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jeff rense

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не прочитано,
19 февр. 2003 г., 10:59:4519.02.2003
>From: Charles D. Bohne

>On 17 Feb 2003 15:00:12 GMT, he...@aol.comnospam (Herlu) wrote:
>>der gedanke an touristen erscheint mir auch eher anthropozentrisch angelegt.

>Spüre ich hier leise Zweifel?

wir wissen nichts wirklich ueber ihre motive.
zumindest die nummern mit den abductions und cattle mutilations spricht imho
gegen die touristen these.

>Nimmst Du mein Wort nicht für Beleg genug? :-)))

nie nicht.

>Weiter so!

immer doch.
raum ho.
SMILE now!
end all ufo secrecy!
end all mind control!

happy surf herlu, from hamburg, de; gate to the world
home of the links + !MACHTJUNKIES!
SMILE - Space Migration, Intelligence Increase, Life Extension
ufo secrecy, mind control: NO!


не прочитано,
20 февр. 2003 г., 11:52:5620.02.2003
jeff rense:

US Assures Israel That Syria And Iran Are Next

Sharon Wants Iran, Libya, And Syria Disarmed Next

Worldwide UFO Sightings Continue At Very High Rate
Filer's Files #8 2-19-3
... This report includes an: Budget suggests aliens may be in outer space,
Connecticut bright object spotted, New York
orange fireball, New Jersey flying triangle, Maryland craft hovers over
highway, Florida daylight teardrop craft, Indiana bell with lights,
Michigan flying triangle, Wisconsin chevron, Colorado boomerang,
Washington UFO sightings continue, Canadian fighters chase UFOs, Brazil
UFO causes blackout, UK video best ever, Netherlands
flashing object, Italy has enormous cylinder, Hungary UFO causes engine
to stop, and Australia flash of light. Mars once was wet and warm. ...

Melting Snow Cause Of Martian Gullies - NASA

The Bush Cabal Gives the World the Finger
... Deputy Reichsfuehrer Ashcroft is definitely cranking up the fear
factor. Now he's claiming that the "terrorists" have the capability to
completely disrupt the US economy, to cause the banking system to fail, to
disrupt the distribution of food and water, and to destroy power plants.
... Putin and Chirac made a joint press release in Paris stating that they
have backed away from their previous approval of the War on Iraq. Then
Germany, France and Belgium blocked the NATO emergency meeting to send a
military shield to Turkey, which further stung the Bush Administration.
The markets then immediately turned higher.
The Bushonian effort to topple the Saddam Regime (and to isolate that
regime as a precursor) has completely backfired. Now it is the United
States that is being isolated. ...

Fair Warning
... Not surprisingly on the same tape 'Osama' threatens Saudi Arabia, his
own country that furnished the majority of the 9-11 hijackers and millions
of dollars into his pockets. American support of the Saudi government had
been waning, but now, thanks to this tape persuading us just how strong an
enemy Saudi Arabia is to Osama, all Americans
can now believe the Saudis are on our side.
This tape is far too convenient for the aims of the U.S. government. Not
one of the talking heads on the TV news channels have noticed this. No one
has said that there could be an Arab Rich Little out in the weeds with a
Sony tape recorder. Or even one in Langley.
Speaking of the TV 'news,' none of them have offered or asked for one bit
of proof that OBL and/or Al Qaeda had anything to do with the 9-11
attacks. I just haven't seen any actual evidence. Have you? ...

Only A Zionist Could Understand

Who's The Extremist?
Below are some quotes from the world's most hard-core religious
extremists... Osama Bin Laden, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, George Bush
41, George Bush 43, John Ashcroft, Franklin Graham, and others.
If they spoke the same language and all referred to god as Allah rather
than God or vice-versa, the quotes could actually be swapped and used
verbatim by either side to stir up the ignorant masses....

Russia - US Must Not Act Like A Cowboy In A Saloon

War of the Worlds !!
... The war between the World of Truth and the World of Delusion was
eloquently illustrated by what occurred on February 15, 2003....

The American People - And Bush's War

LA Woman Chased By Fake ET Sues Reality Show
... Blanc sued the Sci-Fi Channel, the producers of "Scare Tactics" and
two actors for scaring her so badly that she had to be hospitalized
several times for "physical injuries" and "severe emotional distress," her
lawsuit said.
Blanc said she was a "nonconsenting and unwitting victim" of the hidden
camera show with a science fiction twist. ...
... On the way to the resort, the car that the trio were riding in stalled
in a remote desert road and Mertha and Draft "feigned that they were being
seriously physically injured ... or killed " by a costumed "alien," the
lawsuit said.
Mertha and Draft allegedly told a terrified Blanc to run into a "dark,
desert canyon area" to escape, the suit said. ...

A New America
... In the two years and ten months of his presidency, Kennedy created the
conditions which allowed the civil rights movement to eventually succeed.
Following the Cuban missile crisis, he moved to lay the groundwork for
world peace, through the nuclear test ban treaty and by opening a dialogue
with the Soviet Union. This likely has saved the
world so far from nuclear Armageddon. He struggled against the tyranny of
the American financial oligarchy - the Money Power - centered in Wall
Street. And he started a great expansion of modern technology, based on
rocket and computer science, through sponsorship of
the manned space program. Kennedy was the founder of today's progressive
movement. All future progress in American governance will take as a
starting point the achievements of John F. Kennedy, along with those of
his brother Robert Kennedy and of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
John F. Kennedy was murdered by those who clung to the old ways, the ways
of violence and greed. He was killed by a conspiracy that was funded by
right-wing oil tycoons and bankers from Texas, carried out by figures from
the CIA and organized crime, protected from discovery by the FBI, aided on
the scene by the Dallas police, and covered-up
by the American political and media establishment. It was a crime that can
only be avenged by those who carry on Kennedy's legacy, which is what we
must do today. ...
... But after the Civil War, the Money Power gradually took over, aided by
the backing of British financiers, leading to the creation of the Federal
Reserve in 1913. The Federal Reserve is not a government agency. It is
chartered by government, but is owned and operated by and for the private
banking establishment. It is well known to economists
that constriction of the currency by the Federal Reserve produced the
Great Depression. Roosevelt fought the power of the banks and restored the
economy during World War II. Kennedy was poised to restore and extend the
role of the federal government in regulating and enhancing the
productivity of the nation's economy when he was assassinated. All the
presidents since Kennedy have been controlled by the Money Power or have
vainly struggled against it. Again the Federal Reserve wrecked the
American economy during the Volcker recession of 1979-83, when U.S.
industry was devastated and the fateful shift occurred from an industrial
to a "service" economy. ...
... But all this is changing. U.S. industrial production has collapsed.
Our best industrial jobs have been shipped overseas to be carried out by
people working as virtual slave laborers. Now the dollar is slipping, so
we cannot purchase as many foreign products as before. Our markets are not
so attractive as places for foreigners to
invest, so the stock and bond markets are crashing. While this might
provide an opportunity to restore our exports, our industrial capacity has
been decimated, and we no longer have the ability we once had to produce
for foreign markets. Meanwhile, our infrastructure has been neglected and
has deteriorated disastrously. Our railroads, airlines, roads, bridges,
schools, and power and water systems are in disarray or disrepair. ...
... Which brings us to today. What has changed in the last few years has
been the appearance on the world scene of a new currency, the Euro, which
is starting to displace the dollar as a reserve currency in many
countries. In particular, the Euro is replacing the dollar in such
countries as North Korea, Iran, and Iraq, which
not so coincidentally have been labeled by President Bush as an "axis of
evil." ...
... The Iraq War, if it happens, would in fact be a currency war between
the U.S. and Europe. This is leading to the ongoing collapse of NATO, with
France, Germany, and Belgium opposing the U.S. war policy, also joined by
Russia and China. Again, this is because the domestic U.S. economy has
been so weakened that we rely on dollar-based foreign domination to stay
afloat. It all goes back to the control of the U.S. economy, politics, and
society by the Money Power. ...
... The Iraq War has been in the works for several years. What brought it
on so suddenly was the events of 9-11, which are providing the pretext.
Here we must understand that 9-11 appears to have been created by the
Money Power for exactly this purpose. The people who planned and carried
out 9-11 were connected to the intelligence
services of the U.S. and certain other nations. The leadership of the CIA,
the FBI and the military evidently knew what was going on but did nothing
to stop it. Al Qaeda operatives were recruited as foot soldiers, and the
Al Qaeda network was exploited to create a financial trail, but the role
of Osama bin Laden had to have been slight, if he had a role at all.
Remember too that Al Qaeda was created by MI6 and the CIA to fight the
Soviet Union in Afghanistan in the 1980s.
All these things must now change. A new phase in the assault against the
U.S. Constitution by its domestic enemies is about to begin. President
Bush is as much a victim of the Money Power as he is a perpetrator. He
simply does not have the knowledge or background to know what to do, and
he is surrounded by a cabal of truly nefarious
characters who are constantly goading him into action. This cabal includes
the present leadership of the Israeli government and the Likud Party. ...

Iranian-Backed Forces Cross Into Iraq

Brits Move To Dump Blair
After a day, Feb. 15, which saw the largest political demonstration ever
in London, with two million marchers protesting plans for a war in Iraq,
and with tens of thousands marching in Glasgow and Belfast, moves gathered
pace, among leading circles in the ruling Labour Party and elsewhere, for
British Prime Minister Tony Blair to be dumped,
as soon as that can be arranged.
With all signs pointing to the Bush Administration being fully committed
to an Iraq war, in the weeks immediately ahead, the dumping of Blair, the
Administration's main ally for the war drive, might well be the one
qualitative event, that would knock the war off course. ...

Powell-Blair Iraq Dossier Was Cooked In Israel
... So far, so good. But a deeper probe into the scandal reveals that
there was good reason that the spin-meisters at the Coalition Information
Center--the Washington-London civilian government propaganda unit that
crafted both the Blair dossier and major portions of Secretary Powell's
own lighter-than-air book of evidence--did not
reveal the sources of their information. The entire cooked intelligence
picture was "Made in Israel." It was cooked up at a right-wing think-tank
complex notorious as a hotbed of radical Likudnik propaganda, and with
links to the Office of Vice President Dick Cheney, via his Chief of Staff
Lewis Libby and his former client, Marc Rich. ...

Atta And Dekkers Seen Together Just Weeks Before 911
... They knew each other well - really well - they were friends," said
long-time Venice resident and Yellow Cab driver Bob Simpson. "They were
going to a nightclub in Sarasota, talking and very sociable with each
other. He and Atta were friends, you could tell."...

