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Humans and Dinosaur coexistence cover up

조회수 12회
읽지 않은 첫 메시지로 건너뛰기


읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 5. 오전 4:40:5510. 1. 5.

"But he said our bones of the hominid and the dinosaur were together,
in hard sandstone, and that they had to become the fossils at the same
time, 140 million years ago, in the Upper Jurassic. The dinosaur is
apparently trying to eat the cave-man, and then both became killed in
some event. Perhaps the allosaurus choked on his food. We were not
able to find the foot bones of the hominid, and the Americans started
calling it "Onyate Man" after some local politician. They thought it
was funny but I didn't see how. The professor said "Onyate Man" was
almost like Homo Erectus, but different in a few features."

Caranx latus

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 5. 오전 10:50:1610. 1. 5.

Damn, you'll grasp at anything, won't you? Even old April's Fools


Mitchell Coffey

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 5. 오전 10:51:4110. 1. 5.
On Jan 5, 4:40�am, All-seeing-I <> wrote:

Let me be the first to post this link from the same website: .

So you're a troll of the dumber sort, or just dumb. If you're a
troll, it means when you push antisemitism it's for fun, rather than
from deep conviction. Please explain why means you're not nonetheless
an antisemite.


읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 5. 오전 10:55:4310. 1. 5.


Good to see you've kept your sense of humor.
Or are completely clueless.


Prof Weird

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 5. 오전 10:53:3410. 1. 5.

An April Fool's joke that fooled Kent Hovind :

So what, exactly, was the 'point' of your post Madman ? Trying to be
funny ?
Trying to 'prove' that fossils can be faked well enough to fool
creotards ?

Peter Rathmann

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 5. 오후 12:01:4810. 1. 5.

And from the same site:

As it says: "If you thought this story was true... I regret that I
have to inform you that you've been HEINSCHVAGELED!"

Dave Oldridge

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 5. 오후 2:15:4310. 1. 5.
All-seeing-I <> wrote in news:025d2bf8-3c9c-4a07-9c4b-

Perhaps you could have saved yourself some embarrasment by Googling "Onyate
man" in order to get the full story. But then perhaps also, you don't mind
being the public victim of an archived April Fool's hoax...

Dave Oldridge+


읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 5. 오전 11:07:2110. 1. 5.
All-seeing-I wrote:


> "But he said our bones of the hominid and the dinosaur were together,
> in hard sandstone, and that they had to become the fossils at the same
> time, 140 million years ago, in the Upper Jurassic.

When I was a youngster back in the 1940's everyone knew about Alley
Oop. He had a tame dinosaur to ride, so there is nothing new or
sinister about it.

Now please explain in detail why a sane scientist would cover up such
a find with all his potential awards of fame and fortune. Maybe the
said find doesn't exist, but a loud enough cover-up (flying saucer
style) can get some attention. Is that it?


읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 5. 오후 2:18:4310. 1. 5.

Very droll, sir.



읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 5. 오전 11:45:0410. 1. 5.


<stops to breathe>





<keels over>



<wipes tears from eyes>


Glen Davidson

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 5. 오전 11:08:2010. 1. 5.
On Jan 5, 1:40�am, All-seeing-I <> wrote:

Are you serious, or are you trying to show how dumb creationists are
to fall for Onyate Man, an April Fool's joke, again and again?

Glen Davidson


읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 5. 오전 11:24:1510. 1. 5.

Hahahahahahaha! You latch onto a site with no credibility or proof of
its bullshit, and yet hand-wave away legitimate research and libraries
full of evidence and scientific progress? Are you fucking kidding


Mark Isaak

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 5. 오후 3:13:3210. 1. 5.

I was wondering when you would find that. Oh, well, I guess the jig is
up now.

Mark Isaak eciton (at) earthlink (dot) net
"It is certain, from experience, that the smallest grain of natural
honesty and benevolence has more effect on men's conduct, than the most
pompous views suggested by theological theories and systems." - D. Hume


읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 5. 오후 12:16:4810. 1. 5.

Are you friggin' serious?

Richard Clayton

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 5. 오후 3:59:1410. 1. 5.
On Jan 5, 4:40�am, All-seeing-I <> wrote:

From the same site:

"As many of you suspected, this was an April Fool's Prank."

It was a gag. The author goes on to say:

"Let's face it. The typical creationist arguments against evolution
are ineffectual and weak. As German colleagues Hanz and Franz would
say, the typical 'Too much dust on the moon' or 'Evolution violates
the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics' creationist arguments are wimpy,
pathetic 'Girly-man' evidence. If creationists want to impress real
scientists, they must start supplying 'manly-man' evidence - like
Onyate Man would have been, if only he had been Real."

Adman, you've been had. But you're not the first to fall for Onyate
Man; it seems there's no anti-evolution argument so demonstrably false
(or insanely paranoid) that some creationist won't snap it up and run
with it.

John Harshman

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 5. 오전 11:51:2010. 1. 5.
Yet more proof that you will believe anything that fits your
preconceptions. It's an obvious joke. Hint: check out the rest of the
site. But don't stop there. If you believe that page, try this one:

Mike Dworetsky

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 5. 오후 12:30:2210. 1. 5.

Um, really? Could I just check that *you* regard this as factual
documentary evidence of an evolutionist conspiracy? To hide the existence
of coeval hominids and dinosaurs?

Mike Dworetsky

(Remove pants sp*mbl*ck to reply)

Robert Camp

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 5. 오후 2:37:0010. 1. 5.

You *really are* this naive, aren't you?

Sapient Fridge

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 5. 오후 1:57:0810. 1. 5.
In message
All-seeing-I <> writes

Should we tell ASI now, or let him dig himself a bit deeper first?
-- ICQ #17887309 * Save the net *
Grok: * nuke a spammer *
Find: * today *


읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 5. 오후 12:12:2510. 1. 5.

