QuotaCheckError.ACCOUNT_INACTIVE at MCC Test Account and production developer Token

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Oct 22, 2013, 3:21:57 AM10/22/13
to adwor...@googlegroups.com
Hi there,
i'm facing some issues concerning AdWords API Calls in a MCC Test-Account.
I will describe the current setup:
I have two Accounts:
  - a production MCC account with a pending developer Token
  - a test MCC account which has been created with another e-mail address.
In the test MCC account i also requested a developer token.
In the file auth.ini i used:
   - developerToken of test MCC
   - client_id of test MCC
   - client_secret of test MCC
   - refresh_token of test MCC.
When running the example "GetCampaigns.php" i receive:
"An error has occurred: [QuotaCheckError.ACCOUNT_INACTIVE @ ; trigger:'<null>']
Because of some Google Groups Messages, indicating that the pending production developer token should be used instead,
i replaced the test developer token with the pending production token and then i receive another error:
"An error has occurred: [QuotaCheckError.INVALID_TOKEN_HEADER @ ; trigger:'MY_PRODUCTION_TOKEN']
I don't know what is wrong with my setup. I would be very pleased if anyone could find an answer for this issue.
Best Regards
Bastian K.

Jeremy Aube

Oct 24, 2013, 4:24:29 PM10/24/13
to adwor...@googlegroups.com
You can't use developer tokens from test accounts. You can, however, use your pending developer token from your production MCC with your test account.


Oct 28, 2013, 3:33:06 AM10/28/13
to adwor...@googlegroups.com
Thank you, but the problem has changed a little bit.
Now i'm using the pending developer token from production MCC 640-851-3195
and the credentials (client_id and client_secret) from Test MCC 497-247-7228 with a sub-customer 466-845-6267.
As well i added billing information in both, production and test accounts, and accepted Terms and Conditions as far as i know.
The error i'm receiving is
An error has occurred: [QuotaCheckError.INCOMPLETE_SIGNUP @ ; trigger:'<null>']
What to do now?
Best Regards


Oct 28, 2013, 9:02:14 AM10/28/13
to adwor...@googlegroups.com
And i just have s.th. to add ..
I noticed a missing billing information in the production MCC, but submitting these information i receive the following error at https://adwords.google.com/select/BillerUnreachable:
Your billing information is temporarily unavailable. 
At this time, we are unable to provide information regarding your billing information or history on either the Billing Preferences or Billing Summary pages. However, please note that you can still access information unrelated to billing from the menu at the top of any page within your account. 

Thank you for your patience. Please check back soon for your updated billing information.
Could this be the missing part? Why i can't add this information?

David Torres (AdWords API Team)

Oct 29, 2013, 1:40:09 PM10/29/13
to adwor...@googlegroups.com

The problem is that your production MCC account is under a invoice agreement, and as such it can't accept our API terms and conditions, process that happen when you associate a regular credit card as payment method of your MCC account. 

You have two alternatives:
1) Create another MCC account just for development purposes, request a developer token from it and set a credit card as payment method (we are not going to charge this card since the API is free)
2) Manually sign, scan and email back to me (only to me, using the reply to author button) the attached PDF of API terms and conditions.


- David Torres - AdWords API Team


Oct 30, 2013, 4:09:47 AM10/30/13
to adwor...@googlegroups.com
Thanks a lot.
PDF File should be sent now.

Alex Medearis

Nov 13, 2013, 3:20:29 PM11/13/13
to adwor...@googlegroups.com
I am running into the same problem. 

I don't understand the distinction between the "problem" of associating a "regular credit card as payment method of your MCC account"  and the apparent solution of "set[ting] a credit card as payment method." What other kind of credit card is there other than a "regular credit card"? 

In any event, this could really use a lot more documentation.  The process for setting up an MCC and MCC test account, linking them, configuring the right keys for the right client (which to use -- test or non-test) is incredibly confusing and not well documented.

I am following the same setup as the OP:

Two accounts, one MCC and one test MCC.  

Test MCC is a child of the MCC account.

MCC account has billing set up, accepted T&C.

In the file auth.ini i used:
   - developerToken of MCC
   - client_id of test MCC
   - client_secret of test MCC
   - refresh_token of test MCC

Receiving [QuotaCheckError.INCOMPLETE_SIGNUP @ ; trigger:'&lt;null&gt;'] error.

How do I get this thing to work?


Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)

Nov 18, 2013, 11:40:58 AM11/18/13
to adwor...@googlegroups.com
Hi Alex,

That error suggests that the clientCustomerId in your auth.ini file is your non-test, non-MCC customer ID.  If you try to access a non-test customer using a dev token that has not been approved, the API throws the INCOMPLETE_SIGNUP exception.  I compiled the grid below to help explain the allowed interactions between dev token and customer account types.  The use case available to you is the first row.

dev tokencustomer typeallowed

Could you try changing the clientCustomerId in your auth.ini file to the child customer account of your test MCC?  If you have not yet created a child account of your test MCC, you can do so in My Client Center by clicking Create Account.  Please give this a shot and let me know if you still encounter problems.