The Costs Of War On Iraq
... It's finally dawning on commentators that the economy is in pretty
sorry shape.
Stock valuations have fallen 33% since Bush became president; investors
are still withdrawing money; consumer sentiment is at historic lows;
consumer debt is at historic highs; we face the worst hiring slump in
twenty years; production as measured by the GDP minus government is
falling; the deficit is ballooning; oil and gas
prices are soaring even as retail and travel sectors slash prices; and all
of Europe is clearly falling into recession.
What's a government to do? Why, go to war, of course. ...
... The money costs of this war will be great. Larry Lindsay, President
Bush's former economic advisor, lowballed an estimate of $200 billion.
(Exactly one twenty-millionth of this amount would pay off my student
loan.) For this, Lindsay was told to resign for having the political
idiocy of stating such an astounding figure
publicly, as though a healthy democracy does not need to know such
confusing data. If truth isn't one of the first casualties of war, then
Lindsay's superfluous job surely qualifies. ...

Bush, Ashcroft Tried To Stop NYC Peace March
... As several readers pointed out to me, Ashcroft's Justice Department
filed an amicus brief to uphold NYC's (wildly unsuccessful) ban of
yesterday's anti-war protests. In other words, the Bush Administration did
everything in its legal power to ban a protest against its policies....

War Planners Begin To Talk Of War's Risks

Edgar Cayce - The Sleeping Prophet !!

The Amazing Warnings Of Benjamin Freedman

Endless Fake Terror Alerts - Fear Based Mind Control

UFO Landings And Physical Trace Cases In France

Alien Memories Leave Real Scars


не прочитано,
21 февр. 2003 г., 12:09:0321.02.2003
jeff rense:

1998 Rumsfeld & Wolfowitz Iraq War Memo To
... Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Deputy Secretary Paul Wolfowitz
undertook a full-fledged lobbying campaign in 1998 to get former President
Bill Clinton to start a war with Iraq and topple Saddam Hussein's regime
claiming that the country posed a threat to the United States, according
to documents obtained from a former Clinton aide.
This new information begs the question: what is really driving the Bush
Administration's desire to start a war with Iraq if two of Bush's future
top defense officials were already planting the seeds for an attack five
years ago? ...

38 Investment Banks Must Defend Price-Rigging Charges

UN Will Die 'Moral Death' If It Gives Into US On Iraq
... Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee has reiterated his
opposition to a US-led war against Iraq, warning that the United Nations
could "die a moral death" if it succumbs to pressure from Washington. ...

Did A UFO Buzz Australia In 1868? !!
... Did a UFO buzz New South Wales, Australia, in 1868? was a local
surveyor invited to board this
incredible flying machine by its strange pilot, Or was it a dream? Bill
Chalker examines a
curious outback tale....
(mit huebscher zeichnng, scheint dem luftschiff flap 1890 ff usa verwandt
zu sein. h.)
A machine to go through the air: AD 1873. Such was the title of a very
curious document that came to my attention in 1975. It was 15-pages long,
dated from the 1950s and described itself as a "Copy from the Memorandum
Book of Fred Wm. Birmingham, the Engineer to the Council of Parramatta".
Although somewhat sceptical of the account's authenticity, I was intrigued
enough to investigate whether there was anything of substance behind this
potentially significant first-hand testimony of what could be one of the
most significant early UFO sightings in Australia....

Columbia Investigation Controversies
... If the conclusion in the Columbia tragedy is not controversial, the
investigators themselves will more than make up for it. What with NASA
spokespersons contradicting each other, theories being put forth, then
dismissed only to be postulated again and finally admitting to the
obvious, if the public isnât confused, they arenât paying attention. And
this doesnât even involve the so-called ãindependent ã panel appointed by
NASA Administrator Sean OâKeefe....
... Two photographs, one taken in California and the other in Nevada,
showed the shuttle being hit by significant electrical discharges of some
kind. NASAâs first reaction to the California picture was that something
may have been wrong with the camera or it was jiggled (although on a
tripod) when the photo was snapped accounting for the lightning-like
streak that appeared to hit the Columbia.
However that theory died when the camera manufacturer tested 1.000
identical cameras (which were digital contrary to initial reports, thus
not requiring film to be developed) and could not duplicate the
That was before the Nevada photograph surfaced. Then the theory was
advanced that the bolt of electricity could have been a ãPixieä a fairly
common phenomenon where, in certain weather conditions, electrical
discharges jump from clouds to the Ionosphere and vice versa....
... A local sheriff in Texas has reported some of the shuttle debris
recovered is radioactive. So far there has been no confirmation or denial
from NASA. One science writer claims an experimental night vision
multi-spectral telescope that was powered by a new isotope used in nuclear
power named Americium ö242 was used in the Columbiaâs orbiting around the
earth to evaluate vapors in Iraq evidencing night-time disposal of
chemical weapons material....
... Most of the DOD appropriations for directed energy weapons go to the
Air Force. However, the Department of Energy has played a large role in
the research and development of the weapons. At least four of the
department's 10 secret laboratories are involved in the general category
of "directed energy" weapons. All ten of the labs are "GOCO's" that is
government owned, contractor operated.
For instance, DOE's Sandia lab located at Kirtland Air Force Base is in
the forefront of directed energy research and experimentation. It has a
23000 square meter building that houses the world's most powerful gamma
simulator. It is capable of generating extremely short bursts of an
electron beam of 13 trillion watts. It is used primarily for simulating
the effects of prompt radiation from a nuclear burst on electronics and
complete military systems. The contractor managing the Sandia lab is
Lockheed Martin.
The Air Force operates 14 space weapons programs in space, and at least
two ground based platforms including Sandia and the HAARP installation in
Alaska masquerading as a scientific examination into the effects of high
auroral activity on the ionosphere....

Trade Gap Jumps To Record $44.2 Billion
... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. trade deficit unexpectedly jumped 10.6
percent in December to a record $44.2 billion, as the seemingly insatiable
U.S. desire for imports expanded and exports slumped, the U.S. government
said on Thursday.
The monthly trade gap far exceeded the average estimate of $38.8 billion
by analysts before the report and pushed the tally for the year to a
record $435.2 billion, as U.S. exports declined for the second year. ...

Bush Accelerates US Military Buildup Against Iraq
... Having declared that he is undeterred by the size of the global
protests against his planned assault on Iraq, US President George W. Bush
is proceeding with frenzied military preparations. While Bush cynically
continues to insist that no decision has been taken to invade Iraq, and
that military attack is a "last resort," US and British troops are massing
in Kuwait at breakneck speed....
... This week, 60 wide-body aircraft have landed in Kuwait every 24 hours
carrying personnel and equipment to the war theater. Other troops arrived
on commercial passenger planes leased by the military to handle the mass
Lieutenant General David D. McKiernan, who commands the US and British
land forces in Kuwait, told CNN Tuesday that 100,000 US troops had landed
in Kuwait and were ready to launch the attack whenever ordered.
A seven-ship Navy fleet was due to arrive in the Gulf this week carrying
about 7,000 Marines from the 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade at Camp
Lejeune, North Carolina. A similar size group of California-based Marines
is en route aboard seven other ships. ...
... Two key components of the US ground force, the 101st Airborne and 4th
Infantry Division, will arrive in Kuwait by early March, although defense
officials in Washington have hinted that military operations could begin
with a "rolling start" before the force is fully assembled. ...
... Facing overwhelming popular opposition to its decision to allow the
country to become a staging ground for the war, the Turkish government is
holding out for a larger aid package than the $6 billion in grants and
$15-20 billion in loan guarantees offered by Bush. The postponement came
after the weekend's worldwide antiwar protests, followed by demonstrations
at the US Embassy in Ankara and outside the headquarters of Gul's Justice
and Development party.
In true gangster style, Bush administration officials told the New York
Times that "Turkey cannot afford to turn them down, and that Turkey's
leaders will ultimately understand that." Bush himself declared that
Turkey had "no better friend than the American government." ...

Panic Is Near If 'The Gold Is Gone' !!!

US Troops Angered By War Protests
... U.S. troops amassed in the Kuwaiti desert can't avoid news of anti-war
protests sweeping the globe, and it is making some angry, defensive,
fired-up and anxious. ...

Bush Knows The Jig Is Up
... One can almost sense a palpable shifting of momentum, from an
unrestricted Bush war-juggernaut rolling to its bloody unfolding to an
administration caught between Iraq and a hard place, condemned if it
unleashes the dogs of war imperial warmonger), condemned if it pulls back
and bides its time (wimp)...
... In short, Bush is just another leader -- not even an elected one at
that -- who, to disguise his incompetency and true motives, has lived on
propaganda and falsification, and now the jig is up. His citizens are
beginning to see through the charade -- even many who once supported him,
including a good many ordinary, moderate Republicans, appalled at the
powers assumed by Big Government and its willingness to eviscerate the
Constitution in its push toward more and more authoritarian control....
... There IS going to be a war, you know. Bush & Co. will not have it any
other way. The Bush & Co. domestic and global agenda requires it. How can
you get your extremist domestic agenda passed unless a frightened Congress
and populace rallies around the flag being unfurled in a Mideast desert?
How can the U.S. exercise its "benevolent hegemony" of the globe (and
totally by coincidence, have effective control of the world's natural
resources) unless would-be upstarts get bombed to smithereens, to
demonstrate to others that they'd better not make the same mistake of
getting in our way? So, it's full speed to Baghdad. ...
... But, let's clear up something right away. Iraq War #2 already has
begun. U.S. special forces are currently operating in northern Iraq,
moving to protect the oilfields from Saddam's orders to destroy them.
U.S./British bombing of military targets is happening on a more frequent
basis. Propaganda leaflets are already being released from U.S. planes
over Iraq, warning soldiers not to follow the orders of their superiors to
use biological or chemical armaments or risk "war crime" trials later. ...

USAF Studying Nuclear-Powered Drones

An American Empire - Instead Of Freedom

Wholesale Prices Soar
... NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - Wholesale prices in the United States posted
their biggest gain in 13 years in January, the government said Thursday,
while the number of Americans filing new claims for unemployment benefits
rose above 400,000 last week....
... "This is a continuation of a trend that's already been in place," said
Arnhold & S. Bleichroeder economist James Padinha. "We don't have a huge
inflation problem, but it seems to me that people don't give enough
weight to the possibility something like that is brewing." ...
... On Wall Street, stock prices fell after the reports, the dollar lost
ground and Treasury bond pric es were mixed.
Inflation has been a distant memory in an economy that suffered through a
recession in 2001 and a slow and sluggish recovery in
2002. In fact, some economists have been worried for
some time about the possibility of deflation, when falling prices undercut
corporate profits and lead to further economic weakness. ...

US May Increase The $26 Billion Promised To Turkey
... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States signaled a willingness on
Thursday to make last-minute revisions to an economic aid package for
Turkey, hoping to end an impasse with its NATO ally over the use of
Turkish bases by American forces for a possible war with Iraq. ...

