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Re: muslims

已查看 2 次

"‹(•¿•)› Shoot shitskin muhammadans in the face "

2008年1月13日 11:22:522008/1/13
Henry Von Sweitzenheimer wrote:
> Missing Link discovered. While scientists have been searching for the
> missing link for decades, it has been under their nose all along. it is
> the Arab muslim. They are a low form of life, mostly animal with a little
> bit of human mixed in. They are dirty stinking lice infested dogs. They
> have absolutely no regard for human life. They can be made to believe
> anything such as kill your self and go to heaven and get 72 virgins. How
> ignorant. They believe if you call it a jihad, you can kill anyone you
> want. The muslim religion sucks (islam). It is nothing more than a
> dangerous cult, with weak minded animals as its followers. You can
> compare them to a mad dog, and like a mad dog they can not be reasoned
> with. There will be no peace in the world until all of these sub-human
> dog freak Arab muslims are all killed. We should also bomb all of their
> satanic mosques and Nuke Mecca. Since Arab muslims are not fully human,
> maybe a spray could be invented to kill them like the sprays for killing
> cockroaches. I guess I shouldn't be insulting cockroaches by putting them
> is the same category as sub-human freak dog Arab muslims.
> Allah Sucks Allah Sucks Allah Sucks Allah Sucks
> Mohammad sucks (MPSUHH) MAY PIGS SHIT UPON HIS HEAD Mohammad sucks
> Mecca Sucks Mecca Sucks Mecca Sucks Mecca Sucks Mecca Sucks
> Muslims, especially Arab muslins are a very low form of animal life,
> just above vegetable. having a near human brain which makes them very
> violent and dangerous.

HOW TO BECOME A SHITSKIN MOSLEM - this is how: fuck goats, fuck your
mother (nikomak), molest children, wear a beekeepers outfit all the
time, never shower or bath, beat your wives, learn terrorist activities
at a maddrassa, wipe your ass with stones, sell the donkey you fucked to
a nearby village, marry a nine year-old , send your child off to an
indoctrination camp, practice thighing with little kids, ............
Practice all those and you too could become a prophet !!

Elif air ab tizak mohammad !!!! or

"‹(•¿•)› Shoot shitskin muhammadans in the face "

2008年1月15日 03:24:062008/1/15

This is confirmation of yet another shitskin moslems post cancelled by the Yakoo Warrior !!!!!!!

2008年1月17日 08:31:532008/1/17
moslem cartoon character mohammad and his bumchum allaah were child
molesting goat fuckers and nikomaks

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Up your ass mohammad - Elif air ab tizak!!! or or

"‹(•¿•)› Shoot shitskin muhammadans in the face "

2008年1月19日 10:34:192008/1/19
‹(•¿•)› Shoot shitskin muhammadans in the face wrote: or or

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