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не прочитано,
9 февр. 2006 г., 15:23:2109.02.2006


© Copyright 2006, by DGVReiman, all rights reserved.

Since the BS Brooks smear merchants seem to be completely
arrogant in what they believe they can get away with, (forgeries
from the FBI, fraud, malicious libel by fraudulent calling me a
"child molester," false accusations about what I wrote in the
past, cyberharassment, lies, distortions, and more libel and
defamation in general, and threats of physical violence, threats
to reveal my home address, etc. and since these unethical smear
merchants are too stupid to stop their smear attack regardless of
the dozens of warnings and posting of the criminal statutes they
seem to be violating, it appears to me their clear
cyberharassment for the purpose of causing me extreme emotional
harm is going to come to a head in front of a judge one way or

But you never know. I say wait and see what these morons do next
as it never ceases to amaze me how arrogant and unethical they
are when they conduct smear campaigns against other Veterans. Yet
I am running out of time and I will need to file my litigation
sooner than later if I am going to file it at all. (At present
there are two criminal investigations being conducted in respect
to the Forged FBI document that Psycho Dai used to defame me, and
of course Psycho Dai's posting of personal and private VA
information about me. The conclusions of those investigations
will help me make up my mind whether to sue these morons or not).

Note that whenever I talk about filing litigation, the BS Brook's
gang howls and barks that I am "just bluffing" and that I never
filed any libel lawsuits in the past. BS Brooks has been caught
lying yet again.

BS Brooks claimed he could not find any lawsuits I have filed for
libel, recently or ever. BS Brooks also fraudulently claimed that
I never filed nor prosecuted the libel lawsuits I said I filed.
Once again BS Brooks inserts his most unethical foot firmly into
his mouth with such outrageous lies and distortions:

BS Brooks said he looked in Clark County, State of Washington for
any lawsuit that I might have filed. Now why would BS Brooks look
only in that area?

I told BS Brooks several times I cannot reveal any information
about a most recent lawsuit complaint because (1) the real names
of the Defendants have not been verified yet - so that could
constitute libel if I named them and they turned out not to be
who we think they are, and (2) BS Brooks and none of his smear
merchant gang members are named on the lawsuit, (yet) so it is
none of his business, and (3) revealing the lawsuit details would
also reveal the names and addresses of the members of my group
and others that actually filed the lawsuit.

We completed a complaint against Cyberharassers that have been
threatening and libeling us for years and that have posted
forgeries under our names for years. However, we have one year
from the date of filing to amend our complaint to add new
defendant names - and we are taking a wait and see attitude in
that respect. But one thing you can absolutely bank on, we are
going to bring the libelers and cyberstalkers that follow us from
newsgroup to newsgroup to justice and any others that join them
as well. This is a done deal - and if the BS Smear Merchant gang
continues with their libel and unethical practices (or repeats
past libel and defamation) from this date forward, I assure you
they will have their day in court as well.

I have certainly warned them enough to stop their libel, lies,
forgeries, fraud, distortions, fabrications and resulting
defamation - time is running out - they will either stop their
fraud and defamation and apologize or they will be named in this
lawsuit and in perhaps other legal charges. Period. End of Story.

In respect to all those other libel lawsuits BS Brooks claimed I
never filed -now why would BS Brooks lie about that as well as
all of his other lies and distortions? Perhaps BS Brooks wants to
convince his gang members that I am all bluster and bull and I
will never actually go to court or file a lawsuit or press for
criminal charges? Perhaps BS Brooks thinks that if he can sell
his lie that I have never filed any past lawsuits for libel (and
won them all through settlements) hat way BS Brooks can continue
to enlist gang members to conspire with him to defame me, lie,
use fraud, forgeries and distortions, and malicious libel. It
appears to me BS Brooks wants to deceive his gang members into
believing there are no "down sides" to violating the law, and
using malicious libel.

Yet nothing could be further from the truth.

I warned the casino hucksters for a full *two years* before we
filed our libel and defamation lawsuits against them in five
different states. (At that time Cyberharassment and Cyberstalking
were not considered criminal acts). ALL of the Cyberharassers we
named either were forced to settle at a great expense to them, or
were forced to admit they lied and were forced to apologize.
(Although I will admit some of these con men simply started using
different aliases and resumed their cyberharassment - which is
reason enough to be allowed to bring even previously settled
charges against them, or at least, use their previous defamation
as evidence in this new pending lawsuits and in this case,
criminal charges if the law permits).

The cyberstalkers back then laughed and howled that I would never
file any litigation, meanwhile, everything they said was being
recorded and documented with third parties. Then after two years
of listening to their lies and defamation, *we filed not less
than five different lawsuits for defamation and libel against

BS Brooks said we never filed those lawsuits, BS Brooks lied. The
proof of BS Brooks lies is presented below in the form of Docket
numbers for those said lawsuits.

Why did BS Brooks lie and claim these lawsuits never existed? I
don't know for sure. But perhaps it was because BS Brooks wanted
to paint me as a liar, and to entice his gang members to continue
to help him defame, lie, distort and libel. I will never know
until I can get BS Brooks in a court of law - and that is why
both BS Brooks and Psycho Dai duck and run anytime I mention a
"legal arena." Smear merchant tactics, lies, fraud, forgeries and
distortions under oath mean jail time in a "legal arena" and that
means all of BS Brooks tactics will be rendered completely and
transparently ineffective in a legal arena.

I could not ask for anything more than for the BS Brook's gang to
answer Interrogatories in respect to statements they have posted
about me - if they lie that is perjury - if they tell the truth
they will be admitting to all they have been lying about me all
along. It sound like a win win situation - all but the expense of
a lawsuit course - but it seems that since Psycho Dai has accused
others in my group of being "child molesters" a cooperative legal
fund is available. Perhaps the BS Brooks gang could do the same?
That way we can include all of the co-conspirators of
cyberharassment, malicious libel, fraud, forgery, and such in
just one lawsuit.

No doubt BS Brooks had already inserted both feet in his mouth by
claiming these lawsuits listed below never existed - just like he
did when he claimed we never contacted the FBI over receiving
Child Porno (the written type) and other threats from some of
casino huckster Cyberstalkers. (I have found the FBI letter that
BS Brooks lied about not existing, and the BS Brooks multiple
lies about me not ever filing the lawsuits for libel I said I
filed have been exposed below by the actual Docket numbers of
those very lawsuits BS Brooks fraudulently claimed "did not
exist - I should also mention that BS Brooks was caught in a mid
lie when he claimed he filed a FOIA request to the FEC in respect
to a letter and response I said I had received from that agency -
I called them and they said they received no such FOIA request.).

