Native support of Windows SSO in Chrome

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Sasha Tokarev

Sep 23, 2021, 12:21:51 PM9/23/21

Hi all,

I have a proposal to integration with Windows SSO in Chrome.

Currently Windows has ability to join device to cloud identity, like AAD, MSA. When a device is joined to a cloud identity provider (IDP), it would be great if I’m as a user do not need enter credentials, when I’m using a service, which uses IDP where my device is joined to. I’m consented to have single sign on (SSO) when I joined the device, and trust IDP to protect my identity and do not allow an authorized access. If I do not trust, I should not join my device. Additionally, sometimes web resources, that I’m accessing to as a user, are owned by organization where I work or study. Hence, an organization administrator should be able to manage access to such resources based on the quality of my device, e.g., prevent access if the device doesn’t make malware scans or doesn’t have latest security patches etc.

Edge has this feature built in, in Chrome we must use a special extension

While using extension works, the built-in experience is better, as we have with Windows Integrated authentication.

In high level it should work like this, if I’m accessing to a resource, from a joined device.

  1. Resource (e.g., will redirect me for the authentication to the cloud identity provider( The request will have a redirect URI that IDP will use to return a token.
  2. User agent (Chrome) will detect this navigation and call an OS API for producing a crypto-protected SSO cookies, which has device and user information. This cookie will be appended to the request as a header or cookie.
  3. Cloud identity provider ( ):
    1. Detects presence of the SSO cookies, validates them by checking signature, and authenticates the user and device.
    2. Validates that the supplied redirect uri is registered for this application.
    3. Validates if the resource owner (enterprise admin or user) authorizes access to the resource.
    4. Applies consent policy and ask consent if needed, for example enterprises, when they own the resource can pre-consent access by their employees. Note, It is responsibility of IDP to ensure that only authorized and consented applications can access users’ identity.
    5. Read device identity, and checks the state of device, that reported out of band by device management system.
    6. If all checks are fine, the IDP redirect back to the resource with a token.
  4. User agent (Chrome) should not do much, just to make sure it will not include SSO headers (as in case of some HTTP Redirects user-agent repeats the same headers) and cookies to the resource, to prevent its disclosure.
  5. Resource gets the token and provides service to the user.


Note, a malicious web site will not be able to access user identity without explicit user consent, and if it is an enterprise account, then it should check admin authorization for this application. One may think that if we have SSO, now we need to think about protection from malicious web sites. However, this issue is not relevant to SSO, as if a user has either MSA or AAD, most likely she or he will enter credentials at some moment, and IDP will store persistent cookie. As a result, IDP still needs to protect from a malicious web site, that is why all protocols that use redirection has special handling for such cases, i.e. the IDP must redirect on initially pre-registered for this client redirect URI

SSO itself reduces number of prompts, OS cookies are hardware crypto protected and short-lived, while protection of web-cookies is lower. Integration with OS SSO not just a convenience feature but increases users’ security.


Thank you,

Owen Min

Sep 23, 2021, 5:18:07 PM9/23/21
to blink-dev, Sasha Tokarev, Greg Thompson, Matt Menke, Ryan Sleevi, Adam Langley, Owen Min
+people who may be interested in this.

Yutaka Hirano

Sep 24, 2021, 1:27:23 AM9/24/21
to Owen Min, blink-dev, Sasha Tokarev, Greg Thompson, Matt Menke, Ryan Sleevi, Adam Langley
I have some questions.

 - Is the proposal that Chrome detects such a redirect and sends an authentication request to IDP?
 - Is there at most one IDP for a profile?
 - How is IDP registered to Chrome?


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Owen Min

Sep 24, 2021, 6:24:23 PM9/24/21
to Yutaka Hirano, blink-dev, Sasha Tokarev, Greg Thompson, Matt Menke, Ryan Sleevi, Adam Langley
Answer inline. Sasha and Greg, feel free to correct me or add more things if you want.

On Fri, Sep 24, 2021 at 1:27 AM Yutaka Hirano <> wrote:
I have some questions.

 - Is the proposal that Chrome detects such a redirect and sends an authentication request to IDP?
Browser detects the access of IDP URL( and appends a cookie which gets from the OS to that request.
 - Is there at most one IDP for a profile? / 
 - How is IDP registered to Chrome?
IDPs are registered with the OS. And the browser gets both IDP urls (see CloudApPlatformWin::ReadOrigins) and cookies from the OS.

Sasha Tokarev

Sep 24, 2021, 11:53:30 PM9/24/21
to Owen Min, Yutaka Hirano, blink-dev, Greg Thompson, Matt Menke, Ryan Sleevi, Adam Langley

As @Owen Min said, IDP registered in OS.


 - Is there at most one IDP for a profile? / 

In one Windows logon session there can be multiple IDP urls associated with different clouds, global cloud, China cloud, and also consumer cloud.


Per Profile there can be multiple IDPs.


Thank you,



From: Owen Min <>
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2021 3:24 PM
To: Yutaka Hirano <>
Cc: blink-dev <>; Sasha Tokarev <>; Greg Thompson <>; Matt Menke <>; Ryan Sleevi <>; Adam Langley <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [blink-dev] Re: Native support of Windows SSO in Chrome


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Ryan Sleevi

Sep 25, 2021, 2:17:40 PM9/25/21
to Owen Min, blink-dev, Sasha Tokarev, Greg Thompson, Matt Menke, Ryan Sleevi, Adam Langley, Yutaka Hirano
Thanks for the heads up Owen, and thanks Aleksandr for starting the discussion!

I have a lot of questions below, so hopefully it's not overwhelming. This is certainly a very interesting space, and a great chance to modernize things, but also seems like it poses some unique risks.

On Thu, Sep 23, 2021 at 5:18 PM Owen Min <> wrote:
+people who may be interested in this.

On Thursday, September 23, 2021 at 12:21:51 PM UTC-4 Sasha Tokarev wrote:

Hi all,

I have a proposal to integration with Windows SSO in Chrome.

Currently Windows has ability to join device to cloud identity, like AAD, MSA. When a device is joined to a cloud identity provider (IDP), it would be great if I’m as a user do not need enter credentials, when I’m using a service, which uses IDP where my device is joined to. I’m consented to have single sign on (SSO) when I joined the device, and trust IDP to protect my identity and do not allow an authorized access. If I do not trust, I should not join my device. Additionally, sometimes web resources, that I’m accessing to as a user, are owned by organization where I work or study. Hence, an organization administrator should be able to manage access to such resources based on the quality of my device, e.g., prevent access if the device doesn’t make malware scans or doesn’t have latest security patches etc.

Edge has this feature built in, in Chrome we must use a special extension

While using extension works, the built-in experience is better, as we have with Windows Integrated authentication.

In high level it should work like this, if I’m accessing to a resource, from a joined device.

Is there a public specification for this flow? For example, with existing OS SSO integration, we have a standard set of APIs (GSS-API on Posix platforms, SSPI on Windows, which are both conceptually similar), and a set of specifications for how they interact with Web technologies.

I ask, because Negotiate/Kerberos/NTLM integration is already a bit of an outlier, in that it didn't follow the WWW-Authenticate or HTTP semantics. This makes it challenging to support in new protocols (e.g. HTTP/2 or HTTP/3). It seems like, as part of this, having a sense for the specification would be very helpful here.

  1. Resource (e.g., will redirect me for the authentication to the cloud identity provider( The request will have a redirect URI that IDP will use to return a token.
  2. User agent (Chrome) will detect this navigation and call an OS API for producing a crypto-protected SSO cookies, which has device and user information. This cookie will be appended to the request as a header or cookie.
Could you expand on this "header or cookie"? That is, appending cookies from the OS introduces a whole host of complexity considerations, and has to be reasoned about through the network stack. For example, I can imagine issues if we persisted those cookies to disk, since it sounds like the intent is that the cookie value is actually some ephemeral nonce-like/time-bounded thing. This gets messy when merging, and of course, from a privacy angle, when clearing. Having a bit of semantic separation at the transport layer, like a header, seems useful. This is the first I've heard in the context of this feature that a header is viable, and would love to understand and explore that more, because it might address a number of the concerns/considerations.
  1. Cloud identity provider ( ):
    1. Detects presence of the SSO cookies, validates them by checking signature, and authenticates the user and device.
    2. Validates that the supplied redirect uri is registered for this application.
From a threat model standpoint, this makes a lot of sense when OS vendor == Browser vendor == Identity Provider. If you don't trust them, really the whole system collapses.

This seems a little more difficult when OS vendor != Browser vendor != Identity Provider, because the responsibilities for privacy and security get divvied up among multiple stakeholders.

That is, in the worst case, it seems like a vulnerability in the IDP provider can make the browsing experience unsafe, and the responsibility for that failure will be shared (i.e. users will blame the browser for exposing the feature, and the IDP for failing to secure it appropriately). Do you have any thoughts on how the browser can help make sure that the IdP is acting in the best interests of the user?

It sounds like the assumption here is that the user will explicitly accept this risk when they configure the OS for the IdP, is that right? In that model, how can the browser be sure the user made an informed choice, and affirmatively wants the browser to behave this way? Is the scenario here that the browser should just trust the OS, or is a model where the browser also confirms with the user (e.g. via enterprise policy or user consent) part of the thinking?
    1. Validates if the resource owner (enterprise admin or user) authorizes access to the resource.
    2. Applies consent policy and ask consent if needed, for example enterprises, when they own the resource can pre-consent access by their employees. Note, It is responsibility of IDP to ensure that only authorized and consented applications can access users’ identity.
I'm not sure I fully understand this part. Could you share more?

Specifically, it's unclear if "applications" here are referring to OS level applications (like the browser), or to web applications (like a relying party). 
    1. Read device identity, and checks the state of device, that reported out of band by device management system.
    2. If all checks are fine, the IDP redirect back to the resource with a token.
  1. User agent (Chrome) should not do much, just to make sure it will not include SSO headers (as in case of some HTTP Redirects user-agent repeats the same headers) and cookies to the resource, to prevent its disclosure.
Earlier, you mentioned "header or cookie", and this seems to be describing "SSO headers and cookies". I wasn't sure if it was either/or or both - could you clarify?
  1. Resource gets the token and provides service to the user.


Note, a malicious web site will not be able to access user identity without explicit user consent, and if it is an enterprise account, then it should check admin authorization for this application.

Just making sure I parse this: the "user consent" being described is from the IdP, right? So the IdP learns about the user's activity - whether malicious or benign websites - and is responsible for helping the user distinguish between those two?

And is it correct that when you say "enterprise account", this is in reference to the IdP's notion, not the OS/browser notion?

