Vote of no confidence - Glenn ten Cate

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Grant Ongers (OWASP)

2023年8月24日 09:54:032023/8/24
收件人 Global-board、Andrew van der Stock

Given Glenn's refusal today to provide the Foundation with an updated Conflict of Interest Questionnaire and following on his censure on Tuesday and this failure at a second chance to become compliant and above board I would like to call for a vote of no confidence in Glenn ten Cate and for his immediate removal from the board of directors. Can I get a second?

The board moves that they have no confidence in Glenn ten Cate's ability to remain unconflicted in matters relating to the Foundation or his honesty with regards to the conflicts he has. 

This has a direct impact on his credibility to execute his fiduciary duty as a director of the OWASP Foundation and so the board moves to remove him from that role effective immediately.

Do we need a special meeting or are we happy for this to be managed by eVote?

Best regards,

 Logo Mark (Logo w/TM)
Grant Ongers
Co-Lead | OWASP Cornucopia Project
Co-Lead | OWASP AppSec Curriculum Project
Chair   | Global Board of Directors
F164 738F 16BF FDBF F0B6 5720 C986 8AF7 5F41 97BE

Louis Griffith

2023年8月24日 09:58:022023/8/24
收件人 Grant Ongers (OWASP)、Global-board、Andrew van der Stock

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Glenn Ten Cate

2023年8月24日 10:02:462023/8/24
收件人 Grant Ongers (OWASP)、Global-board、Andrew van der Stock
I will sign the form as that's not the issue.
The issue is the way that owasp is now handling things. Hence I will stop putting effort in owasp and stop as a board member 


Grant Ongers (OWASP)

2023年8月24日 10:03:062023/8/24
收件人 Louis Griffith、Global-board、Andrew van der Stock
Then I'll ask @Andrew van der Stock to please create the eVote necessary for this - unless there are board members who need a special meeting? 

Avi Douglen

2023年8月24日 10:12:132023/8/24
收件人 Louis Griffith、Grant Ongers (OWASP)、Global-board、Andrew van der Stock
I am ready to go for vote now.
Does anyone need more discussion? 

Glenn Ten Cate

2023年8月24日 10:16:152023/8/24
收件人 Avi Douglen、Louis Griffith、Grant Ongers (OWASP)、Global-board、Andrew van der Stock
What is there to vote for if I already send my resignation email to the secretary?

Grant Ongers (OWASP)

2023年8月24日 10:33:182023/8/24
收件人 Glenn Ten Cate、Avi Douglen、Louis Griffith、Global-board、Andrew van der Stock
I want the board's view of your behaviour on the record Glenn so that we never have to deal with things like this again. Beside, I believe that the vote was called for and seconded before you sent your resignation to Matt. 

I dislike being lied to and believe that the board feels the same way. 

There has been an awful lot of underhanded backroom dealing and outright lying happening and that is NOT what OWASP is about. I really had hoped all this would result in you being back on side and willing (and able) to contribute again, but I think that something broke beyond repair at some point. I would love to understand what exactly, but I doubt I'll live long enough to actually hear the unvarnished truth from you on this.

Glenn Ten Cate

2023年8月24日 10:41:422023/8/24
收件人 Grant Ongers (OWASP)、Avi Douglen、Louis Griffith、Global-board、Andrew van der Stock
No you got the facts wrong and you are trying to unleash your anger on me for leaving owasp like zap also did and maybe others to follow... I'm just the person who you can go after as I'm the easy target as my intention was to fix the issues with projects and funding hence i was still here and did not resign when for example mark did. Now we did not came with a response for fixing the projects and funding issues and here we are...

Please don't talk about that, you are the person who gave yourself a 100k grant from Accenture trough owasp and nobody from the board knew that. You asked me last year when i was a treasure to pay out advance payment of this 100k and that made the ball rolling where everybody was gobsmacked that nobody was aware. Same like the ridiculous terms in that contract that was not beneficial for owasp. So please don't talk about backdoor stuff as you are the master of it....

Grant Ongers (OWASP)

2023年8月24日 11:14:412023/8/24
收件人 Glenn Ten Cate、Avi Douglen、Louis Griffith、Global-board、Andrew van der Stock
I'm not angry with Simon for moving his work on ZAP to the Linux Foundation and I'm not angry at you no longer wanting to do SKF for OWASP either. Those are both tragic and depressing things and I want to do everything I can to ensure that they don't happen again.