Ah yes, that famous hoax. From the same site:



Dick O'Brien

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 5. 오후 12:32:0410. 1. 5.


읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 5. 오후 1:04:5010. 1. 5.

Links to the story ASI posted are found in the category "Pranks and Fun" at
the New Mexicans for Science and Reason site map page.

The "Onyate Man" link brings you to an explanation of the prank and to the
link ASI posted.

Sorry, ASI. You've been fooled again.


읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 5. 오후 1:18:0910. 1. 5.

Yo! Monnnkeey-boy! APRIL FOOL!!!

But don't feel bad. Even that great shyster.. I mean, "Scientist",
Kent Hovind fell for it.


Friar Broccoli

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 5. 오후 12:57:2710. 1. 5.
ASI runs away to start a new thread after accusing me saying:
"You deleted it because you cannot addres it."

and promising me:
"Address mine, I will address yours"


here's the reply:

now do as you promised.


읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 5. 오후 5:07:3210. 1. 5.
On Jan 5, 3:40�am, All-seeing-I <> wrote:

Some knew this was a hoax.

But it is rather amusing some did not!



읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 5. 오후 4:50:0910. 1. 5.

I read attentively until the "grad student Pilar Pendeja" was
introduced. At this point I deposited half a coup of coffee over my
laptop. Many thanks "jerk" (and I mean this in the nicest possible
sense ;o))


읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 5. 오후 4:51:4210. 1. 5.

Shit, you were serious.



읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 5. 오후 5:02:4410. 1. 5.
On Jan 5, 5:50 am, Caranx latus <> wrote:

> On Jan 5, 4:40 am, All-seeing-I <> wrote:
> >
> > "But he said our bones of the hominid and the dinosaur were together,
> > in hard sandstone, and that they had to become the fossils at the same
> > time, 140 million years ago, in the Upper Jurassic. The dinosaur is
> > apparently trying to eat the cave-man, and then both became killed in
> > some event. Perhaps the allosaurus choked on his food. We were not
> > able to find the foot bones of the hominid, and the Americans started
> > calling it "Onyate Man" after some local politician. They thought it
> > was funny but I didn't see how. The professor said "Onyate Man" was
> > almost like Homo Erectus, but different in a few features."
> Damn, you'll grasp at anything, won't you? Even old April's Fools
> gags:
> <>

There's no fool like an April's fool.



읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 5. 오후 5:08:5110. 1. 5.
On Jan 5, 10:07�am, DougC <> wrote:

You obviously did not think this was a hoax

Louann Miller

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 5. 오후 5:10:3810. 1. 5.
Mitchell Coffey <> wrote in news:a30fc960-02a9-4290-

> So you're a troll of the dumber sort, or just dumb. If you're a
> troll, it means when you push antisemitism it's for fun, rather than
> from deep conviction.

He could be a troll AND a bigot, no rule against it.

John Stockwell

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 5. 오후 5:26:5210. 1. 5.
On Jan 5, 2:40 am, All-seeing-I <> wrote:
> "But he said our bones of the hominid and the dinosaur were together,
> in hard sandstone, and that they had to become the fossils at the same
> time, 140 million years ago, in the Upper Jurassic. The dinosaur is
> apparently trying to eat the cave-man, and then both became killed in
> some event. Perhaps the allosaurus choked on his food. We were not
> able to find the foot bones of the hominid, and the Americans started
> calling it "Onyate Man" after some local politician. They thought it
> was funny but I didn't see how. The professor said "Onyate Man" was
> almost like Homo Erectus, but different in a few features."

This is an April Fools joke from a few years ago. The real
clue is that the fossils were not only deposited in perfect
articulation, but apparently they were pre-shellacked before
being excavated.



읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 5. 오후 6:13:0310. 1. 5.

i didn't originally know it was a joke but figured it out when i
looked at the beautifully preserved skull...looked like my uncle


읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 5. 오후 6:10:2010. 1. 5.
On Tue, 5 Jan 2010 01:40:55 -0800 (PST), All-seeing-I
<> wrote:

>"But he said our bones of the hominid and the dinosaur were together,
>in hard sandstone, and that they had to become the fossils at the same
>time, 140 million years ago, in the Upper Jurassic. The dinosaur is
>apparently trying to eat the cave-man, and then both became killed in
>some event. Perhaps the allosaurus choked on his food. We were not
>able to find the foot bones of the hominid, and the Americans started
>calling it "Onyate Man" after some local politician. They thought it
>was funny but I didn't see how. The professor said "Onyate Man" was
>almost like Homo Erectus, but different in a few features."

looks like our resident creationst fell for a hoax or a joke

of course, creationism IS a joke so it's in character

Ron O

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 5. 오후 6:48:0610. 1. 5.
On Jan 5, 3:40�am, All-seeing-I <> wrote:
> "But he said our bones of the hominid and the dinosaur were together,
> in hard sandstone, and that they had to become the fossils at the same
> time, 140 million years ago, in the Upper Jurassic. The dinosaur is
> apparently trying to eat the cave-man, and then both became killed in
> some event. Perhaps the allosaurus choked on his food. We were not
> able to find the foot bones of the hominid, and the Americans started
> calling it "Onyate Man" after some local politician. They thought it
> was funny but I didn't see how. The professor said "Onyate Man" was
> almost like Homo Erectus, but different in a few features."

Well that is just the problem with the anti-evolution junk. Even
adman can't tell a parody from the real thing. You aren't just an
April fool, it is your full time occupation.

