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Barack Obama's Willie Horton (Weather Underground terrorist bomber William Ayers)

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23 Şub 2008 09:54:2023.02.2008

Barack Obama's Willie Horton

(YouTube news clip)

Mr. Ayers continues: "Certainly flirting with the idea of terrorism
was off the tracks and a mistake. The fact that we never executed that
flirtation is important and significant and I think conveniently
forgotten, but we never did." In fact, Mr. Ayers and his cohorts did
set off a bomb at the Pentagon. In his book, he writes: "It turns out
that we blew up a bathroom and, quite by accident, water plunged below
and knocked out their computers for a time, disrupting the air war and
sending me into deepening shades of delight." In those four little
words, "disrupting the air war," there is the dark prospect of
American soldiers in jeopardy. - WSJ, 2001

Over the last several months I've been talking to many people out of
Illinois, as well as people beyond Obama's stomping grounds, who knew
of the connection with Barack Obama and the domestic terrorist couple
Bernardine Dohrn and William Ayers.

"There's no way to be committed to non-violence in one of the most
violent societies that history has ever created." Bernardine Dohrn

Ben Smith has done a piece today on the relationship. It's a story
many of us have been following. The Ayers story goes back years, to
Vietnam, a subject, no doubt, that John McCain will mine. After all,
who better to attack the Democratic nominee than a war hero tortured
while an acquaintance of Barack Obama's was "disrupting the air war"
in Vietnam, while equating Marines with "terrorists."

Later in the talk, Mr. Ayers declared: "The fact is that there was an
official policy of our government to create terrorism in
Vietnam. . . . How you resisted that policy was a burning question,
and is still a good question."

So, to recap: The Weathermen weren't terrorists, but the U.S. Marines
were. Even if we accept this perverse semantic equation, the position
of the Weathermen's apologists is still remarkable.

The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth won't have to make stuff up about
Obama. His relationship with Ayers is a fact, as they also were both
seated on a nine-member board of the Woods Fund in 1999, for three
years. In lieu of that connection, even in the face of a measly $200
contribution from Ayers to Obama, as well as the Obama campaign's
statement decrying Ayers' actions when he was with the terrorist group
The Weather Underground, quotes like the one below from Ayers are a
general election gift to your opponent, especially considering Obama
has no problem sitting on a board with this thug, or taking a meeting
with him when launching your political career:

Mr. Ayers wrote a memoir, "Fugitive Days," published in 2001, and on
the day of the September 11 terrorist attacks, he was quoted by the
New York Times as saying: "I don't regret setting bombs. I feel we
didn't do enough."

I held out from writing about the Obama - Ayers connection in the hope
that someone would finally go on the record to advance the story in a
serious way. Unfortunately, that's not going to happen at this point.
I simply could not get Alice Palmer or others in Illinois on the
record, try as I might through many angles. Peter Hitchens was the
first to do a more recent article on the Ayers and Obama connection.
No doubt he won't be the last, because the Republicans are going to
love this angle if Obama gets to the general election. Larry Johnson
has also sent a warning shot on Obama's connection to radical domestic
terrorist William Ayers, though no one is listening.

Do you think that Republicans will ignore Obama's ties to Ayers? The
two were serving on the same board in 2002. We are talking less than
six years ago and the record will come out showing some questionable
grants by these two characters. William Ayers, in the age of
terrorism, will be Barack Obama's Willie Horton. ... (emphasis added)

After getting attacked, Larry did an update on a post to try to drive
the point home in "Obama's Terrorist Ties":

The facts are quite clear:

1. William Ayers conducted terrorist attacks inside the United States
and against the U.S. Government. He does not consider himself a
terrorist, but he admits he did the acts.

2. Barack Obama has had a long standing relationship with Ayers and is
quite knowledgeable of his past.

3. Barack and Ayers served together on the Wood Fund. I am told, but
have not yet confirmed, that they steered money to an individual who
is under Federal indictment. If that is true, life gets more

4. William Ayers made a small financial contribution to Obama's first
campaign. In the total scheme of things, not significant, except it
will be used by Republicans against Obama in the fall. How do you
explain to Joe or Jane Average American that a guy who describes U.S.
Marines as terrorists not only gave you money but also helped raise
money for your campaign? Do you really think most Americans will shrug
and say, "No big deal"?

