map of Dataverse installations, installations as a dataset, launch year

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Philip Durbin

Oct 3, 2019, 7:24:14 AM10/3/19
Hello Dataverse enthusiasts!

In evenings and weekends I've been hacking on prototypes of a *new* map of Dataverse installations. I'm attaching a screenshot of what I have so far and I'd love feedback and ideas.

One of the main drivers for this is that I'd like the entire process to be more participatory and "hackable", if you will. By this I mean that instead of the map being powered by a centralized database controlled by Harvard (the current map), we could try crowdsourcing some of the data from Google spreadsheets and aggregate that data into JSON and/or tabular files for both creating a map and (eventually) publishing the tabular file in Dataverse itself, maybe under . It would be fun to play with the data in Data Explorer! I'm attaching a screenshot of that too. :)

Other ideas I have (and you can see some of these on the attached prototype map already):

- Give a badge to installations that are members of the Global Dataverse Community Consortium (GDCC):
- Indicate which installations are represented on aggregate counts of datasets, downloads etc on (which means they are running a new enough version of Dataverse).
- Provide the data in an HTML table.
- Provide the data in a tabular file with a DOI in Dataverse.
- If the installation has created a board for prioritizing GitHub issues[1], link to it.
- Add columns to the crowdsourced spreadsheet that helps categorize installations in various ways. How are Dataverse installations similar? How are they different?

These are some of my ideas but I want to hear YOUR ideas! :)

Please reply here with any feedback you have!

Finally, if you'd like to play around with the concept of crowdsourcing the data, please see this new "Crowdsourced information about Dataverse Installations" spreadsheet at

I'm especially interested in the "launch year" for each installation of Dataverse. By this I mean the year you went live with your installation of Dataverse. Once we have this data we can make an updated plot of growth over time, more installations year after year. I'll attach a version from 2018.

I hope this isn't too much at once!



p.s. On the technical side, right now I'm using Leaflet and OpenStreetMap. No database. Everything in the browser. I'm using Web Components and the new "template" tag for dynamically creating the table. Without any server side component to worry about (such as Django), the map becomes much more hackable. I do still have a dream of "eating our own dogfood" in the sense of having the map be created and powered by Geoconnect and WorldMap but it was easier for me to get started with Leaflet. The code is an absolute nightmare right now but if you want to see it, for now you can find it at

1. boards for prioritizing issues (for each installation of Dataverse)


Philip Durbin

Oct 7, 2019, 7:25:27 AM10/7/19
Me again with an update on my weekend hacking on a new map for the Dataverse community!

The "too long, didn't read" is this:

- Attached, please find a screenshot of how the new map looks now.
- I'm trying to provide "badges" for stuff like CoreTrustSeal, GDCC membership, etc.

Here's the longer version.

In the attached screenshot, I'm showing QDR as an example of the new popup because they earned a lot of "badges" on my new map. By "badge", all I mean is that when you click the dot for QDR on the map, the popup contains the following extra information:

- A link to QDR's CoreTrustSeal certification
- A link to QDR's advertised harvesting sets
- A link to QDR's project board of prioritized GitHub issues
- Mention of QDR's membership in the Global Dataverse Community Consortium (GDCC)
- Mention that QDR is included in (because their version of Dataverse is new enough)

I'll include a dump of the JSON for QDR below so you can see how I'm representing the data right now (subject to change). In addition, the following aren't exactly badges but the popup can also include:

- A "More..." link after the description if you have configured :NavbarAboutUrl
- The launch year for your installation

I'd like to crowdsource lots of information but I think for now I'm going to focus on gathering the year that all installations launched. So I'll probably start nagging you all for this information (separately, of course, not on this thread). To provide me the year that you launched your installation of Dataverse, please do one of the following:

- Email me directly
- Comment on or request edit access to the new "Crowdsourced information about Dataverse installations" spreadsheet:

If you're interested in the code (all client-side and no database to worry about!), probably the easiest place to reach me is or you can open a GitHub issue at

If you have any questions or comments about any of the above, please do not hesitate to ask or reply! Feedback is very welcome!



p.s. Here's a dump of info we have for QDR, for example, collected from a variety of sources (see the Python script in the repo) that we use to create the new map:

  "name": "QDR Main Collection",
  "description": "QDR curates, stores, preserves, publishes, and enables the download of digital data generated through qualitative and multi-method research in the social sciences. The repository develops and disseminates guidance for managing, sharing, citing, and reusing qualitative data, and contributes to the generation of common standards for doing so. QDR’s overarching goals are to make sharing qualitative data customary in the social sciences, to broaden access to social science data, and to strengthen qualitative and multi-method research.",
  "lat": 43.038013,
  "lng": -76.135566,
  "hostname": "",
  "metrics": true,
  "country": "USA",
  "continent": "North America",
  "about_url": "",
  "harvesting_sets": [
  "gdcc_member": true,
  "core_trust_seals": [
  "doi_authority": "10.5064",
  "board": ""

Janet McDougall - Australian Data Archive

Oct 8, 2019, 5:58:51 AM10/8/19
to Dataverse Users Community
Nice work there Phil, building up profiles (personas!)

Philipp at UiT

Oct 9, 2019, 7:55:18 AM10/9/19
to Dataverse Users Community
Great work, Phil! We use to show this map in presentations about our repository.
Best, Philipp

Sebastian Karcher

Oct 11, 2019, 10:36:13 AM10/11/19
to Dataverse Users Community

This is nice! Thanks Phil. And you picked such a good example ;)
I the spirit of linked data, how about including re3data and/or fairsharing DOIs, too?
10.17616/R3CS51 and 10.25504/FAIRsharing.bmz5ap for QDR, e.g.

Philip Durbin

Oct 22, 2019, 10:55:30 AM10/22/19
Great idea, Sebastian. I haven't added those URLs to the map yet but the other day I did add columns in the "spreadsheet maintained by IQSS" spreadsheet and populated those columns for QDR and Harvard Dataverse. (To be honest, I'm not sure if I'd heard of FAIRsharing.) That spreadsheet is linked from the README at

In related news, two more installations were just added to the old map and I'm looking for a volunteer to run a Python 3 script and make a pull request to add these installations to the new map (and document the process if you are willing):

To be clear, my plan is not to maintain two maps forever. If the community helps me make the new map better and better (the new map is much more lightweight and "hackable", if you will, than the old map), I can imagine the old map fading away. The Dataverse community deserves a better map and I'd like to thank Don Sizemore and Philipp Conzett for contributing already to the new map!

Finally, please do not forget to send me your launch year, if you haven't done so already! So far I have the launch year for 9 out of 50 installations.



p.s. Yes, that issue is flagged as a "Hacktoberfest" issue:

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Philip Durbin

Oct 23, 2019, 3:21:26 PM10/23/19
Thank you to Sherry Lake for making a pull request to copy the two new installations to the new map!

Here's a handy link to the new map, which now shows all 50 (!!!) installations of Dataverse:

If anyone else wants to hack on the map, please get in touch! :)

If you have ideas for the new map, please continue to reply to this thread (or start a fresh one) or open issues at


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