Secretary Nominations

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Richard Longstreth

Nov 27, 2021, 7:55:28 PM11/27/21
to lnc-business
I have had Shawn Lavasseur reach out to me and request to be considered and so I will nominate him.

As noted in a previous thread by the Chair, the deadline for nominations quickly approaches.

Richard Longstreth
At Large Representative
Libertarian National Committee

Sent from my Mobile Device

Erik Raudsep LNC At-Large

Nov 27, 2021, 8:22:26 PM11/27/21

Caryn Ann Harlos is the name that I am putting into nomination

Erik Raudsep
Libertarian Party USA
LNC At-Large Member
Cell: (919) 720-1530

Laura Ebke

Nov 27, 2021, 8:29:35 PM11/27/21
to LNC Business
I have heard through the grapevine that Region 7 Alternate John Wilford would be willing to serve, so I'll be happy to place his name in nomination, subject to any misunderstanding that I might have. 


Laura Ebke, PhD
LNC At-Large
Former NE State Senator
Cell: 402-540-6510

John Wilford

Nov 27, 2021, 8:32:51 PM11/27/21
I'll confirm that I am willing to serve and I will be honored if the body will have me. 🙂

John Wilford | Region 7 Alternate

442 Valley View Dr

Lewisville, TX 75067

903-372-6931 Mobile  |

David Sexton

Nov 27, 2021, 11:14:01 PM11/27/21
If I understand correctly, representatives and and alternates each get there own nominee to nominate. If so, I will nominate Steve Scheetz, as he has expressed interest. 

If I have misunderstood, then I will leave region 2’s nominee selection to our regional representative. 

David Sexton 
Region 2 Alternate 

On Nov 27, 2021, at 7:32 PM, John Wilford <> wrote:

John Phillips

Nov 27, 2021, 11:16:54 PM11/27/21
to Lp
I believe you are correct Mr Sexton. If not I would nominate Mr Scheetz since he is interested

John Phillips
Region 6 Representative

Whitney Bilyeu

Nov 28, 2021, 12:12:08 AM11/28/21
to lnc-business
"LNC members and alternates may submit one qualified nominee each."

Whitney Bilyeu
LNC | Chair

Ken Moellman

Nov 28, 2021, 12:01:08 PM11/28/21
to lnc-business
As the limit is only one per LNC member, I am glad to see that others have nominated those of which I knew to be seeking the office.  As such, I will nominate NOTA, as a "candidate" and not as a concept, with the intent that it could be eliminated from consideration if the LNC were to choose IRC/RCV for this election.

Ken Moellman
Libertarian National Committee
Vice Chair

Susan Hogarth

Nov 28, 2021, 12:07:16 PM11/28/21
IRV is baked into the Chair’s motion. That’s how the vote will be conducted. 

Susan Hogarth
Region 5 Representative

Ken Moellman

Nov 28, 2021, 12:22:13 PM11/28/21
to lnc-business
Excellent. Thanks! I've been heads-down in CRM stuff, and distracted by some stuff at home. I must've missed that.

Ken Moellman
Libertarian National Committee
Vice Chair

Susan Hogarth

Nov 28, 2021, 8:21:03 PM11/28/21
Could those who have nominated folks ask their candidates for a written statement regarding qualifications, interest, etc?


John Wilford

Nov 28, 2021, 8:29:54 PM11/28/21
I will submit one this week. Is this something that is to be in lieu of a speech or is this more of an addendum or resume? Just trying to figure out what format would best suite your request.

John Wilford | Region 7 Alternate
442 Valley View Dr
Lewisville, TX 75067
903-372-6931 Mobile  |

Richard Longstreth

Nov 28, 2021, 8:55:50 PM11/28/21
to lnc-business
Statement from Shawn Levasseur, Rockland ME

* * * * * * * * * * *

To: the Libertarian National Committee.

I'm writing you to request that you consider me for the position of LNC Secretary.

## My history with the Libertarian Party

I've been with the LP since 1992, been a monthly pledger for several decades, and became a life member in 2020.

I've held many positions in the Maine Libertarian Party's state committee over the years, including secretary, chair, and currently treasurer.

## My history as a candidate for and serving in public office.

I ran for state house in 1998, 2000, and a special election in 2015.

In 2013, I filled a vacancy on the Knox County Budget Committee by appointment. In 2016 and 2020, I was re-elected to the position, winning each time. I am currently in my second year as that committee's chairman.