Ron Okimoto


읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 6. 오전 9:21:0710. 1. 6.
On Tue, 5 Jan 2010 07:50:16 -0800 (PST), Caranx latus
<> wrote:

> On Jan 5, 4:40�am, All-seeing-I <> wrote:
> >
> >
> > "But he said our bones of the hominid and the dinosaur were together,
> > in hard sandstone, and that they had to become the fossils at the same
> > time, 140 million years ago, in the Upper Jurassic. The dinosaur is
> > apparently trying to eat the cave-man, and then both became killed in
> > some event. Perhaps the allosaurus choked on his food. We were not
> > able to find the foot bones of the hominid, and the Americans started
> > calling it "Onyate Man" after some local politician. They thought it
> > was funny but I didn't see how. The professor said "Onyate Man" was
> > almost like Homo Erectus, but different in a few features."

> Damn, you'll grasp at anything, won't you?


> Even old April's Fools gags:
> <>

He isn't the only cultist to fall for it.

Desertphile's Desert Soliloquy. WARNING: view with plenty of water
"Why aren't resurrections from the dead noteworthy?" -- Jim Rutz


읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 5. 오후 11:51:5510. 1. 5.
"All-seeing-I" <> wrote in message

> "But he said our bones of the hominid and the dinosaur were together,
> in hard sandstone, and that they had to become the fossils at the same
> time, 140 million years ago, in the Upper Jurassic. The dinosaur is
> apparently trying to eat the cave-man, and then both became killed in
> some event. Perhaps the allosaurus choked on his food. We were not
> able to find the foot bones of the hominid, and the Americans started
> calling it "Onyate Man" after some local politician. They thought it
> was funny but I didn't see how. The professor said "Onyate Man" was
> almost like Homo Erectus, but different in a few features."

I see your critical thinking skills have still not advanced beyond "anything
that agrees with me has to be legitimate, and anything that doesn't cannot
possibly be true."

Harry K

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 5. 오후 11:59:3410. 1. 5.
On Jan 5, 1:40�am, All-seeing-I <> wrote:
> "But he said our bones of the hominid and the dinosaur were together,
> in hard sandstone, and that they had to become the fossils at the same
> time, 140 million years ago, in the Upper Jurassic. The dinosaur is
> apparently trying to eat the cave-man, and then both became killed in
> some event. Perhaps the allosaurus choked on his food. We were not
> able to find the foot bones of the hominid, and the Americans started
> calling it "Onyate Man" after some local politician. They thought it
> was funny but I didn't see how. The professor said "Onyate Man" was
> almost like Homo Erectus, but different in a few features."

Dayum...I knew you were stupid that surpasses even the stupidest. And
it isn't even April yet.

Harry K


읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 6. 오전 9:24:2610. 1. 6.
On Tue, 05 Jan 2010 12:13:32 -0800, Mark Isaak
<> wrote:

> On Tue, 05 Jan 2010 01:40:55 -0800, All-seeing-I wrote:
> >
> >
> > "But he said our bones of the hominid and the dinosaur were together, in
> > hard sandstone, and that they had to become the fossils at the same time,
> > 140 million years ago, in the Upper Jurassic. The dinosaur is apparently
> > trying to eat the cave-man, and then both became killed in some event.
> > Perhaps the allosaurus choked on his food. We were not able to find the
> > foot bones of the hominid, and the Americans started calling it "Onyate
> > Man" after some local politician. They thought it was funny but I didn't
> > see how. The professor said "Onyate Man" was almost like Homo Erectus, but
> > different in a few features."

> I was wondering when you would find that. Oh, well, I guess the jig is
> up now.

Now we'll have to kill him, or frame him for "tax evasion" like we
did Rev Dr Kent Hovind.

Devils Advocaat

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 6. 오전 2:43:5410. 1. 6.
On 5 Jan, 09:40, All-seeing-I <> wrote:
> "But he said our bones of the hominid and the dinosaur were together,
> in hard sandstone, and that they had to become the fossils at the same
> time, 140 million years ago, in the Upper Jurassic. The dinosaur is
> apparently trying to eat the cave-man, and then both became killed in
> some event. Perhaps the allosaurus choked on his food. We were not
> able to find the foot bones of the hominid, and the Americans started
> calling it "Onyate Man" after some local politician. They thought it
> was funny but I didn't see how. The professor said "Onyate Man" was
> almost like Homo Erectus, but different in a few features."

Every response here says how dumb you must be, I suspect you posted
this junk just to get attention.

Which is the truth I wonder?


읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 6. 오전 9:20:3510. 1. 6.
On Tue, 5 Jan 2010 01:40:55 -0800 (PST), All-seeing-I
<> wrote:

> "But he said our bones of the hominid and the dinosaur were together,
> in hard sandstone, and that they had to become the fossils at the same
> time, 140 million years ago, in the Upper Jurassic. The dinosaur is
> apparently trying to eat the cave-man, and then both became killed in
> some event. Perhaps the allosaurus choked on his food. We were not
> able to find the foot bones of the hominid, and the Americans started
> calling it "Onyate Man" after some local politician. They thought it
> was funny but I didn't see how. The professor said "Onyate Man" was
> almost like Homo Erectus, but different in a few features."

It was an April Fools Day joke, shit-for-brains.


읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 6. 오전 3:39:4810. 1. 6.
On Jan 5, 10:53�am, Prof Weird <> wrote:

> On Jan 5, 4:40 am, All-seeing-I <> wrote:
> >
> > "But he said our bones of the hominid and the dinosaur were together,
> > in hard sandstone, and that they had to become the fossils at the same
> > time, 140 million years ago, in the Upper Jurassic. The dinosaur is
> > apparently trying to eat the cave-man, and then both became killed in
> > some event. Perhaps the allosaurus choked on his food. We were not
> > able to find the foot bones of the hominid, and the Americans started
> > calling it "Onyate Man" after some local politician. They thought it
> > was funny but I didn't see how. The professor said "Onyate Man" was
> > almost like Homo Erectus, but different in a few features."
> An April Fool's joke that fooled Kent Hovind :
> So what, exactly, was the 'point' of your post Madman ? �Trying to be
> funny ?
> Trying to 'prove' that fossils can be faked well enough to fool
> creotards ?