Rumsfeld - Military Now Ready For Iraq Invasion

Bill Clinton - Saddam 'Is Basically Partly Our Creature'
... * We have a lot to answer for, and he [Saddam Hussein] is basically
partly our creature.
* [Saddam] is the only guy to use chemical weapons on his own people. Yeah
he did it, and the Reagan Administration was for him when he did it.
Nobody raised a peep then, because he was against Iran.
* We now know that he got his anthrax strain from an American company
while we looked the other way.
* We also know that, or at least a British journalist has alleged, that
Casey [the head of the CIA under Reagan] tried to give him cluster bombs.
* I think they [the original Bush Administration] feel badly about
abandoning the Shiites.
* I'd like it if it [an invasion] happened. On the other hand, if it
happened as a result of our initiative, it would be a very high price to
* I don't think you can treat the UN like a shrine. It is an institution
that is still becoming; it's not where we want it to be. We, and others,
sometimes cast our veto votes in ways that are more about us than about
the global interests. So I think we have to try to give the sanctions one
more chance. ...

Life On Mars Might Lurk In Gullies Say Scientists
... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Life on Mars might lurk in long gullies carved
by liquid water underneath a dirty but protective blanket of snow,
astronomers said on Wednesday.
Astronomers first observed the Martian gullies three years ago, but did
not know what created them. Philip Christensen, a professor at Arizona
State University, has now analyzed images from NASA's Mars Odyssey
spacecraft and said they may have been gouged out by melting snow....
.. In Christensen's scenario, the upper layer of snow is loaded with dust
and is therefore less easily melted than snow without those impurities.
Only a few inches (cm) beneath that snowpack, a lower layer of snow can
melt without evaporating. ...
... Christensen said the snowbelts in the Martian mid-latitudes were
active features, melting away and then returning over a cycle of 100,000
years or so. At this point, there are what look like snow fields in
addition to the gullies.
"It points to a very dynamic, active Mars," he said. ...

Snake-Oil Salesmen Or Leadership? You Decide
...Mr. Ridge of Homeland (American) Defense was on this morning with his
new Readiness Program for Americans. Besides duct tape and plastic;
batteries, flashlights, bottled water, and canned foods should be in your
emergency kit! Mr.Ridge, former Governor of Pennsylvania has some Army
experience. I don't know, but for something of this magnitude (170,000
employees) one would wish that in all the nation there couldn't be found
someone with a little more expertise! Mr.Ridge reminds one of Forest
Gump..."War is like a box of chocolate". He just doesn't convey
confidence-or leadership abilities. But then if we look around, on our
local scene, domestically or internationally one is hard pressed to
identify just what leadership is??
The infantile behavior of name-calling in foreign relations is appalling.
President Bush "loathes" Kim Jong I of Korea and labels him a "dwarf".
Great! France and Germany are identified as "old Europe" and "weasels".
Mature! Senator McCain said the other day that "France is like a woman
from the forties trying to get a dinner on her looks". Good John!
President Bush says, he's "losing patience" waiting on war. Now that's
rational reasoning. ...

Russia Hints At UN Veto To Block Bush
(AFP) -- Russia raised the prospect of using its UN Security Council veto
to thwart US plans for war in Iraq, as Arab leaders set a date for a key
summit on the looming conflict.
Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov and his deputy, Yury Fedotov gave the
strongest hint yet that US attempts to win UN approval for an attack would
be opposed by Moscow. ..

Special Ops Vet Says US Started Kuwait Oil Firs
... During tonight's news program on KPFK (90.7 FM, also can be listened
to outside the station's signal area using Real Audio on the internet --
go to, a US Special Operations soldier was interviewed. He came
forward of his own free will and accord, and was not paid for the
He stated that he was part of a group of U.S. Special Ops forces,
operating on specific orders, who were the ones who ignited the oil
wellhead fires in Kuwait, in order that we might blame Saddam Hussein for
the fires.
His specific assignment was to start fires at four wellheads, while each
of the other soldiers in his group were assigned a similar number of fires
to start. He further stated that no one from Iraq had anything whatsoever
to do with the oil well fires in Kuwait.
There were numerous additional details, adequate to show that this
particular soldier had not made up any part of his story....


не прочитано,
22 февр. 2003 г., 10:03:3322.02.2003
>From: Charles D. Bohne

hi charles,

>>wir wissen nichts wirklich ueber ihre motive.
>>zumindest die nummern mit den abductions und cattle mutilations spricht imho
>>gegen die touristen these.

>na, es gibt wohl - wie immer - viele unterscheidliche Motive...
>Und wenn wir mal davon ausgehen dass es eine grosse Anzahl
>von diversen Ausgangspunkten (Heimatwelten ?) gibt, haben die
>sicher nicht alle das Selbe im Sinn ;-))

folgt man tim good 'alien base' oder sgt. maj. dean von shape, so ist locker
mit meheren dutzen (24+) typen zu rechnen.
klar werden die unterschiedliche motive haben.
allerdings wirden schon in einzelnen faellen greys unter der fuchtel von dracos

>Aber wenn Raumreisen immer (notwendigerweise) auch Zeitreisen

angesichts eines 10 (oder 11-) dimensionalen multiversums, und angesichts der
vielen typen, ist es durchaus denkbar, dass sie es gar nicht so weit haben.

>wäre es durchaus denkbar, dass die "Höhepunkte" unserer
>Geschichte "dort draussen" bekannt sind. Dafür spricht doch auch,
>dass bei solchen Gelegenheiten immer welche auftauchen, oder ? :_)

tja, offensichtlich interessieren sie sich fuer krige und militaer- und
was ich von dem (angeblichen) ufo am wtc am 911 halten soll, weiss ich noch
nicht so recht.

>Mal was anderes: ich habe mir erlaubt (und bitte um Deine nachträgliche
>Zustimmung :-), eine Deiner letzten Zusammenfassungen von
>unter dem Titel "US War Hysteria Runs Riot" MessageID:

>nach alt.alien.research zu schicken. Jetzt schlage sie sich dort heftig
>... ;-)

gut, okay.
btw, auf
finden sich bei 'www-fundstuecke' die ganzen rense und div links wieder.

>Um Dir - in diesen Zeiten - Ärger zu ersparen, habe ich es nicht einfach
>nur mit Deinem Namen im Header ge-forwarde-t. Das war aber nicht
>gedacht um Dir den "Credit" für Deine Arbeit vorzuenthalten.. Danke!

na ja, der credit gebuehrt ja eigentlich jeff renrse.


не прочитано,
25 февр. 2003 г., 12:38:0025.02.2003
jeff rense:

NASA Engineer Warned Of Columbia Damage
.... HOUSTON (Reuters) - A NASA engineer warned of the possibility of
grave damage to the shuttle Columbia days before the spacecraft broke up
on Feb. 1 and complained that it was hard to get relevant information,
according to e-mails released by the U.S. space agency on Friday.
The e-mails by safety engineer Robert Daugherty expressed concern that a
debris impact on Columbia's left wing shortly after launch on Jan. 16 may
have gouged a hole big enough to cause excessive heat in the shuttle
landing gear. ...

New, Very Large Comet Rounding The Sun...
... Something else truly amazing is taking place in the solar system at
this moment. A huge comet is rounding the sun, a comet twice the size of
jupiter (from front to the end of the tail -ed) (about 22 times the size
of earth). Some have seen it at sunrise and sunset; otherwise, it is not
visible because it is occluded by solar glare. Essentially, it is coming
from behind the sun and was first observed by NASA less than two months
ago. ...
... Generally, the concern is not that Comet NEAT will strike Earth or
even come near us (though I have yet to see a good description of its path
relative to Earth). Rather, the concern is for the effect upon us through
the electromagnetic interaction between it and Earth and the Sun. There is
a secondary concern that something this huge could have smaller objects
following in its wake, or that pieces of it broke off during the massive
solar flare when it passed near the Sun, pieces that might find their way
to Earth. "Planet buster" asteroids can be as
small as 1/3 mile in diameter. ...
... For the moment, my question is, "Why is there no media coverage of
Comet NEAT?" ...

Are You An Anti-Ameircan Lone Extremist?
... Soon, in order to earn the attention of the FBI and the New COINTELPRO
under the Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003 -- which Bush will
insist be passed soon after Iraq is invaded -- you won't even need to be a
member of one of the above mentioned groups. All you will need do is agree
with the philosophy of "the extreme fringes of animal rights, pro-life,
environmental, anti-nuclear, and other political and social movements."
In the not too distant future thought crime alone will be enough to earn
you the black mark of a "lone extremist" in the eyes of Ashcroft, Bush,
the FBI, and the emerging Ministry of Homeland Security.
Terrorism -- it's not strictly for Muslims anymore. ...

Monsanto Wants To Sow A Genetically-Modified Future

Perfume 'Terror Threat' Sign Of US Deterioration
... The student had a laptop and carry-on bag when he approached a trio of
security screeners manning an X-ray machine in Terminal A.
When they noticed a bottle in the bag, the student told them it was
To prove it, he sprayed a bit on himself.
And a bit into the air in what FBI Special Agent Linda Vizi carefully
characterized as a "noncombative, nonthreatening way."
Something about the perfume-spraying Saudi scared the screeners, for the
next thing the student knew, he was in police custody.
Soon, the FBI was on the case.
And the screeners were rushed to Methodist Hospital, where they were
quarantined - along with everyone else in the ER at 1:30 a.m. ...

Perpetual Death From America

What Went Wrong Between Europe And The US?
... In Europe, the governments of each and every country issued
declarations of solidarity, while the populace felt deep compassion for
the victims and their families. Now, only 17 months later, millions of
individuals out of the very same populace took to the streets of Rome,
Paris, London, Berlin and many other European cities to express their
concern and their protest against the current US policies. What went
wrong? ...
... Concerning the multinational institutions and alliances, a similarly
destructive policy is being monitored. By pressing a decision several UN
security council members oppose, the Bush administration is not
strengthening, but willingly undermining the authority of the United
Nations organisation. The same can be said of the current situation within
NATO. By disrupting these valuable alliances, the Bush administration is
putting the safety of the US citizens at stake. Furthermore, in posing the
threat of employing "mini-nukes" on future enemies, as was outlined in the
National Security Strategy issued on September 20, 2002, the Bush
administration adopted a unilateral, misleading course, which is
disrupting the strength of law in favour of promoting a vision in which
the law is to be enforced solely by the strongest. ...

Israelis Mutilate Palestinians After Killing Them

West Leaders Pilloried As Killers, Fanatics
... "It is no longer just a war against terrorism," the veteran Southeast
Asian leader told an audience including more than 50 heads of state or
government. "It is in fact a war to dominate the world." ...
... The theme was soon taken up by Iranian President Mohammad Khatami, who
described the US as "self-appointed 'master of the world'" driven by
"fanatic Fundamentalism" to spread its own moral and cultural values and
remove anything standing in its way. ...