William Ayers
Ayers is now an author and professor at the University of Illinois.

Bernardine Dohrn
She spent the 1970s living underground and was on the FBI's Ten Most
Wanted list.

I'm sure Larry won't mind me borrowing his line for my headline. At
least I credited him. But what he is saying will indeed be an issue on
which Republicans will seize. Why wouldn't they? Visualize Bush 41 and
Michael Dukakis, then think of the Obama - Ayers ad in the general
election. It writes itself. The difference, however, is that Horton
was a common murderer, while Ayers was a domestic terrorist who
delighted in "disrupting the air war" and equated Marines with
terrorists, all of which is on the record.

This is the vein in the Democratic party I will never understand,
cannot accept on any level. What is it about some people who just
don't get the problems with our Democratic nominee being friendly,
even taking a contribution (however small), as well as having a
meeting as recently as 1995 with an unrepentant domestic terrorist
like William Ayers? It reveals a lack of seriousness about the issue
of terrorism and the dangerously immature judgment of anyone who is
going to associate with a man, at the very least, that Republicans
will use to beat us over the head with, having the bonus of hitting a
spot the public loves to drink up, which is that our party is not
serious about the dangers we face in this world.

From Ben Smith's article:

"I can remember being one of a small group of people who came to Bill
Ayers' house to learn that Alice Palmer was stepping down from the
senate and running for Congress," said Dr. Quentin Young, a prominent
Chicago physician and advocate for single-payer health care, of the
informal gathering at the home of Ayers and his wife, Bernardine
Dohrn. "[Palmer] identified him as her successor."

Obama and Palmer "were both there," he said.

Obama's connections to Ayers and Dorhn have been noted in some
fleeting news coverage in the past. But the visit by Obama to their
home--part of a campaign courtship--reflects more extensive interaction
than has previously reported.

Neither Ayers nor the Obama campaign would describe the relationship
between the two men. ... ..

Obama's Ayers and Dorhn relationship is something more than a few
people have been trying to nail down for weeks. You can bet the
Republicans and their 527s will do just that. I don't blame them
either. This goes well beyond the Rezko connection. In the bad
judgment file, any association whatsoever with a domestic terrorist
who actively tried to thwart an air war during the Vietnam war, calls
our Marines "terrorists," while also being unrepentant about it, shows
a lack of seriousness I will never accept. John McCain's personal
disgust at this connection between Obama and Ayers will bring out a
righteous fury that will likely pit the War Hero against the
Terrorist's Friend, which is just one angle Obama's opponents will

"Ayers was a terrorist. Bernardine Dohrn was a terrorist. Ayers has
never offered one word of apology -- he glories in it, thinks it's
terrific. And that to me is not what I would call acceptable or
mainstream behavior," said Dan Polsby, a former law professor at
Northwestern who is now dean of George Mason University Law School.
"If Obama takes a different view on that -- well, OK, that's data about
Obama." (via Politico)

It's a set up waiting for Democrats. If Obama's the nominee, his
campaign and supporters are walking into a political buzz saw.
Considering Ayers' past domestic terrorist resume, as well as his
involvement with Obama, John McCain's fighter pilot, held captive and
tortured biography is made for this fight.

Perception is reality in politics. The primary season will have no
resemblance to the general election, trust me. It may not be right to
dredge up the past and link Obama with Ayers, but if you doubt the
Republicans will do it you've not been paying attention to American
politics over the last twenty years. Between Tony Rezko, Obama's
financial godfather, who is set to go on trial soon (so who knows what
will hit), and William Ayers, the American people are going to be
asked to make an assessment about Barack Obama's judgment to be
president and commander in chief. If past is prologue, the Republicans
are set to make Ayers Barack Obama's Wille Horton. But evidently,
that's a gamble many Democrats are willing to take.

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