notes for 2019-01-29 Dataverse Community Call

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Philip Durbin

Jan 29, 2019, 7:00:02 PM1/29/19

2019-01-29 Dataverse Community Call


* 4.11 Release
* Community Questions


* Danny Brooke (IQSS)
* Philip Durbin (IQSS)
* Gustavo Durand (IQSS)
* Tania Schlatter (IQSS)
* Pete Meyer (HMS)
* Jim Myers (QDR)
* Craig Willis (Whole Tale/UIUC)
* Courtney Mumma (TDL)
* Slava (DataverseEU/DANS)
* Paul Boon (DANS)
* Kacper Kowalik (Whole Tale/UIUC)
* Paul Dante (UBC)
* Mark Goodwin (UBC)


* 4.11
   * Homepage and new metrics endpoints
   * Preservation
      * (Jim) QDR wants to make "dark copies" of datasets as a long term backup. The feature creates a OAI-ORE JSON-LD file into a BagIt bag and can push it to DuraCloud (by default) to Chronopolis but it can be pushed to other archives. Reasonable documentation.
      * (Danny) Archivematica integration. Screencast:
* Community Questions
   * (Craig) How long until the release is deployed to the demo site?
      * (Danny) Usually within days.
   * (?) Do we need multiple versions of the external tool manifest since there’s now the Dataset Context available - one for post-4.11 one for installations pre-4.11
      * Likely not, but unknown. Would need to be tested to confirm additional field for post-4.11 don’t cause error w\ pre-4.11 API endpoint
      * Looking quickly at the code - new parameters in the tool manifest should just get ignored in the older versions - your tool would just not get their values until Dataverse is updated.(JM)
      * (Phil) External tools are still only at the file level. For dataset level tools in the future, please track
   * (Slava) Metrics from Miniverse.
      * (Danny) Miniverse has no integration with the current work that we are doing. We are expanding Dataverse APIs for metrics. We are also extending the metrics aggregator across all installations of Dataverse in . We are not continuing development of Miniverse.
   * (Phil) New repo coming under ?
      * (Slava) Yes, SSHOC DataverseEU kick off meeting yesterday with developers from Germany, Austria, Poland, Italy and Norway. New translations will be contributed.
      * (Phil) New contribution from Piyapong coming:
   * (Courtney) Question about bags that can be pushed to DuraCloud. Where is the documentation? Is the push triggered by publication?
      * (Phil) For now, please see
      * (Jim) Can push from any version.
      * Issue and Documentation -
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