Now why would BS Brooks continue to post such unethical false and
defaming claims about me when he had absolutely zero evidence to
back up his fraudulent misrepresentations conclusions? It appears
to me that is what BS Brooks does in his pathetic life. He throws
out some bullshit hoping that he is right and he can use it to
defame me, but then he hides the facts and ducks the truthful
replies when I finally get around to proving him a complete and
utter liar and smear merchant. Like I said it is not difficult to
expose these unethical smear merchants for what they really are,
it just takes time and a little patience. And I have decided to
take the time, and I always had the patience.

In addition to the lawsuits filed by our lawyer in New Jersey and
Pennsylvania for libel, here are just some of the past lawsuits
for libel and defamation we filed that BS Brooks fraudulently
claimed did not exist:

Doug's Response:

The Spokane County Superior Court is
Docket # 01202101-4 Filed Feb 8, 2001

San Francisco Superior Court is: 415-554-5184 or 415-551-4035Ext
3802, Docket #319473, Filed March 8 2001, Ronald Evans
Quidachay Presiding Judge, (Case is assigned to Plan I. Status
and Setting Conference is set for:
August 10, 2001, 9:00 A.M. Room 212, 400 McAllister St, San
francisco, CA 94102-3680

Clark County Las Vegas Superior Court: 702-455-4414 or
702-455-4277, Docket # A430351 Filed Feb 8, 2001

Note the cases listed above are in addition to the libel cases
our lawyer filed in New Jersey and Pennsylvania as is so stated
above by that former lawyer. After we effected settlement from
some of the defendants in the listed cases above, we dropped all
libel cases. Which clearly was a mistake. This time we will see
them through and there will be no more settlements as it appears
the cyberstalkers violate the terms of their settlement
agreements even before the ink is dry on their agreements. (What
amazes me is how incredibly stupid these morons really are - they
sign written settlements, or publish apologies for libel, then
set out to repeat that same libel and other transgressions under
assumed names - which they stupidly believe cannot be traced back
to them)

What these morons have done is provide the court with a reason to
not consider any previous statute of limitations or settlement
agreements in respect to their previous proved libel. The casino
system related con men Cyberstalkers have just continued with
their original libel and Cyberstalking! That means all of their
old transgressions can now be repeated in this new complaint!
Like I said, smear merchants are not very smart, but this BS
Brooks gang and the old casino huckster cyberstalkers are peas in
a pod - complete idiots that actually believe they can get away
with defamation, malicious libel, fraud, forgeries and smear
tactics that clearly violate existing Cyberstalking and
cyberharassment laws.

You would think they would have sense enough to stop - but it
seems they cannot. They seem to live for my posts, (as pathetic
as that sounds) and they are so embarrassed about me exposing
them for what they really are they just cannot stop themselves
from repeatedly attacking me with the same fraud, lies,
distortions, and forgeries - not to mention personal threats. Are
these guys so demented they cannot tell when they have lost all
credibility? It appears so - a lack of ethics has a tendency to
do that to morons.

What Happened to these Men?

If some of these smear merchants were really NCO's or Officers in
the US Military before, you sure cannot see any evidence of that
today. Their clear lack of morality and ethics in their smear
campaigns reminds me more of a Psycho ward in some insane asylum
than former Vietnam Veterans (yes I know that BS Brooks was never
an NCO or Officer - but Psycho Dai and some of the other claim
they were). What happened to these men? Where did they lose their
basic morality they were taught in the military? Where are their
ethics, their honor?

It seems they have been reduced to becoming hate mongers that use
only mindless personal attacks, vitriol, venom, and they live for
those sad motivations and the dark emotions that come with such
immoral tactics. So far the only reason I have not named them in
any litigation - believe it or not - is because I do somewhat
feel sorry for them. But my patience is wearing thin.

If they keep it up, and as I warned the other casino con men
cyberstalkers that attacked me due to my exposure of their casino
huckstering, I will file the litigation in my own good time - but
I will file it. Count on it.

Doug Grant (Tm)


не прочитано,
9 февр. 2006 г., 16:05:0209.02.2006

"DGVREIMAN" <DGVR...@COMCAST.NET> wrote in message


I say, sue 'em, Duh-g.

Hopefully, that will end the whining and pitiful wailing.

Dai Uy

не прочитано,
9 февр. 2006 г., 16:24:3209.02.2006
In article <>,

> I say wait and see what these morons do next
> as it never ceases to amaze me how arrogant and unethical they
> are when they conduct smear campaigns against other Veterans. Yet
> I am running out of time and I will need to file my litigation
> sooner than later if I am going to file it at all. (At present
> there are two criminal investigations being conducted in respect
> to the Forged FBI document that Psycho Dai used to defame me, and
> of course Psycho Dai's posting of personal and private VA
> information about me. The conclusions of those investigations
> will help me make up my mind whether to sue these morons or not).

Two investigations?

It's been six weeks since you informed me that you had initiated
the first investigation. Now two! Who is paying for all these
investigations? Why hasn't your lawyer been able to contact me? Or,
your private investigators? How long has the other been going on? I'm
getting worried about the obvious inefficiency of these investigations.

It seems to be such a waste of time and money. How much are they
charging you for all this? I'd really like to help. Do you think it
would expedite matters if I contacted these investigators myself? How
can I contact your lawyer? Your investigators? Who is handling these
investigations, how can I reach them?

Or should I just contact the local office of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation? Or perhaps make a visit to the VA Regional Office at

alt.military, alt.politics, alt.politics.usa,, removed to conform with acceptable use policies

Joe S.

не прочитано,
9 февр. 2006 г., 17:07:5909.02.2006

"DGVREIMAN" <DGVR...@COMCAST.NET> wrote in message
> © Copyright 2006, by DGVReiman, all rights reserved.

While you're making up your mind, be sure to wear your hat:


не прочитано,
9 февр. 2006 г., 17:45:4409.02.2006

eddie.. how many dopplegangers do you really have.. shitburner.

On Thu, 9 Feb 2006 15:23:21 -0500, "DGVREIMAN" <DGVR...@COMCAST.NET>

>I told BS Brooks several times I cannot reveal any information
>about a most recent lawsuit complaint because (1) the real names
>of the Defendants have not been verified yet

There are two kinds of Americans these days..
those who are... and those who claim to be.


не прочитано,
9 февр. 2006 г., 19:42:0109.02.2006
On Thu, 9 Feb 2006 15:23:21 -0500, "DGVREIMAN" <DGVR...@COMCAST.NET>


>At present
>there are two criminal investigations being conducted in respect
>to the Forged FBI document that Psycho Dai used to defame me, and
>of course Psycho Dai's posting of personal and private VA
>information about me. The conclusions of those investigations
>will help me make up my mind whether to sue these morons or not).