Josh, AdWords API Team

Alex Medearis

Jan 7, 2014, 1:30:27 PM1/7/14
to adwor...@googlegroups.com
I finally got my test account working. The setup should be as follows:

This should be from the test account, after doing the two-step oAuth handshake.

This should be from the test account.  Create an api project at https://cloud.google.com/console, then set up a client id under "APIs and Auth" -> Credentials -> Create new ClientID.

Same as above.

This is the customer id of an account under the test MCC, not the id of the test MCC itself.  You will need to create an account under the test MCC in adwords.  Accounts -> Create account.

I don't believe this is necessary, but I'm using the email address of the MCC account.

This is the developer token from a NON-test MCC account.  Does not need to be approved.

So, in short, make sure everything is from the test account, except the developer token.  In order to help out everyone else, here are some potential pitfalls I ran into that I ran into:

Attempting to link Test MCC with Production MCC, "The following customer IDs had errors", "An error occurred. Please try again later"...
It is not necessary to link your accounts -- the Test MCC should remain unlinked from the MCC you are getting the developer token from.  

400 Bad Request / "error" : "invalid_grant":
Make sure that you are using a valid developer token.  This should be the token in your Production account under "My Account" -> Adwords API center

Make sure that you are using the actual refresh token, which is the final step of the oAuth handshake, NOT the intermediate token that you receive in the browser callback.  Copy the intermediate token back into the application ("Type the code you received here: ") to receive the refresh token.

Make sure that you've accepted the terms and conditions and set up billing on your account(s).  I'm not sure if its necessary for the test MCC, but I just set it up for both and this problem went away.

Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)

Jan 13, 2014, 1:57:24 PM1/13/14
to adwor...@googlegroups.com

Thanks for putting together such a comprehensive list!  The only modifications I would make are:
  1. api.adwords.clientId - This can come from either the NON-test or the test account.  Since you will ultimately need an api project for the non-test account, I would recommend using that here.
  2. api.adwords.clientSecret - This can come from either the NON-test or the test account, same as #1.
  3. api.adwords.userAgent - This is optional, but it is extremely helpful for us if you have questions about specific requests.  You can set this to any string that might be useful for that purpose.
  4. api.adwords.developerToken - As you stated, this should come from the NON-test account and does not have to be approved in order to use it in API calls on a test account.  Note that we recently changed the AdWords UI so that you cannot create a developerToken from a test account, which should help avoid confusion on this going forward.
  5. QuotaCheckError.INCOMPLETE_SIGNUP - You need to enter billing information and accept the Terms & Conditions on the NON-test account.  You should not have to do this for the test account.
Thanks again,
Josh, AdWords API Team


Jan 31, 2014, 3:50:06 AM1/31/14
to adwor...@googlegroups.com
Hi Josh,
i'm completely new to the AdWords API and i've setup my auth.ini in the php library exactly the way you described but im still getting the QuotaCheckError.INCOMPLETE_SIGNUP. 
Im using a test account since our Developer Token is not yet approved.
1. api.adwords.clientId i got from code.google.com/apis/console after logging in with the Test Account, creating a project and creating a new client id for a native application.
2. see 1.
3. Optional as you said, ive put in the name of my Application.
4. Developer Token from the Production Account in which the TOS are accepted and the billig is set up.

With that i am able to use the Getrefreshtoken.php and receive a refreshtoken that ive also put in the auth.ini. 
When i now try to use the example GetCampaigns.php i still receive the error QuotaCheckError.INCOMPLETE_SIGNUP.
I have no idea what i am missing to get the test account working.

Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)

Feb 3, 2014, 1:57:02 PM2/3/14
to adwor...@googlegroups.com
Hi Am,

Welcome to the AdWords API community!  Regarding the INCOMPLETE_SIGNUP error, could you let me know which clientCustomerId you put in auth.ini when running the GetCampaigns.php example?

Josh, AdWords API Team


Feb 4, 2014, 2:13:24 AM2/4/14
to adwor...@googlegroups.com
the clientCustomerId I use is 345-112-6902 from an Account i created under the Test MCC.

Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)

Feb 5, 2014, 12:31:05 PM2/5/14
to adwor...@googlegroups.com
Hi Am,

Have you entered billing information and accepted terms and conditions on your production MCC (the one with the pending developer token)?

Josh, AdWords API Team


Feb 6, 2014, 2:03:15 AM2/6/14
to adwor...@googlegroups.com
Hi Josh,
yes i have set it up in both, the prouction MCC (827-869-5334) from which i use the pending token and the test MCC (614-512-7851).

Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)

Feb 7, 2014, 2:25:23 PM2/7/14
to adwor...@googlegroups.com

It looks like you did not accept Terms & Conditions on your production MCC.  Could you go back into Billing --> Billing Preferences and re-enter your billing information, and make sure that you click Continue all the way through, including past the Terms & Conditions screen?