I alway thought of Kent Hovind as the type specimen.


읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 5. 오후 8:47:3910. 1. 5.
On Jan 5, 4:40�am, All-seeing-I <> wrote:
> "But he said our bones of the hominid and the dinosaur were together,
> in hard sandstone, and that they had to become the fossils at the same
> time, 140 million years ago, in the Upper Jurassic. The dinosaur is
> apparently trying to eat the cave-man, and then both became killed in
> some event. Perhaps the allosaurus choked on his food. We were not
> able to find the foot bones of the hominid, and the Americans started
> calling it "Onyate Man" after some local politician. They thought it
> was funny but I didn't see how. The professor said "Onyate Man" was
> almost like Homo Erectus, but different in a few features."

OH NO!!! Dino killed Fred Flintstone!!!


John Harshman

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 6. 오후 12:15:2510. 1. 6.
It wasn't a hoax. It was a joke. Hoaxes are intended to be believed.
Jokes are not, and are believed only by nuts like you, though you now
pretend you didn't mean it seriously.

And of course you are the only one who believed it was real.

Dan Listermann

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 6. 오후 12:29:2210. 1. 6.

"All-Seeing-I" <> wrote in message

Do you have an explanation as to why human bones have never been found with
dinosaur bones? I await you inattention.


Dan Listermann

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 6. 오후 12:27:2710. 1. 6.

"All-Seeing-I" <> wrote in message
Do you think it is a hoax?


Caranx latus

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 6. 오후 12:30:1810. 1. 6.
On Jan 6, 9:21�am, Desertphile <>

> On Tue, 5 Jan 2010 07:50:16 -0800 (PST), Caranx latus
> <> wrote:
> > On Jan 5, 4:40 am, All-seeing-I <> wrote:
> > >
> > > "But he said our bones of the hominid and the dinosaur were together,
> > > in hard sandstone, and that they had to become the fossils at the same
> > > time, 140 million years ago, in the Upper Jurassic. The dinosaur is
> > > apparently trying to eat the cave-man, and then both became killed in
> > > some event. Perhaps the allosaurus choked on his food. We were not
> > > able to find the foot bones of the hominid, and the Americans started
> > > calling it "Onyate Man" after some local politician. They thought it
> > > was funny but I didn't see how. The professor said "Onyate Man" was
> > > almost like Homo Erectus, but different in a few features."
> > Damn, you'll grasp at anything, won't you?
> Yep.

Given his inclination to grasp at anything that passes by, is it any
wonder that he isn't allowed inside strip clubs or locker rooms any

> > Even old April's Fools gags:
> > <>
> He isn't the only cultist to fall for it.

> --

Mitchell Coffey

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 6. 오후 12:30:3810. 1. 6.
On Jan 5, 5:10�pm, Louann Miller <> wrote:
> Mitchell Coffey <> wrote in news:a30fc960-02a9-4290-

> > So you're a troll of the dumber sort, or just dumb. �If you're a
> > troll, it means when �you push antisemitism it's for fun, rather than
> > from deep conviction. �
> He could be a troll AND a bigot, no rule against it.

Sure. He cites Holocaust denial websites, and takes otherwise pro-
Nazi or merely antisemitic stands. Maybe he believes that stuff and
pushes it as a side angle to his trolling. It's also possible he
doesn't actually believe it and thinks therefore it doesn't count as
bigotry. I've run into that type of person before. In any case, he
should be called on it. His creationism is merely draw-droppingly
ignorant and stupid.

Mitchell Coffey

Mitchell Coffey

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 6. 오후 12:49:1010. 1. 6.

Many years ago I actually hooked people with my report on April Fool's
Day of scientists at the University of Madrid producing life in a
laboratory, even though the scientist in charge of the project was Dr.
Abril Primero.

Mitchell Coffey

Friar Broccoli

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 6. 오후 12:45:5310. 1. 6.

He knows that ALL dinosaurs at that time were vegetarians
so obviously he realized immediately that it was a hoax/joke.

Caranx latus

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 6. 오후 1:09:1610. 1. 6.
On Jan 5, 4:50�pm, Burkhard <> wrote:

I believe that the correct verb for "half a coup of coffee" is
"overthrew" rather than "deposited... over".

Friar Broccoli

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 6. 오후 2:04:2110. 1. 6.


> You obviously did not think this was a hoax

Reading his post it appears obvious to me that he knew it was a hoax,
although he may not have known it was an April fool's gag. Just out
of curiousity, how do you think it is possible that anyone on this
side could have failed to immediately identified this as a hoax?


읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 6. 오후 2:19:0410. 1. 6.
On Jan 5, 4:07�pm, All-Seeing-I <> wrote:

> On Jan 5, 3:40 am, All-seeing-I <> wrote:
> >
> > "But he said our bones of the hominid and the dinosaur were together,
> > in hard sandstone, and that they had to become the fossils at the same
> > time, 140 million years ago, in the Upper Jurassic. The dinosaur is
> > apparently trying to eat the cave-man, and then both became killed in
> > some event. Perhaps the allosaurus choked on his food. We were not
> > able to find the foot bones of the hominid, and the Americans started
> > calling it "Onyate Man" after some local politician. They thought it
> > was funny but I didn't see how. The professor said "Onyate Man" was
> > almost like Homo Erectus, but different in a few features."
> Some knew this was a hoax.
> But it is rather amusing some did not!
> hahah!!

Like we needed more proof that All-seeing-I is an Ahole.


