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PKWARE "UnZIPs" New Compression Software

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Robert A Freed

Feb 1, 1989, 2:56:03 PM2/1/89
Phil Katz (PKWARE Inc.) is about to release the first versions of his
new file compression software for MS-DOS. According to a bulletin
posted this week on the PKWARE BBS, the approximate release date for
the new shareware programs, PKZIP and PKUNZIP, is February 6, 1989.

Under the terms of last year's lawsuit settlement agreement with SEA
Inc., as of January 31, 1989, PKWARE may no longer distribute its
ARC-compatible programs PKPAK and PKUNPAK (PKARC and PKUNARC).
Although functionally similar to the earlier products, the new PKZIP
and PKUNZIP programs are completely redesigned. These utilize a new
file format and improved data compression methods.

Complete technical details have been distributed to software developers
and Beta testers of the new programs. I have received permission from
Phil Katz to post this documentation on USENET, but I'll defer to
public opinion due to the length of the material (approximately 25K
bytes of text).

The following is an excerpt from the distributed file DISCLAIM.DOC,
dated 11 Jan 1989:

> Dedication
> ----------
> The file format of the files created by these programs, which file format
> is original with the first release of this software, is hereby dedicated to
> the public domain. Further, the filename extension of ".ZIP", first used in
> connection with data compression software on the first release of this
> software, is also hereby dedicated to the public domain, with the fervent
> and sincere hope that it will not be attempted to be appropriated by anyone
> else for their exclusive use, but rather that it will be used to refer to
> data compression and librarying software in general, of a class or type
> which creates files having a format generally compatible with this
> software.

For additional information contact:

7545 North Port Washington Road
Suite 205
Glendale, WI 53217
Voice: 414-352-3670 (9am to 5pm Central Time)

Data: 414-352-7176 (Up 24 hours)
300/1200/2400 Baud, MNP class 5 available
8 Data bits, No parity, 1 Stop bit

DISCLAIMER: I have no association with Phil Katz and/or PKWARE Inc.,
except as an enthusiastic supporter of the new ZIP file format.

Robert A. Freed
Newton Centre, MA ...!sun!portal!!raf

Robert A Freed

Feb 9, 1989, 5:34:19 AM2/9/89
In response to numerous requests, attached are the document files from
Phil Katz' Software Development Kit for his new PKZIP and PKUNZIP
shareware file compression programs. (Phil requested specifically that
the Beta test versions of the .EXE files not be distributed.)

I am sure the first official release of the software will be posted to as soon as it becomes available (this week, according
to a bulletin on the PKWARE BBS), so please do not fill my mailbox with

DISCLAIMER: I have no association with Phil Katz and/or PKWARE Inc.,
except as an enthusiastic supporter of the new ZIP file format.

Robert A. Freed
Newton Centre, MA ...!sun!portal!!raf

Files attached:

README 1ST 637 1-10-89 21:05:02
SDK DOC 1372 1-11-89 18:38:44
DISCLAIM DOC 1622 1-11-89 0:15:02
BETA DOC 12420 1-10-89 19:39:46
FORMAT DOC 7395 1-11-89 0:15:34
EXTRACT DOC 5382 1-11-89 0:25:58
BUGREP DOC 1270 1-11-89 0:12:34

----- cut here --------------- README.1ST --------------- cut here -----

Files included in the Software Development Kit:

BETA.DOC Description of the command line arguments

BUGREP.DOC Form to complete if reporting bugs in the

DISCLAIM.DOC Disclaimers and license of information.

EXTRACT.DOC Technical description of the algorithms used in
the software and how to extract files created

FORMAT.DOC Technical description of the .ZIP file format
used by the software.


SDK.DOC General documenation for the Software Development

----- cut here ---------------- SDK.DOC ----------------- cut here -----

Welcome to the Software Development Kit and Beta software release for
PKZIP and PKUNZIP data compression software. If you wish to report any
bugs in the software, please use the enclosed form in the file BUGREP.DOC.
The estimated release date for this software is January 31, 1989, so please
return any bug reports before that date if possible.

The file README.1ST contains a complete description of all the files
included in the development kit.