One may think that if we have SSO, now we need to think about protection from malicious web sites. However, this issue is not relevant to SSO, as if a user has either MSA or AAD, most likely she or he will enter credentials at some moment, and IDP will store persistent cookie. As a result, IDP still needs to protect from a malicious web site, that is why all protocols that use redirection has special handling for such cases, i.e. the IDP must redirect on initially pre-registered for this client redirect URI

This is where having a clearer protocol specification will be useful. For example, the OpenID Foundation is working on making it easier for RPs and IdPs to establish relationships, through the FastFed Working Group. I recently shared some concerns with some of the current draft's assumptions, and how they might facilitate malicious RPs or impersonating IdPs. It'd be useful to have a broader sense of the protocol at play here, since it sounds like the core goal is for the browser to trust the IdP, on the basis that the OS is configured to trust the IdP, and that both the user intentionally configured the OS, and that the user explicitly confirmed with the IdP.

I'm not trying to suggest anything nefarious here, but trying to make sure we've got a good understanding of the assumptions we make. These may be entirely reasonable assumptions (e.g. the OS threat model is explicitly addressed as out of scope in the security FAQ), but it may also reveal complicated interactions that could limit the evolution of new protocols (e.g. as Negotiate/Kerberos/NTLM did re: HTTP/2 and HTTP/3) or present challenges to some of the work regarding privacy sandbox. The more documentation you can provide about the protocol interactions, the easier it is to evaluate those and be confident the risks are mitigated.

SSO itself reduces number of prompts, OS cookies are hardware crypto protected and short-lived, while protection of web-cookies is lower. Integration with OS SSO not just a convenience feature but increases users’ security.

Absolutely, there's a lot of good stuff that can be done. Ideally, however, we can pursue that through standards, such as WebAuthN, to help ensure users are secure regardless of the OS or IdP. Obviously, we still support protocols like Kerberos and NTLM, so it's not that OS integration doesn't make any sense - just that it comes with its own set of risks and tradeoffs.

One way of thinking about this is that bringing in some of these high-level protocols from the OS - from any OS - is a bit like adding third-party libraries, since it extends the attack surface of the browser. We obviously add 3P libraries all the time, so it's not that I'm saying we shouldn't do this at all, but it's good to get a sense of how it will work, both technically and with web standards, to evaluate the risk.

One last question, if I haven't overwhelmed you with questions already - if there are protocol concerns (e.g. the headers vs cookies discussion), does the fact that it sounds like the IdP and the OS are both same-party mean that there may be a possibility of adjusting the protocol to better fit with the Web Platform? I realize that's probably a huge request, and it may be the answer is "No, none of this can change" - but I'm asking now, mostly to understand "What do we do if the new protocol has similar spec-violating issues like Negotiate/Kerberos/NTLM did", and what the options might be to prevent or address that.

Matt Menke

Sep 25, 2021, 4:37:09 PM9/25/21
to Owen Min, blink-dev, Sasha Tokarev, Greg Thompson, Ryan Sleevi, Adam Langley
Would this be enabled by default (for enterprise users only)?  This puts a lot of faith in the IDP, and I'd be more comfortable with a group policy opt-in, ideally either listing the IDP explicitly as trusted, or listing what sites it's trusted to authenticate to.  This may be a bit redundant with OS configuration, but this does let the IDP coordinate with sites to bypass browser privacy protections, which is rather powerful, particularly as we work towards a more privacy-focused web.

Also, what about incognito?  It's unclear if the OS calls to get tokens to send to the IDP affect local state, but even if they don't, this allows incognito identity to be joined to non-incognito identity - yes, for nominally trusted sites, though I suspect users wouldn't expect automatic login in incognito mode.

On Thu, Sep 23, 2021 at 5:18 PM Owen Min <> wrote:
+people who may be interested in this.

On Thursday, September 23, 2021 at 12:21:51 PM UTC-4 Sasha Tokarev wrote:

Hi all,

I have a proposal to integration with Windows SSO in Chrome.

Currently Windows has ability to join device to cloud identity, like AAD, MSA. When a device is joined to a cloud identity provider (IDP), it would be great if I’m as a user do not need enter credentials, when I’m using a service, which uses IDP where my device is joined to. I’m consented to have single sign on (SSO) when I joined the device, and trust IDP to protect my identity and do not allow an authorized access. If I do not trust, I should not join my device.

What's the flow to join a cloud identity here?  What are the permission prompts like?  I assume that home users who use generic home user Microsoft accounts (as I believe encouraged during Windows install/configuration) aren't assumed to be granting this permission, though it could reasonably be described as a "device joined to cloud identity"?

Additionally, sometimes web resources, that I’m accessing to as a user, are owned by organization where I work or study. Hence, an organization administrator should be able to manage access to such resources based on the quality of my device, e.g., prevent access if the device doesn’t make malware scans or doesn’t have latest security patches etc.

Edge has this feature built in, in Chrome we must use a special extension

While using extension works, the built-in experience is better, as we have with Windows Integrated authentication.

In high level it should work like this, if I’m accessing to a resource, from a joined device.

  1. Resource (e.g., will redirect me for the authentication to the cloud identity provider( The request will have a redirect URI that IDP will use to return a token.
So this means could redirect to, and tell it to log in using the IDP to, by providing a redirect URI there?  Or is the referrer to the IDP validated in some way?
  1. User agent (Chrome) will detect this navigation and call an OS API for producing a crypto-protected SSO cookies, which has device and user information. This cookie will be appended to the request as a header or cookie.
I believe the initial proposed CL I saw wiring this up added the cookies to all requests to the magic URL. Does this mean that only main frame navigations need these additional cookies?

  1. Cloud identity provider ( ):
    1. Detects presence of the SSO cookies, validates them by checking signature, and authenticates the user and device.
Is there some other communication behind the scene between the OS and the IDP here to authenticate the device?  Or is this just a matter of encoding data in the request?

Sasha Tokarev

Sep 25, 2021, 9:22:21 PM9/25/21
to Matt Menke, Owen Min, blink-dev, Greg Thompson, Ryan Sleevi, Adam Langley

Hi Matt,


Disclaimer: I’m at vacation my responses may delay.


> What's the flow to join a cloud identity here?  What are the permission prompts like?  I assume that home users who use generic home user Microsoft accounts (as I believe encouraged during Windows install/configuration) aren't assumed to be granting this permission, though it could reasonably be described as a "device joined to cloud identity"?


There are many ways of joining devices, many of them looks like domain joining, and requires admin’s action and explicit user action. Home user also either go via explicit action and consent which include web SSO:

Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated


> Would this be enabled by default (for enterprise users only)? 


It is like domain join, when you join device to domain you expect SSO. Given that there is explicit user or admin action, and consent, which includes web SSO, it should be enabled by default both for consumers and enterprise users, like it is enabled in Edge. Additional flags will only complicate deployment and doesn’t bring extra protection, users will have to remember about the extra flag. It decreases effectiveness of the feature.


We do not ask to deploy extra flags to enable Windows Integrated Auth, once you joined to the domain you got it, this is a new versions of Windows Integrated Authentication.


> Also, what about incognito? 


In incognito it must be OFF by default, to protect user and organization, but it is OK, to have a settings controllable by admin to make it on.


> So this means could redirect to, and tell it to log in using the IDP to, by providing a redirect URI there?  Or is the referrer to the IDP validated in some way?


I’m not sure I fully understand the attack here. will have to use’s redirect URI, it means that token (authentication artifact) will be delivered to not to Overall, these kinds of threats covered by federation protocols OIDC, OAuth, SAML etc. IDPs exist in the modern world (Facebook, Google, AAD, MSA) they have to be protected from all kinds of threats, as they authenticate the user and redirect the token. All these IDPs produce a cookie for themselves to avoid useless re-auth. This proposal only manages the way of more secure delivering those cookies from native component in OS, which must be implemented by IDPs vendors, to IDPs web site. This proposal doesn’t change protocols how an IDP talks with web applications (aka resources, aka target resources, aka relying parties). All threats and mitigation applied to existing protocols.


> I believe the initial proposed CL I saw wiring this up added the cookies to all requests to the magic URL. Does this mean that only main frame navigations need these additional cookies?


No, all navigations. It is a cookie by nature, it must follow all cookie rules. If XHR-web request should append a cookies, then we need append this cookie. The difference between this cookie and regular cookie is regular cookie is not protected, an attacker can steal it and use on a different device. This cookie is protected. Attacker can steal it but it will be expired very fast.


> Is there some other communication behind the scene between the OS and the IDP here to authenticate the device?  Or is this just a matter of encoding data in the request?


I think it is easier to answer this question is to describe what cookie is. Please, note, format of the cookie is something internal between IDP native component and IDP web services.  Microsoft’s cookie is JWT-blob that contains PRT, nonce, and signature. The PRT contains deviceid, userid and the key hash. The key for the signature is in a hardware chip, e.g., TPM:







 request_nonce"AQABAAAAA…. < used to make sure that issuer still has access to the hardware key >",

 refresh_token"AQABAAAAAAA….< an encrypted by IDP blob that contains deviceid, userid, keyHash >",





When such cookie arrived to IDP, we check nonce and signature. It gives us assurance PRT comes from the same device as it was originally created. Hence, we can trust device and user info inside PRT. A browser doesn’t create PRT, PRT is created and updated:

  1. During Windows logon
  2. Application logon (if user has added account), e.g., when Outlook accessing Exchange.


Browser just reads PRT-cookie.


Thank you,


Matt Menke

Sep 25, 2021, 10:45:26 PM9/25/21
to Sasha Tokarev, Owen Min, blink-dev, Greg Thompson, Ryan Sleevi, Adam Langley
Thanks for the details, Sasha!  Please don't feel like you need to answer my questions while on vacation - there's no rush here.

Enjoy your vacation!

On Sat, Sep 25, 2021 at 9:22 PM Sasha Tokarev <> wrote:

Hi Matt,


Disclaimer: I’m at vacation my responses may delay.


> What's the flow to join a cloud identity here?  What are the permission prompts like?  I assume that home users who use generic home user Microsoft accounts (as I believe encouraged during Windows install/configuration) aren't assumed to be granting this permission, though it could reasonably be described as a "device joined to cloud identity"?