To the uninitiated who may just about be believing this deluded
lunatic.: Here for your amusement is the so-called "Forged FBI
document" about which he claims "two criminal investigations being
conducted in respect of".

Sometimes it is hard not to stare at the screen in open mouthed
amazement at the sheer audacity of this kook's lies.

The 5 year old satire script shows Doogie threatening all and sundry
with lawsuits and going on and on about a gang cyberstalking him

And so in response to those lies he threatens all and sundry with
lawsuits and goes on and on about a gang cyberstalking him!!

Dougie, you keep lying about this "Forged FBI Document", and I'll
happily keep reposting it to allow people to judge for themselves.



Lines: 233
From: rustybl...@aol.comBATSPAM (Rusty Martin)
Newsgroups: rec.gambling.blackjack
Date: 10 Apr 2001 16:26:03 GMT
Organization: AOL
Subject: Doogie and the FBI (Was: Cyberstalking ..more)
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Message-ID: <>

In article
<hNRz6.14333$> the
Doogie-monster, Doug Grant wrote:

>Moreover, I have already spoken with the FBI, they
>are telling me things very different from what you are claiming.

Due to a successful FOIA request, I was able to secure a transcript of
this conversation. I present below the official transcript of
Doogie's conversation with the FBI:

FBI: "Good afternoon, FBI Seattle, Special Agent Johnson speaking,
no, the other one"

Doogie: "Hello, my name is Doug Grant, and I want to discuss with you
a case of cyberstalking"

FBI: "Okay, Doug Grant, G-R-A-N-T"

Doogie: "Well, actually my name is Doug Reiman."

FBI: "Oh, I see. Reiman. R-E-I-M-A-N"

Doogie: "But I use the name Doug Grant"

FBI: "Okay Mr. Grant"

Doogie: "But you have to use 'TM' after my name, because it's a
trademarked name"

FBI: "So you're saying you want me to call you Mr. Grant-tm?"

Doogie: "You don't have to call me that, you should just make a note
of it next to my name."

FBI: "Grant-tm. Got it. How may your government be of service to
you today?"

Doogie: "I would like to you investigate, arrest and prosecute a
whole bunch of people who are cyberstalking me."

FBI: "I see Mr. Grant-tm, how are these people cyberstalking you?"

Doogie: "Well first off, they sent me kiddie porn. Well, actually,
they sent me an e-mail that said 'Hot young teen babes - CLICK HERE!!'

FBI: "And you consider this cyberstalking, Mr. Grant-tm? Actually,
this is getting a little tedious, I think I'll just call you Mr. TM.
And you believe it is cyberstalking?"

Doogie: "Of course it is!! Haven't you read the statutes I've posted
at least a thousand times regarding cyberstalking?"

FBI: "Posted? What have you posted, and to where?"

Doogie: "I've posted it to rec.gambling.blackjack. It's the place
where all the con men and the hucksters prey on innocent people,
perpetrating egregious frauds on unsuspecting newbies."

FBI: "Con men and hucksters?"

Doogie: "Yes, I've already proved this in court you moron. There are
thousands and thousands of con men hucksters and they're all
cyberstalking me on rec.gambling.blackjack. But I already proved this
beyond a shadow of a doubt in court."

FBI: "Well Mr. TM, if you've already proved it in court, why do you
need the FBI to be involved?"

Doogie: "That's part of the conspiracy you moron!! The con men
hucksters managed to arrange through nefarious means (this is part of
what I need you to investigate) for the Federal Judge (who no doubt is
in on the conspiracy) to throw out my complaint! Then, in an
incredible shake of pure hucksterism the 3 Judges on the Federal
Appeals court PROVED that they are part of the same conspiracy!! They
dismissed my claims! And everyone involved is cyberstalking me!!!"

FBI: So let me get this straight, you say you're being cyberstalked
by a massive conspiracy that includes thousands and thousands of con
men and hucksters and 4 Federal Judges. Ahem. I see Mr. TM, and
aside from this text-only kiddie porn that they've sent to you, have
they threatened you in any way?"

Doogie: "Of course they have! One guy was claiming that I didn't
have a registered trademark, and posted that my status was DEAD! That
was clearly a veiled death threat."

FBI: Your status is dead?

Doogie: No you idiot! The status of my trademark is dead! Not me!
That's why it was clearly a death threat!

FBI: "Mr. TM, your trademark is dead? Then why are you insisting I
call you Mr. TM Mr. Grant?"

Doogie: "You will recognize my trademark, because I claim common law
trademark rights! Don't you know anything you blithering fool!?"

FBI: "Yes Mr. Grant no-tm, please continue about the death threats."

Doogie: "Another group of people all threatened to put me in their
kill files! Clearly, they intend to cause me harm."

FBI: "Killfile you?"

Doogie: "Yes. This is clearly a threat from the con men hucksters."

FBI: "Don't forget the Federal Judges."

Doogie: "I haven't even gotten to the best part yet."

FBI: "And that is?"

Doogie: "All of these con men and hucksters are really the same

FBI: "They are?"

Doogie: "Yes, his name is Bingo Billy Rusty BillyRubin Abdul Solinas
Mizz Tie"

FBI: "That's one hell of a name."

Doogie: "Yes, they are using dozens and dozens of AOL accounts to
stalk me. Believe me, I know how it works. I once created 150 AOL
accounts in order to defeat one of their nefarious plans."

FBI: "You defeated their nefarious plans by creating 150 AOL

Doogie: "Well, no, I didn't actually defeat them. The USENET
Volunteer Votetaker turned out to be another member of the conspiracy,
and she through out all of my fake votes as frauds!!"

FBI: "So these people are all one person posting from AOL accounts."

Doogie: "Oh no, it's much worse than that. They have a magical way
of making their posts look like they're not coming from AOL. They use
aol,, web-tv, paxentertainment and hundreds of other


FBI: "Clearly, eh? Okay."

Doogie: "The most sinister part of it all involves Mizz Tie."

FBI: "Mizz Tie?"

Doogie: "Yes. You see, she claims to work for a casino. But it's
obvious that all of the con men hucksters are liars, so she obviously
doesn't work for a casino."

FBI: "And this is sinister….how?"

Doogie: "Because it's all part of the conspiracy! You see, because
she is a con man huckster and a liar, it's obvious that she's SECRETLY

FBI: "I thought you said that she SAID she worked for a casino."

Doogie: "I did! Don't you see now how deep and sinister this plot
really is?"

