os.system not working for me!

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dR Hossein

Aug 2, 2011, 9:44:22 AM8/2/11
to django...@googlegroups.com
Hi every body!
I want to get backup from my db with os.system command. but it's not work for me. \
this is the code that I'm using:

 os.system("mysqldump --user root password=123 test_db > d:/test.sql")

any body know about this issue? 

H.İbrahim Yılmaz

Aug 2, 2011, 12:05:09 PM8/2/11
to django...@googlegroups.com
You should use mysqldump command like that:
target_dir = '/path/to/where/you/want/to/dump'

os.system("mysqldump --add-drop-table -c -u user -ppassword database
table > "+target_dir+"/table.bak.sql")
Hope this help!
2011/8/2 dR Hossein <drhos...@gmail.com>
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