There are many ways of joining devices, many of them looks like domain joining, and requires admin’s action and explicit user action. Home user also either go via explicit action and consent which include web SSO:

Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated

Thanks!  So this is a per-local-app permission, that can also be granted to all apps?  My main concerns, in terms of privacy (not security issues) here are:

1)  Home user using a Microsoft account on their personal device unexpectedly gets logged in.  If the user has to give explicit permission to Chrome or all apps (apart from just using a Microsoft account), as it sounds like is the case, I'm much less concerned about this.  I'd still be more comfortable if Chrome-side integration is disabled by default, though the settings folk may not think it's worth a new setting.
2)  An enterprise uses corp Microsoft accounts, but doesn't want to use Microsoft as an IDP.  It may not want this information to be sent to Microsoft.  Admittedly, I'm not sure how much of a concern this is, if Microsoft is managing their accounts in the first place.  Note that I'd be concerned about this happening for non-Microsoft managed accounts here, too, just think it's less likely for it to be possible to accidentally happen for non-Microsoft accounts.  Sounds like this does need explicit opt-in even with Microsoft managed accounts, so sounds like this isn't at all an issue.
3)  A bit less of a concern, but a person using their home account on a corp device (not uncommon, though not generally a great idea), gets their personal, non-corp managed account, sent to the IDP, inheriting the fact that IDP is enabled on the device.  It could either be using the corp IDP configuration, or the IDP configuration associated with the domain of their home account - both seem problematic to me.
4)  Enterprise intends to use the feature, but accidentally leaks this information to a 3P. bouncing through the IDP.  It sounds like there's server-side configuration to prevent this, and given that the feature has to be explicitly enabled on the OS, they've already indicated that they trust their IDP.

 > Would this be enabled by default (for enterprise users only)? 


It is like domain join, when you join device to domain you expect SSO. Given that there is explicit user or admin action, and consent, which includes web SSO, it should be enabled by default both for consumers and enterprise users, like it is enabled in Edge. Additional flags will only complicate deployment and doesn’t bring extra protection, users will have to remember about the extra flag. It decreases effectiveness of the feature.


We do not ask to deploy extra flags to enable Windows Integrated Auth, once you joined to the domain you got it, this is a new versions of Windows Integrated Authentication.


> Also, what about incognito? 


In incognito it must be OFF by default, to protect user and organization, but it is OK, to have a settings controllable by admin to make it on.


> So this means could redirect to, and tell it to log in using the IDP to, by providing a redirect URI there?  Or is the referrer to the IDP validated in some way?


I’m not sure I fully understand the attack here. will have to use’s redirect URI, it means that token (authentication artifact) will be delivered to not to Overall, these kinds of threats covered by federation protocols OIDC, OAuth, SAML etc. IDPs exist in the modern world (Facebook, Google, AAD, MSA) they have to be protected from all kinds of threats, as they authenticate the user and redirect the token. All these IDPs produce a cookie for themselves to avoid useless re-auth. This proposal only manages the way of more secure delivering those cookies from native component in OS, which must be implemented by IDPs vendors, to IDPs web site. This proposal doesn’t change protocols how an IDP talks with web applications (aka resources, aka target resources, aka relying parties). All threats and mitigation applied to existing protocols.

I'm not suggesting a threat here, just trying to understand what information is used by the server to authenticate users (which, sure, I want to know so I can figure out the worst that can happen in the case of a malicious actor).  What happens if the cookie is rejected?  Could an MitM attacker figure out if the cookie is rejected or not by whether the user was redirected from the IDP to the destination site?

 > I believe the initial proposed CL I saw wiring this up added the cookies to all requests to the magic URL. Does this mean that only main frame navigations need these additional cookies?


No, all navigations. It is a cookie by nature, it must follow all cookie rules. If XHR-web request should append a cookies, then we need append this cookie. The difference between this cookie and regular cookie is regular cookie is not protected, an attacker can steal it and use on a different device. This cookie is protected. Attacker can steal it but it will be expired very fast.

So not just all navigations, but also XHRs and subresource requests, then?  What about internal Chrome requests?  These are non-webby requests, but I believe some enterprise policies may trigger them (e.g., installing extensions mandated by group policy).

Should enabling 3P cookie blocking also block these, in contexts where we consider the IDP server a 3P server?

These sound like SameSite=None cookies, which are slated for removal from the web platform.  Admittedly, partitioned cookies will be added before that, though since these aren't really partitioned, it's not accurate to call these partitioned cookies, since they give a cross-site identity.  Clearing all cookies also clears cookies (whether the user does it, or it's done by a Clear-Site-Data header), while the state maintained by these is persistent.  These are also not scoped per Chrome profile, unlike cookies.  So I'm not sure saying these must follow all cookie rules is accurate here.  I'd be more comfortable not overloading the cookie request header.

Sasha Tokarev

Sep 26, 2021, 3:25:32 AM9/26/21
to, Owen Min, blink-dev, Greg Thompson, Matt Menke, Adam Langley, Yutaka Hirano

Hi Ryan,


Thank you for your email.


One logistics aspect: I don’t know the culture in this DL is it ok to merge 2 different forks in one or keep forks independent. I decided to keep fork independent as they were not created by me, but expect @Owen or somebody help me with this.


> Is there a public specification for this flow?


Yes and no 😊 overall there are a lot of protocols that controls relationships between IDP and web-application (aka resource, aka target-resource, aka application). These protocols are public and are not subject to this proposal. In all those protocols when request reaches to IDP, job of IDP to authenticate the user. As I said in a different thread the IDP, including Google, will store a cookie to prevent re-auth. In scope of this proposal is how IDP will pull a cookie from a native component. It is a relationship between IDP and IDP’s native component that is part of operation system.


On Windows we have a framework WebAccountManager (WAM) that allow Google to add their own authentication plugin. If Google ever decide to do it, then users will be able to read email from Outlook or modify Google docs in Word. We wish Google to add this plugin, and we can help with it. Here is how the WAM plugin relates to browser SSO. Assume Google creates the plugin.

  1. User opens Word, and enters his/her Gmail account to access Google Drive, in Google WAM plugin (relationship between User and Google)
  2. Google WAM Plugin asks “Do you want add this account to Windows and able to access Google services from everywhere other applications and web?”
  3. User clicks yes.
  4. Google WAM plugin creates SSO artifact, and creates account in the system, user can control it from Settings.
  5. User launches Outlook and Outlooks and can read Gmail from Outlook.
  6. User opens a web browser Edge, IE, FireFox, Chrome navigates to
    1. navigates to
    2. Web browser sees that in a registered Url list.
    3. Web browser calls api to pull the cookies GetCookieForUri.
    4. Web browser appends these cookies to the request to
    5. validates cookies and proof of possession authenticates the user and redirect back to with token.
    6. displays user’s emails.


Please, note, only 6.b-d is in scope of the current ask.


I skipped a lot of details, but this is a high-level end to end flow, which describes it is not about Microsoft, it about relationship application and browser SSO. Unfortunately, Google decided not to implement Google WAM plugin (I don’t know why 😊), while the plugin could make Google services closer to Windows users. Only Microsoft (MSA and AAD) implemented their plugins.


Why it is not a standard auth protocol?

Because only few vendors in the world supposed to implement it Facebook, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and only one implemented end to end. If Google want to participate from IDP side, we can discuss how to make and official protocol from this.


> This seems a little more difficult when OS vendor != Browser vendor != Identity Provider,


I hope by this moment it is clear that this is relationship between Native IDP component that part of OS, and web part of IDP, and browser. Expectation is: vendor of native IDP component in OS == vendor of IDP in web != Browser vendor.

There is no expectation that someone install a web server which will authenticate by pulling cookies, those cookies visible only to IDP web site, but we can discuss how to officially spec it.


> Could you expand on this "header or cookie"?


By default, we treat it as cookie. It should behave like cookie. Logic is following, if there is no WAM plugin, will store a cookie. “cookie” that we return from that API is more secure than regular cookie, as it is TPM bound. Basically, when you call that API you pull a short lived, tpm bound, sso-cookie - it is more stronger than regular cookie.


We switched to headers, because when we have multiple accounts on the system, we hit cookie size limit and proxy blocks requests, or removes cookies.


However, by nature it is a cookies, and all cookies rules must apply, for example browser MUST NOT append this header to  a different URL to avoid security incidents.


>  I can imagine issues if we persisted those cookies to disk


It is ok to persist them on the disk. You store regular cookies from IDP on the disk. This stuff more secure. They protected from stealing. It is IDP native component responsibility to take care of this.


> That is, in the worst case, it seems like a vulnerability in the IDP provider can make the browsing experience unsafe, and the responsibility for that failure will be shared (i.e. users will blame the browser for exposing the feature, and the IDP for failing to secure it appropriately).


It is a case right now. As I’ve said earlier IDPs already store cookies and “a vulnerability in the IDP provider can make the browsing experience unsafe”. This proposal doesn’t change anything in this aspect. Only adds new place for storing/reading cookie, the native component of IDP, and make cookie more secure.


> Do you have any thoughts on how the browser can help make sure that the IdP is acting in the best interests of the user?


This is a more generic question, that we can discuss, but as I’ve said earlier with this proposal, we don’t change anything in this aspect. Hence, we will just diverge the conversation. I think it is better to discuss this topic with OIDC or OAuth group.


> It sounds like the assumption here is that the user will explicitly accept this risk when they configure the OS for the IdP, is that right?




> In that model, how can the browser be sure the user made an informed choice, and affirmatively wants the browser to behave this way?


How today, the browser is sure that the user made an informative choice by authenticating in and consented to persist the cookie?


> Is the scenario here that the browser should just trust the OS, or is a model where the browser also confirms with the user (e.g. via enterprise policy or user consent) part of the thinking?


Browser should just trust OS, the same as it trusts when it calls ReadFile windows API to read cookie file. How a browser sure that we Microsoft underneath on driver level read right bits, and not feed cookie from WAM plugin? I think OS and browser share responsibility to do right thing. We, OS, cannot insert a hook in read file api to give some data that will be useful for us, because when people will discover it, and it will be discovered, we will be in very bad situation. Overall, from my understanding of the software development, the browser has no option “Do not trust OS” OS can do everything in the browser memory space.


We should trust each other 😊.


The same statement applies to IDPs, browser should trust IDPs, if an IDP makes a mistake or misbehaves users will punish them by dollar.



    2. Validates if the resource owner (enterprise admin or user) authorizes access to the resource.
    3. Applies consent policy and ask consent if needed, for example enterprises, when they own the resource can pre-consent access by their employees. Note, It is responsibility of IDP to ensure that only authorized and consented applications can access users’ identity.

I'm not sure I fully understand this part. Could you share more?


Specifically, it's unclear if "applications" here are referring to OS level applications (like the browser), or to web applications (like a relying party). 


“application” here is “web-applications” (==resource).