FBI: "I see Mr. no-tm. And do you feel as though you're in any

Doogie: "No, I'm not in any danger. I was in Vietnam as a Navy Seal.
I've killed many many times. I am not afraid of those con men

FBI: "You were a Navy Seal?"

Doogie: "Well, no. I was actually a seamstress. I stitched ID seals
and insignia on to uniforms for the Navy. It was a killer job, that's
what I meant."

FBI: "So let's see if I got this straight. You are being
cyberstalked by one guy on AOL who posts under thousands of aliases
and 4 Federal Judges, who sent you spam e-mail, told you your
trademark status was dead and they threatened to killfile you. You
don't feel threatened by any of this and you believe that this
qualifies as cyberstalking."

Doogie: "Of course you moron! I've posted the cyberstalking statutes
a thousand times. This is clearly proof!"

FBI: "Yes Mr. Grant. Anything else?"

Doogie: "Yes. They called me a maroon."

FBI: "A maroon?"

Doogie: "Yes, they say: 'What a maroon' whenever I post"

FBI: "Oh, I get it!! Like Bugs Bunny! "What a maroon!"

Doogie: "No you blithering fool!! It's racist!! They are using
racist slurs
to intimidate me!!"

FBI: "Oh, Mr. Grant. I didn't realize you were black"

Doogie: "I'M NOT BLACK, YOU IDIOT!!! This is all part of the
cyberstalking! They use racist slurs against me to stalk me and
threaten me!!"

FBI: "Well Mr. Maroon, uh, Grant, eh Reiman. I have no doubt that
you are
being cyberstalked, and we'll get to the bottom of it right away.

"How can we reach you?"

Doogie: "Well, I live in the State of Washington now, but I don't
actually live in the State of Washington, I live in Las Vegas, Nevada.
But you can reach me at my Washington phone number which forwards to
my home in Las Vegas where I have hundreds of supporters who answer
the phone and say it's me."

FBI: "Yes Mr. Grant no-tm, we'll get on this right away"

Doogie: "The cyberstalking must end!!!"

FBI: "Yes, Mr. Grant."

[ sound of telephone hanging up ]

FBI: "What a maroon."


Copyright 2001 - Rusty Martin
Freely distributable throughout the internet so long as attribution is

Rusty Martin

"Indeed, we are satisfied that the appellants have mischaracterized
the facts." "...the reshuffle is hardly secret as the dealer does it
openly in the view of the players."--3rd Circuit Court of Appeals,
Justice Greenberg [Well duh! Doug]

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не прочитано,
10 февр. 2006 г., 06:12:4710.02.2006
ain't it amazing the dumb fuck can't understand the origin of the 'report'
no wonder he sees FBI agents and attorneys at every McDonalds he goes to

"SteveL" <> wrote in message

> FBI: "And this is sinisterâ?¦.how?"


не прочитано,
11 февр. 2006 г., 01:30:0911.02.2006


© Copyright 2006, by DGVReiman, all rights reserved.

Since the BS Brooks smear merchants seem to be completely
arrogant in what they believe they can get away with, (forgeries
from the FBI, fraud, malicious libel by fraudulent calling me a
"child molester," false accusations about what I wrote in the
past, cyberharassment, lies, distortions, and more libel and
defamation in general, and threats of physical violence, threats
to reveal my home address, etc. and since these unethical smear
merchants are too stupid to stop their smear attack regardless of
the dozens of warnings and posting of the criminal statutes they
seem to be violating, it appears to me their clear
cyberharassment for the purpose of causing me extreme emotional
harm is going to come to a head in front of a judge one way or

But you never know. I say wait and see what these morons do next
as it never ceases to amaze me how arrogant and unethical they
are when they conduct smear campaigns against other Veterans. Yet
I am running out of time and I will need to file my litigation

sooner than later if I am going to file it at all. (At present

there are two criminal investigations being conducted in respect
to the Forged FBI document that Psycho Dai used to defame me, and
of course Psycho Dai's posting of personal and private VA
information about me. The conclusions of those investigations
will help me make up my mind whether to sue these morons or not).

Note that whenever I talk about filing litigation, the BS Brook's

Doug's Response:

Doug Grant (Tm)

"SteveL" <> wrote in message

> On Thu, 9 Feb 2006 15:23:21 -0500, "DGVREIMAN"
> wrote:
> <snip>
>>At present
>>there are two criminal investigations being conducted in
>>to the Forged FBI document that Psycho Dai used to defame me,
>>of course Psycho Dai's posting of personal and private VA
>>information about me. The conclusions of those investigations
>>will help me make up my mind whether to sue these morons or
> To the uninitiated who may just about be believing this deluded
> lunatic.: Here for your amusement is the so-called "Forged FBI
> document" about which he claims "two criminal investigations
> being
> conducted in respect of".

Doug Says: First, SteveL, you are violating my copyrights. You
DO NOT have my permission to reproduce in any manner anything I
write. Second, your lies and stupidity are glaring. Read what I
said in the very paragraph you illegally reproduced, then read
what you *claim* it says. You claimed I said there were *two*
criminal investigations being conducted over Psycho Dai's posting
of a Forged FBI FOIA document about. But in truth I said only
one investigation over that forged document, and the other
investigation was about my private VA medical information that
Psycho Dai posted.

Once again we see clear and unmistakable evidence that this
cyberharasser cannot help from lying and distorting what I say.

> The 5 year old satire script shows Doogie threatening all and
> sundry
> with lawsuits and going on and on about a gang cyberstalking
> him

Doug Says: BWHAHAHAHAHAHAA - it is interesting to see you
backpeddle, duck, whine and dodge, and fraudulently label this
forged FBI document as a "satire script" - which is what most
criminals try to do when they are caught presenting forged
documents. First, there is no "satire" to this document. This
document was presented not with any mention of the fact it was
fake, lies and meant for libel and defamation, it was presented
as a report received from a "FOIA Request to the FBI." Now that
I have officially complained about Psycho Dai posting forged FBI
documents, you now suddenly appear trying to cover-up the fact
that he obviously posted a forged FBI document for the purpose of
defaming me - and he probably got this forgery from you. We all
know the level you and the rest of your unethical smear merchant
gang members will go to defame me - and posting forged documents,
then lying about them after you are caught doing so is not
convincing anyone.

Moreover, I threaten nothing. I of course filed the lawsuits I
said I would file, and I will again. And in fact that casino con
man gang that was exposed conning the public were forced to
either apologize or settle at great expense to them. The gang
existed, and clearly, it still does. This issue has become a
matter for the courts again, and of course you know you will be
named so you are trying to suck in others to join you. I somehow
doubt if your ploy will work - it didn't work the last time - and
it won't work this time.

You need to step up and prove your libel in a court of law.
Hiding and wining now is not going to convince me of anything.

