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Digital Lifestyles - Another Guy without a clue!

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Just Another Residents Fan

2006年4月8日 06:57:502006/4/8
Last week a so-called "reporter" "Guy Kewney"
(No I've never heard of him either) of some
obscure Internet publication called "Digital
Lifetsyles" published an "interview" with Bunty.
Read it here:-

Apart from saying that he was "not a vindictive man"
(LMAO) Bunty went on to say how respected Kewney is
and what a great interview it was (rant, rant).

Now I have given several news interviews over the
years and it is standard practise to invite the
other party's in any article to give their say
BEFORE any article is published so I was miffed
that Kewney had not approached myself, Ken or Paul
for our version of events before publishing this
twaddle by Bunt which was quite clearly aimed at
furthering Bunts FRAUDLULENT claim.

After reading the outright LIES by Bunt I e-mailed
Kewney requesting my "right to reply". I e-mailed
him several times. No response.

I then started telephoning him. Answerphone no reply.

As Kewney was quite clearly not going to respond to
my calls or e-mails I lodged a complaint with the
Press Complaints Comission. Bunt had after all said
what a damn good, experienced and accurate reporter
Kewney is.

I wasn't all that suprised to get this response from
the PCC indicating that while 98% of publishers operate
to a code of conduct that the other 2% are just cowboys
like Kewney with no idea what they are doing.

I suspect that Kewney is just a mate of Bunts but any
respectable reporter who knew what they were doing would
have jumped at the chance of a complete interview.

No wonder no one had ever heard of Digital Lifestyles.
Probably another back garden shed operation.


2006年4月8日 07:05:312006/4/8

"Just Another Residents Fan" <> wrote in message

Thing is Dave, no matter how many "interviews" baldrick might give, its not
going to alter the fact that he is barking mad, and that his clumsy attempts
at legal action in pursuit of a £1M payout, have up to now cost him



Just Another Residents Fan

2006年4月8日 09:05:112006/4/8
>So it was a waste of time complaining?!

On the contrary it was very much worth my while complaining.

It just goes to prove that Kewney is a complete
and utter incompetent fool who no respectable
news agency would touch with a barge pole!

JAFA as someone once said....

Guy Fawkes

2006年4月8日 14:31:052006/4/8
Guy Kewney is a cowboy journalist with no idea of what he is

The mind boggles.

Guy did engineering at a pukka university.
Guy worked for Marconi in the 60's on their mainframes
Guy spent the next ten years working for Volvo, airlines, commercials
and so on
Guy joined Electronics Weekly in the 70's
Guy became head reporter of Computing
Guy became computer consultant to New Scientist
Guy was one of the first columnists for Personal Computer World
Guy Launched PC Magazine for Ziff Davis
Guy edited Datalink, PC Dealer and MicroScope
Guy has been a presenter and consultant for Thames TV, CH4 and the BBC
Guy was european editor for Creative Computing and Infoworld
Guy was then Editorial Fellow for Ziff Davis and wrote for PC Mag, PC
Direct, Computer Life and IT Week
Guy is now european editor of eWeek and lead columinst for Personal
Computer World.
Guy is a published article writer for article for papers like the
Guardian or the Independent or the Times or the Financial Times amongst

and ____YOU____ asswipes with your total lack of anything even
resembling competence, integrity. dignity (basically you name it) think
YOU are going to put HIM down by saying you've never heard of him.....

why don't you lot write about him in one of your regular columns in
industry leading publications, like he can?

why don't you lot talk about him to editors over lunch or at a meeting,
like he can?

why don't you lot talk about him with the producers of major
terrestrial television channels, like he can?

Clearly Guy's whole article was simple jealousy, borne out of the fact
that he can only dream of being as successful and widely known and
respected (and able to earn a crust) as you lot.

Clearly having a decades long successful career, a global audience in
millions that spans multiple communications channels including
newspaper, magazines, in house periodicals, television, radio,
conference speaking etc etc counts for naught against the roaring
successes you lot have made of your lives.


I've got to say, insulting him personally, class act, really, trying to
stir the shit by telling lies to the PCC was a stroke of genius. Mr
Kewney is no doubt now so awed at your amazing pull within the global
communications industry and your strange attempt at slapping a D Notice
on him that he will now undoubtedly make a point of avoiding all
information about your imminent court appearances and will absolutely
never under any circumstances talk about any of you ever again.

lemme see

who have the defendants gone out of their way to insult and offend?

