I've noticed for a while that my home/index page wasn't registering
the {{ user }} tag when rendering the page: there was no "Welcome
Username. Change password / Log out" in the top right corner, and the
link to the admin interface that I'd put in the breadcrumbs for logged
in users wouldn't appear.
But that was the only page - every other page showed it fine - so I
wasn't too concerned, and gave it a low priority to fix it.
FWIW the whole site requires authentication (checked and confirmed in
another browser) - so Django knew I was auth'd - it just chose to
ignore some of the base.html
Yesterday I added some thematic changes - a little js and css, plonked
it in path/project/app/static/{js|css} as advised in docs and added
them to the base template with {{ STATIC_URL }}.
Suddenly the lack of auth recognition on some pages (turns out it was
more than one) is noticeable, because the graceful degrading of the
js/css is appalling enough to make it stick out. In particular, when I
"inspected element" I saw that the {{ STATIC_URL }} wasn't being
expanded - the resources were failing on bad paths.
I've tracked everything down that could be the problem - I've
confirmed half a dozen times that the pages in question are extending
the correct base_site.html, which is extending the correct base.html,
I even tried sending the request context in render_to_response with no
It was only this morning while doing some triage that I realised that
the pages without proper auth (no details in top right corner) where
also the ones with the wonky templating.
Any clues on what I'm doing wrong or new ways to track down where the
mistake is?
...we look at the present day through a rear-view mirror. This is
something Marshall McLuhan said back in the Sixties, when the world
was in the grip of authentic-seeming future narratives. He said, “We
look at the present through a rear-view mirror. We march backwards
into the future.”