Red China Adding 75 New Ballistic Missiles Per Year

The 'Don't Know' Crowd
.. The Bush administration adamantly insists that Iraq has weapons of mass
destruction, but despite 12 years of inspections, bombings and spying, it
doesn't have a clue as to where they are.
It frequently warns us of terror attacks, but always says it doesn't know
where, when or how. Nor have there been any terror attacks in the United
States in the past 18 months.
Is it any wonder that millions of people around the world and in the
United States don't support President George Bush's personal crusade to
topple Saddam Hussein? Keep in mind that after the Sept. 11 attack, which
Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with, virtually the entire world united
in sympathy with us. Never has one president destroyed so much support by
so many people in so short a time. ...
... I do know that the only leader threatening the world with nuclear
weapons and pre-emptive attack is George W. Bush. It gives me no pleasure
to point that out. But it is not the role of an American citizen to be a
sheep. It has become apparent that those of us who supported Bush made a
mistake. I'm beginning to believe that a philanderer and a liar is less
dangerous than an upright but ignorant man who thinks God has appointed
him to rule the world. ...

US Officials Use Threats, Intimidation For UN Support
... Senior U.S. officials have been quietly dispatched in recent days to
the capitals of key Security Council countries where they are warning
leaders to vote with the United States on Iraq or risk "paying a heavy

Lawsuit Aims To Silence Voice Of Critic In UFO Debate
... Sean David Morton, who has promoted himself as "one of America's
greatest psychics" and as the "world's foremost UFO researcher", has filed
a one-million dollar defamation lawsuit against UFOWATCHDOG.COM....

It's Terminal Madness & Fragmentation Of the ENDTIME
... Of course, there will be war. And, the war will spread inexorably. It
will be a war of devastation beyond the horrors that the temperate mind
can imagine. And, it will be so, for the spirit of the beast, which I said
in earlier times has been unleashed, will act with self-destructive
... The use of microwave technology and Scalar weapons will hasten the
end, and there is the possibility that it will come very quickly if these
weapons are misused. ...

US Plans Total War Against North Korea
... But behind the scenes, American strategists are now weighing up the
option of a pre-emptive military strike against North Korea as the rogue
Stalinist state forges ahead with its plans to build a nuclear arsenal -
threatening not only a "domino effect" of nuclear proliferation in east
Asia but also a strike against the very heart of America. ...

Americans Were Duped Before...
... This nation fought a war against Spain over a century ago because many
in the media parroted the government line that Spaniards blew up the
Battleship Maine in Cuba. Turns out that most likely was a mistake at
best, a big fat lie at worst.
During World War I, Germans were depicted as brutal barbarians who reveled
in nailing babies to fences and gouging out their
eyes, and World War I was billed as the war to end all wars. Instead, it
led directly to World War II, the rise of communism and the Cold War in
the bloodiest century the world has ever known.
Many of today's hawks are too young to remember the Gulf of Tonkin
Resolution, the big fat lie that plunged us into
Vietnam in the 1960s. Look it up. Then there was the Iran-Contra affair, a
web of lies that helped shape the dismal dilemma we face now. Remember
Iran-Contra? That was the covert operation of the Reagan-Bush
Adminstration in the 1980s to sell missiles to a radical Iranian
government in exchange for its help in freeing American hostages held in
Lebanon. ...
... A New York Times poll shows that 42 percent of Americans believe
Saddam Hussein was responsible for the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Our
government helped create that impression in its
obsessive drive toward regime change in Iraq. ...

Zionist Power In Bush Administration
... Professor Edward Said, a champion of the Palestinian cause, was
roundly condemned by Zev Chafets, a columnist for the NY Daily News
(02/19/03). Thank goodness, Said isn't living in the West Bank or Gaza. If
he were in occupied Palestine, Ariel Sharon's goon squad would have
probably bulldozed his home into a pile of rumble (and his relatives'
homes, too, just for good measure).
What got Chafets riled up was Said's brilliant commentary, entitled, "A
Monument to Hypocrisy." It was published first in an Egyptian newspaper,
the Al Ahram Weekly (02/14/03). It can now be found on the Net. It is a
marvelous essay that deals with the pro-Israeli influence over the
Bush-Cheney administration. It tells how wrongdoings similar to those of
Saddam Hussein have actually been the "stock in trade of every Israeli
government since 1948." Ironically, since Chafets' complained about the
article so boorishly, more folks will now want to read it for themselves.
... Said also wrote, "President Bush and his advisers are slaves of power
perfectly embodied in the repetitive monotone of
their collective spokesman Ari Fleischer (who I believe is also an Israeli
citizen)." Well, Chafets thought that last line belonged in the conspiracy
camp of the "Neo-Nazi" and 'White Aryan Resistance' movements." For him,
it was bad enough that Said had raised questions about "the Perles and
Wolfowitzs of this country, leading America into a war." But, by
suggesting Fleischer was "a citizen" of Sharonland, was just too much for
... The American people are entitled to also know for the sake of our
Republic, if Perle, Wolfowitz, Wurmser, Feith and Abrams are Zionists.
They all hold sensitive positions in the federal government that require
national security clearance. If they are Zionists, then, the next question
is: "Do they have a conflict of interest or even an appearance of a
conflict of interest in carrying out the responsibilities of their
office?" Answers to these questions are imperative. ...
... As for Chafets, thanks for blowing your top, pal! Now, see what you've
done? You're forcing your fellow Zionists out into the light of day, where
the lovers of our Republic, like the "Sons of Liberty" of old, can
confront them about their warmongering agendas. ...

Past US War Crimes Against Iraq

Why Should We Fight Iraq?
... Numerous writers say that key members of the Bush team, Cheney,
Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Feith, Boulton, and Perle (the only one outside
government but closely linked through the Defense Policy Board) were
planning war on Iraq before Bush entered office. Given their earlier
writings and affiliations, that is highly probable. Immediately after
9-11, the war on Iraq took increasing precedence over the war on
terrorism, probably because it was well understood that the war on
terrorism is not winnable. Rather the focus turned to a pre-emptive strike
to strip Saddam of his alleged weapons of mass destruction and to break up
his alleged ties to Al Qaida. Neither of those reasons has survived close
international scrutiny because UN weapons inspections so far show that
Saddam has less of anything in the WMD line now than he may have had
before the first Gulf War. Moreover, the link to Al Qaida, still asserted
by US officials, has yet to be proven. Maybe Saddam will oblige the US by
having something that can be construed as a material breach of UN
Resolution 1441, but he has been successful so far in retreating just
ahead of the inspectors and staying out of range. ...

The US Government Is Dying
... The US Government is dying. Its ultimate fate was sealed the moment
the Federal Reserve Fiat money system was put into place. Like a
recreational drug user enjoying that first chemical rush, those who
created the federal Reserve luxuriated in the seemingly endless flow of
money pouring forth from the Federal Reserve, money used to prolong and
consolidate power, money spent without worry in the full knowledge that it
was going to be someone else's problem to pay it all back. ...
... But now the US Government is paying the price for that glorious
free-spending time of so long ago. Like a recreational drug user now
turned hopeless addict, the government has taxed profitable businesses
into seeking friendlier homes in other lands, and has turned to looting
trust funds and playing bookkeeping games trying to hold off the final
The U.S. Government is Dying: No longer able to conceal the financial
losses, the US Government, like a desperate addict, is turning to crime as
a source of funds, crime on a global scale, conquest, war for profit, call
it what you will, an invasion of a nation is different from an invasion of
a home only in scale. ...
... This was the rock and hard place the US Government found itself in. So
deep in debt it cannot even make the interest payments, unable to sell
products to generate revenues to pay that debt because manufacturing was
taxed into relocating, and a threatened collapse of the dollar that would
force a default on the debt and ruin the standard of living Americans had
worked so hard to achieve.
From that perspective, a war of conquest to grab oil and to force the
conquered nations to use the dollar to keep demand for the dollar high
looks like the best option for a bankrupted government. ...
... Bush wants a war to save the present government. And by supporting his
war with our money and the blood of our children, all we buy is more of
that same government....

US Media Move Away From Bush
... The US media has begun to turn against President George Bush's hard
line on military action against Iraq.
A majority of the country's top newspapers now oppose any attack on Iraq
by US and British forces without the full support if the international
.... The current press majority against unilateral action is in marked
contrast to the findings of a similar survey carried out on February 7,
immediately after Secretary of State Colin Powell's presentation of
evidence of Iraq's activities involving weapons of mass destruction.
At this stage, those calling for international unity were a distinct
minority. ...

When Sharon Says Jump, Bush Asks 'How High?'
... This article is going to be about Jews. So if you're uncomfortable
with the subject I suggest you bail out right now.
Several months ago I wrote an article for our daily newspaper that I
shouldn't have written if I were promoting my career.
It seems that I had the unmitigated gall to question what America was
getting in return for the 3 to 5 billion dollars we are "investing" in
Israel every year.
The article got me blackballed. Well, not exactly blackballed. But along
with being demonized as an anti-Semitic, the paper never accepted any
further articles I wrote. Naďve me, I couldn't understand what I had done
wrong. Now I know better....
... A short while back I read a report that at a Knesset meeting Ariel
Sharon had said to his deputy, Shimon Peres---Don't worry about the
Americans. We own America. And all along I thought WE owned it.
Not willing to accept that at face value, I contacted a reporter in Hebron
to try to verify Sharon's outburst. Sure enough, the reporter told me that
news of Sharon's offhand remark had, in fact, been broadcast from an
Israeli radio station, and that both Israelis and Palestinians had heard
it and were talking about it. ...
... Some time later, Sharon told a certain Mr. Bolten that Israel was
concerned about the security threat posed by Iran, and thought it
important to deal with Iran even while America's attention was focused on
For a minute, I thought Bush was our president.. Mr. Bolten mentioned in a
meeting with Israeli officials, that there was no doubt that America would
attack Iraq, and that it would be necessary thereafter to deal with
threats from Iran, Syria and North Korea. You heard right, North Korea.
... And who is this mysterious Mr. Bolten that is so cozy with Sharon and
other Israeli officials that he has no qualms about sinking America deeper
into the Middle East quagmire, and even designating where American troops
will have to fight after Iraq is defeated?
Is he an Israeli power broker? I'm afraid not. He is Joshua B. Bolten,
President Bush's Deputy Chief of Staff, policy director for the Bush 2000
campaign, and one of about 25 Jews in the highest offices in the Bush
administration. One of YOUR esteemed government officials. ...
... You may have heard that Israel is calling the shots in Americas
foreign policy, and have asked yourself, why are there so many Jews in the
Bush administration, and what are they doing there?
Historian Paul W. Schroeder probably wondered that too when he wrote: "If
Israel's security were indeed the real American motive for war, it would
represent something to my knowledge unique in history. It is common for
great powers to try to fight by proxy, getting smaller powers to fight for
their interests. This would be the first instance I know where a great
power (in fact, a superpower) would do the fighting as the proxy of a
small client state." ...