This is NOT information on: 1) Full-screen, menu-driven versions
of the software or 2) Libraries of compression routines for incorporation
into other applications. These things are under development and you will
be notified as information becomes available.

I would like to expressly thank David Schwaderer who has generously
contributed his expertise in CRC calculations to the software. I would
also like to thank Graeme McRae who's principles for repeated string
elimination, as used in his SCRNCH (tm) program, were licensed and
incorporated into the software and Bill Tullis, who coined the name "ZIP".

In addition, I would like to thank all those (too numerous to mention)
that have supported PKWARE in the past through letters, messages, and
registrations, and will embrace this new, next-generation in compression

>Phil Katz>

----- cut here -------------- DISCLAIM.DOC -------------- cut here -----


Although PKWARE will attempt to supply current and accurate information
relating to its file formats, algorithms, and the subject programs, the
possibility of error can not be eliminated. PKWARE therefore expressly
disclaims any warranty that the information contained in the associated
materials relating to the subject programs and/or the format of the files
created or accessed by the subject programs and/or the algorithms used by
the subject programs, or any other matter, is current, correct or accurate
as delivered. Any risk of damage due to any possible inaccurate
information is assumed by the user of the information. Furthermore, the
information relating to the subject programs and/or the file formats
created or accessed by the subject programs and/or the algorithms used by
the subject programs is subject to change without notice.


The file format of the files created by these programs, which file format
is original with the first release of this software, is hereby dedicated to
the public domain. Further, the filename extension of ".ZIP", first used in
connection with data compression software on the first release of this
software, is also hereby dedicated to the public domain, with the fervent
and sincere hope that it will not be attempted to be appropriated by anyone
else for their exclusive use, but rather that it will be used to refer to
data compression and librarying software in general, of a class or type
which creates files having a format generally compatible with this

----- cut here ---------------- BETA.DOC ---------------- cut here -----

Explanation of options for PKZIP and PKUNZIP


The PKZIP and PKUNZIP software was written from scratch, and
not derived from PKPAK and PKUNPAK. While some of the
functions in the new software are designed to emualate those
of PKPAK or PKUNPAK on a functional level, they are implemented
differently, so there can (and will) be some differences in

All options for the software must be preceeded by a '-'
character or the MS-DOS switch character (usually '/')
and generally can be placed *anywhere* on the command line.
Most options except where noted can be combined (i.e. "-x -y"
or "-xy") Each program has a default action, and can be run
without any options or commands.

Some functions are not fully implemented in the Beta software,
and I have attempted to note this. Also, the release software
may sport additional features not listed here.

Some features that didn't make it into Beta 0.80 release:

Spanning diskettes. As detailed in FORMAT.DOC, the ZIP file
format is designed to span multiple disks. However, in order
to meet time constraints this functionality will not be added
until later, perhaps in the full-screen version of the software.

Self-extracting ZIPfiles.

Configuration files. PKZIP (and possibly PKUNZIP) will
eventually support configuration options to select certain
defaults for the software. Currently, there are some
selections made arbitrarily in the Beta software that will
be user configurable in configuration files in later releases
of the software.


Individual file comments.

See specific options listed below for more information.


general command format:

pkzip [options] zipfilename [filespec...]

The default extension for the Zipfile is .ZIP if no
extension is specified.

If no filespecs are specified, "*.*" is assumed. Any DOS
wilcarded filespecs (with paths) are allowed. List files
can be used, and are specified by preceeding the filename
with a '@' symbol. Entries within a list file can contain
paths and wildcards. List files should work for all options
that take command line file specifications.

Files are added to the ZIP in the precise order they are
specified. They are extracted in the exact same order.
No sorting of files is performed when being added to the

Options are:

-a Add files to ZIP. This is the default
if no other options are specified.

-b[path] Create temporary zipfile on an alternate
drive and path. If no path is specified,
the current drive is used. Usefull for
updating zipfiles larger than half the
size of a floppy etc.

-c Add file comments to individual files.
Not implemented in Beta 0.80.

-d Delete the specified files from the Zipfile.