Doug Grant (Tm)


Dai Uy

не прочитано,
11 февр. 2006 г., 02:21:5211.02.2006
In article <>,
"Colin Campbell < (remove underscore)>"
<> wrote:

> On Thu, 09 Feb 2006 21:24:32 GMT, in alt.war.vietnam Dai Uy
> <> wrote:
> > Two investigations?
> >
> > It's been six weeks since you informed me that you had initiated
> >the first investigation. Now two! Who is paying for all these
> >investigations? Why hasn't your lawyer been able to contact me? Or,
> >your private investigators? How long has the other been going on? I'm
> >getting worried about the obvious inefficiency of these investigations.
> >
> > It seems to be such a waste of time and money. How much are they
> >charging you for all this? I'd really like to help. Do you think it
> >would expedite matters if I contacted these investigators myself? How
> >can I contact your lawyer? Your investigators? Who is handling these
> >investigations, how can I reach them?
> >
> > Or should I just contact the local office of the Federal Bureau of
> >Investigation? Or perhaps make a visit to the VA Regional Office at
> >Tripler?

> *I* am going to sue you if you don't ignore that moron!!!

Okay, okay...

I'm sorry Jones.

I know I've been being a bad bad boy these past few weeks. My
sweet 95 year old mother would be crushed were she to discover... She
taught me from an early age that it's both a sin and cruel to make fun
of, or torment, the obviously mentally impaired. I am so ashamed of

It's just that I'm so bored.

It's cold, (64?) and it's threatening to rain, and I'm watching
daytime TV, and I'm sitting here with a broken left leg, and I can't
get out to hike or climb, and using crutches suck, especially on stairs
and through doors, and my car has a standard transmission making it hard
to drive, and I'll be in a cast for six weeks -- four and a half to go.
The cat has left. Today my son broke his ankle -- two guys on crutches
in the same house. I've just got to take it out on smoething. You can
understand; can't you?

I will attempt to follow a program of slow withdrawal.

How about if I (try to) limit myself to only one reminder of the
length of these many investigations, and only a couple of requests for a
corroborating references per week. I promise to refrain from stating
the obvious -- that he is a pathological liar in addition to being a
hate filled certified kook and all around maroon. (I've already
reminded him that it's been six weeks since he put me on notice that I
was being investigated, and I've probably already asked a couple of
times this week for references regarding those 2000 POWs being held for
ransom by those evil Vietnamese. So, there's no further need to do that
today -- he lacks the cojones to answer and to admit he just makes that
crap up anyway)

So, I'll just let the verbose, confused, overreaching and immature
bull-shit he posts ripen until next week......

Well, maybe.....

> Note to all readers: I didn't really post this; my computer is
> infected with the "Colin" virus which changes the posting handle to
> "Colin Campbell < (remove underscore)>" and
> posts random, silly shit to Usenet.
> Jones


не прочитано,
11 февр. 2006 г., 03:16:2211.02.2006
On Sat, 11 Feb 2006 01:30:09 -0500, "DGVREIMAN"
<DGVR...@COMCAST.NET> wrote:

>> To the uninitiated who may just about be believing this deluded
>> lunatic.: Here for your amusement is the so-called "Forged FBI
>> document" about which he claims "two criminal investigations
>> being
>> conducted in respect of".
>Doug Says: First, SteveL, you are violating my copyrights. You
>DO NOT have my permission to reproduce in any manner anything I

Are you saying *you* wrote the "Forged FBI document". Because that's
the only thing I quoted.

> Second, your lies and stupidity are glaring. Read what I
>said in the very paragraph you illegally reproduced, then read
>what you *claim* it says. You claimed I said there were *two*
>criminal investigations being conducted over Psycho Dai's posting
>of a Forged FBI FOIA document about. But in truth I said only
>one investigation over that forged document, and the other
>investigation was about my private VA medical information that
>Psycho Dai posted.

Gee. Sorry. Let me amend it.

To the uninitiated who may just about be believing this deluded
lunatic.: Here for your amusement is the so-called "Forged FBI

document" about which he claims one "criminal investigation is being
conducted in respect of"

Dougie, you keep lying about this "Forged FBI Document", and I'll


не прочитано,
11 февр. 2006 г., 09:44:2511.02.2006

"SteveL" <> wrote in message

> On Sat, 11 Feb 2006 01:30:09 -0500, "DGVREIMAN"
> <DGVR...@COMCAST.NET> wrote:
>>> To the uninitiated who may just about be believing this
>>> deluded
>>> lunatic.: Here for your amusement is the so-called "Forged
>>> FBI
>>> document" about which he claims "two criminal investigations
>>> being
>>> conducted in respect of".
>>Doug Says: First, SteveL, you are violating my copyrights.
>>DO NOT have my permission to reproduce in any manner anything I
> Are you saying *you* wrote the "Forged FBI document". Because
> that's
> the only thing I quoted.

Doug Says: SteveL - no wonder you duck and run anytime people
start showing your past posts. You lie and deceive in almost
every post, and you use fraud, forgeries and distortions and
personal attacks in every post directed to me. I believe you are
a psychopath, and no doubt you are one of the most pathetic
examples of a cyberharassment and smear merchant on the web. You
are not even a veteran, you post hate and venom against our
troops fighting our war on terror, post hate and vitrol against
the USA, and then you "show up" at a Vietnam Veteran's NG for the
express purpose to cyberstalk, lie, distort, fabricate and attack
veterans in general.

Moreover, you qualify for the "everyone is a Kook but me"
nomination in the first degree. Running around lying and
defaming people is certainly a sign of your lack of ethics, but
getting clearly caught in two seperate lies in two consecutive
posts is some kind of record. You lied in the last post when you
said I said "two criminal investigations" over the forged FBI
Document that Psycho Dai posted, when I clearly said only one,
and then you lied again in this post when you claimed you never
quoted anything from my copyrighted post. But here is the
evidence that you did:

Thu, 09 Feb 2006 18:42:03 -0600

From: SteveL <>Newsgroups:,alt.war.vietnam,alt.military,alt.politics,alt.politics.usa,,

Subject: Re: TO SUE OR NOT TO SUE?

Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2006 00:42:01 +0000References:

X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 3.1/32.783MIME-Version: 1.0

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charset=ISO-8859-1Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

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alt.war.vietnam:609697 alt.military:229533 alt.politics:2795053


----- Original Message -----

From: "SteveL" <>


Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2006 7:42 PM

Subject: Re: TO SUE OR NOT TO SUE?

