We're a group of students at UC Berkeley looking to contribute to Django

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2011年9月26日 23:10:122011/9/26
收件人 django-d...@googlegroups.com
Hi all,

We're a a group of students at UC Berkeley taking an open source class and we've decided to contribute to Django. 

We looked at the bug tracker but it seems a little disorganized and some of the easier bug reports are kinda trivial.

Is there any suggestions on how do we start?


Alex Gaynor

2011年9月26日 23:55:422011/9/26
收件人 django-d...@googlegroups.com
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First of all, we're glad you're looking to contribute to Django!  It's true, our bug tracker has a lot of stuff in it, which is often confusing to newcomers, any ways we could improve this are welcome.  There's various documentation in our repository on what the exact process for contribution is (https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev//internals/contributing/).  The most important thing (IMO), is finding something you care about, whether that's the ORM, the template language, forms, the admin, or anything in between, working on something you find interesting, maybe something you like using in Django, or that you don't like so much, makes the process of contributing to Django significantly more awesome.

Hope that answers some of your questions,

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." -- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (summarizing Voltaire)
"The people's good is the highest law." -- Cicero

Alec Taylor

2011年9月27日 02:54:122011/9/27
收件人 django-d...@googlegroups.com
Great to hear you're getting involved!

Some things I'd like implemented in DJango involve reducing
build-setup environment and expanding project uses to the CMS markets
by incorporated DJango project distribution+setup.

For starters, I was thinking 3 installers (exe,rpm,deb) and a shell
script (sh), but eventually building a small website around DJango for

- Download python
- Install python (set location)
- Download django
- Install django (set location + perhaps select db info?)
- Download project (perhaps pick from list?)
- Install project
- Option to run project + run readme

I'm currently too distracted by the actual project I want to
distribute to do this on my own.

If a few of you are interested though, I can give you tips+guidance to
get started. :]

All the best,

Alec Taylor

Paul McMillan

2011年9月27日 23:32:032011/9/27
收件人 django-d...@googlegroups.com

I'm glad you're excited about this issue, but let's keep discussion of
the installation issue on the other thread (and/or the ticket
tracker). It would be best if we didn't go tasking new volunteers with
big projects the community hasn't agreed on.

The ticket tracker, and the issues there, and the contributing guides,
are a great place for these folks to start.


Paul McMillan

2011年9月27日 23:36:022011/9/27
收件人 django-d...@googlegroups.com
Hi Jamin,

I'm Paul, one of the core devs for Django. I'm curious which class
you're enrolled in and what your requirements are. I'm always excited
to see new people looking to get involved in the project, and I happen
to be VERY local. If you wanted to meet up some evening in one of the
libraries or a coffee shop, I'd be very happy to help you guys get
started (and I can help you find some non-trivial ways to dive into
the codebase and make real contributions even without being familiar
with the whole codebase).

Drop me an email (and feel free to CC whoever else you're working
with), or send me a text - 510 717 1471.


Jeremy Dunck

2011年9月28日 00:18:112011/9/28
收件人 django-d...@googlegroups.com
On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 3:36 AM, Paul McMillan <pa...@mcmillan.ws> wrote:
> I'm Paul, one of the core devs for Django. I'm curious which class
> you're enrolled in and what your requirements are. I'm always excited
> to see new people looking to get involved in the project, and I happen
> to be VERY local.

Hi Paul & Berkeley people. I'm newly in the SF area.

If you want to meet up for a sprint some time, that would be sweet.

Paul, are you active in any local Python/Django user groups?


2011年9月28日 01:38:372011/9/28
收件人 django-d...@googlegroups.com
Since you're at Berkeley, stop by the Graduate School of Journalism some time to see the Django sites we run and meet the devs (look me up). Would also be interested in campus Django meetings (any alternative to the relentless Drupal push on campus :).


Sam Whitlock

2011年9月28日 15:37:462011/9/28
收件人 django-d...@googlegroups.com
I am in the same group as Jamin. Here is some more info about the class.

Berkeley has these classes called DeCal classes. They are student-taught classes about all sorts of things (Starcraft to Wheelchair Basketball). More info at the official site.

We are enrolled in the Open Source Software decal. It is meant to ease students into contributing to open source software. Personally, I use so much of it that I feel compelled to 'pay' for it with my time, not to mention all the other perks (getting better at coding).

The rough requirements for the course are attendance and a contribution (that hopefully gets accepted) to a reasonably active open source project.

There are 4 of us in the group, all undergrads. Jamin seems to be the only one with web framework experience, and I have done a lot of back end stuff, but we're all committed to working on a meaningful feature.
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