Book of Crosvm in PDF

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Tom & Julie Dawes

Feb 10, 2023, 11:56:17 PM2/10/23
to Dennis Kempin
     Greeting code writing GURUs!  I have been searching the web for a way to run Windows on my Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 for DAYS  now, when I FINALLY learned of your project!  I happened to find a geek page (I understand GEEK to a large degree) telling of the capability to run Windows 11 on Android 13.  THIS, in turn, led me eventually to YOU!  I'm PRETTY sure this will work for my Android 13 tablet, so I searched for instructions and found your site, the  Book of Crosvm!  That was laid out VERY nicely, I might add!  
     I tend to make PDFs for my own OFFLINE use. So when I saw the CARE that went into this manual, I thought to myself, "SELF!  They might appreciate a PDF version of their manual for folks to DOWNLOAD!"
     So ... HERE YOU ARE!  I've RECREATED the menu exactly as you folks made them online in BOOKMARK format.  Please check out the Document Properties as I put NOT ONLY the title, but a link to the developers (you guys) in there as well!  I believe all links are active.  
     Please let me know if: A.)  You even want it! and B.) Any changes you'd like to see!
     At PRESENT, if you'd like me to, I can keep this updated for you.  I am a semi retired disabled guy.  I work on computer for folks of and on (used to have my own computer business) and I Lay Preach at our Church.  So I'd be glad to help if I can!
     ANYWAY, here's the file if you'd like it!


In Christ and for His service,
Tom Dawes
In His Name Ministries
Colossians 3:16-17

Book of Crosvm.pdf

Tom & Julie Dawes

Feb 11, 2023, 9:20:20 PM2/11/23
to Dennis Kempin
   Hey! Last night after I sent the PDF to you, I realized I did something I consider wrong! I put MY name in the Author field! I'm NOT the Author! So I changed the Author field to "Crosvm Team" and put my efforts in the description field. Please use this NEWER file (IF you're even going to) for distribution!
Book of Crosvm.pdf
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