Who Armed Saddam? - Rumsfeld's Account Book
... Still, Rumsfeld's statement was some chutspa! He was well aware that
it was the U.S. Senate itself (Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban
Affairs) which had conducted extensive hearings in 1992 and 1994 on
"United States Dual-Use Exports to Iraq and Their Impact on the Health of
Persian Gulf War Veterans." And he'd probably read the front page
Washington Post story ("U.S. Had Key Role in Iraq Buildup", 12/30/02)
based upon recently declassified documents, which revealed that it was
Rumsfeld himself who, as President Reagan's Middle East Envoy, had
traveled to the Region to meet with Saddam Hussein in December 1983 to
normalize, particularly, security relations.
At the time of the visit , Iraq had already been removed from the State
Department's list of terrorist countries in 1982; and in the previous
month, November, President Reagan had approved National Security Decision
Directive 114, on expansion of U.S.-Iraq relations generally. But it was
Donald Rumsfeld's trip to Baghdad which opened of the floodgates during
1985-90 for lucrative U.S. weapons exports--some $1.5 billion worth--
including chemical/biological and nuclear
weapons equipment and technology, along with critical components for
missile delivery systems for all of the above. According to a 1994
GAO Letter Report (GAO/NSIAD-94-98) some 771 weapons export licenses for
Iraq were approved during this six year period....not by our European
allies, but by the U.S. Department of Commerce. ...
... According to the hearing reports (which are available on a current
website: among the
chemical weapons which had been sold to Iraq were some of the very most
lethal available: Sarin, Soman, Tabun, VX, Lewisite, Cyanogen Chloride,
Hydrogen Cyanide, blister agents and Mustard Gas. Some of the powerful
biological agents sold included anthrax, Clostridium Botulinum,
Histoplasma Capsulatum (causes a tuberculosis-like disease) , Brucella
Melitensis, Clostridium Perfringens and Escherichia Coli. ...
... Simply put, while Saddam Hussein had shown restraint in the Gulf War
by not deploying his most lethal weapons, the U.S. Government had, a) sold
chemical/biological agents and shipped them directly to Iraqi military
installations, including some just months before Iraq's invasion of
Kuwait, b) distributed faulty chemical/biological agent detection sensors
and protrction gear such as gasmasks to U.S. troops and, c) caused the
exposure of these troops by the bombing of military storage areas upwind
of them. ...
As had been the case with chemical and biological weapons, the list of
American and European companies which sold the nuclear equipment and
technology to Iraq were a virtual pantheon of industry names: Hewlett
Packard, International Computer Systems, Siemens, TI Coating, Carl Zeiss,
Rockwell Collins International, Spectra Physics, Unisys, Tektronix,
Scientific Atlanta and Semetex, among many, many others. With such
assistance, Iraq became a regional power during 1984-90, and developed
regional ambitions.
But these companies were not, per se, Saddam Hussein's main weapons
suppliers: that designation should properly go to Ronald Reagan and George
W.H. Bush, the signers, respectively, of NSDD 114 and NSD 26, both of
which remain classified. As the primary recipients and ultimate
"customers" of the alert memos from the CIA and the U.S. intelligence
community, they were currently and fully aware of the use to which the
equipment and technology were being put, and of the security policy
implications of the process.
And the instrument, the person, the envoy, who negotiated the process in
the first instance, is the current U.S. Secretary of Defense, Donald
Rumsfeld. ...

Did Meier Know About Jupiter's Rings First?
... Absolute Proof of Advance Knowledge Of The Rings Of Jupiter And Their
Composition By Billy Meier, From His 115th
Contact on October 19, 1978
The conversation that follows is taken directly from the English language
translation of the Contact Notes of Billy Meier. Copyrights on this
document are posted as 1982/1986, some 9 - 13 years before astronomers
first suggested, on August 2, 1995, that Jupiter's rings were composed of
dust particles, and 12 to 16 years before the official announcement by
scientists at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, and the National Optical
Astronomy Observatories (NOAO), Tucson, AZ, on September 15, 1998. (It
should also be noted that the rings were not "officially" discovered until
March 5, 1979, five months after Meier wrote
about them.) ...

Feds Weed Out Drug Paraphernalia Sites
... The U.S. Justice Department on Monday said it indicted 11 Web site
operators for allegedly selling illegal devices including bongs and
holders for marijuana cigarettes....


не прочитано,
26 февр. 2003 г., 11:44:5526.02.2003
jeff rense:


Dangerous Visitor Coming?
... A huge comet is rounding the sun, a comet twice the size of jupiter
(from tip to end of tail -ed) (about 22 times the size of earth). Some

have seen it at sunrise and sunset; otherwise, it is not visible because
it is occluded by solar glare. Essentially, it is coming from behind the
sun and was first observed by NASA less than two months ago....

... For the moment, my question is, "Why is there no media coverage of
Comet NEAT?" ...

Omen Update - Nostradamus' Comet


Comet NEAT Angers The Sun

Why The US Let Pakistan Airlift Al Qaeda Out Of Afghanistan
... We were operating very heavily with a small number of men, three, 400
really in the first days of the
war. And suddenly one night when they had everybody cornered in Konduz--
the special forces people were told there was a corridor that they could
not fly in. There was a corridor sealed off to-- the United States
military sealed off a corridor. And it was nobody could shoot anybody in
this little lane that went from Konduz into Pakistan. And that's how I
learned about it. I learned about it from a military guy who wanted to fly
helicopters and kill people and couldn't do it that day. ...
... SY HERSH: There was about a three or four nights in which I can tell
you maybe six, eight, 10, maybe 12 more-- or more heavily weighted--
Pakistani military planes flew out with an estimated-- no less than 2,500
maybe 3,000, maybe mmore. I've heard as many as four or 5,000. They were
not only-- Al Qaeda but they were also-- you see the Pakistani ISI was--
the military advised us to the Taliban and Al Qaeda. There were dozens of
senior Pakistani military officers including two generals who flew out.
And I also learned after I wrote this story that maybe even some of Bin
Laden's immediate
family were flown out on the those evacuations. We allowed them to
evacuate. We had an evacuation.
JANE WALLACE: How high up was that evacuation authorized?
SY HERSH: I am here to tell you it was authorized ? Donald Rumsfeld who ?
we'll talk about what he said later ? it had to be authorized at the White
House. But certainly at the Secretary of Defense level....
... The initial plan was to take out the Pakistani military. What happened
is that they took out al Qaeda with them. And we had no way of stopping
it. We lost control. Once there planes began to go, the Pakistanis began--
thousands of al Qaeda got out. And so-- we weren't able to stop it and
screen it. The intent wasn't to let al Qaeda out. It was to protect the
Pakistani military. ...

Mailer - Gaining An Empire, Losing Democracy?
Iraq Is An Excuse
By Norman Mailer
Tribune Media Services
LOS ANGELES -- There is a subtext to what the Bushites are doing as they
prepare for war in Iraq. My hypothesis is that President George W. Bush
and many conservatives have come to the conclusion that the only way they
can save America and get if off its present downslope is to become a
regime with a greater military presence and drive toward empire. My fear
is that Americans might lose their democracy in the process.
By downslope I'm referring not only to the corporate scandals, the church
scandals and the FBI scandals. The country has gone kind of crazy in the
eyes of conservatives. Also, kids can't read anymore. Especially for
conservatives, the culture has become too sexual. ...

Patriot II - '5-10 Times Worse Than The Patriot Act'
... FTW) -- With more than twenty U.S. cities having passed resolutions
openly opposing the multiple civil liberties violations in the 2001
Patriot Act, and as the state of New Mexico debates legislation that would
encourage police agencies to avoid violations of the First Amendment, the
recent leak of a secret Bush administration bill that would further erode
civil liberties has provoked a bizarre tale of denials and "non responses"
by the administration. Thus far the saga of the Domestic Security
Enhancement Act of 2003 - commonly known as Patriot II - suggests that the
leak of the proposed legislation was possibly a "trial
balloon" or "tester" to gauge both public and congressional reaction to a
bill that, if passed, would grant the federal government drastic new
powers in a continuing erosion of the Bill of Rights.
Patriot II has not been officially introduced in either house of congress
and thus has no official standing. It has, however, been officially
transmitted by the Bush Justice Department to Vice President Cheney
(President of the Senate) and House Speaker Denny Hastert, R-Illinois. ...
... Its provisions allow for secret arrests of persons in certain
terrorist-related cases until indictments have been handed down and there
is no time limitation for this process. America has never permitted secret
arrests for indefinite time periods. In addition, Patriot II provides that
these terrorist arrests may be under "no bail" conditions and that any
federal employee who discloses the identity of someone who has been
secretly detained may be imprisoned for up to five years.
The bill mandates that government authorities are entitled to have ex
parte (one- on-one, without defense counsel or a public record) and in
camera (private) - meetings with judges without opposing counsel or
defendants even being notified to secure rulings on search warrants,
admissibility of evidence and investigative procedures. In certain cases
where naturalized American citizens are found to be working with foreign
governments, or making donations to foreign based charities later found to
be supporting terrorist causes, the Attorney General will have the right
to revoke U.S. citizenship and extradite those charged to
any country in the world, whether there is an extradition treaty in place
or not....

US Envoy Fails To Win Russian Backing On Iraq

US Nuclear First-Strike Plan - It Keeps Getting Scarier
... The Jan. 10, 2003 memo from Dr. Dale Klein outlined plans for an
August 2003 conference at the Omaha, Neb. headquarters of the U.S.
Strategic Command, where scientists and military planners will gather to
make decisions on the production and deployment of a new generation of
"mini" nuclear bombs, "bunker busters," and other nuclear devices that
will become part of the U.S. military's arsenal of {offensive} weapons. No
longer is the first use of nuclear weapons taboo. No longer--unless the
madness is stopped--will the United States refrain from the use of nuclear
weapons against non-nuclear nations. ...
... * On Feb. 22, 2002, John Bolton, a leading Administration Chickenhawk
who runs the arms control and disarmament office at the State Department,
gave an interview to the Washington Times in which he boasted about the
Bush Administration's intent to use nuclear weapons, under certain
circumstances. He candidly told the Times that the world had changed so
dramatically on Sept. 11, 2001, that it was no longer unthinkable to use
nuclear arms against rogue states thought to possess weapons of mass
destruction. Bolton said that to continue with the doctrine of no first
use of nuclear weapons reflected "an unrealistic view of the international
situation. The idea that fine theories of deterrence work against
everybody, which is implicit in the negative security assurances, has
just been disproven by Sept. 11." He concluded paradoxically, "What we are
attempting to do is create a situation where nobody uses weapons of mass
destruction of any kind."
It is no coincidence that Bolton's chief deputy at the State Department is
David Wurmser, one of the authors, along with Richard Perle and Doug
Feith, of the 1996 "Clean Break" report to then-Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu. That report called on Israel to abrogate the Oslo
Accords, launch preemptive war on the Palestinian Authority, and drive
America into an armed attack on Iraq. ...