Ye Old One

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 6. 오후 2:58:1710. 1. 6.
On Tue, 5 Jan 2010 14:07:32 -0800 (PST), All-Seeing-I
<> enriched this group when s/he wrote:

>On Jan 5, 3:40�am, All-seeing-I <> wrote:
>> "But he said our bones of the hominid and the dinosaur were together,
>> in hard sandstone, and that they had to become the fossils at the same
>> time, 140 million years ago, in the Upper Jurassic. The dinosaur is
>> apparently trying to eat the cave-man, and then both became killed in
>> some event. Perhaps the allosaurus choked on his food. We were not
>> able to find the foot bones of the hominid, and the Americans started
>> calling it "Onyate Man" after some local politician. They thought it
>> was funny but I didn't see how. The professor said "Onyate Man" was
>> almost like Homo Erectus, but different in a few features."
>Some knew this was a hoax.
>But it is rather amusing some did not!

Like you, dimwit.

It is about time you faced up to at least these two examples of your
past stupid claims.

1) That the actor Paul Newman was a creationist...
[Message-ID: <e3xDk.44738$>]

2) That "Dr." Kent Hovind has made lots of *scientific* discoveries...
[Message-ID: <3Olyk.31543$>]

Now, all you have to do is justify them, with evidence of course, or
finally admit you were a fool to make them.

Or are you just going to go on being a cowardly lying troll?


When D-G made Madman out of clay he forgot to magic the brain. I think
that explains everything.

John Stockwell

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 6. 오후 3:02:4910. 1. 6.
On Jan 5, 3:07 pm, All-Seeing-I <> wrote:
> On Jan 5, 3:40 am, All-seeing-I <> wrote:
> >
> > "But he said our bones of the hominid and the dinosaur were together,
> > in hard sandstone, and that they had to become the fossils at the same
> > time, 140 million years ago, in the Upper Jurassic. The dinosaur is
> > apparently trying to eat the cave-man, and then both became killed in
> > some event. Perhaps the allosaurus choked on his food. We were not
> > able to find the foot bones of the hominid, and the Americans started
> > calling it "Onyate Man" after some local politician. They thought it
> > was funny but I didn't see how. The professor said "Onyate Man" was
> > almost like Homo Erectus, but different in a few features."
> Some knew this was a hoax.
> But it is rather amusing some did not!
> hahah!!

Apparently you thought it was real, Madman.

J.J. O'Shea

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 6. 오후 3:04:3910. 1. 6.
On Tue, 5 Jan 2010 04:40:55 -0500, All-seeing-I wrote
(in article

> "But he said our bones of the hominid and the dinosaur were together,
> in hard sandstone, and that they had to become the fossils at the same
> time, 140 million years ago, in the Upper Jurassic. The dinosaur is
> apparently trying to eat the cave-man, and then both became killed in
> some event. Perhaps the allosaurus choked on his food. We were not
> able to find the foot bones of the hominid, and the Americans started
> calling it "Onyate Man" after some local politician. They thought it
> was funny but I didn't see how. The professor said "Onyate Man" was
> almost like Homo Erectus, but different in a few features."

And yet there are still those who doubt that Madman/Uriel/ASI is anything
other than the single greatest Loki troll to ever fish for large-mouthed

I mean, not even the most insane, granite-for-brains, utterly gullible,
creationist cretin could possibly mistake a very old prank for an atual site
supporting creationism. Why,someone that dim would have to think that
Landover Baptist is a real church...

email to oshea dot j dot j at gmail dot com.


읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 6. 오후 3:14:3410. 1. 6.

Desertphile wrote:
> On Tue, 5 Jan 2010 07:50:16 -0800 (PST), Caranx latus
> <> wrote:
> > On Jan 5, 4:40�am, All-seeing-I <> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > "But he said our bones of the hominid and the dinosaur were together,
> > > in hard sandstone, and that they had to become the fossils at the same
> > > time, 140 million years ago, in the Upper Jurassic. The dinosaur is
> > > apparently trying to eat the cave-man, and then both became killed in
> > > some event. Perhaps the allosaurus choked on his food. We were not
> > > able to find the foot bones of the hominid, and the Americans started
> > > calling it "Onyate Man" after some local politician. They thought it
> > > was funny but I didn't see how. The professor said "Onyate Man" was
> > > almost like Homo Erectus, but different in a few features."
> > Damn, you'll grasp at anything, won't you?
> Yep.
> > Even old April's Fools gags:
> > <>
> He isn't the only cultist to fall for it.

Wasn't it just a year or so ago that WingNutDaily fell hook line &
sinker for the migrating penguins video?


읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 6. 오후 3:11:5310. 1. 6.

Even if as in this instance, half came through my nose and the other
half through my mouth?
I wasn't sure if there is an appropriate verb to cover both delivery
methods, but then English came rather late in life for me ;o)

Caranx latus

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 6. 오후 3:32:0310. 1. 6.
On Jan 6, 3:11�pm, Burkhard <> wrote:
> On 6 Jan, 18:09, Caranx latus <> wrote:


> > > I read attentively until the "grad student Pilar Pendeja" was
> > > introduced. At this point I deposited half a coup of coffee over my
> > > laptop.
> > I believe that the correct verb for "half a coup of coffee" is
> > "overthrew" rather than "deposited... over".
> Even if as in this instance, half came through my nose and the other
> half through my mouth?
> I wasn't sure if there is an appropriate verb to cover both delivery
> methods, but then English came rather late in life for me �;o)

Ah. If true, you might like to review the difference between the words
'coup' and 'cup'.


읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 6. 오후 4:16:3910. 1. 6.
On Jan 5, 4:07�pm, All-Seeing-I <> wrote:

> On Jan 5, 3:40 am, All-seeing-I <> wrote:
> >
> > "But he said our bones of the hominid and the dinosaur were together,
> > in hard sandstone, and that they had to become the fossils at the same
> > time, 140 million years ago, in the Upper Jurassic. The dinosaur is
> > apparently trying to eat the cave-man, and then both became killed in
> > some event. Perhaps the allosaurus choked on his food. We were not
> > able to find the foot bones of the hominid, and the Americans started
> > calling it "Onyate Man" after some local politician. They thought it
> > was funny but I didn't see how. The professor said "Onyate Man" was
> > almost like Homo Erectus, but different in a few features."
> Some knew this was a hoax.