This part about consent. Overall, consent is a big topic, and usually consent starts from who owns the resources. If it is a document on my personal OneDrive or Google drive, then I’m the owner. If it is on my corporate OneDrive or SharePoint, then my company is the owner. The owner decides who can access, and which application can access. Also, in the enterprise world the consent story even more complex, employees should not use some random applications without pre-authorization from management.


All those relationships managed by IDP and I don’t see how browser can help here, as the browser doesn’t know who the owner is, what was pre-authorized for accessing without consent, what was forbidden, etc. The browser can only destruct by very questionable prompts.


> Earlier, you mentioned "header or cookie", and this seems to be describing "SSO headers and cookies". I wasn't sure if it was either/or or both - could you clarify?


In some case we issue cookies, in some cases header, but both header and cookies should behave like cookie. It is only question of size limitation on cookies.


> Just making sure I parse this: the "user consent" being described is from the IdP, right? So the IdP learns about the user's activity - whether malicious or benign websites - and is responsible for helping the user distinguish between those two?


Right, IDP must not allow a malicious web site to access data without authorization.


> And is it correct that when you say “enterprise account”, this is in reference to the IdP’s notion, not the OS/browser notion?


Here it is user account in IDP notion. IDP can serve enterprise needs, and personal/consumer accounts needs. Azure Active Directory is IDP for enterprises (aka organizational accounts, aka work or school accounts) it is Azure AD responsibility to know who can access what, and Azure AD has huge portal which allows amdin to control its resources. While Google Account, or Microsoft Account, or Facebook is usually mange consumers identity.


In one logon session in OS, you can have multiple enterprise accounts and multiple personal/consumers accounts. Additionally, you can be logged in using your personal account via operation system logon, or using your enterprise account.  So, “enterprise account” can be applied to windows logon as well. However, in that context, I meant “if there was enterprise account delivered via cookie then consent logic is not sufficient we need to take into consideration if admin allowed this relationship and other enterprise policies”.


> This is where having a clearer protocol specification will be useful.


Once you read everything, and digest, could you, please, advice what part do you want to spec? I see that we can formally document only this:

  1. Browser reads list of urls from OS
  2. If navigation happens for an interesting URL, then browser should call API to get cookies or headers.
  3. Browser appends cookies or headers to the request.
  4. If it is header it should appended in all places where cookies are appended, on any navigation to an interesting URL.


Is that what matches your expectation we should spec?


> if there are protocol concerns (e.g. the headers vs cookies discussion), does the fact that it sounds like the IdP and the OS are both same-party mean that there may be a possibility of adjusting the protocol to better fit with the Web Platform?


I’m fine to jump and building new protocol, but by the time we adjust OS and release new protocol, Chrome users will be impacted, as they will be blocked by device conditional access. Right now, Chrome user experience degraded experience compared to Edge and Firefox, in some cases they even blocked. Release a new protocol will take us a year or more, and most likely will be in a new version of Windows (+ 2 years when majority population will be on that version).


Thank you,



From: Ryan Sleevi <>
Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2021 11:17 AM
To: Owen Min <>
Cc: blink-dev <>; Sasha Tokarev <>; Greg Thompson <>; Matt Menke <>; Ryan Sleevi <>; Adam Langley <>; Yutaka Hirano <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Native support of Windows SSO in Chrome


Thanks for the heads up Owen, and thanks Aleksandr for starting the discussion!

Ryan Sleevi

Sep 26, 2021, 11:34:55 AM9/26/21
to Sasha Tokarev,, Owen Min, blink-dev, Greg Thompson, Matt Menke, Adam Langley, Yutaka Hirano
Thanks for the super-detailed response Aleksander! To reflect what Matt said, don't feel the need to respond on vacation :)

Regarding the forks: I suspect this might be how GMail vs Outlook differ in managing threads, since in Google Groups and GMails, it appears as all one conversation, not as forks. You shouldn't have to worry too much about it :)

This was a super-helpful response, and I think it teases out a few things worth digging into further.

From your remark about WAM, it seems like this is a generic extensibility framework, for any IDP - from Microsoft, Google, Okta, etc - to be able to hook the not only the browser's network stack (effectively), but any consenting applications' network stacks, and be able to inject arbitrary cookie names and values. It appears these providers may be device-wide (although only Microsoft IdPs are supported for that), but are primarily user-wide. If I'm understanding correctly, any IdP application can register to be the handler for a given IdP URL.

It seems, from my limited understanding, to be a bit like an OS extension, rather than a browser extension - and to allow third-party software to affect the authentication flow, not only within a browser, but within all apps (that opt-in to supporting this). Although Windows already had an extensible API for adding authentication providers - SSPI and the Negotiate method - it has the downsides I mentioned in my previous e-mail, of being incompatible with modern transport technologies, as well as being a hugely complex thing to implement client and server (CredMan is easier than GINA, but not by much, and SSP/APs aren't fun to write, and it seems like this is the next evolution in this space, ignoring ADAL/MSAL :D). I'm just trying to make sure I understand the space of where this fits, on the Windows side of things, since that helps inform a bit how we've evaluated security/privacy risks in the past.

Architecturally, as it relates to Chrome/Chromium, this seems a little like offering an OS-provided pluggable OAuth2 Access Token Manager, except further, not bounded to having to use OAuth2. Conceptually, a browser wide notion of the current user's identity, which can be provided to websites as needed. Unlike the current implementation, rather than triggered by signing in to the browser, it's provided by the OS's extensibility framework and signing into the OS itself. Is that at least conceptually right? That is, if you sign in to Chrome today, and then a web resource wants to go through Google's IdP, Chrome is able to make the user's logged in state available to the IdP, creating a frictionless flow between the browser content and the Web content, similar (though not identical) to the Desktop Identity Consistency effort - where signing in to the IdP in the Web allows you to sign in to Chrome (the app).

Assuming I haven't bungled things too much yet, a specific question is whether WAM is what serves as the backing implementation for IProofOfPossessionCookieInfoManager::GetCookieInfoForUri. The WAM remarks are all .NET managed code, and it sounds like this COM interface provides a handy abstraction around that logic. For example, for a given URI, it would see if it matches one of the web account provider's managedUrls, and if so, call RetrieveCookies on the web account provider, and then make those available via cookieInfoCount/cookieInfo. If no provider was registered, I imagine it'd just return no cookies. I have no idea if this is remotely correct, and if I've completely bungled it, I was hoping you could explain the relationship between WAM and IProofOfPossessionCookieInfoManager :) I also wasn't sure if the proposal here was that Chrome should be calling WAM directly (via a Managed DLL), or if using COM is the recommended approach.

All of this relates to the questions I was previously asking, because at least if my understanding is correct, this basically means that as currently designed, it's not possible to really describe a "standard" flow or specification. For example, it's not that a particular cookie value will be present, or a particular header value - the web account provider can return arbitrary cookies via the WebAccountProviderRetrieveCookiesOperation, and these should just be passed on to any of the managedUrls. So IdP Foo might call their cookie "SID", while IdP Bar might call their cookie "Token", and IdP Baz might use multiple cookies, like "CAW", "DIDC", and "DIDCL". The browser should just overwrite any cookies it has (e.g. from the browser cookie jar, or from extensions) with the cookies provided by the Web Account Provider/IProofOfPossessionCookieInfoManager - right?

Before I ask more follow-up questions about the browser-side implementation, I figure this is probably a good checkpoint to make sure I haven't completely bungled everything.

Owen Min

Sep 28, 2021, 3:46:03 PM9/28/21
to Ryan Sleevi, Sasha Tokarev, blink-dev, Greg Thompson, Matt Menke, Adam Langley, Yutaka Hirano, Yulian Pastarmov

Sasha Tokarev

Oct 19, 2021, 9:41:27 PM10/19/21

Hi all,


I came back from vacation and happy to continue our conversation.


Ryan, your understanding is mostly correct, except some small details.


You are right, WAM is a generic extensibility framework, where any IDP (Okta, Google, Facebook) can implement a plugin (WAM Plugin) and provide SSO for native applications (application SSO).  A WAM plugin primarily is user component. Only 1st party plugins can produce a system wide token – the tokens that represents device, without user (device only token). Just FYI, a token for a public client in Microsoft eco system can represent:

  1. User
  2. User + device
  3. Device only


However, device only token is not relevant to our conversation, it is application SSO niche scenario. Additionally, 1st party Microsoft IDPs know how to communicate with Windows Logon and share their state with Windows Logon.


Primary Refresh Token (PRT) and Azure AD - Azure Active Directory | Microsoft Docs


So, when the user logs into Windows, we produce a device bound SSO artifact, which we can use to issue access tokens or browser SSO cookie. Any application, including 3rd party ones, can call WAM to get access token, and we will use the SSO artifact to request the access token. In this model, the token is not embedded deep in the network stack like in old protocols, tokens are not transparent for native applications, it is the application responsibility to deliver the token to the service. There is also no requirement to use OAuth as a protocol for a WAM plugin, the protocol can be anything, because native applications call WAM’s GetToken* APIs to get tokens, and don’t care about protocols.


WebAuthenticationCoreManager.RequestTokenAsync Method (Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.Core) - Windows UWP applications | Microsoft Docs


To summarize WAM is component that responsible both for application SSO and browser SSO. 1st party plugins talk to Windows Logon, but 3rd party plugins cannot do it. All application can use WAM to get access tokens.



Note, it is also not mandatory for a WAM plugin to have a integration with Windows logon. WAM plugins can produce the SSO artifact, when a native application request and access token, and it happens in some cases.


I hope application SSO is clear at this point. For browser SSO story is a little bit different. For web applications we do not have such GetToken API, and the framework helps to build SSO cookies from the SSO artifact that was obtained/refreshed by the WAM Plugin or Windows logon. As a result, the system allows to securely share SSO state between native and web applications (reduce the prompts).


Description automatically generated

As I’ve noted earlier:

  1. A web application navigates to an IDP web service for authentication.
  2. The IDP web service authenticates the user.
  3. The IDP web service redirects back to the application with a token.


Note, protocol here is not mandatory OAuth as well, but for Microsoft OAuth is the primary one.


In the original version, the IDP web service supposed to pull cookies from WAM (during authentication step #2), that why we introduced and implemented WebAccountProviderRetrieveCookiesOperation. However, after monitoring we understood that this part doesn’t work good enough, and we switched implementation on the old IProofOfPossessionCookieInfoManager::GetCookieInfoForUri, which is completely different from WebAccountProviderRetrieveCookiesOperation. At the moment of switching on GetCookieInfoForUri API, we knew that big players are not going to implement WAM plugins in the nearest future (it was 2015), that is why we didn’t wire GetCookieInfoForUri with 3rd party plugins, only 1st parties work with this API. However, if any big player integrates with WAM, we will wire GetCookieInfoForUri with the rest of framework, but even in 2021 no 3rd party IDPs are integrated with WAM (it was a resourcing decision for us, we more than happy to collaborate on this aspect).