US Consumer Confidence Hits Nine Year Low
... Consumer confidence in the US plunged to a nine-year low, according to
a widely-watched barometer that revealed renewed anxiety over the economy
and developments abroad.
The Conference Board said its index of consumer sentiment sank nearly 15
points to 64 in February. A component of the index measuring expectations
led the decline....

Heads They Win, Tail We Lose
Jewish Media Myths Leading Us To World War III
... Like, why should the United States have the right to declare other
nations not suited to possess weapons of mass destruction? Or, why should
one country have them (Israel) and another country not (Iraq)? Does it all
hinge on Condoleezza Rice's statement that we are a nation of truth and
goodness and can determine what is right for everyone? And what of those
who disagree? Are they wrong? Are they evil? Isn't the United States the
country most likely to use weapons of mass destruction? ...
... It's more of the same today. Nothing on TV or the big newspapers about
the investigations into 9/11 or the anthrax murders, no coverage of the
Palestinians being caged up in prison camps and murdered indiscriminately
by bulldozers and helicopters on a daily basis, and not an audible peep
about how it is Israel that has violated U.N. mandates about weapons of
mass destruction and inhuman treatment of political prisoners. Yet the
U.S. gives Israel so much money ($14 billion per year) that it has begun
to tip over the entire American economy, and still not a peep in the
American mass media ......

New Iraqi Radio Station May Be US 'Black' Op

Is Anybody Out There? Is Anyone Listening?
... The alliance between CONTRIBUTION-hungry Politicians and profit-hungry
Silicon Valley patrons has resulted in HUGE increases in issuance of
"temporary work visas" to skilled foreign workers who REPLACE U.S.
Citizens in our high tech industries. Industry hype is that the U.S. can't
supply enough skilled workers, but what Silicon Valley (industry jm) means
is that they don't want to PAY decent salaries to U.S. workers.
To lure workers, Congress struck a special bargain: The time limit was
left in place (6yrs), but made to seem irrelevant. Applicants no longer
had to prove they intended to return home and the visa was dubbed
"transitional", implying: next stop, green card. But so many immigrants
streamed in so quickly that the gears jammed, at every stage. Employers
couldn't get certifications from the DEPARTMENT OF LABOR fast enough. The
INS couldn't keep up with applications for permanent residency. Meanwhile
LOBBYING groups are spending millions of dollars to PURCHASE VOTES in the
U.S. Congress to modify H-1B visas so that
persons can stay for an indefinite period. ...

Natural Gas Prices Hit Record Highs
... NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. spot natural gas prices spiked to record
highs on Tuesday as a bitterly cold winter season in the eastern U.S. has
sapped natural gas supplies, setting the stage for higher energy bills
this year, analysts said on Tuesday.
A steady flow of arctic air has forced consumers to crank up furnaces this
winter as early predictions that a mild, El Nino winter season would slow
heating demand have long been forgotten. ...
... Analysts say the price spikes will inevitably mean higher heating and
cooling bills for consumers later this year.
The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates that by the
time gas makes it to the retail market, homeowners will be paying about 15
percent more this year, a spokesman said. ...

The Facts About Rebellion
... Which political leader made war on his own people, killing 262,000 of
them, burning their cities, destroying their food supply and placing the
survivors under military occupation?
If your answer is Saddam Hussein, you're wrong. The answer is Abraham
Accepting the Northern but incorrect view of the War Between the States,
Lincoln did exactly the same thing Saddam Hussein did. When "his own
people" rose up in armed rebellion, he crushed the rebellion, brutally and
decisively. ...

The Madness of Empire
... Recently the novelist John le Carré wrote in the Times of London that
the United States has entered a "period of madness" that dwarfs
McCarthyism or the Vietnam intervention in intensity. One generally would
not pay much attention to the cynical British spy-tale weaver, never
especially friendly to America. But concern about America's mental health
is more broadly in the air, spreading well beyond the usual professional
anti-Americans. It is now pervasive in Europe, and growing in Asia, and
when Matt Drudge posted le Carré's piece prominently on his website, it
got passed around and talked about here in ways it never would have five
years ago.
The proximate cause of le Carré's diagnosis is Washington's plan for a
pre-emptive war against Iraq, a nation whose weapons pose no threat to the
United States and that has no substantial links to al-Qaeda or 9/11. The
U.S. would fight this war virtually without allies, though a few countries
might be dragged into the fray against the will of their populations. But
mad or not, this drive toward war is not mania of sudden onset but
ratification of a neo-imperialist strategy that has been germinating in
neoconservative circles since the end of the Cold War. ...
... These tactical measures are elements within a broader vision of a more
militarized U.S. foreign policy, carried out without allies if necessary.
In the final year of the first Bush administration, Paul Wolfowitz penned
a memo under the aegis of then Secretary of Defense Cheney, calling for
the United States to ramp up its defense spending in order to deter any
other country from "even aspiring to a larger regional or global role."
China, Russia, Germany, and Japan were to be intimidated from seeking more
power in their own regions. After the Wolfowitz draft was leaked to the
press, it received widespread ridicule, and the
Bush I diplomats rushed to reassure allies that Wolfowitz's views did not
truly reflect American foreign policy. ...
... Only recently has it become commonplace (outside of the Marxist Left)
to call this new policy imperialist. President Bush himself still shuns
the word, telling a Veterans Day audience, "We have no territorial
ambitions. We don't seek an empire." But a surprising number of foreign
policy analysts, in the neocon orbit and beyond, have picked up the "I"
word and run with it....
... Then there is the reaction of the world to consider, after the United
States rains cruise missiles on Baghdad, seizes the Iraqi oil fields and
"the next day" (as Ariel Sharon urges) prepares for war against Iran. One
can imagine that the Saudis will fall into a political panic, that Europe
will be enraged, that Russia and China will be cooly hostile and begin to
make plans. What impact would the Iraq invasion have on the international
system? ...

Imminent Iraq War Spurs Iran's WMD Efforts
... Iran has increased efforts to obtain technological assistance from
China and North Korea for its missile and weapons of mass destruction
programs, the United States has concluded....

U.S. Warns France In Struggle Over Iraq
... PARIS/BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The United States fired a warning shot
Tuesday across the bows of France, the leading critic of its Iraq policy,
saying it would view any French veto of a new U.N. resolution authorizing
force as "very unfriendly." ...
... Even as he spoke, other members of the decision-making U.N. Security
Council added their voices to the chorus of skepticism over the
resolution, clouding Washington's hopes of winning the nine votes needed
to pass it by mid-March. ...

Computer Made From DNA And Enzymes
... Israeli scientists have devised a computer that can perform 330
trillion operations per second, more than 100,000 times the speed of the
fastest PC. The secret: It runs on DNA.
A year ago, researchers from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot,
Israel, unveiled a programmable molecular computing machine composed of
enzymes and DNA molecules instead of silicon microchips. Now the team has
gone one step further. In the new device, the single DNA molecule that
provides the computer with the input data also provides all the
necessary fuel....

US Forces In Middle East

Why African Americans Should Oppose The War
... "If we don't have boots in the Iraqi desert by spring, we have to wait
till winter because of the heat," says conventional wisdom. Don't believe
the hype: our soldiers can handle the heat, but gas and oil prices can't
stand the cold. Heavy demand makes winter fuel prices the highest of the
year, and prices spike when an oil producer like Iraq is attacked. Best to
fight in the spring and summer when prices are low. That's just the first
lesson in the nexus between oil, money, time and the taking of other
people's property by force. As the U.S. government rushes to invade and
occupy Iraq, people around the globe ask Why, Why now, and Why so alone?
... Enter the real "weapon of mass destruction," the euro. Eleven European
countries formed a monetary union around this currency on January 1, 1999;
Britain and Norway, the major European oil producers, were conspicuously
absent. Due to the strength of European economies, the euro now presents a
serious challenge to the dollar in its role as key reserve currency. The
rise of the euro also threatens to hobble the British pound's eventual
entry into Europe's monetary union. Britain and the U.S. have mutual
interests in oil to match their interests in the euro. Of the five largest
oil companies in the world, two (ExxonMobil and
ChevronTexaco) are U.S.-based, two (Royal Dutch/Shell and BP) are based
in Britain, and one (TotalFinaElf) is French. U.S. and British oil
companies are all but banned from exploration in Iraq,
while French, Russian and Chinese companies have contracts
waiting for the lifting of sanctions. France and Germany, the largest
economies in the Euro-zone, can diminish U.S. credibility and keep the
euro on track to become the key reserve currency by preventing war with
Iraq. ...
... The U.S. strategy to destroy OPEC is twofold: pressure non-OPEC
producers to flood the oil market and retain denomination
in dollars in an effort to weaken OPEC's market control, and change the
leadership of any country switching oil denomination from the dollar to
the euro (hence, the "axis of evil"). ...


не прочитано,
27 февр. 2003 г., 12:50:3427.02.2003
jeff rense:

Israel's 'Use' Of Its Nuclear Weapons Against US
... One other purpose of Israeli nuclear weapons, not often stated, but
obvious, is their "use" on the United States. America does not want
Israel's nuclear profile raised.[144] They have been used in the past to
ensure America does not desert Israel under increased Arab, or oil
embargo, pressure and have forced the United States to support Israeli
diplomatically against the Soviet Union. Israel used their existence to
guarantee a continuing supply of American conventional weapons, a policy
likely to continue....
... Not only were the Israelis interested in American nuclear weapons
development data, they were interested in targeting data from U.S.
intelligence. Israel discovered that they were on the Soviet target list.
American-born Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard obtained satellite-imaging data
of the Soviet Union, allowing Israel to target accurately Soviet cities.
This showed Israel's intention to use its nuclear arsenal as a deterrent
political lever, or retaliatory capability against the Soviet Union
itself. Israel also used American satellite imagery to plan the 7 June
1981 attack on the Tammuz-1 reactor at Osiraq, Iraq. This daring attack,
carried out by eight F-16s accompanied by six F-15s punched a hole in the
concrete reactor dome before the reactor began
operation (and just days before an Israeli election). It delivered 15
delay-fused 2000 pound bombs deep into the reactor structure (the 16th
bomb hit a nearby hall). The blasts shredded the reactor and blew out the
dome foundations, causing it to collapse on the rubble. This was the
world's first attack on a nuclear reactor....

Sun Sends Greeting To Comet NEAT

Is The Prophsied Comet Here?