I plan to run for the state senate in 2022 as part of Maine's largest field of Libertarian candidates in decades.

## Why I'm asking for your consideration.

In moments of crisis, I have a habit of contemplating running for offices at the national party level and doing so occasionally.

So today, with more and more controversies cropping up, I'm concerned about who will become the secretary. Not knowing who will be up for nominations and a deadline for them coming up, once again, I'm sticking my neck out and offering myself up for consideration.

Part of my concern is I have no idea who will be seeking the position if anybody. However, since this ballot is via ranked-choice, I can at least feel confident that I won't be a "spoiler."

I already planned to attend the upcoming LNC meeting in Boston because it was in the region. So you will be seeing me there in any event.

## Experience

I served a term as secretary of the Maine state party back in the 90's time ago. But that's not at the same scale as the LNC.

However, I've attended many LNC meetings, mostly pre and post-convention meetings. I've also been in the virtual gallery of many of the streamed Zoom/YouTube LNC meetings over the past few years. Therefore, I am familiar with the structure and procedures of LNC meetings.

I've also been a delegate at ten previous conventions ('98, '00, '02, '08, '10, '12, '14, '16, '18, and 2020).

I was the head of the Maine delegation at most of these.

I was an alternate on the 2020 bylaws committee.

I assisted in counting ballots for the Judicial Committee immediately after the close of the 2018 and 2020 conventions.

So, I'm familiar with how conventions flow, are recorded, and how vote tallying methods have evolved.

I'm not a parliamentarian. Technically, this is not a requirement for this position, but many prior secretaries have been. I'm a bit more knowledgable than most people, but not enough to claim to be anything resembling an authority on Robert's Rules.

I'm enough of a process geek that I'm familiar with the bylaws and convention rules and have authored quite a few of the articles in the Libertarian Party of Maine's bylaws.

## Other concerns

I'm only running to fill the position until the close of the next convention. I have no interest in a full term as secretary, as I want my summer and fall clear to concentrate on my run for the state senate.

In any event, I believe that this vacancy should be filled by someone who won't be seeking reelection at the convention.

I also think it should be filled by someone not militantly pro or anti-Mises Caucus. I don't use the term impartial because you can't be a member of this party and not have an opinion on this matter.

## Current Controversies

The Mises Caucus does concern me. More precisely, it is the actions and behaviors of many people leading the MC that worry me. So many of them have been so combative and unconcerned with the process of persuasion that they've become the living embodiment of what Michael Cloud called the Late Great Libertarian Macho Flash.

But the fear of a tribe can cause much foolishness and recklessness in return, as we have seen with matters in New Hampshire and Delaware.

I know of some members of the MC who work well with others in the LP and are valuable activists in the LP. So my judgment of people in the LP is based on each individual and their actions. All too often, we make unnecessary enemies of each other by judging people by groups and not as individuals.

## Plans if elected.

Although I'd be a member of the LNC with a vote and a voice on matters before it, my primary concern will be with the other tasks of the job: Keeping minutes, recording votes, and preparing for the significant functions of doing so at the convention. Therefore, I do not expect to be as vocal a participant as other secretaries have been in the past.

Working with the Convention Voting Process Committee is a must in preparations for the convention, and I'd hope to be able to pick the brains of some prior secretaries if they'd be willing.

## Other background

I'm a co-owner and president of Electrotech, Inc. of Rockland, Maine. A small manufacturer of custom wiring harnesses and cables for industrial customers. My parents founded Electrotech in the 1980s. It is now owned and operated by me, my sister, and her husband.

I have the means to travel to in-person meetings.

I've had plenty of experience with virtual meetings as well. I've participated in virtual and hybrid state and national conventions. I've also chaired several virtual meetings of the Knox County Budget Committee.

* * * * * * * * * * *
I thank you for your consideration.

Richard Longstreth
At Large Representative
Libertarian National Committee

Sent from my Mobile Device

Susan Hogarth

Nov 28, 2021, 11:10:55 PM11/28/21
On my part, it’s an entirely different/additional request. I appreciate you taking the time to do this. A resume and a statement would be great. 


Alex Flores

Nov 28, 2021, 11:13:42 PM11/28/21
to lnc-business

As previously stated by Mr. Luchini, region 1 only had two nominees put forth by the region chairs; John Willford and Tyler Smith. 

Mr. Luchini has already nominated Mr. Willford, echoing previous nominations made in this thread by Ms. Ebke. 

