Application Cache Error Codes

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Apr 1, 2011, 4:45:01 PM4/1/11
to Chromium HTML5
Is there a list of these somewhere? I'm getting the following errors
with an offline app and don't really know what they mean / what to do
to fix them.

Application Cache Error event: Resource fetch failed (416)
Application Cache Error event: Resource fetch failed (-1)

Also, the -1 message is on a really large (108MB) file. Is there a
limit to the size of a file that Chrome can cache for offline use?
It's part of a hosted app with manifest, so I've already defined that
Chrome has unlimited storage.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Michael Nordman

Apr 1, 2011, 4:59:31 PM4/1/11
to dosboy, Chromium HTML5
416 is the http status code of the response for the resource that failed, i don't know why the request is failing with that status code, it has to do with range request headers. As for the 108MB resource, I'm not sure, you may be bumping into a practical constraint on the size of resources that can be pinned in the appcache. I'll look into that and get back to you.

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Apr 1, 2011, 5:20:38 PM4/1/11
to Chromium HTML5
I uninstalled the app and cleared all the data from the site and the
416 error went away. I think my cache was corrupt somehow.

I look forward to your answer on the 108MB file though. Thanks in

On Apr 2, 3:59 am, Michael Nordman <> wrote:
> 416 is the http status code of the response for the resource that failed, i
> don't know why the request is failing with that status code, it has to do
> with range request headers. As for the 108MB resource, I'm not sure, you may
> be bumping into a practical constraint on the size of resources that can be
> pinned in the appcache. I'll look into that and get back to you.
> On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 1:45 PM, dosboy <> wrote:
> > Is there a list of these somewhere?  I'm getting the following errors
> > with an offline app and don't really know what they mean / what to do
> > to fix them.
> > Application Cache Error event: Resource fetch failed (416)
> > Application Cache Error event: Resource fetch failed (-1)
> > Also, the -1 message is on a really large (108MB) file.  Is there a
> > limit to the size of a file that Chrome can cache for offline use?
> > It's part of a hosted app with manifest, so I've already defined that
> > Chrome has unlimited storage.
> > Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> > --
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Michael Nordman

Apr 1, 2011, 6:50:03 PM4/1/11
to dosboy, Chromium HTML5
Yup, 108MB exceeds the max size that the system will accept for an individual file in the current implementation. The current impl puts a max of 260MB on the appcache and derives the max size of an individual resource by dividing the overall max by 8.

So the limit right now for an individual resource is about 32M.

These numbers are way too low, I'll look into bumping them up, but for the time being those are the limits.

(sorry for the dup messages garth, i keep forgetting to use my addr when replying to the list)

On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 3:23 PM, Michael Nordman <> wrote:
Yup, 108MB exceeds the max size that the system will accept for an individual file in the current implementation. The current impl puts a max of 260MB on the appcache and derives the max size of an individual resource by dividing the overall max by 8.

So the limit right now for an individual resource is about 32M.

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Apr 1, 2011, 8:03:17 PM4/1/11
to Chromium HTML5
No problem re. duplicates. And thanks for looking into the size
limits. It'd be really good if these limits were documented on the
Hosted App developer documentation. Packaged App docs identify a 10MB
limit; Hosted App docs should do the same.

Out of curiosity, what does the -1 error code mean? I ask because I
just got it again with my app, however reloading the page seems to
have eliminated it.

Actually, since I have your ear, are there any other limits that
you're aware of? Specifically, I have 10,000+ files in a single
directory for my app. It seems to work ok, but I'm wondering if I'm
pushing the upper bounds of what's possible, and if so would prefer to
know before I run into it.

On Apr 2, 5:50 am, Michael Nordman <> wrote:
> Yup, 108MB exceeds the max size that the system will accept for an
> individual file in the current implementation. The current impl puts a max
> of 260MB on the appcache and derives the max size of an individual resource
> by dividing the overall max by 8.
> So the limit right now for an individual resource is about 32M.
> These numbers are way too low, I'll look into bumping them up, but for the
> time being those are the limits.
> (sorry for the dup messages garth, i keep forgetting to use my
> chromium.orgaddr when replying to the list)
> On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 3:23 PM, Michael Nordman <> wrote:
> > Yup, 108MB exceeds the max size that the system will accept for an
> > individual file in the current implementation. The current impl puts a max
> > of 260MB on the appcache and derives the max size of an individual resource
> > by dividing the overall max by 8.
> > So the limit right now for an individual resource is about 32M.

Michael Nordman

Apr 1, 2011, 8:49:13 PM4/1/11
to dosboy, Chromium HTML5
-1 really doesn't mean anything, there's a place for an HTTP status code in the message and -1 is what shows up when there is no HTTP status code to show. The logging could definitely be better. In the "too big of a resource" case, the write to the disk cache is what fails.

10k resources... that is a sizable number, it should be ok but i've never actually loaded up an appcache with that many resources. I will do so next week and let you know how it goes.

You do seem to be pushing the limits a bit. As a practical matter, Firefox , Safari, and Chrome will have different constraints.

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Matt Cook

Mar 29, 2013, 12:26:20 PM3/29/13
Has any progress been made on modifying these limits? I also have an app that uses 100-200mb videos files. Would be great to at minimum have a browser flag to up the limits.

Erica Grimaldi

Nov 22, 2013, 11:07:25 AM11/22/13
My team is working on a project that requires very large amounts images to be saved to the chrome application cache, so far we have tested it with 4.1GB (120 x 9MB and 120 x 27MB) and this had presented no issues. But it clearly exceeds the 260MB limit mentioned my Michael Nordman in April 2011. 

While it's clear that the limits have been significantly upped, we'd love to know what the actual limits are if any, so that we can plan accordingly before hitting them. 



Michael Nordman

Nov 22, 2013, 6:58:57 PM11/22/13
to Erica Grimaldi, Chromium HTML5
Any changes to the limits would be the result of changes to the net library and its DiskCache classes.

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Filo Lari

Mar 13, 2015, 10:37:51 AM3/13/15
Hi MIchael,
there's a way to increase the per-file size limit of 32mb in Chrome? I tried to create a chrome app with "permission":"unlimitedStorage" in manifest, but continue to give me the error when I try to cache into the offline application cache a file bigger than 32mb.

Could you help me?

thanks in advance.
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