UFO Sightings Continue High
Filer's Files #9 2-26-3

Argentina - 'The Thing That Fell From The Sky'
... The time was 1:45 pm on August 17, 1995. An unidentified flying object
fell mysteriously from the sky against Cerro Colorado, a hard to reach
area near the community of El Galp-n. The vehicle, cylindrical in shape,
according to local residents, exploded in such a way that it caused the
earth to shake....

Argentines Hunt For Unknown Humanoid Animal
... The Chief of the Rosario de la Frontera Volunteer Fire Brigade, JosZ
Exequiel Alvarez, requested the aid of the provincial Department of
Environmental Resources to organize an expedition to track the strange
bipedal animal--of large size and uncommon dimensions--prowling the
vicinity of this urban center, located some 184 km south of the provincial
seat, Salta. ...
... The singular creature, described by many witnesses as a humanoid biped
standing two meters tall, with upper extremities ending in long and sharp
curved claws, is covered in hair and has large eyes and ears as well as
"bald buttocks". It would be a fierce animal, according to the statements
of those who claim having seen it. ...

Bizarre Animal Mutilations Plague Puerto Rico
... On Friday, February 21st, a Channel 4 broadcast reported on the
slaying of animals in Barrio La Cuchilla de Candelero Debajo in the
municipality of Humacao (on Puerto Rico's eastern shore). The television
report states that an unknown animal killed all of the pigs in their pens
and ripped apart nine male rabbits, leaving one female alive. It was also
noted that a duck survived the assault. Eyewitnesses were only able to see
a shadowy form that ran away. At the scene of the incident it was possible
to recover a plaster cast of a feline paw-print. This print is under the
custody of the Department of Natural Resources.
The video documentary also shows scratches on the pens' wooden posts which
were apparently made by the animnal in question. ...

Blair Suffers Major Party Revolt Over Iraq
... LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Tony Blair suffered by far
the largest revolt he has faced from his war-wary Labor Party but still
won a parliamentary vote Wednesday over tackling Iraq....

Oil Races Over $37, Fuel Inventories Fall
... U.S. light crude CLc1 set a new two-year high of $37.40 and by 1700
GMT was up $1.20 at $37.26 a barrel. London Brent crude LCOc1 gained 65
cents to $32.95 a barrel.
"For short-term trading targets there's really not much holding this
market back from $40 a barrel," said Paul Horsnell, oil analyst at JP
"These latest inventory figures are scary." ...

Putin, Schroeder Reject New US Draft UN Resolution

Israel - Germs, Gas And Nukes
... The world's best-known and most efficient 'secret' manufacturer of
weapons of mass destruction is not Iraq, not even North Korea, but Israel.
Neil Sammonds looks at a nuclear, biological and chemical warfare
programme that even the Israeli Knesset cannot get access to, let alone
the United Nations. ...
... What Dimona is to Israel's nuclear programme, the Israeli Institute
for Biological Research (IIBR) at Nes Ziona is to its chemical and
biological warfare (CBW) programme. The high-security facility is absent
from aerial survey photographs and maps, on which it has been replaced by
orange groves.
Except for token visits to Dimona by a Norwegian team in 1961 and a US
team in 1969, there has been no international scrutiny. Even the Knesset
is denied access. ...
... The October 1992 crash an of El Al cargo plane in Amsterdam that
caused at least 47 deaths and caused hundreds of immediate and subsequent
mysterious illnesses led to the disclosure in 1998 that flight LY1862 was
carrying chemicals including 50 gallons of dimethyl methylphosphonate
(DMMP) - enough to produce 594 pounds of sarin. The DMMP was supplied by
Solkatronic Chemicals Inc of Morrisville, Pennsylvania, and was destined
for the IIBR. ...

Turkey To Host 62,000 US Soldiers, 255 Planes For War
... (AFP) -- Turkey is planning to allow some 62,000 US troops to be
deployed on its territory ahead of a possible attack on neighboring Iraq,
Anatolia news agency quoted Deputy Prime Minister Mehmet Ali Sahin as
NTV television said the government would also allow the United States to
deploy 255 military aircraft and 65 helicopters on Turkish territory. ...
... Public opinion in Turkey is firmly opposed to a war and MPs from the
ruling Justice and Development party (AKP) have voiced disquiet at being
forced to approve the US deployment, especially as a deal on economic
compensation for Turkey for war damage has not yet been reached with

NASA Starts Countdown To Mars Mission
... CANBERRA (Reuters) - Astronomers have started a countdown to the
launch of two robotic buggies on a mission to find out if there is, or
ever was, life on Mars.
Dr. Charles Elachi, director of the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration's (NASA) Jet Propulsion Lab, said final preparations were
underway with one 'exploration rover' arriving at Cape Canaveral this week
and the second due in three weeks. He said the rovers, which are the size
of an office desk, were set to be launched on May 30 and June 25,
piggy-backing on two rockets then parachuting down to Mars in January in
an air-bag cushioned landing. ...

UFO Smear - Portentous Penn, Tedious Teller
... I'd like to go on record to say that I am personally appalled at "Penn
and Teller" and their obtuse ad-hominum attack vis a vis their new
Showtime series "Bull Shit" on persons associated with the abduction
conundrum and ufology in general. At first blush their hackneyed
production is merely uninformed, unbalanced, and unprofessional. Closer
examination seems to expose real duplicity, shameless confabulation, and a
total lack of -any- ethics. More consideration strongly suggests libel,
dirty-tricks character assassination to facilitate hidden agendas, and the
usual mainstream persecution of free-thinking persons for daring to think
out of the aggregate social box!
Participants in their program were -obviously- misled, manipulated, and
misinformed with regard to the purpose of their interview and use in the
program. Creative editing -was- used to cant the contrived results into
inaccurate and degrading distortions of summative disparity for the
persons involved. ...
... Ironically, we take a step back to the fundamentalist -dark- ages with
their aptly titled new Showtime series "Bull Shit". Verily. They blithely
craft this crude assault on rational sensibility in the name of "knowledge
advancement" like -any- good CSICOPian (the show was, oh by the way,
-heavily- touted by that skeptical pretender as a "must see"), and this is
the root of my appalled disappointment with them. ...
... Now they are merely a two-headed James Randi for the X generation.
They are 21st Century CSICOPians. They are ufological Luddites, ironic
enemies of human growth and advancement, and two-color debunkers in league
with the corrupted mainstream. They no longer -count- (with -me- at any
rate)! They are no longer -relevant-. ...

The U.S. Flag And The East India Tea Company

CBS, White House Flap Over Saddam Interview
... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House criticized CBS television on
Wednesday over what a spokesman said was a spurned offer to rebut comments
by Iraqi President Saddam Hussein during an interview to air on Wednesday
In a flap that raised anew questions about U.S. news outlets airing the
views of potential foes and government attempts to influence coverage, CBS
rejected the charge and said it remained open to providing a forum for a
top Bush administration official to respond to Saddam on the air. ...

'Virtual' War Protest Jams Congressional Phones


не прочитано,
28 февр. 2003 г., 12:18:0628.02.2003
jeff rense:

US 'Too Busy' To Spot Smallpox OutBreak

Career Diplomat Resigns Over Iraq Policy
... The State Department expressed regret Thursday over the decision of a
veteran career diplomat to resign because of President
Bush's "fervent pursuit of war with Iraq."
J. Brady Kiesling, political officer at the U.S. embassy in Athens, said
in a letter to Secretary of State Colin Powell that Bush's policies are
"driving us to squander the international legitimacy that has been
America's most potent weapon" for the past century. ...

Daylight UFO Causes Fender Benders In Scotland
... The appearance of a a UFO in the sky above Kingsgate Retail Park last
week caused spooked drivers to bump their cars. Several people reported
seeing a huge silver object in the area as they drove past at around
8:45am last Wednesday.
Drivers were so distracted by the bizarre sightings that at least two
minor bumps were reported, as the attention of motorists wandered from the
more mundane forms of transport before them on the road. ...

America Uses Israel's Words To Justify Occupation
... Ah, to be a "viable" state! The word "viable" has now become the
be-all and end-all of American policy towards Palestine. "For its part,"
George Bush told us, "the new government of Israel, as the terror threat
is removed and security improves, will be expected to support the creation
of a viable Palestinian state."
Well, since Ariel Sharon, the Israeli Prime Minister, says that the
Palestinians may only get 50 per cent of the West Bank and his new chums
in his coalition government are all for more settlements in that area, why
should Muslims take this talk seriously? They don't. It's just another
word trick to kick-arse the Arabs into support - or at least acquiescence
- in the American invasion of Iraq....
... Not once did President Bush mention the word "oil" - save for a brief
reference to the disastrous oil-for-food "programme" - though there was
just one mention of the occupied territories (or "so-called occupied" as
Donald Rumsfeld infamously called them). But once America occupies Iraq,
what argument can the Arabs deploy against Israel? If the West Bank is
occupied, well so is Iraq. If the United States occupied Iraq to spare the
world from "terror", why shouldn't Israel occupy the West Bank to spare
itself from "terror"? Few have yet worked through this dangerous equation.

Much of the Bush speech to the American Enterprise Institute was written
in the language of Israel. "If war is forced upon us by Iraq's refusal to
disarm, we'll meet an enemy who hides his military forces behind
civilians, who has terrible weapons, who's capable of any crime." This is
precisely the language of Ariel Sharon. The equation that other Arab
states are expected to understand is contained in that ominous suggestion
by Mr Bush that after the "passing" of Saddam Hussein's regime, "other
regimes will be given a clear warning that support for terror will not be
tolerated". Primarily, this is a message for Syria, then for Iran and
then for anyone else who has not knelt before the Americans....

New Deadly US Bomb Equal To Small Nuke
... Military sources say all the ships the Navy needs to go to war are in
the region ÷ nearly 100 of them, including five aircraft carrier battle
In the next several weeks, the Air Force will fly in the last 100 to 150
of its planes ÷ including B-2 stealth bombers early next week. That will
bring the total of American aircraft ÷ Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps ÷
to about 900.
As for U.S. troops, there are now 210,000 in the region from the Navy, Air
Force, Army and Marine Corps. In the next two weeks, 50,000 more are
expected. ...
... When and if the United States does go to war, military sources say the
United States is preparing a monster new weapon to be used during the
first nights.
It's called MOAB, short for "massive ordnance air burst" bomb. It is a
modern, bigger version of the 15,000-pound "Daisy Cutter" used in Vietnam,
the Persian Gulf War and Afghanistan.
Sources say MOAB ÷ still experimental ÷ is a 21,000-pound bomb that will
be pushed out the back of a C-130 transport and guided by satellite.
Because it is not dropped by parachute, as was the old Daisy Cutter, the
aircraft can let it go from far higher altitudes, making it safer for U.S.
The MOAB's massive explosive punch, sources say, is similar to a small
nuclear weapon. ...