-e[a,b][n] Extra compression. Use a slower but more
efficient compression algorithm. The 'a' and 'b'
options specify that extra compression is to
be applied to either ASCII or BINARY files.
"-e" is the same as "-eb". The optional n is
the 'compression factor', from 1 to 4. 1 provides
the fastest operation, and 4 (usually) the best
compression. The default factor is 2. For binary
files, a value of "-eb2" usually provides good
performance and significantly better compression
over the default algorithm. The a and b options
can not be mixed in the same command. If you
want to enable extra compression for both ASCII
and BINARY files, two option are needed (e.g
"-ea3 -eb2")

-f Freshen files in ZIP. Add files to the ZIP only
if the file already is in the ZIP and the files
are also dated later then those within the ZIP.

-g Encrypt files. Not implemented in 0.80.

-h Help.

-i Incremental add. Add files to the ZIP only
if the DOS archive directory attribute is set.
The archive bit is then cleared after being
added to the ZIP.

-l License screen.

-m Move files to ZIP. Delete the specified files
after adding to ZIP. Can be used in conjunction
with the Add, Freshen, and Update options.

-p Store relative paths with filenames in ZIPfile.
Meaningful only if used with the R option below.

-r Recurse subdirectories from the specified
directories. For example:
"pkzip source d:\*.c e:\headers\*.h" will
search the entire D: drive for *.c files, and
will search E:\HEADERS and all directories below
E:\HEADERS for *.h files. An entire directory
tree can be zipped and restored using the P and
R options. For example "pkzip -r -p stuff" will
zip all files in the current subdirectory, and
all directories below the current subdirectory.
PKUNZIP can then restore this directory tree
either in the same directory, or at any place
in the directory tree. (See the D option for
PKUNZIP below)

By default, the filename only will be stored,
unless the P option is specified as above. If
the P option is used, then the relative path
will be stored. For example, if the file
"e:\headers\prog\startup\xyz.h" was found in the
first example, "prog/startup/xyz.h" will be stored
in the ZIP.

-u Update. Add files to the ZIP only if they are
not currently within the ZIP or are dated later
than those within the ZIP.

-v[t] View files in the ZIP. "-vt" lists the files
in a long format with extra technical information.
NOTE: Although this option in the Beta 0.80
software displays a sorted listing by filename,
the files within the ZIP are not sorted and most
likely not in the order listed. The order in
which the files are listed is completely arbitrary.
The release software might have user specifiable
options to view the Zipfile with different sort
or nosort options.

-z Zipcomment. Add a comment for the Zipfile.
This comment is automatically displayed by
PKZIP or PKUNZIP when processing the Zipfile.


general command format:

pkzip [options] zipfilename [filespec...] [output-path]

The default extension for the Zipfile is .ZIP if no
extension is specified. The Zipfilename can contain
wildcards. For example, "pkunzip -t *" will test all
Zipfiles in the current directory.

If no filespecs are specified, "*.*" is assumed. Any DOS
wilcarded filespecs (with paths) are allowed. List files
can be used, and are specified by preceeding the filename
with a '@' symbol. Entries within a list file can contain
paths and wildcards. List files should work for all options
that take command line file specifications.

The output-path specifies which drive and directory, files
should be extracted to.

Options are:

-c[m] Extract to console [with more]. More
is not implemented in Beta 0.80.

-d Use pathnames stored in the ZIP and create
them if necessary upon extraction. Will also
create the output-path if it does not exist.
For example, say drive C: has the following
directory tree:

| |
| +-dir2-+-dir3-
| |
+-xyz-- +-dir4-

If then, you were to execute
"pkzip -r -p a:stuff c:\abc\*.*". You then could
execute "pkunzip -d a:stuff c:\pdq\newabc". After-
wards, drive C: would look like:

| |
| +-dir2-+-dir3-
| |
+-xyz-- +-dir4-

All the files originally in C:\ABC and
its subdirectories will have been restored
to C:\PDQ\NEWABC, and the directory tree

If this option is not specified, the filenames
only stored in the ZIP will be used, any pathnames
will be ignored.

-e Execute file from ZIP. Not implemented in
Beta 0.80.

-g Decryption. Not implemented in Beta 0.80.

-h Help.

-l License screen.

-n Newer. Extract files from the ZIP only if they
are newer then the ones on the disk.

-o Overwrite existing files without query. By
default the software will prompt if existing
files should be overwritten.