1/ well obviously there is me, the claimant.
2/ there is literally every single Judge involved to date.
3/ there is basically anyone and everyone watching.
4/ and now we add those reporting on the ongoing case.

how can they possibly lose?

Fudge, Fred Fudge

2006年4月8日 14:51:272006/4/8

"Guy Fawkes" <> wrote in message

> Guy Kewney is a cowboy journalist with no idea of what he is
> doing??!!!!
> The mind boggles.
> Guy did engineering at a pukka university.
> Guy worked for Marconi in the 60's on their mainframes
> Guy spent the next ten years working for Volvo, airlines, commercials
> and so on
> Guy joined Electronics Weekly in the 70's
> Guy became head reporter of Computing
> Guy became computer consultant to New Scientist
> Guy was one of the first columnists for Personal Computer World
> Guy Launched PC Magazine for Ziff Davis
> Guy edited Datalink, PC Dealer and MicroScope
> Guy has been a presenter and consultant for Thames TV, CH4 and the BBC
> Guy was european editor for Creative Computing and Infoworld
> Guy was then Editorial Fellow for Ziff Davis and wrote for PC Mag, PC
> Direct, Computer Life and IT Week
> Guy is now european editor of eWeek and lead columinst for Personal
> Computer World.
> Guy is a published article writer for article for papers like the
> Guardian or the Independent or the Times or the Financial Times amongst
> others.

As the saying goes..... those that can, do; those that can't, teach; and
those that can't teach, write.
Or something like that.

Ar you a writing yourself Mr Fawkes?

Fudge, Fred Fudge

2006年4月8日 14:52:332006/4/8

"Fudge, Fred Fudge" <> wrote in message

Or a writer even? You'll have to forgive my writing.

Just Another Residents Fan

2006年4月8日 14:52:522006/4/8

Guy Fawkes wrote:

> how can they possibly lose?

Simple they take lessons off you on how to run
a cracker of a FRAUD!

Then they show everyone how it's done and
away and then blame the judge who
doesn't know the law!

LMAOAY! Fucking idiot!

Fudge, Fred Fudge

2006年4月8日 15:05:232006/4/8

"Guy Fawkes" <> wrote in message

> how can they possibly lose?

Take a leaf out of "your" book?

Just Another Residents Fan

2006年4月8日 15:07:262006/4/8

Fudge, Fred Fudge wrote:

> Ar you a writing yourself Mr Fawkes?

Not if his SOC's are anything to go by! LOL


2006年4月8日 15:23:392006/4/8

"Guy Fawkes" <> wrote in message
> Guy Kewney is a cowboy journalist with no idea of what he is
> doing??!!!!
> The mind boggles.

Snip well known facts about Guy Kewney 8>< 8><

> Clearly Guy's whole article was simple jealousy, borne out of the fact
> that he can only dream of being as successful and widely known and
> respected (and able to earn a crust) as you lot.
> Clearly having a decades long successful career, a global audience in
> millions that spans multiple communications channels including
> newspaper, magazines, in house periodicals, television, radio,
> conference speaking etc etc counts for naught against the roaring
> successes you lot have made of your lives.
> --------------------------------
> I've got to say, insulting him personally, class act, really, trying to
> stir the shit by telling lies to the PCC was a stroke of genius. Mr
> Kewney is no doubt now so awed at your amazing pull within the global
> communications industry and your strange attempt at slapping a D Notice
> on him that he will now undoubtedly make a point of avoiding all
> information about your imminent court appearances and will absolutely
> never under any circumstances talk about any of you ever again.
> lemme see
> who have the defendants gone out of their way to insult and offend?
> 1/ well obviously there is me, the claimant.
> 2/ there is literally every single Judge involved to date.
> 3/ there is basically anyone and everyone watching.
> 4/ and now we add those reporting on the ongoing case.
> how can they possibly lose?

perhaps it should have all been snipped...but anyhow...

Ahem....what makes you think none of us have ever heard of him? I read his
articles all the time, agreeably he is one of the leading writers on
computers & related fields on the planet fact it was while
reading his articles I stumbled upon one of his few boring ones to
date...about you! What the hell would cause you to spout off yet another
long winded hot air epic of lunatic proportions? People are laughing at you
as it is without you fanning the flames further.



