2020 Kubernetes Code of Conduct Election Results

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Aug 7, 2020, 7:03:02 PM8/7/20
to steering, kuberne...@googlegroups.com

The Steering Committee has concluded the 2020 Code of Conduct Committee Election process. We had an incredible list of qualified and outstanding individuals that were nominated. Steering would like to extend our thanks to all of those who participated, whether you nominated others or yourself. Ten folks stepped up to serve one of three open positions from bootstrap members with expiring term limits.

Bootstrap members rolling off:

Carolyn Van Slyck

Jaice Singer DuMars

Jennifer Rondeau

New members that have two year terms:

Celeste Horgan

Karen Chu

Tim Pepper

Please help us welcome the new members to the CoCC and extend a huge thank you to our bootstrap folks for jump starting this foundation, upholding our values, and creating a safe, welcoming, and inclusive space for us. We can't thank them enough for their partnership and efforts. 


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