-p[a,b,c][1,2,3,4] Extract to printer. The A and B
options specify that the print device should
be placed explicity in either ASCII or BINARY
mode. The C specifies that the data should
be sent to the COM port instead. The port
number (LPT or COM) can also be specified.

If neither ASCII or BINARY mode is specified,
or ASCII mode is specified, the software will
send a formfeed and carriage return to the
print device after each file. If no mode is
specified, whatever the default mode is for
the device will be used. Most DOS character
devices are in translated ASCII (cooked) I/O mode
by default, but other software can place them
in untranslated BINARY (raw) I/O mode.

The default device used is PRN. If C is given
without a port number, COM1 will be used.

Example: "pkunzip stuff *.doc -p3" extracts
the .DOC files in STUFF.ZIP to LPT3.

Example: "pkunzip fonts *.fon -pbc2" extracts
the .FON files in FONTS.ZIP to COM2. The COM2
device is placed into untranslated BINARY (raw)
I/O mode before extraction.

-t Test. The specified files are extracted to
the NUL device, and the 32 bit CRC value for
the file is calculated.

-v View. View the files in the ZIP. See note
for the View option for PKZIP.

-x Extract files. This is the default action if
no other option is specified.


PKZIP will look in the DOS environment for the string "PKTMP=path"
and will use the specified drive/path for temporary files if present.
Under DOS 3.0 or higher, a unique file name will be used for all
temporary files.

Both PKZIP and PKUNZIP when opening files for read-only type access
will open files in "Share Deny Write" mode under DOS 3.0 or higher.
Also, under DOS 3.0 or higher DOS "Critical Errors" are intercepted
and interrogated. If an error occurs with a Locus of Network, and a
suggested action of Retry or Delayed Retry, the software will perform
the suggested action. If after several retries the operation still fails,
the default DOS error prompt will be executed.


The software returns the following exit codes:

PKZIP: 0 No error.
1 Bad file name or file specification.
2,3 Error in Zipfile.
4-11 Insufficient Memory.
12 No files were found to add to the ZIP,
or no files were specified for deletion.
13 File not found. The specified Zipfile
or list file was not found.
14 Disk full.
15 Zipfile is read-only and can not be modified.
16 Bad or illegal parameters specified.

PKUNZIP: 0 No error.
1 Warning error (such as failed CRC check)
2,3 Error in Zipfile.
4-8 Insufficient Memory.
9 File not found. No Zipfiles found.
10 Bad or illegal parameters specified.
50 Disk Full.
51 Unexpected EOF in Zipfile.

Please note that if testing errorlevels in a batch file
that DOS tests the errorlevel not for equality, but for
greater than or equal to. For example, if the software
exits with an exit code of 10, errorlevel 10 will be true,
and so will errorlevel 9, errorlevel 8, and so on.
>>Errorlevel 0 is always true<<. Therefore, errorlevels should
be tested in descending order. For example:

pkunzip stuff -d d:\temp
if errorlevel 51 goto err51
if errorlevel 50 goto err50
if errorlevel 10 goto err10
if errorlevel 9 goto err9
if errorlevel 4 goto err4
if errorlevel 2 goto err2
if errorlevel 1 goto err1
echo No Error
goto exit
echo Unexpected EOF
goto exit
echo Disk Full
goto exit

----- cut here --------------- FORMAT.DOC --------------- cut here -----
General Format

Files stored in arbitrary order. Large zipfiles can span multiple
diskette media.

Overall zipfile format:

[local file header+file data] . . .
[central directory] end of central directory record

A. Local file header:

local file header signature 4 bytes (0x04034b50)
version needed to extract 2 bytes
general purpose bit flag 2 bytes
compression method 2 bytes
last mod file time 2 bytes
last mod file date 2 bytes
crc-32 4 bytes
compressed size 4 bytes
uncompressed size 4 bytes
filename length 2 bytes
extra field length 2 bytes

filename (variable size)
extra field (variable size)