2006年4月8日 16:08:562006/4/8

"Guy Fawkes" <> wrote in message
LOL another Rant!
The fact remains he should have gotten both sides of the story.


2006年4月8日 16:10:222006/4/8

"JonDown" <> wrote in message
Not in Florida then?

Just Another Residents Fan

2006年4月8日 16:31:372006/4/8
>Ahem....what makes you think none of us have ever heard of him?

I assure you that if you say the name "Guy Kewney" to the
UK public that less than .5% would know of him.

His "article" and the way he presented it speaks volumes for
his lack of any talent for accurate reporting.

Bet he works part time as a Dixons salesman.


2006年4月8日 16:48:532006/4/8

" Grant" <> wrote in message

> "JonDown" <> wrote in message
> news:95UZf.4209$
>> "Guy Fawkes" <> wrote in message

>>> who have the defendants gone out of their way to insult and offend?
>>> 1/ well obviously there is me, the claimant.
>>> 2/ there is literally every single Judge involved to date.
>>> 3/ there is basically anyone and everyone watching.
>>> 4/ and now we add those reporting on the ongoing case.
>>> how can they possibly lose?
>> perhaps it should have all been snipped...but anyhow...
>> Ahem....what makes you think none of us have ever heard of him? I read
>> his articles all the time, agreeably he is one of the leading writers on
>> computers & related fields on the planet fact it was while
>> reading his articles I stumbled upon one of his few boring ones to
>> date...about you! What the hell would cause you to spout off yet another
>> long winded hot air epic of lunatic proportions? People are laughing at
>> you as it is without you fanning the flames further.
>> Jon~
> Not in Florida then?

Heading out from Toronto Monday at 10.55am arrive in Tampa at 1.40pm...renta
car for a few days in Florida & the Keys....then heading out from Tampa on
Thursday am arrive Las Vegas Thursday pm....two days to win a bundle :-)
then back to Toronto on Sunday for Easter at home in Collingwood, then
Monday back to Toronto to London leaving 6.15pm for a change :-) normally
near midnight. Three weeks in the UK. it's all go!


Just Another Residents Fan

2006年4月8日 17:55:482006/4/8
>(and able to earn a crust) as you lot.

LOL AS I understand it "Earning a crust" means
bringing money INTO a house by any means not
chucking it at court fees to the tune of FORTY
THOUSAND POUNDS in an attempt to make
yourself look the biggest prick (in Bunts case
smallest?) that has ever tried to pull an Internet
based scam and failed miserably!

Ah who was that Yank one that Bunty used to
go on about and has now well and truly joined ranks
with? Will come to be in a while and bloody tired. Flight
goes at 4:30 am.



2006年4月8日 18:27:422006/4/8

"Guy Fawkes" <> wrote in message

Unlike yourself baldrick each one of the defendants has complied as best
they can with CPR, and have not ignored orders of the court, as well as
undertakings made to a judge..............



Andrew Taylor

2006年4月8日 18:46:512006/4/8
"JonDown" <> wrote in message

> Heading out from Toronto Monday at 10.55am arrive in Tampa at
> 1.40pm...renta car for a few days in Florida & the Keys....then heading
> out from Tampa on Thursday am arrive Las Vegas Thursday pm....two days to
> win a bundle :-) then back to Toronto on Sunday for Easter at home in
> Collingwood, then Monday back to Toronto to London leaving 6.15pm for a
> change :-) normally near midnight. Three weeks in the UK. it's all go!
Arrange a time to wave to us!

Jason Russell

2006年4月9日 05:35:382006/4/9
Just Another Residents Fan <> typed:

> Last week a so-called "reporter" "Guy Kewney"

I suspect that Guy would have looked at the archive of ULSW and read all the
posts going backwards and forwards on the subject of the article amongst
other research.

Give the vitriol that certain parties have shown here (and on other
newsgroups), why would he want to contact the other parties - I can imagine
Chris Stevens giving him a balanced counter-argument - NOT!

Indeed given the way that some of you are now attacking Guy Kewney on the
very same forum shows a replicating pattern that strengthens John Bunt's

Dave Tilley may feel he got short-shift from the PCC, but there is nothing
to stop Dave, Chris and Paul contacting the editors of digital lifestyles
directly and asking for a counter point piece. Indeed, I'd have contacted
the editiors first rather than going straight to the ombudsmen.