You'll have a hard time convincing anyone that you didn't swallow it,
hook line and sinker.

> But it is rather amusing some did not!

Like that Great "scientist", Kent Hovind?

> hahah!!

Yes, "hahah!!" on you.



읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 6. 오후 4:23:4810. 1. 6.
On Jan 5, 4:08�pm, All-Seeing-I <> wrote:
> On Jan 5, 10:07 am, DougC <> wrote:
> > All-seeing-I wrote:
> > >
> > > "But he said our bones of the hominid and the dinosaur were together,
> > > in hard sandstone, and that they had to become the fossils at the same
> > > time, 140 million years ago, in the Upper Jurassic.
> > When I was a youngster back in the 1940's everyone knew about Alley
> > Oop. He had a tame dinosaur to ride, so there is nothing new or
> > sinister about it.
> > Now please explain in detail why a sane scientist would cover up such
> > a find with all his potential awards of fame and fortune. Maybe the
> > said find doesn't exist, but a loud enough cover-up (flying saucer
> > style) can get some attention. Is that it?
> You obviously did not think this was a hoax

You are obviously *wishing* that someone, besides you, thought it was
a real "discovery" that was being hushed up.

Yup. The OP goes into my "Stupid Adman Tricks" file.



읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 6. 오후 4:25:1110. 1. 6.
On Jan 5, 4:07�pm, All-Seeing-I <> wrote:
> On Jan 5, 3:40 am, All-seeing-I <> wrote:
> >
> > "But he said our bones of the hominid and the dinosaur were together,
> > in hard sandstone, and that they had to become the fossils at the same
> > time, 140 million years ago, in the Upper Jurassic. The dinosaur is
> > apparently trying to eat the cave-man, and then both became killed in
> > some event. Perhaps the allosaurus choked on his food. We were not
> > able to find the foot bones of the hominid, and the Americans started
> > calling it "Onyate Man" after some local politician. They thought it
> > was funny but I didn't see how. The professor said "Onyate Man" was
> > almost like Homo Erectus, but different in a few features."
> Some knew this was a hoax.
> But it is rather amusing some did not!

Not *ONE* responder to you OP bought into it. None.

> hahah!!



Mike Lyle

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 6. 오후 4:57:3510. 1. 6.

He was probably translating "putsch!" which was what he involuntarily
said at the time. I've said much the same thing in similar
circumstances, though for me it came out more like "pflutscgh!".


Mike Lyle

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 6. 오후 5:05:0210. 1. 6.
Dan Listermann wrote:

> Do you have an explanation as to why human bones have never been
> found with dinosaur bones? I await you inattention.
I thought it was simply that humans, being warm-blooded, and having God
on their side, could always run faster than dinosaurs. God obviously
hated dinosaurs, or he wouldn't have made them cold-blooded and allowed
them to go extinct.


Caranx latus

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 6. 오후 5:18:2310. 1. 6.
On Jan 6, 5:05�pm, "Mike Lyle" <>

Perhaps not as cold-blooded as you think...

From <>:
"Currently, most paleontologists believe that dinosaurs were somewhere
in between warm- and cold-blooded. Dr. Jack Horner at the Museum of
the Rockies, Montana State University has been doing a lot of work
with the bone histology (cell structure) of mammals, dinosaurs, birds,
and reptiles. He has found that dinosaur bones have a lot of blood
vessels running through them, similar to birds and in contrast to very
few blood vessels in reptiles. This would indicate that dinosaurs had
metabolisms that were higher than is seen in modern reptiles, and more
similar to modern birds."

Mike Lyle

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 6. 오후 6:07:4510. 1. 6.

Typical Atheist special pleading. Listen, bud: your hero Darwin married
his cousin. That URL you quote is an obvious hoax: "Jack Horner" is a
name lifted straight out of a nursery rhyme. If birds are descended from
dinosaurs, why are there still birds? If humans couldn't run faster than
dinosaurs, they would all have drowned together in the Flood, and
there'd be human bones in amongst the dino ones. It says so on the Mayan
pyramids, for those who have the insight to understand.


Cory Albrecht

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 6. 오후 7:14:4210. 1. 6.
All-seeing-I wrote, on 10-01-05 04:40 AM:

> "But he said our bones of the hominid and the dinosaur were together,
> in hard sandstone, and that they had to become the fossils at the same
> time, 140 million years ago, in the Upper Jurassic. The dinosaur is
> apparently trying to eat the cave-man, and then both became killed in
> some event. Perhaps the allosaurus choked on his food. We were not
> able to find the foot bones of the hominid, and the Americans started
> calling it "Onyate Man" after some local politician. They thought it
> was funny but I didn't see how. The professor said "Onyate Man" was
> almost like Homo Erectus, but different in a few features."

Good freaking Lord, but are you stupid or what?

Taken in by a ten year old April Fool's joke. Sheesh.

john wilkins

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 6. 오후 7:40:2210. 1. 6.

And I got many with my "Darwin was wrong" blog entry last year reporting
on the work of Prof. AP Rifull...

Frank J

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 6. 오후 8:22:1610. 1. 6.
On Jan 5, 5:07�pm, All-Seeing-I <> wrote:

> On Jan 5, 3:40 am, All-seeing-I <> wrote:
> >
> > "But he said our bones of the hominid and the dinosaur were together,
> > in hard sandstone, and that they had to become the fossils at the same
> > time, 140 million years ago, in the Upper Jurassic. The dinosaur is
> > apparently trying to eat the cave-man, and then both became killed in
> > some event. Perhaps the allosaurus choked on his food. We were not
> > able to find the foot bones of the hominid, and the Americans started
> > calling it "Onyate Man" after some local politician. They thought it
> > was funny but I didn't see how. The professor said "Onyate Man" was
> > almost like Homo Erectus, but different in a few features."
> Some knew this was a hoax.
> But it is rather amusing some did not!
> hahah!!

