Intent to ship: PointerEvent.getPredictedEvents API

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Ella Ge

2019年2月12日 13:29:072019/2/12
收件人 blink-dev、Navid Zolghadr、

Contact emails,




An API to return a few predicted events of the received pointerevents. This API enables apps like drawing app to draw the predicted line in advance, so users feel less latency.

The finch result for the prediction accuracy shows we predict pretty good result in 95% and ok result in 99%.

Link to “Intent to Implement” blink-dev discussion!msg/blink-dev/CgFyxYikn6A/a7U2FRqJCgAJ;context-place=forum/blink-dev

Is this feature supported on all six Blink platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, and Android WebView)?


Demo link

Try the following test pages on chrome canary with chrome://flags/#enable-experimental-web-platform-features turned on. (A slow motion video from this test page, red line is the predicted curve)


Interoperability and Compatibility

This is a new API so there’ll be no compatibility change.

Edge: No signals

Firefox: No signals

Safari: No signals

Web developers: No signals

Requesting approval to ship?


Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests? Link to test suite results from

external/wpt/pointerevents/extension/pointerevent_predicted_events_attributes-manual.html is the added test. It’s manual test only now because there is no main thread event queue for layout tests (

Entry on the feature dashboard

Ella Ge

Daniel Bratell

2019年2月14日 15:43:402019/2/14
收件人 blink-dev、Ella Ge、Navid Zolghadr、

We (Chris, Yoav and I) just discussed this in the Blink API Owner meeting and I have a couple of questions.

A goal with the changes we do is that they move the web as a whole forward and then an important part is that we have input from the web standards community and other browser vendors. One of the missing steps here is the TAG review. Did anyone file for such a review or is it not needed for some reason?

Another part is that the intent says "no signals" from other vendors and from web developers. What kind of outreach has been done to solicit their feedback? I understood from Chris that the situation might be a bit better than it looks below?


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Bo Cupp

2019年2月15日 12:36:252019/2/15
收件人 Daniel Bratell、blink-dev、Ella Ge、Navid Zolghadr
Another part is that the intent says "no signals" from other vendors and from web developers. What kind of outreach has been done to solicit their feedback?

With regards to the above, I'm a dev lead on the Edge team and have been following this work.  The pen as an input mechanism is important to Microsoft and some users are sensitive to the stroke lagging behind the pen.  Native apps have access to the Windows Ink stack which uses all sorts of cleverness to reduce latency, but the web is behind in this area.  To make the experience in web apps competitive with native apps we're interested in this specification and others...
  • This predicted pointer event spec (to reduce percieved latency)
  • Pointer events in workers combined with offscreen canvas (to improve responsives)
  • Low latency canvas (to further reduce latency by bypassing the OS compositor)
  • Raw pointer move events (to further reduce latency by drawing the latest input for the next frame to be presented)
In fairness for predicted pointer events if all the algorithms are doing is considering previous pointer events to make a prediction then this could be done in JS.  The benefit of the API as I see it is to provide additional insight from hardware when available or aligning with other prediction models used by the browser or OS components that are providing algorithms for prediction already.

TLDR; Edge is interested in shipping this API


Sent from Outlook

From: Daniel Bratell <>
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2019 12:43 PM
To: blink-dev; Ella Ge
Cc: Navid Zolghadr; Bo Cupp
Subject: Re: [blink-dev] Intent to ship: PointerEvent.getPredictedEvents API

2019年2月18日 07:34:382019/2/18
收件人 blink-dev、、、

Did this feature have a privacy review?

Daniel Bratell

2019年2月18日 11:06:202019/2/18
收件人 blink-dev、、、
I don't think there is a need for a privacy review for this since it doesn't expose any new information. If I understand correctly, the predicted events *may* use extra information as the angle of the pen, the pressure or similar, but what it predicts will normally just be exposed as actual information a couple of milliseconds later.


2019年2月19日 07:55:412019/2/19
收件人 blink-dev、、、
OK, thanks. I agree.

Alex Russell

2019年2月21日 15:43:352019/2/21
收件人 blink-dev、、、
Hey all,

The OWNERS met today and this intent was discussed again. Would like to see a TAG review for this feature and to understand what efforts have been made to reach out to other vendors for input.


Ella Ge

2019年2月21日 16:05:592019/2/21
收件人 Alex Russell、blink-dev、、
Hi Alex,

For reach out to other vendors, 
MS has shown interest in this and has been following this work (see Bo's reply above);
Firefox has been working with us in the specification as well and they are also aware but there is still no timeline on their side for implementation


Alex Russell

2019年2月21日 23:54:592019/2/21
收件人 Ella Ge、blink-dev、Ramin Halavati、Navid Zolghadr
Thanks, Ella!

The background is very helpful. TAG review can take some time (which is one reason we now encourage folks to file in the I2I template, rather than at I2S). Given the difficult nature of assessing the fitness of the design today (no signals from web developers), have you considered running an Origin Trial? OT might allow you to make a strong case with developer feedback that this feature is important to apps.


Ella Ge

2019年6月26日 10:27:032019/6/26
收件人 Alex Russell、blink-dev、Ramin Halavati、Navid Zolghadr
Hi all,

We finally get the approval from Tag review. We would like to bring up the this i2s again and request API owners' opinion on shipping this feature.


Daniel Bratell

2019年6月26日 10:44:542019/6/26
收件人 Alex Russell、Ella Ge、blink-dev、Ramin Halavati、Navid Zolghadr

Happy to see it coming through the, in this case, long process!

The tag review covers both this and pointerrawupdate so I'll update that thread too.

The documented state of support from WebKit and Mozilla is a bit thin, but maybe you can link to their implementation bugs or if they don't exist, file one each for them?

To view this discussion on the web visit

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Chris Harrelson

2019年6月26日 11:28:422019/6/26
收件人 Daniel Bratell、Alex Russell、Ella Ge、blink-dev、Ramin Halavati、Navid Zolghadr

Ella Ge

2019年6月26日 15:43:432019/6/26
收件人 Chris Harrelson、Daniel Bratell、Alex Russell、blink-dev、Ramin Halavati、Navid Zolghadr
On Wed, Jun 26, 2019 at 11:28 AM Chris Harrelson <> wrote:

On Wed, Jun 26, 2019 at 7:44 AM Daniel Bratell <> wrote:

Happy to see it coming through the, in this case, long process!

The tag review covers both this and pointerrawupdate so I'll update that thread too.

The documented state of support from WebKit and Mozilla is a bit thin, but maybe you can link to their implementation bugs or if they don't exist, file one each for them?

Ella Ge

2019年6月28日 10:07:512019/6/28
收件人 blink-dev、、、、、
One more vote needed >.<
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Yoav Weiss

2019年7月4日 01:22:192019/7/4
收件人 Ella Ge、blink-dev、Chris Harrelson、、、、

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