Also, my take on the article is more about the effects of the court case
regarding libel on the Internet rather than any one in particular, or the
winners and losers - indeed, as the article correctly points out, the court
case is still on-going.

Jason Russell



2006年4月9日 08:25:172006/4/9

"Jason Russell" <invalid@invalid..invalid> wrote in message

I have already spoken to the company responsble for the Guy Kewney article,
and have sent them a number of posts baldrick probably felt he had deleted
some time ago!

These posts certainly make very interesting reading, and effectively make a
nonsense of baldrick suggesting he has or had any sort of "good" reputation
on usenet.............and of course put the value of the Kewney article into
its true perspective.



2006年4月9日 10:45:122006/4/9

"Jason Russell" <invalid@invalid..invalid> wrote in message
> Jason Russell

If you think Guy Kewney doesn't know & understand that most uk.local
newsgroups have an overabundance of trolls, flamewars, taunting, threats,
cons, lies, teasing, leg pulling, tongue in cheek, sexual innuendo etc etc
including out & out nutters mixed in with the rare on topic sensible
discussion, he knows that these 'abuses' take place every day & only newbies
& people looking to use them for attention or otherwise in this case would
take them seriously....the ones that cannot tell fact from fiction & act on
it or get upset & step outside into the real world are the problem not the
ones handing it out because bottom line you ignore them & move on.

The great thing about Usenet is you can say what you want when you who you want, only the stupid would take everything
literally....only the really stupid would let it effect their personal lives
or the lives of others,
Stupid people......yes, much like you Jason. If you can't see that you need
to run away laddie. :-)

Last word from me for a few weeks so be good everyone :-)


Mr X

2006年4月13日 03:07:012006/4/13
In article <>, Guy
Fawkes <> writes

>Guy Kewney is a cowboy journalist with no idea of what he is
>The mind boggles.
>Guy did engineering at a pukka university.
>Guy worked for Marconi in the 60's on their mainframes
>Guy spent the next ten years working for Volvo, airlines, commercials
>and so on
>Guy joined Electronics Weekly in the 70's
>Guy became head reporter of Computing
>Guy became computer consultant to New Scientist
>Guy was one of the first columnists for Personal Computer World
>Guy Launched PC Magazine for Ziff Davis
>Guy edited Datalink, PC Dealer and MicroScope
>Guy has been a presenter and consultant for Thames TV, CH4 and the BBC
>Guy was european editor for Creative Computing and Infoworld
>Guy was then Editorial Fellow for Ziff Davis and wrote for PC Mag, PC
>Direct, Computer Life and IT Week
>Guy is now european editor of eWeek and lead columinst for Personal
>Computer World.
>Guy is a published article writer for article for papers like the
>Guardian or the Independent or the Times or the Financial Times amongst

Whatever the above, the simple truth and reality is that any competent
and respectable journo and any journo with any integrity would create a
balanced article. You cannot do that by interviewing one party only;
that displays a biased approach and is completely contrary to the Press
Complaints Commission's very reasonable and sensible rules.
Mr X

Mr X

2006年4月13日 17:11:032006/4/13
In article <>, Mr X <>

And apart from all that it is also unfair to the party who is written
about but not given the chance of being interviewed and putting their
side of the story.

In those circumstances the PCC rules require the publication to grant a
"right of reply".
Mr X

Just Another Residents Fan

2006年4月14日 05:33:502006/4/14

Mr X wrote:

> In those circumstances the PCC rules require the publication to grant a
> "right of reply".
> --

The PCC pointed out that Digital Lifestyles is a tuppeny halfpenny
outfit who are not registered for PCC purposes. (Only 2% of UK
publications aren't and these are the really crap ones).

It speaks volumes that a has been like Kewney was "writing"
such a third rate slap dash load of crap for a site that is better
off ignored.

It also speaks volumes that this was the only outlet Bunty
could find for his bollocks.

Mr X

2006年4月15日 17:30:132006/4/15
In article <>, Just
Another Residents Fan <> writes

>Mr X wrote:
>> In those circumstances the PCC rules require the publication to grant a
>> "right of reply".
>The PCC pointed out that Digital Lifestyles is a tuppeny halfpenny
>outfit who are not registered for PCC purposes. (Only 2% of UK
>publications aren't and these are the really crap ones).

Yes, it follows that anyone not signed-up for the PCC rules can happily
ignore them.

All reputable publications are signed-up, as you said.
Mr X

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