> On Thu, 9 Feb 2006 15:23:21 -0500, "DGVREIMAN"


> wrote:




> <snip>


>>At present>>there are two criminal investigations being
>>conducted in


>>to the Forged FBI document that Psycho Dai used to defame me,


>>of course Psycho Dai's posting of personal and private VA

>>information about me. The conclusions of those investigations

>>will help me make up my mind whether to sue these morons or



>Doug Says: I highlighted your quotation of my copyrighted post
>above. You have been caught in your second glaring lie and
>distortion in the last two posts. Want to try for three in a
>row? Are these cyberstalking morons *this* stupid? Yep, it
>appears these pathetic unethical Psycho's really are as stupid
>as they appear - and the SteveL alias (an old cyberstalker from
>the past that just cannot stand to be uncovered) is one of the
>leaders for the "everyone is a Kook but me" awards that are
>still pending.

>> Second, your lies and stupidity are glaring. Read what I
>>said in the very paragraph you illegally reproduced, then read
>>what you *claim* it says. You claimed I said there were *two*
>>criminal investigations being conducted over Psycho Dai's
>>of a Forged FBI FOIA document about. But in truth I said only
>>one investigation over that forged document, and the other
>>investigation was about my private VA medical information that
>>Psycho Dai posted.
> Gee. Sorry. Let me amend it.
> To the uninitiated who may just about be believing this deluded
> lunatic.: Here for your amusement is the so-called "Forged FBI
> document" about which he claims one "criminal investigation is
> being
> conducted in respect of"

Doug Says: SteveL. At least SteveL admitted his first lie
above, so now lets work on his second and third lie in as many
posts. If you deny my *claim* that I asked for a criminal
investigation over posted forged FBI Documents for the purpose to
defame me - then post your evidence that I did not ask for any
such investigation. Well, we are waiting. What?? You mean you
have been caught in a third lie in as many posts! Caught lying
and deceiving in every post that you try to use to attack me is
doing very little for your complete loss of credibility SteveL.
Your past posting of vitriol against our troops, then your sudden
"appearance" at a veteran's NG for the obvious and exclusive
purpose to smear, lie, and fraudulently repost forgeries and
defame Veterans is obvious. Go back under your rock from whence
you came - your lies and distortions and ridiculous false claims
have been exposed.

Moreover, ducking and hiding from your obvious violation of my
copyrights, as you did herein, is just another example of your
lack of ethics and gross dishonesty.

Back under your rock Psycho.

> Dougie, you keep lying about this "Forged FBI Document", and
> I'll
> happily keep reposting it to allow people to judge for
> themselves.
> Deal?

Doug Says: If you want to repost known forgeries, libel, and
repeatedly use forged FBI documents for defamation and libel
that is up to you. I guarantee you the FBI won't like it. I
will send the investigator a copy each time you or anyone else
repeats this forgery. You will be the one facing the charges
for using fraud and FBI forgeries, not me. However, you have
already admitted he fraud FBI document you keep posting is a
fake, and was used for the exclusive purpose to libel and defame
me. So with each new posting you are simply (1) reposting a
known forged FBI document although you admit you know it is a
fraud,(each new posting is a violation of the forgery statutes
pertaining to misrepresenting US Government documents as
authentic - I posted the forgery statutes so SteveL and friends
cannot claim they do not know the law) (2) using a document you
have already said was a forgery for the exclusive purpose of
defaming me with lies, fraud and forgeries. Now you threaten me
with more libel and defamation with the used of forged and
fraudulent FBI Documents *if* I keep telling the truth about
this forged document??? BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - Of course this FBI
document is a forgery, it is a forged document from the FBI, it
was presented by Psycho Dai as authentic, and nothing was said
about it being a "forged document presented for the exclusive
purpose of malicious libel when it was posted on this NG by
Psycho Dai, then repeated by you."

Also, trying to use extortion (threats to continue to defame me
with a forged FBI document) to stop me from blowing the whistle
on the fact that Psycho Dai and you posted a fraud forged FBI
document simply represents another violation of the statutes.
This type of intimidation is *expressly forbidden* when it comes
to trying to intimidate those that call for an investigation over
such matters. You keep getting in deeper and deeper SteveL.

The FBI document is clearly a "published forgery" and now that
you and Psycho Dai have been exposed for publishing forged FBI
Documents, you threaten me with reposting that document to defame
me, which now you claim was created only for the express purpose
to fraudulently smear and defame me if I keep telling the truth
about it? Do you realize how completely moronic your desperate
threats sounds?

You clearly violated the forgery statutes when you and Psycho Dai
posted this forged FBI Document, and now you want to violate the
criminal statutes on cyberharassment and malicious libel by
reposting a document (1) you admit is a fraud and forgery and
(2) you admit was created for the exclusive purpose to defame and
libel me. Either way you are knowingly violating criminal

Are you *that* stupid? Somehow, I suspect you are.

Like I said, the lack of ethics of these smear merchants is
amazing. This clown claims he knows the FBI document is a fraud
and a forgery, but threatens me with reposting it if I do not
agree to stop telling people that document is a fraud and a
forgery. It is amazing how the pea brains of these unethical
smear merchants work. I can't wait to get this particular smear
merchant in front of a Judge. (BTW, he is an American). This
post, containing STeveL threats and extortion, is a keeper.
(Note that I already have posted the statutes involving
forgeries, but I have not posted the statutes about threatening
or trying to intimidate someone that has asked for an
investigation over such issues - I guess I will need to post
those statutes as well as repeat the forgery statutes when I see
ol SteveL or anyone else again try to use a fraud forged FBI
document to defame and smear).

My best advice: Don't get involved with these smear merchants.
They are clearly heading for extreme legal difficulties.
Moreover, if any of these smear merchants have ever contacted you
by email or by any other means, please let me know the contents
of that email. Breaking up a smear merchant ring and gang that
uses forged FBI documents, and uses US Government agencies, to
help their smear and defamation campaigns is something that all
responsible and ethical readers should want to do - and not be
called or named as a defendant for "conspiring" with such fraud
merchants just because you exchanged email with them. Once they
are in front of a judge all of their computer records and emails
will be uncovered. So if you have communicated with them, or if
they have communicated with you, please send me what they sent
you, and I assure you that such information with be held in the
strictest confidence, and you will not be prosecuted in any
manner. Failure to notify me however of any such correspondence
could result in you being named in a later civil or criminal
charge, whichever the law permits.