B. Central directory structure:

[file header] . . . end of central dir record

File header:

central file header signature 4 bytes (0x02014b50)
version made by 2 bytes
version needed to extract 2 bytes
general purpose bit flag 2 bytes
compression method 2 bytes
last mod file time 2 bytes
last mod file date 2 bytes
crc-32 4 bytes
compressed size 4 bytes
uncompressed size 4 bytes
filename length 2 bytes
extra field length 2 bytes
file comment length 2 bytes
disk number start 2 bytes
internal file attributes 2 bytes
external file attributes 4 bytes
relative offset of local header 4 bytes

filename (variable size)
extra field (variable size)
file comment (variable size)

End of central dir record:

end of central dir signature 4 bytes (0x06054b50)
number of this disk 2 bytes
number of the disk with the
start of the central directory 2 bytes
total number of entries in
the central dir on this disk 2 bytes
total number of entries in
the central dir 2 bytes
size of the central directory 4 bytes
offset of start of central
directory with respect to
the starting disk number 4 bytes
zipfile comment length 2 bytes
zipfile comment (variable size)

C. Explanation of fields:

version made by

The upper byte indicates the host system (OS) for the
file. Software can use this information to determine
the line record format for text files etc. The current
mappings are:

0 - IBM (MS-DOS) 1 - Amiga 2 - VMS
3 - *nix 4 thru 255 - unused

The lower byte indicates the version number of the
software used to encode the file. The value/10
indicates the major version number, and the value
mod 10 is the minor version number.

version needed to extract

The minimum software version needed to extract the
file, mapped as above.

general purpose bit flag:

The lowest bit, if set, indicates that the file is
encrypted. The upper three bits are reserved and
used internally by the software when processing the
zipfile. The remaining bits are unused in version

compression method:

(see accompanying documentation for algorithm

0 - The file is stored (no compression)
1 - The file is Shrunk
2 - The file is Reduced with compression factor 1
3 - The file is Reduced with compression factor 2
4 - The file is Reduced with compression factor 3
5 - The file is Reduced with compression factor 4

date and time fields:

The date and time are encoded in standard MS-DOS


The CRC-32 algorithm was generously contributed by
David Schwaderer and can be found in his excellent
book "C Programmers Guide to NetBIOS" published by
Howard W. Sams & Co. Inc. The 'magic number' for
the CRC is 0xdebb20e3. The proper CRC pre and post
conditioning is used, meaning that the CRC register
is pre-conditioned with all ones (a starting value
of 0xffffffff) and the value is post-conditioned by
taking the one's complement of the CRC residual.

compressed size:
uncompressed size:

The size of the file compressed and uncompressed,

filename length:
extra field length:
file comment length:

The length of the filename, extra field, and comment
fields respectively. The combined length of any
directory record and these three fields should not
generally exceed 65,535 bytes.

disk number start:

The number of the disk on which this file begins.

internal file attributes:

The lowest bit of this field indicates, if set, that
the file is apparently an ASCII or text file. If not
set, that the file apparently contains binary data.
The remaining bits are unused in version 1.0.

external file attributes:

The mapping of the external attributes is
host-system dependent (see 'version made by'). For
MS-DOS, the low order byte is the MS-DOS directory
attribute byte.

relative offset of local header:

This is the offset from the start of the first disk on
which this file appears, to where the local header should
be found.


The name of the file, with optional relative path.
The path stored should not contain a drive or
device letter, or a leading slash. All slashes
should be forward slashes '/' as opposed to
backwards slashes '\' for compatibility with Amiga
and Unix file systems etc.

extra field:

This is for future expansion. If additional information
needs to be stored in the future, it should be stored
here. Earlier versions of the software can then safely
skip this file, and find the next file or header. This
field will be 0 length in version 1.0.

file comment:

The comment for this file.

number of this disk:

The number of this disk, which contains central
directory end record.

number of the disk with the start of the central directory:

The number of the disk on which the central
directory starts.

total number of entries in the central dir on this disk:

The number of central directory entries on this disk.

total number of entries in the central dir:

The total number of files in the zipfile.

size of the central directory:

The size (in bytes) of the entire central directory.

offset of start of central directory with respect to
the starting disk number:

Offset of the start of the central direcory on the
disk on which the central directory starts.

zipfile comment length:

The length of the comment for this zipfile.

zipfile comment:

The comment for this zipfile.

