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Babysitter watches F/f

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не прочитано,
9 лист. 2002 р., 14:38:4809.11.02

Adults only - and NO babysitters allowed!!!!

By the time I was 10 years old I began to resent having babysitters.
But the occasion arose as my father often traveled on business and mother had
evening community responsibilities so my sister and I would be babysat by a
relative or neighbor.

Most our sitters were kindly adults but I think I just hated the word
"babysitter" so I'd insist I was NOT a baby! Mother would chuckle and warn,
"then don't act like one...or else..."
I knew what "or else" meant as my parents believed in stern bare bottomed
spankings as our main punishment. So despite my "attitude" I was
respectful of my sitters because mostly they were adults I respected anyway
and only twice in many years was I ever punished for misbehavior for a sitter.

Both times were minor, as I received bedtime hand spankings in my room
long after the babysitter had left. It was embarrassing, however, because
our babysitters knew that we could be spanked upon a bad report to our

So the time I was 12 and got babysat by Tina ended up being an
unforgettable experience. Mom was taking my kid sister to some event and our
neighbor lady could not watch me so she sent her 16-year-old daughter Tina to
take the job.
Because my little sis wasn't going to be home, I was angry that a sitter
was needed at all!
"Mom!," I whined, "it's only a couple hours! I don't need a babysitter
cuz I'm no baby!"

"It's just Tina," Mom assured, "You'll have fun. Quit whining."
"I won't have fun," I insisted. "I hate Tina...she's.....a turd."

I held my breath as mom glowered at me, "I won't have that tone of voice
or language, young lady."

The "young lady" got me, that was spanking talk, so I shut up but
continued to have "an attitude" until Tina showed up. Tina was all sweetness
to Mom but I knew her to be a stuck up bitch - often dismissing me as "just a
Tina was ONLY four years older than I, and I was about as tall as she was
although not as "filled out."
So I was not polite when Tina faked being nice, "Hi Becky, let's have
fun tonight."
I said nothing back, which was a mistake because mom took over.

"Sorry Tina," she said, "Becky has been pouting tonight but she KNOWS to
be respectful or else she'll be punished when I get home. So just let me
know, okay?"
Mom looked at me, "BeckyLynn, you understand?"
"Yes mam," I had to answer, seething at the shame.

I swear to god as soon as mom left Tina was all over me!

"Hey brat!" she teased, "I know your mom still spanks you! So you best
be a good little girl else you'll get your butt tanned."
I just bit my tongue, figuring I could take a couple hours with this
hussy THIS time but never again.....

But Tina was relentless. She badgered me to wash the dishes BEFORE I
watched my favorite tv show. She asked to see my school homework - what's up
with that? And she continually reminded me I had a 10 pm bedtime.
Once I told her to "back off" and she smiled, "Do I need to tell your
mom you sassed me back?"
I just walked away, starting to get scared.

Finally, Tina got to me. She started making me get ready for bed 30
minutes early - get into your pajamas girl - and I stalked out of the room
and couldn't help muttering - under my breath (I thought), "Bitch..."
"What did you call me?" she demanded.
I broke. "I called you a BITCH!"

"Fine," Tina seemed happy! "Guess who's gonna get a good spanking

I walked to my room on shaky legs and changed into my pjs, lay on my bed
considering whether telling Tina off was worth the hand spanking I was sure
to get after mom came home.
Half-an -hour later I heard mom return and shortly after that the
unthinkable happened. Mom called me down from my room.

Expecting Mom to spank me in my room, I was confused, then horrified as I
saw Tina still in the living room and mom holding the hairbrush! GOD! This
couldn't be happening.........

My face burned scarlet and I stood trembling, holding my behind as mom
lectured me about blah blah blah and Tina stood there grinning like a scary
clown.... this was it...I was gonna get spanked and spanked hard, right in
front of the bitch!

"Please not my pants," was all I could say as mom yanked my pajama pants
down and as she tugged me over her lap I mewed, "NOT IN FRONT OF HER GOD NO"
but my pleas turned to yelps as the first few hairbrush SMACKS reddend my
tight little backside.

The first ten slow whacks were terrible sting but even worse I was still
cognizent of putting on a show for Tina, who sat enthralled at my cries and
my plump little fanny getting smacked.
The humiliation was total....until the second ten CRACKS of wood turned
my bare buns into hot coals and I was beside myself with bawling.....Now I
WAS a baby, at least I was crying like one, as the brush stung and stung...
And the third set of ten WHACKs meant kicking my legs up and down and
wide open, showing everything to everyone.....

The last ten brought sobs and sobs and finally I was on my feet,
clutching my swollen red hot buns and stamping my feet against the pain.
When I calmed down enough, Mom made me face Tina's big grin and apologize for
calling her a name.

"That's okay, " Tina smirked, "I'll babysit you anytime...."

Over my dead body.....I reckoned

Y. Lee Coyote

не прочитано,
9 лист. 2002 р., 17:31:1109.11.02
On Sat, 9 Nov 2002 14:38:48 EST, wrote in

Becky Lynn

Nice. But your mom should have asked yo for your side of the story.

But life is not fair.

Thanks for posting.


Posted and e-mailed.

Valid return address is <>
(Posting address is for the spammers)
See my stories at
See Goldilocks stories at


не прочитано,
9 лист. 2002 р., 19:11:3209.11.02

>Adults only - and NO babysitters allowed!!!!


This little tale piqued my ire. Only well-written stories have that effect on
me. Thanks for posting this, enjoyed it immensely, BeckyLynn. (That bitch)



не прочитано,
10 лист. 2002 р., 11:59:0610.11.02
Outstanding, Becky!



не прочитано,
10 лист. 2002 р., 13:29:4410.11.02
Кому: (Y. Lee Coyote) wrote in message news:<>...

I had a baby sitter like that two years ago. I would be
bragging about how I handled her except the criminal statue of
limitation has not expired. I will share what happened then in 2006.
This is Jennifer of
The Consortium


не прочитано,
11 лист. 2002 р., 17:07:5311.11.02


Sorry, but you wrote that so well I started to see the scene from the
BABYSITTER'S side! Turned me on.....LOL
Still, could you write up some revenge on that nasty Tina?


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