GetCookieInfoForUri is a pure native and doesn’t call any managed code. GetCookieInfoForUri API is highly performant. It has 0 cost for non-IDPs URLs, and has some hardware crypto for IDP URLs, but number of navigations to IDP urls is negligible compared to all navigation, so hardware crypto should not impact the performance.


With respect to this:


> The WAM remarks are all .NET managed code, and it sounds like this COM interface provides a handy abstraction around that logic.


There are 0 plugins for now, which uses .NET. All code is native C++. I think confusion comes from the fact that new Windows API (WinRT/UWP) has perfect projection to C++, C#, JS, and you can write on any language. You can switch the language from menu in right corner of the page:



However, as you probably noted — it is not important how WAM plugin is implemented, it is important how GetCookieInfoForUri is implemented, and we implemented it with keeping performance in mind.


> All of this relates to the questions I was previously asking, because at least if my understanding is correct, this basically means that as currently designed, it's not possible to really describe a "standard" flow or specification. For example, it's not that a particular cookie value will be present, or a particular header value - the web account provider can return arbitrary cookies via the WebAccountProviderRetrieveCookiesOperation, and these should just be passed on to any of the managedUrls. So IdP Foo might call their cookie "SID", while IdP Bar might call their cookie "Token", and IdP Baz might use multiple cookies, like "CAW", "DIDC", and "DIDCL". The browser should just overwrite any cookies it has (e.g. from the browser cookie jar, or from extensions) with the cookies provided by the Web Account Provider/IProofOfPossessionCookieInfoManager - right?


-True, we tried to make IDP life easier, we wanted them to use any cookies names and semantic. Cookies are a private contract between IDP native component and IDP web service. We never pursued the goal to standardize this aspect.


All we can spec for browser SSO on Windows:

  1. Windows can have a native IDP component, which installed by the user or built-in in the platform.
  2. There is a public API that any web browser can use to pull a list of cookies/headers when navigation happens to an IDP url.
  3. Cookie/header names and their semantic is a private contract between an IDP web and its native component on the platform.
  4. The web browser should just override cookies with the same names.


I hope it clarifies.


Thank you,


Ryan Sleevi

Oct 20, 2021, 1:02:05 AM10/20/21
to Sasha Tokarev,,,,,,,,
On Tue, Oct 19, 2021 at 9:41 PM Sasha Tokarev <> wrote:

> All of this relates to the questions I was previously asking, because at least if my understanding is correct, this basically means that as currently designed, it's not possible to really describe a "standard" flow or specification. For example, it's not that a particular cookie value will be present, or a particular header value - the web account provider can return arbitrary cookies via the WebAccountProviderRetrieveCookiesOperation, and these should just be passed on to any of the managedUrls. So IdP Foo might call their cookie "SID", while IdP Bar might call their cookie "Token", and IdP Baz might use multiple cookies, like "CAW", "DIDC", and "DIDCL". The browser should just overwrite any cookies it has (e.g. from the browser cookie jar, or from extensions) with the cookies provided by the Web Account Provider/IProofOfPossessionCookieInfoManager - right?


-True, we tried to make IDP life easier, we wanted them to use any cookies names and semantic. Cookies are a private contract between IDP native component and IDP web service. We never pursued the goal to standardize this aspect.


All we can spec for browser SSO on Windows:

  1. Windows can have a native IDP component, which installed by the user or built-in in the platform.
  2. There is a public API that any web browser can use to pull a list of cookies/headers when navigation happens to an IDP url.
  3. Cookie/header names and their semantic is a private contract between an IDP web and its native component on the platform.
  4. The web browser should just override cookies with the same names.


I hope it clarifies.

It really does, and helps understand how this is a very new, very different integration, and does affect some of the understanding of how this fits in the overall Web Platform and interop story (while being mindful of balancing that with our existing threat model)

One question I had, that I forgot to follow-up on: with these APIs; whether WebAccountProviderRetrieveCookiesOperation or IProofOfPossessionCookieInfoManager::GetCookieInfoForUri, these deal with cookies. You mentioned headers a few times - could you provide any pointers to where the header interactions are / what the APIs? The context here that I'm thinking about is situations like cookie size limits and how these PoP cookies, which we don't know the size apriori, would interact with the browser cookie store. The use of headers mitigates some of that, although with their own complexities, and so it'd be useful to understand what that API shape looks like.

Sasha Tokarev

Oct 21, 2021, 12:45:42 AM10/21/21

Hi all,


You are correct with respect to cookie size limit. Because there is a 4k limit for all cookies, when we introduced multiple accounts, we hit this limit and some proxies started to block our requests. That why we changed our cookies to headers.


Right now, IProofOfPossessionCookieInfoManager::GetCookieInfoForUri can return either a list of cookies or a list of headers.



Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8

Accept-Language: en-US

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102 Safari/537.36 Edge/18.21329

x-ms-DeviceCredential: eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsICJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCAieDVjI…

x-ms-RefreshTokenCredential: eyJrZGZfdmVyIjoyLCJjdHgiOiIyckJrVzcxQzFCSjg1Q1ZSSWtlWmRmYklReW9…

x-ms-DeviceCredential1: eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsICJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCAieDVjI…

x-ms-RefreshTokenCredential1: eyJrZGZfdmVyIjoyLCJjdHgiOiIyckJrVzcxQzFCSjg1Q1ZSSWtlWmRmYklReW9…


if the name of the cookie starts from x-ms- then this cookie should be added as a header, otherwise as a cookie, please, see attached example:


                if (_wcsnicmp(tokens[i].name, L"x-ms-", _countof(L"x-ms-")) == 0)


                    std::wcout << "Add as a header: \n\t" << tokens[i].name << ": " << tokens[i].data << std::endl;




                    std::wcout << "Add as a cookie: \n\t" << tokens[i].name << "==" << tokens[i].data << tokens[i].p3pHeader << std::endl;

                    std::wcout << "\tP3P: " << tokens[i].p3pHeader << std::endl;

                    std::wcout << "\tdwFlags for InternetSetCookieEx: "<< std::hex << tokens[i].flags<< std::endl;




Thank you,



From: Ryan Sleevi
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2021 10:00 PM
To: Sasha Tokarev
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Native support of Windows SSO in Chrome




On Tue, Oct 19, 2021 at 9:41 PM Sasha Tokarev <> wrote:


Ryan Sleevi

Oct 21, 2021, 10:36:18 AM10/21/21
to Sasha Tokarev,,,,,,,,
Thanks Sasha!

TL;DR: I think we've got enough information here to make a decision. You've been incredibly helpful for that. What follows is my personal views, not a decision, and I share them not to shut down the conversation, but instead, to keep the conversation going and to continue to move us closer to a conclusion :)

Speaking personally, I'd be worried about implementing this in Chromium. You've been incredibly helpful here in helping understand, but I worry this highlights a worrying lack of documentation here, as well as a lack of holistic integration into the Web Platform. Extensions obviously have incredible power and flexibility, and can "break" the assumptions of the Web Platform in many ways, to both the delight (e.g. introducing new features) and consternation (e.g. breaking existing features) of users. Yet as extensions, it's also an area where it's "not our problem" to support.

That seems like I'm arguing we (Chromium) shouldn't do it because it means more work for us, but that's not quite where I'm going. Rather, to integrate this into Chromium means making sure Chromium developers have the knowledge to understand and reason about how this will interact with the Web Platform, how the Web Platform can co-evolve with features like this, and how it fits overall into Chromium's 4 S's (Simplicity, Speed, Security, Stability). In particular, I think as mmenke@ alluded to, this makes it difficult to reason about privacy properties: for example, it means clearing cookies in Chrome may no longer clear cookies, because these IDP APIs may hold on to them. For things like the effort to safely partition and isolate cookies, this means it's difficult to reason about how these APIs behave in 1P vs 3P contexts. In terms of stability, this seems intended to be an extensible platform, and thus potentially brings more 3P code into whatever process implements this (the proposals, at present, are for the browser process, due to network service sandboxing). When we think about how potential 3P (non-MS) IdPs would use this API, it sounds like that this would de facto mean that they'd need to use "x-ms-" as a prefix for their headers, and that, similarly, there's a lack of way to feed back in to the IdP the state of the user as to whether headers-or-cookies should be used.

I appreciate Microsoft's attempt to provide some isolation for the Web from their experimental headers ("x-"), but as RFC 6648 Section 3 highlights, this doesn't really work in practice, and the use of "x-" headers doesn't really prevent them from becoming de facto standards (as the previous remark highlights).

My worry is that if directly implemented in Chromium, these all become concerns Chromium needs to worry about, and Chromium needs to support and address. We can't just remove a feature when it gets difficult, or there isn't sufficient documentation, and while I'm not trying to suggest we can arbitrarily break extensions either, we don't necessarily have to reason about every extension's behaviour prior to making any changes to Chromium, like we do need to do with Chromium features. For users, "Chromium is broken", and there's not an option to point out that "no, the extension is broken" as there is today.

I do worry that because this flow can only really be implemented in conjunction with Windows (and WAM), it makes it easy for websites to construct experiences that "Work best with Edge" or, if Chromium implements, "Work best with Chromium". For example, if an internal website required these assertions, then they would not work with Firefox - unless the user installed the extension or unless Firefox also integrated with Microsoft's proprietary APIs. While it's certainly true that an internal website (or IdP) could provide a "fallback path" for a "less" secure browser (i.e. one that doesn't provide TPM-bound cookies), I think practical experience of enterprises in the past suggest that may be less likely.

I'm very concerned that this sort of thing doesn't have a path towards standardization or interoperability. I realize that, in part, this approach to WAM is a reflection of the fact that Token Binding shared many of these limitations, and we intentionally removed Token Binding precisely because of its incompatibility with, and lack of explaininability with, the overall Web Platform. This is conceptually similar in the challenges, but with even less multi-stakeholder agreement or interoperable specification, and so that does worry me. Similarly, I do worry that this favors a particular IdP being able to offer both technical solutions and ease of use over those of others, both because at least one IdP will always work "out of the box" on some OSes, but also because the access to change those requirements as needed (e.g. the shift from cookies to headers) that other IdPs can't easily do.