YECs could easily have been fooled if they said ~6000 years ago
instead of 140 million. But unless they simply tuned out the number,
YECs would choose not to believe it.

Anyone know if Ed Conrad was fooled?

Dan Listermann

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 6. 오후 10:21:5810. 1. 6.

"Mike Lyle" <> wrote in message
That explains a lot!


Caranx latus

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 6. 오후 11:08:5410. 1. 6.

Oh boy!! Oh boy!! <rolls up sleeves/>

Brace yourself, Mike. I do this for your sake.

I cast out you noxious vermin, by God + the Father almighty, by Jesus +
Christ, His only-begotten Son, and by the Holy + Spirit. May you
speedily be banished from our land and fields, lingering here no longer,
but passing on to places where you can do no harm. In the name of the
almighty God and the entire heavenly court, as well as in the name of
the holy Church of God, we pronounce a curse on you, that wherever you
go you may be cursed, decreasing from day to day until you are
obliterated. Let no remnant of you remain anywhere, except what might be
necessary for the welfare and use of mankind. Be pleased to grant our
request, you who are coming to judge both the living and the dead and
the world by fire.

Mike, sprinkle yourself with some holy water and you shouldn't be
troubled by that particular demon any further.

<wipes sweat from brow/>

William Morse

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 6. 오후 11:21:4410. 1. 6.
All-seeing-I wrote:
> "But he said our bones of the hominid and the dinosaur were together,
> in hard sandstone, and that they had to become the fossils at the same
> time, 140 million years ago, in the Upper Jurassic. The dinosaur is
> apparently trying to eat the cave-man, and then both became killed in
> some event. Perhaps the allosaurus choked on his food. We were not
> able to find the foot bones of the hominid, and the Americans started
> calling it "Onyate Man" after some local politician. They thought it
> was funny but I didn't see how. The professor said "Onyate Man" was
> almost like Homo Erectus, but different in a few features."
OK, I admit it, I have been hiding my pet velociraptor. But since you
found out about the coverup, I will send you pictures of me and Velo
playing in the snow. Just send me a check for $500 and I swear the
pictures will be in the mail.

Mark Buchanan

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 7. 오전 7:58:0810. 1. 7.
On Jan 5, 5:07�pm, All-Seeing-I <> wrote:
> On Jan 5, 3:40 am, All-seeing-I <> wrote:
> >
> > "But he said our bones of the hominid and the dinosaur were together,
> > in hard sandstone, and that they had to become the fossils at the same
> > time, 140 million years ago, in the Upper Jurassic. The dinosaur is
> > apparently trying to eat the cave-man, and then both became killed in
> > some event. Perhaps the allosaurus choked on his food. We were not
> > able to find the foot bones of the hominid, and the Americans started
> > calling it "Onyate Man" after some local politician. They thought it
> > was funny but I didn't see how. The professor said "Onyate Man" was
> > almost like Homo Erectus, but different in a few features."
> Some knew this was a hoax.
> But it is rather amusing some did not!
> hahah!!

A simple question:

Did you know it was a hoax when you posted it?


Harry K

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 7. 오전 10:13:4410. 1. 7.
> Mark- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

OOooohhh...what a nasty question. If he says "yes" - he is admitting
to being a common troll, if "no" he is admitting to being as stupid as
we all know he is.

Harry K


읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 7. 오전 11:03:4110. 1. 7.
On Tue, 5 Jan 2010 14:07:32 -0800 (PST), All-Seeing-I
<> wrote:

> On Jan 5, 3:40�am, All-seeing-I <> wrote:
> >
> >
> > "But he said our bones of the hominid and the dinosaur were together,
> > in hard sandstone, and that they had to become the fossils at the same
> > time, 140 million years ago, in the Upper Jurassic. The dinosaur is
> > apparently trying to eat the cave-man, and then both became killed in
> > some event. Perhaps the allosaurus choked on his food. We were not
> > able to find the foot bones of the hominid, and the Americans started
> > calling it "Onyate Man" after some local politician. They thought it
> > was funny but I didn't see how. The professor said "Onyate Man" was
> > almost like Homo Erectus, but different in a few features."

> Some knew this was a hoax.


> But it is rather amusing some did not!

You didn't know if was a joke; now ask yourself why you fell for

Desertphile's Desert Soliloquy. WARNING: view with plenty of water
"Why aren't resurrections from the dead noteworthy?" -- Jim Rutz


읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 7. 오전 11:05:1710. 1. 7.
On Tue, 5 Jan 2010 14:08:51 -0800 (PST), All-Seeing-I
<> wrote:

> On Jan 5, 10:07�am, DougC <> wrote:

> > �All-seeing-I wrote:
> > >
> > > "But he said our bones of the hominid and the dinosaur were together,
> > > in hard sandstone, and that they had to become the fossils at the same
> > > time, 140 million years ago, in the Upper Jurassic.
> >

> > When I was a youngster back in the 1940's everyone knew about Alley
> > Oop. �He had a tame dinosaur to ride, so there is nothing new or
> > sinister about it.
> >
> > Now please explain in detail why a sane scientist would cover up such
> > a find with all his potential awards of fame and fortune. �Maybe the
> > said find doesn't exist, but a loud enough cover-up (flying saucer
> > style) can get some attention. �Is that it?

> You obviously did not think this was a hoax

It wasn't, idiot. And you fell for it! LOL!

Mark Buchanan

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 7. 오전 11:19:3710. 1. 7.

My assumptions are more complex but I agree with your comment.

If the answer is 'yes' and he actually did mean it as a joke I don't
have much of a problem with what he did - it isn't a very good joke
but harmless.