D. General notes:

1) All fields unless otherwise noted are unsigned and stored
in Intel low-byte:high-byte, low-word:high-word order.

2) String fields are not null terminated, since the
length is given explicitly.

3) Local headers should not span disk boundries. Also, even
though the central directory can span disk boundries, no
single record in the central directory should be split
across disks.

4) The entries in the central directory may not necessarily
be in the same order that files appear in the zipfile.

----- cut here -------------- EXTRACT.DOC --------------- cut here -----


Shrinking is a Dynamic Ziv-Lempel-Welch compression algorithm
with partial clearing. The initial code size is 9 bits, and
the maximum code size is 13 bits. Shrinking differs from
conventional Dynamic Ziv-lempel-Welch implementations in several

1) The code size is controlled by the compressor, and is not
automatically increased when codes larger than the current
code size are created (but not necessarily used). When
the decompressor encounters the code sequence 256
(decimal) followed by 1, it should increase the code size
read from the input stream to the next bit size. No
blocking of the codes is performed, so the next code at
the increased size should be read from the input stream
immediately after where the previous code at the smaller
bit size was read. Again, the decompressor should not
increase the code size used until the sequence 256,1 is

2) When the table becomes full, total clearing is not
performed. Rather, when the compresser emits the code
sequence 256,2 (decimal), the decompressor should clear
all leaf nodes from the Ziv-Lempel tree, and continue to
use the current code size. The nodes that are cleared
from the Ziv-Lempel tree are then re-used, with the lowest
code value re-used first, and the highest code value
re-used last. The compressor can emit the sequence 256,2
at any time.


The Reducing algorithm is actually a combination of two
distinct algorithms. The first algorithm compresses repeated
byte sequences, and the second algorithm takes the compressed
stream from the first algorithm and applies a probabilistic
compression method.

The probabilistic compression stores an array of 'follower
sets' S(j), for j=0 to 255, corresponding to each possible
ASCII character. Each set contains between 0 and 32
characters, to be denoted as S(j)[0],...,S(j)[m], where m<32.
The sets are stored at the beginning of the data area for a
Reduced file, in reverse order, with S(255) first, and S(0)

The sets are encoded as { N(j), S(j)[0],...,S(j)[N(j)-1] },
where N(j) is the size of set S(j). N(j) can be 0, in which
case the follower set for S(j) is empty. Each N(j) value is
encoded in 6 bits, followed by N(j) eight bit character values
corresponding to S(j)[0] to S(j)[N(j)-1] respectively. If
N(j) is 0, then no values for S(j) are stored, and the value
for N(j-1) immediately follows.

Immediately after the follower sets, is the compressed data
stream. The compressed data stream can be interpreted for the
probabilistic decompression as follows:

let Last-Character <- 0.
loop until done
if the follower set S(Last-Character) is empty then
read 8 bits from the input stream, and copy this
value to the output stream.
otherwise if the follower set S(Last-Character) is non-empty then
read 1 bit from the input stream.
if this bit is not zero then
read 8 bits from the input stream, and copy this
value to the output stream.
otherwise if this bit is zero then
read B(N(Last-Character)) bits from the input
stream, and assign this value to I.
Copy the value of S(Last-Character)[I] to the
output stream.

assign the last value placed on the output stream to
end loop

B(N(j)) is defined as the minimal number of bits required to
encode the value N(j)-1.

The decompressed stream from above can then be expanded to
re-create the original file as follows:

let State <- 0.

loop until done
read 8 bits from the input stream into C.
case State of
0: if C is not equal to DLE (144 decimal) then
copy C to the output stream.
otherwise if C is equal to DLE then
let State <- 1.

1: if C is non-zero then
let V <- C.
let Len <- L(V)
let State <- F(Len).
otherwise if C is zero then
copy the value 144 (decimal) to the output stream.
let State <- 0

2: let Len <- Len + C
let State <- 3.