But that's just my opinion, and I certainly wouldn't be the one to have final say here, especially since I'm known for taking the most critical view ;-) Despite Chromium's reputation within some circles for "shipping early", and to the consternation or objections of other browsers, the reality is both that Microsoft is already shipping this, and that this is already possible, today, with Native Messaging and extensions. So websites can, today, require the installation of the extension, and the friction involved may not be meaningful to prevent network effects. Enterprises can easily push extensions, so they can already deploy fleet wide and build internal sites that are "Chromium only" (and, similarly, to support Firefox through Firefox's WebExtension and native messaging). Similarly, Enterprises can already prohibit other platforms and browsers from being used for their internal sites, so perhaps this isn't the straw that breaks the camel's back. Putting this in Chromium just makes it easy for enterprises to get what they want, makes it easier for them to use more browsers, and maybe that's worth the tradeoffs listed above. And there are plenty of features we'd consider for Enterprises that have no place at all in the Web Platform: in some ways, we let Enterprises break the Web however they want, as long as it's only for their users. The clear alternative would be reopening discussions about Token Binding, and that's a huge investment to do so correctly (as shown by the 5+ year investment from Chrome in unsuccessfully doing that), so perhaps this is the path to split the difference, by de facto adopting Microsoft's since-shipped approach.

As you can see, while I'm personally not supportive, I can see clear positives here. I think you've been incredibly helpful getting a good understanding of what the request is, and I think it's certainly worth considering and discussing! I don't think this discussion would have been possible without your support and engagement, so while I'm somewhat negative about the feature in its present form, this isn't a critique of your engagement. Again, thank you, genuinely :)

Sasha Tokarev

Oct 26, 2021, 2:34:45 PM10/26/21

Hy Ryan,


Sorry for the delay and thank you for open discussion.


I would like to start from the simple point:

> it means clearing cookies in Chrome may no longer clear cookies, because these IDP APIs may hold on to them.


I think it is true for any authentication that part of Chrome, like Digest, Client TLS, Windows Integrated (NTLMv2, Kerberos) etc. I think the cookie cleanup will not prevent a web site that performs Windows Integrated authentication to know who you are. In this aspect it is a new form of Windows Integrated authentication, but more secure. I think Chrome implements Windows Integrated authentication as well as other forms of authentication, and not really concerned about it. From the other hand, a web app that integrated with IDP will lost its cookies and state on the cookie cleanup, and will have to start authentication process again, redirect to IDP, account consent if needed, etc. We also can discuss how we can support different browser profiles in this area.


One part that I haven’t covered yet, that those headers/cookies have device id inside, and admins have tools to enable access to their resources based on the state of device. For example, they can allow to access to SharePoint, only if a user’s device is compliant (has the latest updates and satisfy other company’s requirements).  Most Microsoft customers enjoy using conditional access policies to protect their cloud resources. These policies are widely used because they allow granular control of cloud assets. However, if cookies were not reliably delivered, then the users are blocked and entering password will not help — the users will be permanently blocked. The users cannot utilize Chrome as is, because Chrome cannot deliver device information to the identity service for the policy evaluation. Depends on platform, the users have multiple options to unblock themselves:


  1. Use Chromium Edge — given that HTML engine is the same between Chrome and Edge they do not lose anything.
  2. Use FireFox, which has already integration with this feature ( )
  3. Install one of our Chrome extensions (for example this one, which uses native messaging host to integrate with this API.
  4. For MacOS, iOS use Safari, as iOS, Apple supports alternative, but similar functionality:
    ASAuthorizationSingleSignOnProvider | Apple Developer Documentation
    WebKit/ at main · WebKit/WebKit (


With respect to the extension model, it is naturally more complex, because it must consider 3P code, as a result has more failure points. Unfortunately, support story for the extensions is painful for us and our customers, and when we say people escalate to Google, they say that they cannot, and choose other options. Overall Chrome users experience degraded single sign on experience compared to Edge, FireFox or Safari population. They must pass extra 2FA and password prompts, unless they use the extension, while Edge, Safari and FireFox the users can skip these interrupts, if they used strong Windows logon credentials or passed 2FA in other applications (like Teams, Outlook etc.).


Overall, I would like to highlight this model is not only about SSO, SSO is a tip of the iceberg, we build a lot of features on it:


  1. Conditional access — granular control of access to the cloud resources (mentioned above).
  2. Enables protection of Identity artifacts against man-in-the-middle attacks by allowing Identity provider to issue shorter lived tokens that are bound to the device identity.
  3. Preventing extra password and 2FA prompt, minimizes the need for sending user’s password on the wire continuously.


As you already have noted, FireFox, Safari, Apple platform already supports this feature or similar feature,  and we in constant collaboration with them. I agree with you, that there is lack of documentation and standardization, but the key players actively work on this, and it doesn’t stop them. I would like us to focus on the finding path forward, which from one hand will put Chrome on parity with Edge, Safari and FireFox at this aspect, from the other hand will formalize and find a path to close the gaps you mentioned:


  1. Missing documentation – we Microsoft, planning to publish code on github and fix documentation, to allow other browser to integrate.
  2. X-ms- headers – if needed we can agree on different header names, or remove x-ms- prefix 😊
  3. 3P integration — for now there is no 3P, as 3Ps are not willing, and they cannot appear without work on our end. Once 3P will express their interest, we are more than happy to work with them and you on topic you mentioned:
    1. Allow them to use headers vs cookies.
    2. Code isolation.


“This sort of thing doesn't have a path towards standardization or interoperability” — at this stage, other players already integrated with it, or have similar model (only Chrome, and Android doesn’t have similar model). Once we fix the documentation Opera and others will fix their browsers as well. Our extensions in total have 20M+ users – there is big demand on this. I don’t think this concern will stop key players, as there is demand on it. We cannot stop this, but we can lead it. We can work together on the path forward. However, while we were work on it, I prefer Chrome users experience a good experience.


What would be the next step in this area? Do you have a proposal for the path forward?

Ryan Sleevi

Oct 26, 2021, 3:03:37 PM10/26/21
to Sasha Tokarev,,,,,,,,
On Tue, Oct 26, 2021 at 2:34 PM Sasha Tokarev <> wrote:

I think it is true for any authentication that part of Chrome, like Digest, Client TLS, Windows Integrated (NTLMv2, Kerberos) etc. I think the cookie cleanup will not prevent a web site that performs Windows Integrated authentication to know who you are. In this aspect it is a new form of Windows Integrated authentication, but more secure. I think Chrome implements Windows Integrated authentication as well as other forms of authentication, and not really concerned about it. From the other hand, a web app that integrated with IDP will lost its cookies and state on the cookie cleanup, and will have to start authentication process again, redirect to IDP, account consent if needed, etc. We also can discuss how we can support different browser profiles in this area.

The comparison here to the other forms of OS auth is totally apt. However, note that Chrome has already moved (similar to Edge) to restrict/disallow this in Incognito, and there have long been discussions about moving the entire authentication stack itself behind policy-gates, precisely because for the general user, it represents a privacy and security risk. Some of that calculus is further informed by the openness and well-definedness of the protocols implemented, and the ability to assess their relative security merits; e.g. NTLM is seen as a greater security risk to users due to its limits on "server" authentication, compared to Kerberos (e.g. via SPN binding). And, similarly, Negotiate is seen as a risk because of the ability to introduce mechanisms that may otherwise contravene local policies (e.g. if you disable NTLM, but the Negotiate provider still enables it).

Of course, the existing auth methods also reveal some of the complexity I worry about. NTLM/Kerberos/Negotiate using a three-leg auth system means that it's incompatible with HTTP/2 and, similarly, incompatible with HTTP/3. This creates a fair bit of negative incentives for organizations: you can have a modern application, or you can have integrated SSO, but you can't have both. Of course, that realization of incompatibility was only possible due to the fairly open and extensive documentation of the protocols. I don't mean this to sound too negative; again, you've been incredibly helpful :) It's just one of those headwinds to be mindful of in trying to figure out how to rationalize this, since as a "cookie-or-header" side, there are plenty of implementation worries.

It looks like Mozilla had similar concerns - e.g. and , so I feel a little better :) They also highlighted an area of reasonable concern regarding IDNA treatment that I totally overlooked too, not to mention the header correctness.

Overall, I would like to highlight this model is not only about SSO, SSO is a tip of the iceberg, we build a lot of features on it:


  1. Conditional access — granular control of access to the cloud resources (mentioned above).
  2. Enables protection of Identity artifacts against man-in-the-middle attacks by allowing Identity provider to issue shorter lived tokens that are bound to the device identity.
  3. Preventing extra password and 2FA prompt, minimizes the need for sending user’s password on the wire continuously.
Right, but these are both benefits and risks. Not trying to be contrarian so much as capture a different perspective, but conditional access can be also viewed as a form of browser/vendor lock-in (which, as you note, may already be practiced, but not necessarily good), the binding to device identity equally normalizes persistent online tracking in ways that may be coopted for less-than-noble purposes (e.g. attempts to legislate out online anonymity), and while you're certainly correct that reducing prompts is a great way to reduce fatigue while improving the security story for the underlying auth, the primary way of doing that is through encouraging greater centralization of identity services. These aren't to discredit the idea, but to highlight the risks, and the challenge in finding the balance.

  1. Missing documentation – we Microsoft, planning to publish code on github and fix documentation, to allow other browser to integrate.
  2. X-ms- headers – if needed we can agree on different header names, or remove x-ms- prefix 😊
It looked like Mozilla also raised this concern, so it seems to be a clear need to address.

“This sort of thing doesn't have a path towards standardization or interoperability” — at this stage, other players already integrated with it, or have similar model (only Chrome, and Android doesn’t have similar model). Once we fix the documentation Opera and others will fix their browsers as well. Our extensions in total have 20M+ users – there is big demand on this. I don’t think this concern will stop key players, as there is demand on it. We cannot stop this, but we can lead it. We can work together on the path forward. However, while we were work on it, I prefer Chrome users experience a good experience. 


What would be the next step in this area? Do you have a proposal for the path forward?

I agree that there's a lot of interesting ideas here, and that have been in the space for a while. If this is solely relegated to an Enterprise flag (and not even a user preference), I certainly am far less worried. My worry, however, is these things always have scope creep and complexities and this is where we have a process for collaboration that's worked very well in the past (e.g. WICG and WHATWG). I realize that, due to the OS integration, that's not always realistic or achievable to work on that, and sometimes "What ships first, ships". I mean, that's how we got SSL, and so it's not all bad (even if SSL 2/3/TLS 1 weren't... the strongest protocols :P) My worry is the pressures to more generally expose this (e.g. a user-level preference or a default-on) will, similar to the "lost decade" of NTLM/Kerberos interop online, end up with a de-facto standard that isn't well defined as to how it integrates.