I suspect the real answer is 'no' but he is too embarrassed to admit
it. But being (in his mind) a good Christian he is not allowed to lie
and say and say 'yes' to save face.

What I'm really after is some honesty and integrity from ASI (my
expectations are not high but he could surprise us).

Of course if he doesn't answer the question we can all assume the real
answer is 'no'.


Mark Buchanan

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 7. 오전 11:20:1810. 1. 7.
On Jan 7, 10:13�am, Harry K <> wrote:

My assumptions are more complex but I agree with your comment.

chris thompson

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 7. 오전 11:38:5710. 1. 7.
On Jan 6, 7:40�pm, john wilkins <> wrote:

I fondly recall one of my few Lokis, "Evolution KILLS". Reeled in
quite a few that day, I did (but not you John:(


Ernest Major

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 7. 오후 12:07:1210. 1. 7.
In message
chris thompson <> writes

>I fondly recall one of my few Lokis, "Evolution KILLS". Reeled in quite
>a few that day, I did (but not you John:(
Looks more like a satire that fell foul of Poe's Law, but according to
Google Groups you only hooked the one osteoichthyan. (A second person
identified it as an unfunny parody, but failed to identify Alfred Russel
alias Ernest Major

Mike Lyle

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 7. 오후 12:37:4510. 1. 7.

Aaaarrrgggh! The scalding! Aaaargggh!...Wow, but that holy water was
hot!...I thought it couldn't get any worse when my head was spinning
round and round...good thing I'm on a swivel chair...let me breathe a
moment and I'll be OK...Oh, no! the place is covered with vomit! Did I
do that?



읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 7. 오후 1:31:0810. 1. 7.

He won't answer. You know that.


Caranx latus

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 9. 오전 12:02:5410. 1. 9.
On Jan 5, 4:40�am, All-seeing-I <> wrote:
> "But he said our bones of the hominid and the dinosaur were together,
> in hard sandstone, and that they had to become the fossils at the same
> time, 140 million years ago, in the Upper Jurassic. The dinosaur is
> apparently trying to eat the cave-man, and then both became killed in
> some event. Perhaps the allosaurus choked on his food. We were not
> able to find the foot bones of the hominid, and the Americans started
> calling it "Onyate Man" after some local politician. They thought it
> was funny but I didn't see how. The professor said "Onyate Man" was
> almost like Homo Erectus, but different in a few features."

[M]adape, just wanted to let you know that you can now own your very
own fossils "showing" that man and dinosaur coexisted. <snicker/>:

The price is a bit steep but, fortunately, they have rather a lot of
them. Enjoy. <chortle/>


읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 9. 오전 5:05:2010. 1. 9.
On Jan 6, 8:04�pm, "J.J. O'Shea" <try.not...@but.see.sig> wrote:
> On Tue, 5 Jan 2010 04:40:55 -0500, All-seeing-I wrote
> (in article
> <>):

> >
> > "But he said our bones of the hominid and the dinosaur were together,
> > in hard sandstone, and that they had to become the fossils at the same
> > time, 140 million years ago, in the Upper Jurassic. The dinosaur is
> > apparently trying to eat the cave-man, and then both became killed in
> > some event. Perhaps the allosaurus choked on his food. We were not
> > able to find the foot bones of the hominid, and the Americans started
> > calling it "Onyate Man" after some local politician. They thought it
> > was funny but I didn't see how. The professor said "Onyate Man" was
> > almost like Homo Erectus, but different in a few features."
> And yet there are still those who doubt that Madman/Uriel/ASI is anything
> other than the single greatest Loki troll to ever fish for large-mouthed
> bass.
> I mean, not even the most insane, granite-for-brains, utterly gullible,
> creationist cretin could possibly mistake a very old prank for an atual site
> supporting creationism. Why,someone that dim would have to think that
> Landover Baptist is a real church...

If he is a Loki troll, he is indeed a very good one. I suspected him
to be a Loki several times, but my suspicions were quelled by various
instances of credible stupidity. Of course, those may be window
dressing for the main part of the jest, such as the original post


Paul J Gans

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 9. 오후 12:00:2210. 1. 9.

I have had the same feelings. Nevertheless, there seems to
be little doubt that he enjoys thinking up odd bits to see
who will respond.

--- Paul J. Gans

Harry K

읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 9. 오후 1:23:5310. 1. 9.
On Jan 9, 9:00�am, Paul J Gans <> wrote:
> � �--- Paul J. Gans- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

I could believe a loki but not at the volume of stupidity he
produces. A good loki would not be putting forth that many new posts/

My money is down on a common troll who sits under his bridge giggling
at all the knee jerk responses he draws.

Harry K


읽지 않음,
2010. 1. 9. 오후 2:51:2110. 1. 9.

Nor for this length of time.

> My money is down on a common troll who sits under his bridge giggling
> at all the knee jerk responses he draws.

> Harry K- Hide quoted text -

Klaus Hellnick

읽지 않음,
2010. 2. 4. 오전 10:43:4310. 2. 4.
All-Seeing-I wrote:
> On Jan 5, 10:07 am, DougC <> wrote:
>> All-seeing-I wrote:
>>> "But he said our bones of the hominid and the dinosaur were together,
>>> in hard sandstone, and that they had to become the fossils at the same
>>> time, 140 million years ago, in the Upper Jurassic.
>> When I was a youngster back in the 1940's everyone knew about Alley
>> Oop. He had a tame dinosaur to ride, so there is nothing new or
>> sinister about it.
>> Now please explain in detail why a sane scientist would cover up such
>> a find with all his potential awards of fame and fortune. Maybe the
>> said find doesn't exist, but a loud enough cover-up (flying saucer
>> style) can get some attention. Is that it?
> You obviously did not think this was a hoax

Hoax??? Hell, it was an April Fool's Day gag!

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