As agreed upon with region 1 chairs, I hereby nominate Mr. Tyler Smith. I will reach out to Mr. Smith for a candidate statement and will post it to the appropriate thread on the business list.

In Liberty,
Alex Flores
Region 1 Alternate
Libertarian National Committee

Alex Flores

Nov 29, 2021, 1:56:26 AM11/29/21
to lnc-business

The Colorado LP Chair is reporting to have not seen the email or chat discussion concerning the secretary nominations, and I admittedly did not follow up with Mr. Harlos when I saw no response from him. I apologize for that communication gap.

They wish to echo the nomination put forth by Mr. Raudsep of Caryn Ann Harlos. 

In Liberty,
Alex Flores
Region 1 Alternate
Libertarian National Committee

Alex Flores

Nov 29, 2021, 2:28:41 AM11/29/21
to lnc-business
Attached is Tyler Smith's resume and candidate statement.

In Liberty,
Alex Flores
Region 1 Alternate
Libertarian National Committee
Document (3).docx

Richard Longstreth

Nov 29, 2021, 8:23:52 AM11/29/21
to lnc-business
Nominations ended last night, I believe. List of nominees in order of nomination (except NOTA). If I missed someone, forgive me, trying to consolidate information and you know how reviewing email threads can be.

Shawn Lavasseur
Caryn Ann Harlos
John Wilford
Steve Sheetz
Tyler Smith

Richard Longstreth
At Large Representative
Libertarian National Committee

Sent from my Mobile Device

John Wilford

Nov 29, 2021, 1:44:05 PM11/29/21
See my attached political resume. As far as my personal interests in the role. I really just want to help where I am needed. If that is as Secretary I am happy to do it and honored that you would trust me with such a responsibility. If that is as a regional alternate I'm happy to do that as well and am honored that the state chairs of region 7 trusted me to do that. My goal if elected is to be the most boring Secretary you can imagine. I want to make sure minutes are recorded correctly and released in time according to our bylaws and policy, I want to make sure the email lists are up to date, I want to make sure votes are recorded and formatted according to our policies, that times are noted for online votes so members who dropped and join again within 5 minutes can cast a vote, I want to ensure new members of the committee are added in a timely fashion, I want to follow any other policies and rules that outline the secretaries duties, I want to assist the convention committee get things set up in Reno, and then go home enjoy the company of my family and friends and leave everyone else alone. I'm not trying to be a personality, I'm not trying to raise money, I'm not trying to go to all 50 state conventions, I'm not trying to expose anything, or interface with any caucuses except the caucuses whose express and sole purpose is the distribution of memes. My work will speak for itself in the end but I just want to be a boring Secretary that you only hear about when I ask you again to please state your name and region for the minutes or to please submit that motion in writing. 🙂


John Wilford | Region 7 Alternate

442 Valley View Dr

Lewisville, TX 75067

903-372-6931 Mobile  |

Wilford, John Political Resume - 2021-11-29.pdf

Erik Raudsep LNC At-Large

Nov 30, 2021, 5:36:03 PM11/30/21

See below for the political resume/statement from Caryn Ann Harlos

Hello LNC, you are all familiar with my activism background but for members reading who are not, it is all on LPedia here:


(and hint, hint, everyone should put their Party resume there, ask me if you need help)


So, I am not going to rehash that.


What I am going to talk about is the opportunity before us.  I made this plea once before, and I am making it again.    The Party is fracturing and if the LNC cannot model how to put extreme disagreements behind,  I fear what may become of the party as fractures develop into cracks and fissures that may become unrepairable at least in time for the convention in Reno and perhaps permanent.  I have said this to all sides - none of us can survive a Party split, and if we all love the Party (which I believe we all do and never doubted that), then we have to soberly take some positive action.  I call upon all of you to be the leaders you were elected to be and set the example of how to work together with those you disagree with by reinstaing me to my position.  I frankly think this would head off what we have already seen in some states from happening in others, and it must be modeled from the top down, not imposed from the top down and for that to happen all of us must step back and swallow some pride.  If we can't, we can't expect any affiliate disputes to be settled amongst themselves in the same spirit.

I was elected by the delegates, and it is the delegates that should be making these choices.  We are only six months away from convention, and I am deeply concerned about what will occur this convention.  I think we are in real danger of a Party split, and as I said so passionately on my show, I do not want that to happen, nor do I want to be a rallying symbol for that happen.  All of us can help blunt that by agreeing to keep together the LNC that was elected.  I was never ever accused by any of you of job incompetency.  You did not like my political criticism, and I am  not going to argue over that.  We will always disagree on that.  But we can model how to move forward in disagreement.