That said, there's useful restrictions highlighted by Mozilla worth further considering if implementing.

Sasha Tokarev

Nov 2, 2021, 5:45:56 PM11/2/21

Hi Ryan,


Thank you for the chat.


Couple notes from me:



> If this is solely relegated to an Enterprise flag (and not even a user preference), I certainly am far less worried.


I think it will be very far from ideal,  key part is that the user has joined his device and consented for SSO. They expect SSO. Having extra flag just extra useless hop, which adds friction without value. If users do not want to have SSO, they should not join. Extra policy/switch will kill authentication in Chrome for small businesses, because they will not know how to enable it, many organizations do not have big investment in IT department, as well as they allow use users’ personal devices, on which IT has limited control to enable some flag remotely. As a result it will make Chrome less attractive for such businesses.


> there have long been discussions about moving the entire authentication stack itself behind policy-gates


Discussion is one thing, but you haven’t done it, right? As Chrome will lost its attractiveness because IT folks will have to jump via extra hops, most likely will not find how to do it, and user have to switch on working browsers.


> … My worry is the pressures to more generally expose this (e.g. a user-level preference or a default-on) will, similar to the "lost decade" of NTLM/Kerberos interop online, end up with a de-facto standard that isn't well defined as to how it integrates.


The key difference here from other public auth schemes, that in a public auth protocol there is an assumption that somebody will implement those schemes, and an enterprise can setup a web auth service created by 3p developer. In the new approach it just us, we should validate our stuff, the rest of world integrates with us by OAuth. In a public auth protocol you need an extensive documentation and think what a behavior of web browser should be if an auth web server behavior is not legitimate. In the proposed scheme, you have only couple well-known IDPs, which you can easily identify, the behavior is well defined and documented. You can monitor and contact IDP any time. It is not 1000s of servers who implements kerberos worldwide, it just 2 services. Format/documentation of cookie-header has low relevance here, as it is our internal details.


> note that Chrome has already moved (similar to Edge) to restrict/disallow this in Incognito


Totally agree on this!


I think we could take Edge’s idea:

  1. default/first profile has this feature on.
  2. A secondary profile - by default off, but has a setting to turn it on.
  3. Incognito – can behave as a secondary or have some registry.


We also can discuss how to create profile for a different WebAccounts that you have on the system.


> It looks like Mozilla had similar concerns


Some of Mozilla concerns are the same, but some are different - I’m aware all of them, as I’m involved in that project as well. Regardless of their concerns - they shipped the first click stop.


With respect to documentation/header names, it is important for me to understand your commitments for this. As it is not cheap, if Chrome going to commit in this, we can discuss what is important for you, and do it fast, otherwise we will do it in our own pace.


> conditional access can be also viewed as a form of browser/vendor lock-in (which, as you note, may already be practiced, but not necessarily good)


I have multiple interpretation of this phrase in my head, but I’ll try to respond what I think is the most likely one. If it is about having some client-side code that prevents from some access (client-side security) it easy to work around by patching the code. Whatever we build, as well as some other vendors, we deliver device id to the server, and the server decides “issues/not issues token” based on the state of device, and its history. It is way harder to compromise many signals that comes from device over time vs patching the client code.


> the binding to device identity equally normalizes persistent online tracking in ways that may be coopted for less-than-noble purposes (e.g. attempts to legislate out online anonymity)


I think it is important to highlight here, that IDP knows device (and the user has consented it), but the calling web-application not mandatory (it really depends what IDP renders in the token). I share your device online anonymity (that is why I agree that in Incognito mode we should have this stuff off), but our job is keeping balances between privacy, security, and features. If the user has made the extra steps to join the device to IDP, then I don’t think we should challenge that user made a wrong decision. The users always can unjoin, if they do not trust IDP, or IDP compromised their trust.


> the primary way of doing that is through encouraging greater centralization of identity services.


And this where this feature will help 😊


Thank you,



From: Ryan Sleevi <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2021 12:03 PM
To: Sasha Tokarev <>
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Native support of Windows SSO in Chrome




On Tue, Oct 26, 2021 at 2:34 PM Sasha Tokarev <> wrote:

Sasha Tokarev

Nov 2, 2021, 9:33:57 PM11/2/21
to Matt Menke, Owen Min, blink-dev, Greg Thompson, Ryan Sleevi, Adam Langley

Hi Matt,


I missed that you asked some questions inline, sorry about that, I’ll cover answers inline as well.


From: Matt Menke <>
Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2021 7:45 PM
To: Sasha Tokarev <>

Cc: Owen Min <>; blink-dev <>; Greg Thompson <>; Ryan Sleevi <>; Adam Langley <>
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Native support of Windows SSO in Chrome

Thanks for the details, Sasha!  Please don't feel like you need to answer my questions while on vacation - there's no rush here.


Enjoy your vacation!


On Sat, Sep 25, 2021 at 9:22 PM Sasha Tokarev <> wrote:

Hi Matt,


Disclaimer: I’m at vacation my responses may delay.


> What's the flow to join a cloud identity here?  What are the permission prompts like?  I assume that home users who use generic home user Microsoft accounts (as I believe encouraged during Windows install/configuration) aren't assumed to be granting this permission, though it could reasonably be described as a "device joined to cloud identity"?


There are many ways of joining devices, many of them looks like domain joining, and requires admin’s action and explicit user action. Home user also either go via explicit action and consent which include web SSO:

Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated


Thanks!  So this is a per-local-app permission, that can also be granted to all apps? (Sasha: yes, if the user consents)  My main concerns, in terms of privacy (not security issues) here are:


  1. Home user using a Microsoft account on their personal device unexpectedly gets logged in.  If the user has to give explicit permission to Chrome or all apps (apart from just using a Microsoft account), as it sounds like is the case, I'm much less concerned about this.  I'd still be more comfortable if Chrome-side integration is disabled by default, though the settings folk may not think it's worth a new setting.


Sasha: An extra settings just an extra friction, the user has consented, and user expects SSO, otherwise it should not join the device.


2)  An enterprise uses corp Microsoft accounts, but doesn't want to use Microsoft as an IDP. (Sasha: it should not join device to Microsoft IDP then)   It may not want this information to be sent to Microsoft.  Admittedly, I'm not sure how much of a concern this is, if Microsoft is managing their accounts in the first place.  Note that I'd be concerned about this happening for non-Microsoft managed accounts here, too, just think it's less likely for it to be possible to accidentally happen for non-Microsoft accounts.  Sounds like this does need explicit opt-in even with Microsoft managed accounts, so sounds like this isn't at all an issue. (Sasha: Non-Microsoft accounts do not exist, but if they were,  then I don’t think it is an issue if the user has consented to it.) 


  1. A bit less of a concern, but a person using their home account on a corp device (not uncommon, though not generally a great idea), gets their personal, non-corp managed account, sent to the IDP, inheriting the fact that IDP is enabled on the device.  It could either be using the corp IDP configuration, or the IDP configuration associated with the domain of their home account - both seem problematic to me.


Sasha: Currently, your personal cookie will not go to your organization’s IDP, because our IDPs are segregated, and every IDP has associated list of URLs, an IDP gets the cookie for its URL .However, if IDP handles both personal and work identity, then it will get both cookies, and it will be IDP’s job to ask the user which account he/she is going to use for this application. However, there 2 things should happened for this scenario, the IDP needs to handle both Organizational and Personal identity, the application should be registered in a way that it handles personal and organizational accounts. If that will happened, then the IDP will have to ask the user which account to use, something like this:


4)  Enterprise intends to use the feature, but accidentally leaks this information to a 3P. bouncing through the IDP.  It sounds like there's server-side configuration to prevent this, and given that the feature has to be explicitly enabled on the OS, they've already indicated that they trust their IDP.


Sasha: Admin needs to pre-install application in the tenant, otherwise it will be rejetected. This concern also exists without this feature. A user has Office,

  1. the user logged in Office via IDP (
  2. will store it as a cookie.
  3. Now, can silently bounce the user via, get a token and read user’s email. It is a huge issue, if it would be possible.


That is why:

Before start to work in the tenant, admin needs to pre-install/pre-consent the application in the tenant.


I’m on purpose drawing parallel with cookie, because in this proposal, the only thing we append a way how we deliver the cookie, the remaining model stays the same. All threats that applicable for cookies, are also applicable for this model.


Configure the admin consent workflow - Azure AD | Microsoft Docs


 > Would this be enabled by default (for enterprise users only)? 


It is like domain join, when you join device to domain you expect SSO. Given that there is explicit user or admin action, and consent, which includes web SSO, it should be enabled by default both for consumers and enterprise users, like it is enabled in Edge. Additional flags will only complicate deployment and doesn’t bring extra protection, users will have to remember about the extra flag. It decreases effectiveness of the feature.


We do not ask to deploy extra flags to enable Windows Integrated Auth, once you joined to the domain you got it, this is a new versions of Windows Integrated Authentication.


> Also, what about incognito? 


In incognito it must be OFF by default, to protect user and organization, but it is OK, to have a settings controllable by admin to make it on.


> So this means could redirect to, and tell it to log in using the IDP to, by providing a redirect URI there?  Or is the referrer to the IDP validated in some way?


I’m not sure I fully understand the attack here. will have to use’s redirect URI, it means that token (authentication artifact) will be delivered to not to Overall, these kinds of threats covered by federation protocols OIDC, OAuth, SAML etc. IDPs exist in the modern world (Facebook, Google, AAD, MSA) they have to be protected from all kinds of threats, as they authenticate the user and redirect the token. All these IDPs produce a cookie for themselves to avoid useless re-auth. This proposal only manages the way of more secure delivering those cookies from native component in OS, which must be implemented by IDPs vendors, to IDPs web site. This proposal doesn’t change protocols how an IDP talks with web applications (aka resources, aka target resources, aka relying parties). All threats and mitigation applied to existing protocols.


I'm not suggesting a threat here, just trying to understand what information is used by the server to authenticate users (which, sure, I want to know so I can figure out the worst that can happen in the case of a malicious actor). 


Sasha: in the moment of Windows logon, or application logon the IDP web site creates an encrypted blob, that has user information, device information and session key. Nobody except server can decrypt this blob. We call this blob as PRT or authentication artifact. When a web request goes to IDP, and only to IDP (not other web site), we take request QS parameters that may include nonce, PRT and sign this request by the session key that stored in TPM. When the request reaches the server, we:

  1. Validate nonce.
  2. Decrypt PRT, extract Session key from it.
  3. Validate signature of the cookie.
  4. If the signature is valid, the server takes device id and user id information from the blob.




