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5 июн. 2019 г., 16:33:2505.06.2019

[You ] are already Officially in the ICC Tribunal ! Stay there !

Let the Judges in ICC Tribunal Decide [Your Fate] !

Instead Antiterror Units Commanders

I [do] not negotiate [with the enders of ] Ashdod Israel Humanity
I [do] not [have any need or intention to ever negotiate with enders of
] Ashdod Israel Humanity

I [do] not negotiate [with the enders of ] Ashdod Israel Humanity
I [do] not [have any need or intention to ever negotiate with enders of
] Ashdod Israel Humanity

I am ISTCCNUEP I am MultyNational MultyNuclear Planet etc Level Hot
& Two Times One Order of Magnitude Supreme Supremacy at Nuclear Level
[then USA colapsed systems] almost 4 years ago on [soc.culture.romanian]
& De Facto Nonexistent Former[ USA Nuclear Systems] after the
ISTCCNUEP Sovereign Supreme Supremacy Nuclear Power
Decisive & Mighty Stand
several days ago [during the NSA wish hacking activity ]
& Multiple Orders Of Magnitude Supreme Supremacy at Conventional &
Military & Human Resources & Intel & Economy & Area & all each any
Possible Systems Level !!! Welcome to ISTCCNUEP
I [do] not negotiate [with the enders of ] Ashdod Israel Humanity
I [do] not [have any need or intention to ever negotiate with enders of
] Ashdod Israel Humanity
Agreement to the priority of the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany

& in this Context

We [Do] not [Negotiate ] [Criminals ] Fate

[with the hbs rf CIA rf hbs Criminals ]

Agreement to the priority of the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany

under all [World War 3] Protocols as Defined

aka in NONELECTED since 1996 [CIA Mercenaries Hijakers of a ] Country

actually two countries aka Real Independent Israel & RI Palestine

[according to 1993 Spiegel & Older Economist Covers]

& Never [Elected Since 1956 Economist Rhodesia Nazi Governed

Nazi Black USA 'Genius']

& Real [Hitlers Merkel Swartz the nIGERS & sCHRODER=

Nazies Tule Same Gehelen Organization

Nazies Masked as Pro Jews Pro Semitic

= the Master Puppeteers Over Euro

Mainland USA Likud Rf Poroshenko etc


never [Elected in the last 22 Years Likud gov = CIA Black Op Mercenaries ]


Agreement to the priority of the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany

under all [World War 3] Protocols as Defined

& [Germany ] Instrument for Unconditional SurrenderАкт_о_капитуляции_Германии

Toward Russia & PR China & UK & Myself & RI Israel

Issue Closed !




Preliminary Initial Context
ISTCCNUEP & Russia & PR china & UK & New UN & New Middle East Union & RI Israel & RI Palestine & ICC Tribunal aka Decision Decree & Implementation Under all [WorldWar3] Protocols For the New UN & ICC Tribunal Dedicated Tribunal For Israel & Palestine
ISTCCNUEP All Systems & Planet Level Secret Intel Tribunal & ICC Tribunal & RI Israel & RI Palestine & New Middle East Union are Charging Starting & by Crimes Against Peace & Perfidy & Aggression War never [elected Bibi & 4 Reich USA Legation ] &

Mandate to Be Official Public Written Acknowledged Tonight

aka Nonelected [Bibi & Erdan ] Resigning Tonight

or [Self Defined as Dictators aka in Power by Dicate ]

also &

Mandate to Be Official Public Compensate in direct Nonencoded Mode

in hours

by Nonelected [Bibi & Erdan & Their Ambulance Trips Manager ]

With 1 Million [Euro] according to today Value Indexed & with Ribit

Real Money as Initial Fine Dedicated to Only Last Hours

for [Last Hours State Ambulance Wish Harassment wish Psychiatric Hijacking

Followed by Hundreds of CT EMP Rf scan black outs

over more then entire last hour as 'Punishment'

for ] not [ accepting the State Ambulance Harassment ]


We have the Recorded [State Ambulance Wish Harassment

wish Psychiatric Hijacking

Followed by Hundreds of CT EMP Rf scan black outs ]

aka Direct Connection [State Ambulance

Preceded by Police Car

Perfidy CT rf scan Cochlear RFID

CT Rf scanning Black Outs Terror

Being Followed for harassment reasons

Nortwood 'Interrogation '

local Position by Surveillance & RFID

Provided to State Ambulance !!! ]


[37 = USA Pentagon or NATO Military Nicadrorial Code

that can be used only by Pentagon or NATO Systems

Such as Pentagon X 37 or NATO Euro Fighter

& is an ] Impossible [to be used by anybody else beside

Pentagon & NATO

also] Impossible [to wish Patsy for 37 anybody

that is not Pentagon & Not Nato ]

Furthermore Until [the wish State Ambulance wish trip ]

For Entire Day Seen By All

[Dry Annanas Slices ]

Stood Safe & Public on Top an New Holandia Bear Can

Issue Already Redundant Explained

Issue Closed


[You ] are already Officially in the ICC Tribunal ! Stay there !

Let the Judges in ICC Tribunal Decide [Your Fate] !

Instead Antiterror Units Commanders

I [do] not negotiate [with the enders of ] Ashdod Israel Humanity
I [do] not [have any need or intention to ever negotiate with enders of
] Ashdod Israel Humanity

I [do] not negotiate [with the enders of ] Ashdod Israel Humanity
I [do] not [have any need or intention to ever negotiate with enders of
] Ashdod Israel Humanity

I am ISTCCNUEP I am MultyNational MultyNuclear Planet etc Level Hot
& Two Times One Order of Magnitude Supreme Supremacy at Nuclear Level
[then USA colapsed systems] almost 4 years ago on [soc.culture.romanian]
& De Facto Nonexistent Former[ USA Nuclear Systems] after the
ISTCCNUEP Sovereign Supreme Supremacy Nuclear Power
Decisive & Mighty Stand
several days ago [during the NSA wish hacking activity ]
& Multiple Orders Of Magnitude Supreme Supremacy at Conventional &
Military & Human Resources & Intel & Economy & Area & all each any
Possible Systems Level !!! Welcome to ISTCCNUEP
I [do] not negotiate [with the enders of ] Ashdod Israel Humanity
I [do] not [have any need or intention to ever negotiate with enders of
] Ashdod Israel Humanity
Agreement to the priority of the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany

& in this Context

We [Do] not [Negotiate ] [Criminals ] Fate

[with the hbs rf CIA rf hbs Criminals ]

Agreement to the priority of the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany

under all [World War 3] Protocols as Defined

aka in NONELECTED since 1996 [CIA Mercenaries Hijakers of a ] Country

actually two countries aka Real Independent Israel & RI Palestine

[according to 1993 Spiegel & Older Economist Covers]

& Never [Elected Since 1956 Economist Rhodesia Nazi Governed

Nazi Black USA 'Genius']

& Real [Hitlers Merkel Swartz the nIGERS & sCHRODER=

Nazies Tule Same Gehelen Organization

Nazies Masked as Pro Jews Pro Semitic

= the Master Puppeteers Over Euro

Mainland USA Likud Rf Poroshenko etc


never [Elected in the last 22 Years Likud gov = CIA Black Op Mercenaries ]


Agreement to the priority of the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany

under all [World War 3] Protocols as Defined

& [Germany ] Instrument for Unconditional SurrenderАкт_о_капитуляции_Германии

Toward Russia & PR China & UK & Myself & RI Israel

Issue Closed !
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