3: move backwards D(V,C) bytes in the output stream
(if this position is before the start of the output
stream, then assume that all the data before the
start of the output stream is filled with zeros).
copy Len+3 bytes from this position to the output stream.
let State <- 0.
end case
end loop

The functions F,L, and D are dependent on the 'compression
factor' (see FORMAT.DOC), 1 through 4, and are defined as follows:

For compression factor 1:
L(X) equals the lower 7 bits of X.
F(X) equals 2 if X equals 127 otherwise F(X) equals 3.
D(X,Y) equals the (upper 1 bit of X) * 256 + Y + 1.
For compression factor 2:
L(X) equals the lower 6 bits of X.
F(X) equals 2 if X equals 63 otherwise F(X) equals 3.
D(X,Y) equals the (upper 2 bits of X) * 256 + Y + 1.
For compression factor 3:
L(X) equals the lower 5 bits of X.
F(X) equals 2 if X equals 31 otherwise F(X) equals 3.
D(X,Y) equals the (upper 3 bits of X) * 256 + Y + 1.
For compression factor 4:
L(X) equals the lower 4 bits of X.
F(X) equals 2 if X equals 15 otherwise F(X) equals 3.
D(X,Y) equals the (upper 4 bits of X) * 256 + Y + 1.

----- cut here --------------- BUGREP.DOC --------------- cut here -----

If you encounter a bug in the software, please complete and
return the following form. Return forms to:

7545 North Port Washington Road
Suite 205
Glendale, WI 53217

or via BBS to:


300/1200/2400 Baud, MNP class 5 available
8 Data bits, No parity, 1 Stop bit

Up 24 hours

or by voice at:

414-352-3670 9am to 5pm Central Time

Name: _____________________________

Address: _____________________________

City, ST: _____________________________
Day phone: ____________________________

Eve phone: ____________________________

Serial # of your Software Development Kit diskette __________________

Make & Model number of your computer ________________________________

DOS Version and OEM _______________________ MS-DOS or PC-DOS? (circle one)

Please list ALL memory resident programs used, including device drivers,
network drivers, and terminate and stay resident type software:

Please describe as accurately as possible the bug or anomoly encountered,
including what commands were executed, and if at all possible (please!?)
how to re-create the problem. Attach additional sheets, printouts, or
diskettes if neccesary:

----- cut here -------------- end of files -------------- cut here -----

Robert A Freed

Feb 13, 1989, 7:35:07 PM2/13/89
CORRECTION: In my previous posting of the document files from Phil
Katz' Software Development Kit (article <>), there
appeared in the first file, SDK.DOC, a credit to an individual

> who coined the name "ZIP".

I have been informed by Phil Katz that this credit did not appear in
his original SDK.DOC file, which I received second-hand. I apologize
for the error, which was unintentional. With the exception of that
single phrase, the posted material is completely accurate.

According to Phil, credit for the name "ZIP" belongs to Bob Mahoney,
sysop of the 75-line Exec-PC BBS in Milwaukee, WI.

-- Bob Freed

Keith Ericson

Feb 15, 1989, 3:57:01 PM2/15/89
In article <> (Robert A Freed) writes:
>> ...who coined the name "ZIP".
>According to Phil [Katz], credit for the name "ZIP" belongs to Bob Mahoney,

>sysop of the 75-line Exec-PC BBS in Milwaukee, WI.

Except - how about the ZIP program that 'zips' files back and forth
between IBM/Compatibles over the serial ports at ~115kbaud...?

--> ZIP and its documentation are (c)1988 E. Meyer, all rights reserved.
--> They may be freely distributed, but not modified or sold for profit without
--> my written consent. The user takes full responsibility for any damages

And don't forget the Post Office's Zonal Improvement Plan (ZIP) codes, eh.

I mean, see just how ridiculous this can all get?!?!?

kEITH (I'm sticking with ZOO to avoid the whole SEA/PK mess) eRICSON

Atul Kacker

Feb 15, 1989, 5:35:20 PM2/15/89
In article <> (Robert A Freed) writes:
>> who coined the name "ZIP".
>According to Phil, credit for the name "ZIP" belongs to Bob Mahoney,
>sysop of the 75-line Exec-PC BBS in Milwaukee, WI.

I just happened to be going through my collection of PC software and found
that I have a program called 'ZIP' that bears the copyright

Copyright (c) 1985,1986 by Edward V. Dong

that among other things has a squeeze/unsqueeze feature. I wonder if Mr.Katz
is aware of said program. I don't know much about the legal aspects but I'm
sure Mr. Katz would not want another name recognition fiasco.