You did stay when Mark left. And that was, I believe to your great credit. I believed that meant you actually wanted to find a solution to the issues and to fix them. But you then say that we didn't find a solution to the funding issues, That's not entirely true. We didn't find funding that would allow us to employ developers - including yourself - to work on projects full time. We have helped other projects reach their goals in other ways, but not yours. I never thought you would really have sold the Foundation for that. It appears you would have - and perhaps have been doing so.

As to the slander you've decided to throw in here: some key points you've left out... I refused to sign the deal as the treasurer in December and brought it to you in January as the new treasurer. That grant would have meant that OWASP would put 10k in their coffers, and that my company would have done about 200k worth of work for the Foundation and get about 90k in income from Accenture. It would have resulted in a POC to a possible source of revenue that the leader's list has discussed more than once: OWASP certification. It hadn't yet gone to the board because that was the treasurer's role (your role at that point, although to be fair you had just begun and had no way to know that's the next step), and the board then voted to turn down the money. A vote I high-lighted my conflict of interest in and abstained from voting on, as you'll recall. And a vote that I have stood by and made no attempt to reverse or influence either. But my affiliation to my company was on record through the whole thing. Yours to the Linux Foundation is not.

I would like the eVote regardless please, Andrew.

Board, if you would like more transparency on the event that Glenn is referring to I would ask that you call for a meeting so that you may examine the events yourselves and decide if you feel that a vote of no confidence is warranted for me too.

Best regards,

Glenn Ten Cate

2023年8月24日 11:16:492023/8/24
收件人 Grant Ongers (OWASP)、Avi Douglen、Louis Griffith、Global-board、Andrew van der Stock
Ooh nice at least you gave yourself a board meeting to explain things. I see you are special, thanks for also allowed me to do this.... point proven right?

Grant Ongers (OWASP)

2023年8月24日 11:24:332023/8/24
收件人 Glenn Ten Cate、Avi Douglen、Louis Griffith、Global-board、Andrew van der Stock
No. I asked for one. As you could have too, but you decided to preempt the board and resign.

Glenn Ten Cate

2023年8月24日 11:25:502023/8/24
收件人 Grant Ongers (OWASP)、Avi Douglen、Louis Griffith、Global-board、Andrew van der Stock
How could I have as you added the agenda item last min in the board meeting?

Please also involve the old board members of last year so he cannot twist the facts 

Avi Douglen

2023年8月24日 11:30:352023/8/24
收件人 Glenn Ten Cate、Grant Ongers (OWASP)、Louis Griffith、Global-board、Andrew van der Stock
Honestly Glenn, it really looks like you are the only one lashing out in anger, and all because we had very legitimate expectations of good faith and working in OWASPs best interest.
You knew we were going to be discussing this at the public board meeting, you know disclosure of conflict is a permanent requirement, and you specifically said we would discuss at the meeting. 
You also know that any board member can ask for a special meeting, if you had an issue you needed to discuss.

2023年8月25日 07:12:192023/8/25
收件人 Global-board、Andrew van der Stock、Glenn Ten Cate、Dawn Aitken、Matt Tesauro

This vote has passed unanimously, 6-0.

Glenn Ten Cate is hereby removed from the Board of Directors.

Dawn and Matt, please record this vote, and ensure he is removed from all locations, including the Board page .


Avi D



From: Louis Griffith <>
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2023 16:58
To: Grant Ongers (OWASP) <>
Cc: Global-board <>; Andrew van der Stock <>
Subject: Re: [global-board] Vote of no confidence - Glenn ten Cate




On Thu, Aug 24, 2023 at 10:54 AM Grant Ongers (OWASP) <> wrote:



Given Glenn's refusal today to provide the Foundation with an updated Conflict of Interest Questionnaire and following on his censure on Tuesday and this failure at a second chance to become compliant and above board I would like to call for a vote of no confidence in Glenn ten Cate and for his immediate removal from the board of directors. Can I get a second?


The board moves that they have no confidence in Glenn ten Cate's ability to remain unconflicted in matters relating to the Foundation or his honesty with regards to the conflicts he has. 


This has a direct impact on his credibility to execute his fiduciary duty as a director of the OWASP Foundation and so the board moves to remove him from that role effective immediately.


Do we need a special meeting or are we happy for this to be managed by eVote?


Best regards,




 Image removed by sender. Logo Mark (Logo w/TM)

Grant Ongers

Co-Lead | OWASP Cornucopia Project

Co-Lead | OWASP AppSec Curriculum Project

Chair   | Global Board of Directors

F164 738F 16BF FDBF F0B6 5720 C986 8AF7 5F41 97BE

Image removed by sender. Image removed by sender. 

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