Josh, AdWords API Team


Feb 27, 2014, 10:03:45 AM2/27/14
Hi, i have the same Issue 'Incoplete Signup' and I don't find anything.


Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)

Feb 21, 2014, 5:25:02 AM2/21/14
to adwor...@googlegroups.com

I checked your accounts and you have not accepted Terms & Conditions on your prod MCC.  When you entered your billing information did you click Continue all the way through and accept the Terms & Conditions?

Josh, AdWords API Team

On Thursday, February 20, 2014 8:51:47 AM UTC+1, GigiCom wrote:
Hi, i have the same Issue 'Incoplete Signup' and I don't find anything.


Mike Sullivan

Feb 27, 2014, 1:18:13 PM2/27/14
to adwor...@googlegroups.com
I had a similar problem -- incomplete signup.  

There is no Terms & Conditions acceptance at the end of the Billings setup.  I did it three times.  There is only a Save Changes button or Cancel.

Ray Tsang (AdWords API Team)

Mar 4, 2014, 2:09:33 PM3/4/14
to adwor...@googlegroups.com

If you are receiving incomplete sign up errors, please send me (by responding to author):
1. your MCC CID
2. the complete response error that you received



Mar 5, 2014, 6:48:23 AM3/5/14
to adwor...@googlegroups.com
I'm having the same problem than Mike. There is no Terms & Conditions acceptance at the end of the Billings setup, just a Save Changes button, and that's all, you conclude the configuration.

This is my error:

Mike Sullivan

Mar 5, 2014, 2:14:16 PM3/5/14
to adwor...@googlegroups.com
You need to contact adwordsapi-tokens@google.com and have them process your terms and conditions approval manually. 


Ray Tsang (AdWords API Team)

Mar 5, 2014, 3:34:37 PM3/5/14
to adwor...@googlegroups.com
Hi All,

Please check our Sign Up guide.  For Terms & Conditions, please refer to Step 3.



Daniel Mayans

Mar 6, 2014, 1:42:21 PM3/6/14
to adwor...@googlegroups.com
I'm having the INCOMPLETE_SIGNUP error.

This is my MCC ID: 885-241-7816
This is the error: An error has occurred: [QuotaCheckError.INCOMPLETE_SIGNUP @ ; trigger:'']

Could you help me please?

Thank you!

Ray Tsang (AdWords API Team)

Mar 6, 2014, 6:01:50 PM3/6/14
to adwor...@googlegroups.com

Please check our Sign Up guide and complete billing information and T&C.  Also, you cannot use a pending approval developer token against a live account.  Please see our test account guide.



Ray Tsang (AdWords API Team)

Apr 10, 2014, 6:22:00 PM4/10/14
to adwor...@googlegroups.com
Hi all,

If you are receiving INCOMPLETE_SIGNUP error, please carefully review the common error guide on how to resolve this.



Lisandro Aubert

Apr 23, 2014, 9:45:45 AM4/23/14
to adwor...@googlegroups.com
Hi there, I'm having the INCOMPLETE_SIGNUP error.

This is my MCC ID: 673-685-3779 (Token pending aprov)
This is my Test Account: 190-355-2306

This is the error: An error has occurred: [QuotaCheckError.INCOMPLETE_SIGNUP @ ; trigger:'']

My auth.ini for credentials:
developerToken: Dev token of Produccion account 673-685-3779 (pending aproval).
ClientId: Client ID of my Test Account APP created: "97886261002-ltogtc2f4mmnal25juhielt1l3r7voo5.apps.googleusercontent.com"
clientSecret: Client Secret of these Test Account APP created.

I have refresh token without problem, but i cant use "getCampaigns" method.

When i complete Billing Data and try to accept Terms and Conditions, Google give me the follow message in spanish: "Rogamos disculpe las molestias, pero por el momento no podemos procesar su peticion. Hemos puesto el problema en manos de nuestros ingenieros, que ya trabajan para resolverlo. "

Google translate for English: "We apologize for the inconvenience, but at the moment we can not process your request. We have put the problem in the hands of our engineers already working to resolve it."

I filled out my credit card and billing data. In this screen, only monthly payments is allowed for me. My Account is from Argentina.

Could you help me please?

Thank you!


Lisandro Aubert

Apr 23, 2014, 9:59:14 AM4/23/14
to adwor...@googlegroups.com
Hi there again,

Recentlly i created another adwords account in United States, new one. I Accept Terms and Conditions and complete Billing and Credit Card information but google says: "We apologize for the inconvenience, but we are unable to process your request at this time. Our engineers have been notified of this problem and will work to resolve it. Please note that using your browser's back button in AdWords can increase the likelihood of errors. If you think this was the cause of your error, please try again without using the back button."

This new Customer ID is: 864-522-6122

Thank you very much!

All the best


Ray Tsang (AdWords API Team)

Apr 25, 2014, 9:05:16 PM4/25/14
to adwor...@googlegroups.com
Hi all,

Anyone that's receiving INCOMPLETE_SIGNUP errors or having trouble accepting Terms and Conditions, please carefully review our latest error handling guide.


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