However, you will not be able to open refresh_token field, as it is encrypted by a server key.


What happens if the cookie is rejected? 


Sasha: IDP will try to ask username and password, 2FA, however if the admin wants to validate the state of device, and device will not be delivered, the user will blocked.


Could an MitM attacker figure out if the cookie is rejected or not by whether the user was redirected from the IDP to the destination site?


Sasha: this question I didn’t fully understand. Overall MitM can conclude that cookie was rejected.


 > I believe the initial proposed CL I saw wiring this up added the cookies to all requests to the magic URL. Does this mean that only main frame navigations need these additional cookies?


No, all navigations. It is a cookie by nature, it must follow all cookie rules. If XHR-web request should append a cookies, then we need append this cookie. The difference between this cookie and regular cookie is regular cookie is not protected, an attacker can steal it and use on a different device. This cookie is protected. Attacker can steal it but it will be expired very fast.


So not just all navigations, but also XHRs and subresource requests, then? (Sasha: yes if they go to IDP)  What about internal Chrome requests? (Sasha: Chrome is not integrated with IDPs that on Windows, but if it will – then yes)  These are non-webby requests, but I believe some enterprise policies may trigger them (e.g., installing extensions mandated by group policy). (Sasha: I don’t think we care about them, these requests do not have integration with our IDP.


Should enabling 3P cookie blocking also block these, in contexts where we consider the IDP server a 3P server?


These sound like SameSite=None cookies, which are slated for removal from the web platform.  Admittedly, partitioned cookies will be added before that, though since these aren't really partitioned, it's not accurate to call these partitioned cookies, since they give a cross-site identity.  Clearing all cookies also clears cookies (whether the user does it, or it's done by a Clear-Site-Data header), while the state maintained by these is persistent.  These are also not scoped per Chrome profile, unlike cookies.  So I'm not sure saying these must follow all cookie rules is accurate here.  I'd be more comfortable not overloading the cookie request header.


Sasha: I would consider them as 1st party cookies, as an IDP creates cookie for itself. The cookie is created by for itself ( ), but outside of browser during windows logon/application logon. Clean all the cookies will not actually clean them (they will be re-created), and yes in this aspect it is auth 😊

Sasha Tokarev

Nov 3, 2021, 11:12:16 AM11/3/21
to Matt Menke, Owen Min, blink-dev, Greg Thompson, Ryan Sleevi, Adam Langley

(Sorry for duplication, but I don’t see this response in the public thread, probably because I’ve sent it from my private email and it went to some filters, so I’m repeating it from my official with some additions)


I would like to highlight one important conception of “joined device". If a user/admin went through the joining process, they consented and expect:


  1. browser SSO
  2. application SSO
  3. access to protected services from a web and a native applications


Otherwise, they should not join.


While privacy and security concerns are important, we should agree that it is IDP job to balance all parties in process of authentication, and they always exist, given we have centralized identity service, and IDP use cookies.


Joining of the device is an explicit, and in some case not a trivial action from a device owner (in case of personal devices the device owner == the user), an extra flag in this process makes this feature unusable for some cases. With respect to security and privacy aspects, there is no essential difference in the IDP behavior between a web application and a native application (browser SSO and application SSO),  if the device owner doesn’t like the IDP behavior, he/she needs to unjoin.  


Thank you,


Matt Menke

Jul 20, 2022, 11:51:48 AM7/20/22
to blink-dev, Sasha Tokarev, Owen Min, blink-dev, Greg Thompson, Ryan Sleevi, Adam Langley, Matt Menke
This task is being picked up again, but there are a lot of questions in terms of implementation:

* Do we need to send Microsoft SSO credentials in Credentials Mode: Omit requests?
* Do we need to bypass CORS for requests send to Microsoft's IDP?  This is a bit related to the above question.
* Do we need to send SSO credentials in sandboxed iframes of fenced frames?

I'm hoping the answer to all of these is "no", so these behave a bit like 3P cookies (which are being removed from the web platform...).

Sasha Tokarev

Aug 11, 2022, 5:43:37 PM8/11/22
to Matt Menke, blink-dev, Owen Min, blink-dev, Greg Thompson, Ryan Sleevi, Adam Langley

Hi Matt,


I apologize for not being able to respond, I was on vacation, but now I’m back. However, before the vacation, I had planned to ping this thread, as we are getting more and more feedback that the extension model is not working for various reasons, and the users do not have sufficient help to resolve it. In many cases the extension is either accidentally dismissed, or partially works (has icon on tab, but the rest functionality is blocked). In such cases we suggest to escalate to Google, but I’ve been seeing very few cases that successfully got attention from Google.


You can read review feedback here:


In such cases the only recommendation we have is “use Edge”, as it has the native support and not a subject for the extension deployment issues.  In order to reduce support cost, we are also considering to change our remediation page, which we show when the users hit the conditional access issues, to detect such cases and show more explicit text to use Edge. I’m hopping we will be able to make a progress on this.


Back to your question:

* Do we need to bypass CORS for requests send to Microsoft's IDP? 

- no you don’t need. It is ok to respect CORS.


* Do we need to send Microsoft SSO credentials in Credentials Mode: Omit requests?

                - I assume you meant this XHR requests with credentials?

                We don’t use XHR for authentication for now. So, if it is more simple, we can agree on “no”.


* Do we need to send SSO credentials in sandboxed iframes of fenced frames?

               - no. I’ve synced up internally, we don’t use fenced frames, but we use iframes (on the application page) for some authentications. So, this headers should be available in iframes of the application page.


Thank you,


Matt Menke

Aug 11, 2022, 6:09:01 PM8/11/22
to Sasha Tokarev, blink-dev, Owen Min, Greg Thompson, Ryan Sleevi, Adam Langley
On Thu, Aug 11, 2022 at 5:43 PM Sasha Tokarev <> wrote:

Hi Matt,


I apologize for not being able to respond, I was on vacation, but now I’m back. However, before the vacation, I had planned to ping this thread, as we are getting more and more feedback that the extension model is not working for various reasons, and the users do not have sufficient help to resolve it. In many cases the extension is either accidentally dismissed, or partially works (has icon on tab, but the rest functionality is blocked). In such cases we suggest to escalate to Google, but I’ve been seeing very few cases that successfully got attention from Google.


You can read review feedback here:


In such cases the only recommendation we have is “use Edge”, as it has the native support and not a subject for the extension deployment issues.  In order to reduce support cost, we are also considering to change our remediation page, which we show when the users hit the conditional access issues, to detect such cases and show more explicit text to use Edge. I’m hopping we will be able to make a progress on this.


Back to your question:

* Do we need to bypass CORS for requests send to Microsoft's IDP? 

- no you don’t need. It is ok to respect CORS.


* Do we need to send Microsoft SSO credentials in Credentials Mode: Omit requests?

                - I assume you meant this XHR requests with credentials?

                We don’t use XHR for authentication for now. So, if it is more simple, we can agree on “no”.

No, I mean any request with a credentials mode of omit.  See  That's a fetch layer concept, not something unique to XHRs.


* Do we need to send SSO credentials in sandboxed iframes of fenced frames?

               - no. I’ve synced up internally, we don’t use fenced frames, but we use iframes (on the application page) for some authentications. So, this headers should be available in iframes of the application page.

So what about sandboxed iframes?  They don't have cookie access, normally.

Sasha Tokarev

Aug 11, 2022, 7:30:31 PM8/11/22
to Matt Menke, blink-dev, Owen Min, Greg Thompson, Ryan Sleevi, Adam Langley

With respect to credential mode “omit” it is fine not send those headers, if the other mode will allow it.


We use sandboxed iframes in out authentication libs, but we set “allow-same-origin” token to be able to use cookies.


We fine if “allow-same-origin” will relax restriction of not sending cookies.

John Abd-El-Malek

Oct 18, 2022, 3:58:50 PM10/18/22
to Sasha Tokarev, Matt Menke, blink-dev, Owen Min, Greg Thompson, Ryan Sleevi, Adam Langley
Hi Sasha, I got looped in to a code review and I had a few questions:

1) Can we avoid modifying the Cookie header, and only modify "x-ms-" headers?
2) Can this be scoped to just frame requests, e.g. only for requests to fetch the html for main frames and subframes and not subresource requests like images, XHR, JS, CSS etc. requests? Igor had tried this locally and it seemed to work.

If we can do the above, either right away or with small changes to your server, we can simplify the implementation in Chrome. This in turn would help us reach a lower maintenance burden while still being performant.


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Sasha Tokarev

Oct 28, 2022, 7:09:39 PM10/28/22
to John Abd-El-Malek, Matt Menke, blink-dev, Owen Min, Greg Thompson, Ryan Sleevi, Adam Langley

Hi John,


Sorry for the delay.


1) Can we avoid modifying the Cookie header, and only modify "x-ms-" headers?

- No, in some version of windows we use Cookie instead of headers.


2) Can this be scoped to just frame requests, e.g. only for requests to fetch the html for main frames and subframes and not subresource requests like images, XHR, JS, CSS etc. requests? Igor had tried this locally and it seemed to work.


- some customers have a proxy, which redirects to all requests, including from images to their internal service, authenticates the user via AAD and redirects back if this request is authorized to the user. Can you do it for frame request only – yes, and it will cover most of the scenarios, but the previous one will not work in Chrome. My recommendation would be to do in all requests.


Thank you,



From: John Abd-El-Malek <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2022 12:58 PM
To: Sasha Tokarev <>

Cc: Matt Menke <>; blink-dev <>; Owen Min <>; Greg Thompson <>; Ryan Sleevi <>; Adam Langley <>
Subject: Re: [blink-dev] RE: [EXTERNAL] Re: Native support of Windows SSO in Chrome


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Matt Menke

Oct 28, 2022, 8:29:36 PM10/28/22
to Sasha Tokarev, John Abd-El-Malek, blink-dev, Owen Min, Greg Thompson, Ryan Sleevi, Adam Langley
On Fri, Oct 28, 2022 at 7:07 PM Sasha Tokarev <> wrote:

Hi John,


Sorry for the delay.


1) Can we avoid modifying the Cookie header, and only modify "x-ms-" headers?

- No, in some version of windows we use Cookie instead of headers.

I'm not seeing why this is an issue?  It's not difficult to check two different request headers, server-side.  Cookies have web standard behavior, which these don't obey, so it seems safer to use a separate header, rather than provide APIs to manipulate Cookies within Chromium for the sake of things that are not cookies.
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