Doug Grant (Tm)


не прочитано,
11 февр. 2006 г., 09:56:1111.02.2006

"Dai Uy" <> wrote in message

> In article <>,
> "Colin Campbell < (remove
> underscore)>"
> <> wrote:
>> On Thu, 09 Feb 2006 21:24:32 GMT, in alt.war.vietnam Dai Uy
>> <> wrote:
>> > Two investigations?
>> >
>> > It's been six weeks since you informed me that you had
>> > initiated
>> >the first investigation. Now two! Who is paying for all
>> >these
>> >investigations? Why hasn't your lawyer been able to contact
>> >me? Or,
>> >your private investigators? How long has the other been
>> >going on? I'm
>> >getting worried about the obvious inefficiency of these
>> >investigations.

Doug Says: Be patient. These things take time. Moreover, why
would any investigator want to contact you personally at this
time? If you want to say something or confess or something then
tell us what you want to confess to and I assure you I will send
your email or post to the investigator. You have already
admitted you posted the fraudulent and forged FBI document for
the purpose of smear and defaming me with fraud and forgeries,
yet you deny posting any VA information on me in any respect,
which completely contradicts the first investigator's conclusions
from the VA---which BTW, once we get into court you will be able
to see.

Moreover, trying to use more fraud and ridicule against me over
the investigations that are ongoing is clearly an attempt to use
intimidation as a means to further extort me to withdraw the
investigations or face more defamation about them. I suggest you
read the statutes that apply *after* you have been notified that
an investigation is underway. Your posts could be violating even
more statutes. My best advice:

1. Hire a lawyer. Have that lawyer contact me and I will
provide your lawyer with the name of the investigator and his
contact numbers.
2. Stop posting about this issue, and your gang member SteveL is
not helping you, he is hurting you.

Doug Grant (Tm)

Nigel Brooks

не прочитано,
11 февр. 2006 г., 11:42:2011.02.2006
"DGVREIMAN" <DGVR...@COMCAST.NET> wrote in message

> In addition to the lawsuits filed by our lawyer in New Jersey and
> Pennsylvania for libel, here are just some of the past lawsuits for libel
> and defamation we filed that BS Brooks fraudulently claimed did not exist:
> Doug's Response:
> The Spokane County Superior Court is
> 509-477-2211
> Docket # 01202101-4 Filed Feb 8, 2001

Docket Report Extract:
1 02-08-01 CMP Complaint
2 02-08-01 DMJY6 Demand For Jury-6 Person
3 10-15-01 LTR Letter From Judge Rielly PLA0001 Vonreiman,
Douglas Grant
4 11-09-01 ORTSC Order To Show Cause
12-13-01 9am W/presiding JDG0014 Judge Neal Q. Rielly
12-13-01 HSTKNA Hearing Stricken:in Court Nonappear JDG0014
Judge Neal Q. Rielly
5 12-13-01 ORDSMWO Order Of Dismissal W/out Prejudice JDG0014
Judge Neal Q. Rielly


> San Francisco Superior Court is: 415-554-5184 or 415-551-4035Ext 3802,
> Docket #319473, Filed March 8 2001, Ronald Evans
> Quidachay Presiding Judge, (Case is assigned to Plan I. Status
> and Setting Conference is set for:
> August 10, 2001, 9:00 A.M. Room 212, 400 McAllister St, San
> francisco, CA 94102-3680

Docket Report Extract:


FOR AUG-10-2001 AT 09:00 AM IN DEPT 212



FROM 08/10/01 X-1 09:00 AM FOR 09/24/01 X-1 01:30 PM

AT 01:30 PM IN DEPT 212

FROM 09/24/01 X-1 01:30 PM FOR 01/28/02 X-1 01:30 PM

JAN-28-2002 MINI-MINUTES FOR JAN-28-2002 1:30 PM


Extract: Douglas G VonReiman Vs. Jane Does et al - Pretrial Department 212,
No. CGC-01-319473 -
TO: Douglas G. Von Reiman

You are hereby ordered to pay sanctions in the amount of $350.00 for failure

Arelene T. Borick - Judge/Commissioner

AT 1:30 PM

Extract: Douglas G VonReiman Vs. Jane Does et al - Pretrial Department 212,
No. CGC-01-319473 -
Continued order to show cause
TO: Douglas G. Von Reiman

You are hereby ordered to appear in Department 212 on Apr-02-2002 at 1:30pm
to local rules 3.0, 3.1,3.3, and 3.4 to show case why this action should not
be dismissed or why sanctions
should not be imposed for failure to:

file proof of service on the defendant(s) and obtain answer(s) or enter




Dated Feb-05-2002 Arlene T Borick Judge/Commissioner

APR-02-2002 MINI-MINUTES FOR APR-02-2002 1:30 PM


Extract: Douglas G VonReiman Vs. Jane Does et al - Pretrial Department 212,
No. CGC-01-319473 -
Order Dismissing Entire Action

To: All counsel and parties in propria persona

An order to show cause for failure of plaintiff to comply with court orders
and rules was called for
hearing on Apr-02-2002 at 1:30pm in Department 212

There being no appearance, and having reviewed the file and considered the
plaintiff's written request to
dismiss entire action It is hereby ordered that this case is dismissed.
This dismissal is pursuant to plaintiffs request.
Dated Apr-05-2002 Arlene T Borick Judge/Commissioner


> Clark County Las Vegas Superior Court: 702-455-4414 or
> 702-455-4277, Docket # A430351 Filed Feb 8, 2001

02/07/2001COMPLAINT FILED Fee $128.00
For Von Reiman, Douglas G

For Doe, John
Filed By Von Reiman, Douglas G1 page

For Doe, John
Filed By Grant, Doug

02/19/2005Reassign Case From Judge Parraguirre To Judge Herndon


> Note the cases listed above are in addition to the libel cases our lawyer
> filed in New Jersey and Pennsylvania as is so stated above by that former
> lawyer. After we effected settlement from some of the defendants in the
> listed cases above, we dropped all libel cases. Which clearly was a
> mistake.

Considering the fact that the above extracts I have provided from the
dockets of the court cases you cited all indicate that your lawsuits were
filed against "John and Jane Does" (in other words you were unable to
identify the defendants) - coupled with the fact that one of the courts
SANCTIONED you for failure to appear - indicates that dropping the cases was
NOT a mistake but a prudent move on your part. You filed cases against
unnamed individuals and the courts would have thrown them out anyway when
you were unable to provide proof of service.

You of course claim that you "effected settlement" from some of the
defendants - but considering the fact that every single published Court
Record in the District Court of New Jersey, the Third Circuit Court of
Appeals and the above cited cases show that your filings were dismissed, I
prefer to believe that you are a litigious Clown of the first order, and
that given your history of exxageration, quips, etc - anything you write
should be taken with a generous helping of salt.