Next Space Station Mission Approved
... HOUSTON -- The first step on NASA's road to recovery from the Columbia
catastrophe has been made with the decision to launch two men - one
Russian and one American - to the international space station in early
May. As the first human space mission since the loss of the space shuttle
and its seven astronauts on Feb. 1, this flight will provide a much-needed
psychological boost to the American space program.
COSMONAUT YURI MALENCHENKO and astronaut Ed Lu will blast off aboard the
Russian Soyuz TMA-2 spacecraft about May 5, Russian space officials have

Shock And Yawn Plan Could Kill Millions In 48 Hours - Why Don't Americans
... Exactly a month ago Pentagon planner Harlan Ullman, in a CBS-TV
interview, publicly revealed for the first time the Pentagon's "Shock and
Awe" plan for its assault upon Iraq, should (or when) George W. Bush
orders it.
Ullman's information was subsequently confirmed by a number of sources;
it's for real. Here is what I wrote about it in my>column of
January 30:
"The plan includes simultaneous ground invasions from north and south...
It also includes a sudden decimation of Baghdad by raining down on its
people, in two days, over 800 cruise missiles -- more than were used in
the entire Gulf War. Ullman... characterized the Baghdad assault thusly:
`You have this simultaneous effect, rather like the nuclear weapons of
Hiroshima, not taking days or weeks but minutes.' It would be a firestorm,
a Dresden or Tokyo with 60 years of new technology. It would be a war
crime of quick and staggering proportions.
"Such a plan, of course, makes a mockery of Donald Rumsfeld's ritual
insistence that the Pentagon takes enormous care to avoid civilian
casualties; the plan apparently is to kill a staggering percentage of
Baghdad's civilian population in the first day alone. ...
... According to captured Al-Qaeda documents, planners of the 9/11
massacre had originally considered flying jets into
American nuclear facilities, but decided not do so to on "humanitarian"
grounds. Does anyone think that, after our amphetamine-soaked pilots
casually incinerate a major world city and its inhabitants, that they'll
show such restraint next time? You know the answer. ...

Two Faces, No Brain
(ds sollte wirklich jeder selbst lesen. h.)

Countries Offering Military Support For Iraq War

$60 Billion US Dollars Fled Argentina

Electronic Vote Fraud Whistleblower Files Suit
... A whistle-blowing computer programmer is suing an electronic-voting
company, alleging that it fired him because he intended to expose major
flaws in its touchscreen voting software....

On The Relevance Of The United Nations
... In the heat of debate to justify a war on Iraq, top US leaders have
attempted to make UN acceptance of the US position a test of the validity
of the United Nations system. President Bush did this at his ranch in
Crawford, Texas last Saturday, and asserted again in a speech Wednesday
that the United Nations had a last chance to prove its relevance by
adopting a resolution the United States with British help will propose in
a few days.
This week members of the Bush team have gone further by asserting that the
UN will destroy its legitimacy by failing to back the US war plan. Like
many of the throwaway lines Bush himself is fond of using, such as Ariel
Sharon is "a man of peace", these comments are part of the in your face
and personal style Bush and particularly his Secretary of Defense have
adopted for putting down people who disagree with them. ...

Fleischer Laughed Off Stage By White House Reporters
... This week's most important story is Bush's efforts to buy a majority
of votes on the U.N. Security Council. But when reporters pressed Ari
about the terms of these deals, Ari feigned pure unadulterated outrage.
"I haven't seen the story. And you already have the answer, about what
this will be decided on. But think about the implications of what you're
saying. You're saying that the leaders of other nations are buyable. And
that is not an acceptable proposition."
Suddenly, a remarkable thing happened - the reporters LAUGHED. They
laughed LOUD. And they laughed so loud that Ari turned on his heels and
marched right off the stage. ...

Bush Says 'War Means Peace'

Turkey Deals Blow To Bush War Plans
... ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey's ruling party moved on Thursday to delay
until the weekend a parliamentary vote on deployment of thousands of U.S.
troops in the country, dealing a blow to U.S. preparations for a possible
war against Iraq. ...

Blindman's Rule
Congress Discovers The Perils Of Legislating In The Dark
... The New York Times
reports that Robert Matsui was "surprised by [the] fine print" in the
McCain-Feingold campaign finance law. Matsui, the California
representative who heads the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee,
confesses, "I didn't realize what all was in it."
Well, how could he have known? It's a complicated piece of
legislation. You didn't expect him to actually read the bill prior to
voting for it, did you?
Anyway, 60 senators and 240 representatives voted for McCain-Feingold,
a.k.a. Shays-Meehan, a.k.a. the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act. Surely at
least some of them knew what all was in it.
Maybe not. In a story that is simultaneously hilarious and appalling, the
Times describes how members of Congress are only now
discovering, to their dismay, the requirements of the
campaign finance restrictions they enacted almost a year ago....

You're Not Crazy, The World Is Falling Apart
... Yes, there's good reason to be confused. Israeli Foreign Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu's nephew refuses to be drafted while his uncle all but
threatens to attack Belgium for its OK to prosecute Ariel Sharon for war
crimes when he leaves office. NATO is, or will soon be, dead. France,
Germany and Russia are sponsoring a Security Council resolution to prevent
what France has called "an illegitimate war". Turkey, with 85% of its
people opposing the invasion, is extorting the U.S. blind as budget
deficit projections leave orbit. Ari Fleischer is hysterically laughed out
of the White House Press room by reporters after insisting with a straight
face that George W. Bush would never bribe another country for a vote.
Americans are renaming French fries as Liberty fries while the larger
powers Germany and Russia - who make France's stance credible - stand back
and let France take both the heat - et la gloire!....
... Aside from the tense laughter over words we have real threats. In
Colombia, FARC guerillas shoot down a CIA contract plane; kill one
occupant and hold three others hostage while President Bush uses statutory
authority to send 150 more Green Berets to follow the 70 he just sent.
North Korea is having the time of its life cutting business deals with
China and Seoul while using its possibly one nuclear weapon to make the
U.S. divert bombers and elements of the 1st Air Cavalry away from the
Gulf. In the Philippines Abu Sayyaf rebels prompt the U.S. to commit 1,700
more troops to take an active role in the fighting. And the U.S. is now
sending 10,000 troops to the Dominican Republic for a training exercise
that looks much more like preparation for intervention in either Venezuela
or Colombia....
... What of Bush himself? The Washington Post tells us that U.S. embassies
around the globe are inundating Washington with cables saying that the
world both hates and mistrusts this "dry drunk", megalomaniac who would be
laughable except for the fact that he represents a power structure as
demented as he is. As if to go Tony Blair - who recently plagiarized a
graduate research paper to compile his sensitive intelligence dossier on
Iraq - "one better", George W. recently cited figures to support his tax
cut from a report that doesn't exist. He was caught in that lie by
NewsDay's James Toedtman. And retired Air Force Chief of Staff Tony McPeak
is publicly saying on a Portland, Oregon TV
station that Bush should admit he's made a mistake and that, as far as
Iraq is concerned, "I regard the nuclear threat as zero. I regard the
connection between Saddam and al-Qaida as less than zero."...
... You would if you had been listening to what we have been saying for
eighteen months. Peak Oil is here. The world is starting to run out. There
is no more oil to find and what's left can't be put into your gas tank or
our power generating stations quickly. Global production capacity is
stretched like a rubber band about to break and the slightest hiccup in
world oil production will crash the global economy like a Styrofoam cup
under an elephant's foot at a Rave party. Don't believe me? Well then
perhaps recent warnings by Goldman Sachs and James Baker might. Those
warnings, and an incredibly precise economic analysis by Marshall
Auerback, were recently published by The Prudent Bear at
To make it simple, the problem is this: In spite of microscopic fig leaves
stating that OPEC will ramp up production to meet oil needs, the fact is
that OPEC just can't do it. Goldman Sachs knows it. James Baker knows it.
Bush knows it. Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, having survived U.S. coup
attempts, now holds a "whip hand" as Venezuelan production still lags
behind. Saudi Arabia is unstable. Nigeria, the world's sixth largest
producer - just had an oil strike. Its production is down and every other
producing facility is on overtime....
... The planet is current consuming a billion barrels of oil every 12
days. Peak Oil is here now. What difference does it make if Saudi Arabia
and OPEC might be able to add five million barrels a day? It's who gets it
that matters.
Worse, countries like India and Pakistan have announced a version of panic
buying to build up their reserves before the war. This places a further
strain on production capacity. With the invasion, if the Iraqi supply is
interrupted for just a month then the markets will see the light and there
will be a capitulation sell-off on Wall Street that might take the Dow
down to 4000. Ten million could be unemployed inside of six months. U.S.
reserves are at 27 year lows and the administration is prepared to open up
our Strategic Petroleum Reserves (SPR) which can sustain the US for about
75 days. Tap into the SPR and what do you think
prices will do? And if prices double or triple what do you think will
happen to your job? Your checkbook?...

Rogue Nukes - Nuclear Fuel Easy To Obtain
... WASHINGTON ? U.S. officials have insisted for a decade that getting
plutonium or highly enriched uranium is the big hurdle for rogue states or
terrorists trying to build nuclear weapons. But for much of that time,
they've known a secret: Other materials can be used to
make atomic bombs, and they're a lot easier to get.
Now, officials believe the bad guys know the secret too.
Classified nuclear threat reports warn that rogue countries and terrorists
have learned it is possible to make atomic bombs using low-enriched
uranium, a common fuel for nuclear reactors used to conduct research and
generate power. The reports, described to USA TODAY by top federal
officials, also conclude that it would be easier than previously believed
for enemies of the United States to make such weapons using spent nuclear
fuel, the waste generated by reactors...
... Five years ago, U.S. scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory
secretly designed an atomic bomb with low-enriched uranium, USA TODAY has
learned. The bomb, which could have fit easily in a small pickup, was weak
in nuclear terms but strong enough to destroy a square mile of a city.
U.S. scientists also have proved in experiments that it is possible to
create nuclear weapons using several elements that could be extracted from
spent fuel by a rogue state or perhaps even a well-organized terrorist

US Unloads Arms Without Turkey's Formal OK
ISTANBUL -- The U.S. isn't waiting for Turkey's parliament to authorize
use of its territory to prepare for an Iraq war. For the past week it has
been unloading armaments, including Patriot missiles, at the port of
Iskenderun -- an apparently illegal move sanctioned by the military
dependent on the U.S.
According to Article 92 of the Turkish Constitution, parliament must give
approval for the basing of a foreign power's military within the borders
of the Turkish Republic.
The official line is that arms and materiel are waiting to be off-loaded
and anything that has been unloaded is part of the already-approved
upgrading of Turkish bases and ports. A Turkish politician who tried to
enter the Iskenderun port was turned away by U.S. personnel and the
Turkish military said his safety could not be guaranteed if he tried to
re-enter to inspect the equipment....

Support For Bush's Re-Election Falls Below 50 Percent

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