In furtherance of that, and in modeling that we can be the example to the rest of the Party of compromise, if I am reinstated, I am still agreeable to the terms put forth before with the exception of saying not attending the December meeting, I will not attend the March meeting under the conditions noted before in the motion put forth by Mr. Nekhaila (which included limited participation in other matters) and to not dispute a censure for the good of the Party.  That is the end of the term effectively which is what I understand Mr. Luchini originally wanted in essence.  I am willing to swallow some of my pride for the best of the Party, and I am asking you once again to do so as well.  We have an opportunity here, and I do assume and expect the rest of the term can be scandal and controversy-free.


Further, I have done the convention preparation, and I know how to take care of those things.  The best interest of the Party is not to put a brand new person into a very hot situation right before a convention.  It is not the right thing for the Party.  And whether another nominee thinks they are ready for the type of target they will inevitably become (not by my doing but the controversy itself), I can assure them, they are not.  These past six months have been hell I would not wish on anyone nor do I think it fair to put someone in that position. 


I also want to emphasize a problem that I don’t think the LNC has fully wrestled with the Judicial Committee decision that will dominate Reno if not blunted, and us coming back together will blunt it.  I find that the LNC wants to have it both ways.  It wishes to accept the JC decision while rejecting the pivotal supposition upon which it rests – of course you “can” do that, but not with consistency and the appearance of being hypocritical.  I will try to explain this clearly as I did confirm it with Dr. Moulton when I asked him about his assertion in the pivotal statement about severability.


The JC decision absolutely rests upon the presupposition that each and every one of the 11 who voted yes agree that I violated not the non-aggression principle (that was never a charge) but the membership pledge.  The two are not the same thing though they seem to be continually conflated – and the controversy would be just as hot even if it were the NAP itself.  If you all did not agree on that charge (meaning all 11, and I know for fact that at least one of  you did not), then the charges were not severable.  And Mr. Hagan is incorrect (and the JC majority agrees) the motion (which is appendix X in the minutes, not the abbreviated form in the body which then refers to the appendix) WAS divisible.  And if the charges were not severable (i.e., able to be divided by the LNC so that the vote necessarily means 100% agreement with each and every one whether that was your intent or not), they would have ordered reinstatement under the wording of the decision as issued.  You cannot have it both ways, and the quickest and surest way to be sure arguments over whether mere words violate the membership pledge do not dominate the convention in Renois is to re-instate me.  You are always free to suspend again on other charges more carefully if you feel that is necessary, but this is too important to be unclear on, and it is up to us to show caution in justice.  Otherwise, inevitably, that is going to be THE issue at Reno and that is not in the best interest of the Party.  This LNC can make sure to at least cool some of the controversy in Reno by taking this action.


To be clear, my supporters do not want me to make the concessions I noted above.  I offer it again, as I did in the past, for the good of the Party and ask the LNC to do the same.


We can shock the Party in a good way here and start 2022 on a good step that the whole world is watching.


My phone number is 561.523.2250, and I will be at the meeting in Boston.

  In Liberty,
  LNC Secretary in Exile, 561.523.2250

David Sexton

Nov 30, 2021, 9:56:44 PM11/30/21
I nominated Steve Scheetz. Attached is the elevator pitch on why you should pick him. 

Pitch for Secretary.docx

David Sexton

Dec 3, 2021, 8:41:30 PM12/3/21

Mr. Scheetz has indicated to me that, after speaking with Mr. Wilford, he will no longer be seeking the position of secretary and instead puts his support behind Mr. Wilford for the position. 

Thank you, 

David Sexton 
Region 2 Alternate 

On Nov 30, 2021, at 8:56 PM, David Sexton <> wrote:

I nominated Steve Scheetz. Attached is the elevator pitch on why you should pick him. 

Pitch for Secretary.docx

Richard Longstreth

Dec 3, 2021, 9:53:00 PM12/3/21
to lnc-business
I e spoken with Mr Scheetz this evening and can confirm who's withdrawal.

Richard Longstreth
At Large Representative
Libertarian National Committee

Sent from my Mobile Device

On Nov 30, 2021, at 4:36 PM, Erik Raudsep LNC At-Large <> wrote:

David Sexton 
Region 2 Alternate 
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