5, Paul Groot wrote:
try E-Merge...
On 9 February 2013 00:49, Daniel <schizoph...@gmail.com> wrote:
I have a large number of subject edat files (500+) and I
like the column/row format that the Excel export option that
E-DataAid uses so that I can easily convert the data into a
format I like using spss syntax. Is there a faster way to
convert all of these subject files into the excel format,
some sort of way to iterate over all files in a folder,
instead of having to open each one and export them separately?
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If you’re not YET doing it, I urge you to have another look at what is possible with e-DataAid. The reason is that I know many students 1) know SPSS fairly well, and a bit of Excel, and try to avoid E-***. Not saying that counts for you as well. Indeed, this is a bit of a shot in the dark, but with such sentences as “I have a large number of subject edat files (500+) and I like the column/row format that the Excel export option that E-DataAid uses so that I can easily convert the data into a format I like using spss syntax”, it’s difficult to avoid guessing! You might want to say something about what you’re planning to do, but in its absence, let’s have an example from my own life, and maybe it helps?
· What I like is having a good amount of Repeated Measures ANOVA style formatted columns, say, RTs of 2x4 conditions, one row per subject. For SPSS. What I have is 500 .edats. Arggh, right?
1. We merge all files to one big .emrg, which we then open in .edat
2. We filter out those RTs we are not interested in, say, the ones in which an error occurs. Also, I don’t like trials 1:20.
3. Now, we go to analyze, drag Subject to the Row, and any type of between-subject variable (sex, age, etc).
4. Then drag ConditionP1vs2 to columns, drag ConditionQ1vs2vs3vs4 to columns. Drag the critical RT thing to the Data bit. Press Run.
5. So, we should see a nice table of at least 500x8. Oops, it’s got two decimals.. why? Make that 4. Select all of it, copy the bunch to excel.
6. Inside excel, underneath the two rows with variables (rows A and B), insert a new row (say C). Enter the wonderful formula =A&”_”&B and drag it all across row C.
7. Select row C, copy, go stand in an empty bit, paste special: values only, and transpose. Copy that, go to SPSS, paste in variables: now, that’s descriptive indeed.
8. Copy all the values over to SPSS (but you’ll have to reassign string values from numeric for some columns).
These 8 steps, lengthy as they may seem, take me about 2 minutes, and I think it’s a great workflow.
TLDR? Try E-DataAid, it’s ridiculously simple, really rocks, and SPSS is best avoided as they make it slower and buggier with every next release.
PS: Paul, I find Excel not at all slow with large data-files? Much faster than SPSS, at least, or at least it has been between excel 2007 and 2010 (2013 beta was running very slow here); it does not cope very well with large and lengthy formulas that need repeated recalculation and take up more than hundreds of MBs, though.
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