Now about those "investigations" you claim are underway. As you have not
responded to any of my offers to get in contact with the "investigators" I
must assume that once again you are not being entirely truthful. However,
in the unlikely event that you failed to see my earlier offers of
assistance - I'll restate them here. I believe that I have considerable
information which will be of assistance to any credentialed investigator who
is currently investigating allegations of "forged FBI documents", violations
of VA privacy, etc. Please either provide the name of the agency and
investigator(s) who are currently engaged in these investigations so that I
may provide the information to them directly.

Obviously your previous offers to pass along any information to these
"investigators" is totally innappropriate - after all you are the
complainant are you not? Given your history of "mischaracterizing facts"
(used courtesy of the Third Circuit Court of Appeals) - it would hardly be
to my advantage to (1) contact you directly or (2) allow you to pass along
information which you could manipulate.

Please rely my request to the "investigators" that they contact me directly.


Nigel Brooks
I realize that this posting violates my previous affirmation that I would no
longer engage you in this forum - but your postings are so laughable that I
am unable to resist.


не прочитано,
11 февр. 2006 г., 12:49:5211.02.2006
On Sat, 11 Feb 2006 09:44:25 -0500, "DGVREIMAN"
<DGVR...@COMCAST.NET> wrote:

>"SteveL" <> wrote in message
>> On Sat, 11 Feb 2006 01:30:09 -0500, "DGVREIMAN"
>> <DGVR...@COMCAST.NET> wrote:
>>>> To the uninitiated who may just about be believing this
>>>> deluded
>>>> lunatic.: Here for your amusement is the so-called "Forged
>>>> FBI
>>>> document" about which he claims "two criminal investigations
>>>> being
>>>> conducted in respect of".
>>>Doug Says: First, SteveL, you are violating my copyrights.
>>>DO NOT have my permission to reproduce in any manner anything I
>> Are you saying *you* wrote the "Forged FBI document". Because
>> that's
>> the only thing I quoted.
>Doug Says: SteveL - no wonder you duck and run anytime people
>start showing your past posts.

No Doug. I stand up and rebut them with Google references. You then
duck and run and spin and lie, and whine FOUL!.

I post Google references that pin you to the floor, and your only
escape is to cry "cyberstalking and defamation".

It's a tactic you've been using for about 8 years judging by the
Google archive, and has tainted your discourse with what must be well
over a hundred different people.

A hundred different cyberstalkers!!

"Everyone is a kook but me", indeed.

> You lie and deceive in almost
>every post, and you use fraud, forgeries and distortions and
>personal attacks in every post directed to me. I believe you are
>a psychopath, and no doubt you are one of the most pathetic
>examples of a cyberharassment and smear merchant on the web. You
>are not even a veteran, you post hate and venom against our
>troops fighting our war on terror, post hate and vitrol against
>the USA, and then you "show up" at a Vietnam Veteran's NG for the
>express purpose to cyberstalk, lie, distort, fabricate and attack
>veterans in general.

alt.politics is a veteran's group?

You once tried to tried to frame me for posting "hate and venom"
against our troops by launching a week long campaign of bile in which
you supposed quoted my past posts.

You failed miserably to get a rise out of any of the Vets in AWV. Not
*one* person posted a follow-up criticizing me. Not one person
supported you. You on the other hand were roundly criticized by the
very Vets you wished to expose me to, for your blatantly dishonest

Within a short time you were even reduced to taking a post written by
another person and falsely attributing it to me. And your
justification when caught was that a) I would have agreed with what
was said so that's the same as saying it! and b) you "knew" the post
was written by me under an alias.

Not only were a) and b) false, but they were also *mutually
exclusive*, but that didn't stop you airing *both accusations* in the
same post.

>Moreover, you qualify for the "everyone is a Kook but me"
>nomination in the first degree.

Nice try Doogie. But it is *you* who thinks "everyone is a kook but

In fact it's your defining personality attribute on these newsgroups.

It is you who talks about "gangs" out to libel, defame, and "get" you.
In just one day last summer you accused no less than 5 different
people of "cyberstalking" you.

Yes, everyone else is a cyberharasser but not the one who *contacts
ISPs* and *former employers*, and who *threatens lawsuits* to his
opponents in newsgroups.


<snip lunatic rant>


не прочитано,
11 февр. 2006 г., 12:59:5711.02.2006
On Sat, 11 Feb 2006 10:42:20 -0600, "Nigel Brooks" <>

Nice one, Nigel.


не прочитано,
11 февр. 2006 г., 14:22:5411.02.2006
On Fri, 10 Feb 2006 11:12:47 GMT, "Latrine Orderly Canadian War
Library" <> wrote:

>ain't it amazing the dumb fuck can't understand the origin of the 'report'
>no wonder he sees FBI agents and attorneys at every McDonalds he goes to

Nah, he understands. He thinks if he burys his head in the sand and
pretends hard enough that the "readers" won't spot the obvious.


не прочитано,
12 февр. 2006 г., 09:23:5912.02.2006
On Thu, 9 Feb 2006 15:23:21 -0500, "DGVREIMAN" <DGVR...@COMCAST.NET>


>© Copyright 2006, by DGVReiman, all rights reserved.

<long rant snipped. removed>

How are the various Doug Grants doing?

In their post "TO SUE OR NOT TO SUE" (see below for details) they
don't seem to have pulled any support.

They do seem to have drawn criticism from:

Joe S.

Latrine Orderly Canadian War Library

Stan Marsh
Theodore Cartman

It seems even the various other thirty or fourty or hundreds of "Doug
Grant's" don't want to show up under their primary accounts and
support whatever "Doug Grant" wrote the article.



February 9, 2006

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не прочитано,
18 февр. 2006 г., 08:27:0818.02.2006

It seems to me there's another interpretation of this matter.

That is that the Grants don't want to push the investigation along --
as one would think any responsible citizen would want to do --

1) There is no investigation since things have never been reported, or

2) There is no investigation because the Grants have reported the
"forgery" etc. and the charge is in the government's Flaming Wacko


не прочитано,
23 февр. 2006 г., 11:09:2223.02.2006
DGVREIMAN is wearing thin.

> If they keep it up, and as I warned the other casino con men
> cyberstalkers that attacked me due to my exposure of their casino
> huckstering, I will file the litigation in my own good time - but
> I will file it. Count on it.
> Doug Grant (Tm)
how is Sue today?

Your Lord and Master

не прочитано,
23 февр. 2006 г., 12:17:5523.02.2006
Danzig wrote:
> how is Sue today?

Where is Sue today? Red Jacket

не прочитано,
23 февр. 2006 г., 17:12:0523.02.2006

"Your Lord and Master" <> wrote in message

> Danzig wrote:
> >
> >>
> >>
> > how is Sue today?
> Where is Sue today?

Pissed off, all she hears is Sue Sue Sue this and Sue that.

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