Atul Kacker | Internet:
| UUCP: {ames,cmcl2,decvax,rutgers}!rochester!ur-cc!akk2

William E. Davidsen Jr

Feb 16, 1989, 10:35:44 AM2/16/89
In article <8...@ur-cc.UUCP> (Atul Kacker) writes:

| I just happened to be going through my collection of PC software and found
| that I have a program called 'ZIP' that bears the copyright
| Copyright (c) 1985,1986 by Edward V. Dong
| that among other things has a squeeze/unsqueeze feature. I wonder if Mr.Katz
| is aware of said program. I don't know much about the legal aspects but I'm
| sure Mr. Katz would not want another name recognition fiasco.

I don't think Phil has a sense of self-preservation. He could have
used .PKA (Phil Katz Archive) format and not interfered with anything
existing. Instead he chose ZIP, which has been used for at least two
programs, one of which you mentioned does compression.

I thought Dean Cooper was working on this, and he has better sense.
His archive program produces .DWC files. If the DWC archiver had
continued to evolve and been made more portable it might have pushed ARC
and zoo and zip into the background.
bill davidsen (
{uunet | philabs}!steinmetz!crdos1!davidsen
"Stupidity, like virtue, is its own reward" -me

Feb 17, 1989, 9:03:00 PM2/17/89

Surely the term/acronym "ZIP" is well within the public domain, and thus
Mr. Katz can avoid any more of those nasty legal entanglements. Right?

Anthony M Lovell

Feb 18, 1989, 3:59:27 PM2/18/89

Why did he not use Katz' N Jammer (.JAM) as a program name and
-- ...since 1963.

Robert A Freed

Feb 18, 1989, 4:11:53 PM2/18/89
In article <46...@tekgvs.LABS.TEK.COM> kei...@tekgvs.LABS.TEK.COM

(Keith Ericson) writes:
> Except - how about the ZIP program that 'zips' files back and forth
> between IBM/Compatibles over the serial ports at ~115kbaud...?
> [...]

> And don't forget the Post Office's Zonal Improvement Plan (ZIP) codes, eh.

These comments remind me of something I read in a court complaint not
too long ago. ;-) I'll never understand this obsession with names.
Personally, I'd prefer to discuss the technical merits of Phil Katz'
new programs, data compression methods, and file format.

> I mean, see just how ridiculous this can all get?!?!?


> kEITH (I'm sticking with ZOO to avoid the whole SEA/PK mess) eRICSON

I'm switching to PKZIP because it saves my time, space on my disks, and
charges on my phone bills. Also, I prefer to support the one author
(of the three programs referenced in the above parenthetical comment)
who has consistently contributed original improvements to the data
compression efficiency of his archiving software.

Bob Freed
Newton Centre, MA ...!sun!portal!!raf

John DeArmond

Feb 19, 1989, 4:56:13 PM2/19/89
In article <64...@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> amlo...@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Anthony M Lovell) writes:
> Why did he not use Katz' N Jammer (.JAM) as a program name and

Because "JAM" is the registered name of a screen handling system published
by Jyacc. See? those pesky intellectual property lawyers DO do some good
sometimes :-)


John De Armond, WD4OQC | Manual? ... What manual ?!?
Sales Technologies, Inc. Atlanta, GA | This is Unix, My son, You
...!gatech!stiatl!john | just GOTTA Know!!!

Steve Steiner

Feb 19, 1989, 7:05:46 PM2/19/89
I have one question. Where can I find a copy of the new PKWARE software??

thanks in advance.

Steve Steiner

Andy Silverman

Feb 20, 1989, 1:24:35 PM2/20/89
In article <6...@aicchi.UUCP> s...@aicchi.UUCP (Steve Steiner) writes:
>I have one question. Where can I find a copy of the new PKWARE software??
Real simple. Use anonymous FTP to SIMTEL20.ARPA. All of the new PKWARE
is available in the directory PD1:<MSDOS.ZIP>. If you don't have Internet
access, most bulletin boards are quick to receive such software, so try
your local favorites.

Andy Silverman
CompuServe: 72261,531

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